2015-2016 Annual Program Review Form and Instructions STUDENT AFFAIRS: PROGRAMS & SERVICES San José City College INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the Annual Program Review is to prepare a document to summarize the current status of a Student Service program. The Annual report should be a reflection of the previous year and a plan moving forward for the upcoming year. Use this reporting form for all of the following: To report the updates and major changes which have occurred in your program over the past year. Provide empirical data and discuss trends in data as a reflection of these changes. To report the PSLO/SAO assessment activities of the Program. Plan ahead for projected changes and request budgetary support for the next academic year. Program Description: This section should briefly address the function(s) of the program. Please include data or survey information where appropriate. Goals and Activities: This section should focus on program goals targeted this academic year. Information on program activities (types and frequency), measures of student participation, student success and evidence of service delivery should be included. PSLOs/SAOs Assessment Process: Provide a summary of the data collected that documents the progress that has been made in the development and assessment of (PSLOs) Program Student Learning Outcomes and (SAOs) Service Area Outcomes. Include data where applicable. Staffing Information (If you are requesting unstaffed positions, please include this information as an ongoing or a one-time expenditure in the Budget Information section) : This section should summarize current staffing in the program and anticipated staffing needs for the next academic year. Technology Information (If you are requesting technology, please include this information as an ongoing or a one-time expenditure in the Budget Information section): This section should summarize current technology use in the program and anticipated technology needs for the next academic year. Equipment information (If you are requesting equipment, please include this information as an ongoing or a one-time expenditure in the Budget Information section): This section should summarize current equipment use in the program and anticipated equipment needs for the next academic year. Please limit these projections to anticipated major expenditures. Budget Information: This section should summarize the current budget for the program and anticipated budgetary needs for the next academic year. Please separate ongoing budget needs from one-time expenditures. Other: This section should address any changes in areas not noted above. This might include information on community needs, state regulations, and new initiatives with direct bearing on the program’s activities. 2015-2016 Annual Program Review STUDENT AFFAIRS: PROGRAMS & SERVICES - SAN JOSÉ CITY COLLEGE PROGRAM: PREPARED BY: ADMINISTRATOR: EVALUATION YEAR (INDICATE ONE): ONE TWO THREE PROGRAM REVIEW SUBMISSION DATE: Program description PSLOs and/or SAOs Assessment process Goals and Activities Staffing information Technology information Equipment Information Budget information Ongoing Budget Needs: (please indicate whether previous budget requests were met). One-time Expenditures: Other: