rs – information sheet

Religious Studies is an important and increasingly flourishing subject at Blackheath. The Department
has one designated classroom with an interactive whiteboard networked with a ceiling mounted
projector and an ordinary whiteboard.
Girls have one (50 minute) lesson per week at KS3 and KS4 and 11 periods over two weeks in Years
12 and 13.
Full time Head of RE and Part time teacher.
As a department our aim is to enable our pupils to enjoy studying Religion and achieve their
maximum potential in the subject though differentiated learning styles and methodology. Girls are
encouraged to learn independently through use of resources available on the GDST Religious Studies
learning portal. Collaborative work with Blackheath High Junior School has recently taken place with
the focus on Religion and the Olympic Games.
As a multi-faith school environment our curriculum focuses on exploring monotheistic world
religions, polytheistic belief and other philosophical explanations for the world we live in. Learning is
enhanced by visits to Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist temples in Year 8 and working with St. John’s
Anglican Church in Blackheath and interfaith agencies both at GCSE and A Level.
The Curriculum
Year 7
Girls pursue an In depth study of Judaism and Sikhism. Group work on how spiritual/religious belief
is expressed through the medium of costume, jewellery, body decoration, musical instruments and
masks. All girls enter the national Spirited Arts Competition in the summer term.
Year 8
Girls focus on religious worship, culminating in a visit and group project in designing a sacred place
of worship. This is followed by work on the Jewish Kindertransport and Holocaust in the Spring
Term and religion and prejudice in the Summer Term.
Years 9 to 11
Girls in Years 9 and 10 all study for the Edexcel Religion and Life GCSE Short Course. In the Spring
Term of Year 10 they are given the choice of continuing on to the full GCSE course in Year 11
focusing on Religion and Society or completing the short course in Year 10. Girls sit practice mock
examinations and are given the opportunity to attend an RE Revision Club weekly. GGCSE results for
both the short and full course have been of a consistently high standard over the past few years.
Year 12 and 13
Girls study the AQA Religious Studies A Level focusing on Philosophy and Ethics at AS Level and
Ethics and Religion in Contemporary Society at A2. Girls have the opportunity to attend A Level
conferences and enter national competitions organised by Heythrop College, London University.