therapeutic skills - Society of Analytical Psychology

The Society of
Analytical Psychology
Dedicated to Deeper Understanding
A Year’s Course in the Exploration of Reflective Practice
Are you interested in a career as a therapist? Perhaps
you are working in the helping professions and would
like to develop your communication skills, or maybe
you would like to understand more about human
The SAP offers a non-clinical course to introduce
participants to the core skills necessary in therapeutic
This is a unique opportunity to develop an
understanding of the process of therapy within the
context of the SAP’s long tradition of Jungian analytic
The course is based on Jungian and post-Jungian perspectives:
 Jungian psychology is predicated on the existence of an unconscious that is purposive and forward
looking exerting a profound influence on our personality and behaviour.
The unconscious expresses itself both personally reflecting individual childhood and adult
experiences and collectively through social and cultural patterns that are shared across cultures.
The self encompasses the whole of the psyche – both conscious, and unconscious; present and
potential, and it is the nature of the Self to emerge and develop.
There is always a darker side to human nature that catches us out, and therapy can provide a place
for these shadow aspects to emerge and acquire meaning.
The relationship between patient and therapist is central to the therapeutic encounter with the
potential to deeply affect and change both
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695
As the first professional Jungian Society founded in 1946, the SAP is highly respected both in the UK
and internationally for its contributions to Jungian theory and practice. It carries a tradition based
on a developmental approach to Jungian psychology drawing too on significant theory and practice
from psychoanalysis.
Who is the Course for?
People who are:
 Interested in improving their communication skills and understanding how we relate to ourselves
and to others in the workplace and in personal relationships.
Interested in building a foundation towards future training at the SAP on its training in
psychodynamic psychotherapy or its Jungian analytic training.
Interested in personal growth.
This course emphasises personal awareness and growth. It is a non-clinical training, and so applicants
do not need previous clinical experience. Personal therapy is not mandatory, but is highly
recommended and will support your learning and participation.
Potential applicants are encouraged to come for an informal meeting with the course convenor to
discuss their suitability for the course.
Course Outline
The SAP believes that both conscious and unconscious processes are involved in human relationships,
but also that both the therapist and the client are changed 'The meeting of two personalities is like the
contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed' (Jung). These
processes are evident in all human relationships, but the SAP feels that therapy pays particular attention
to the unfolding of meaning and purpose for those involved, and that its structure allows for something
different to emerge. The course therefore, aims to develop participants as individuals, rather than
templates, encouraging their ability to reflect on their individual experience and its influence on others.
The course objectives are for participants to:
 develop competence in using core communication and therapeutic skills such as attending, listening
and questioning,
 practice self reflection and self evaluation,
 deepen their understanding of the relevance of human development.
The course will have three main strands which will weave together during the year:
 Personal development encouraging greater awareness
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695
Developing a theoretical understanding of a Jungian approach to psychotherapy
Practical skills learning.
Methods of learning will reflect these different strands and will be informed by Jungian analytic methods
such as active imagination with an emphasis on experience, imagination and play. Participants will have
an opportunity to reflect on how the course is affecting them in a variety of ways. The course will also
use myth and fairy tales, art and literature as
well as selected articles and books as a learning
Each afternoon will be divided into three
Skills practice
Theoretical reflection
Reflective small group
Seminars will be led by the course convenor and
other SAP members. The reflective group will be
led by an SAP member.
The course is convened by Clare Landgrebe.
Clare is a Member of the SAP and in private
practice in Sussex. She originally trained as a
Social Worker and then worked as a couple
counsellor and supervisor for Relate.
General information
Course Fee:
The SAP, 1 Daleham Gardens, London, NW3 5BY
(5 minutes’ walk from Swiss Cottage station). The Society has an excellent library.
One Year: three terms of 10 Friday afternoons from 1.30 pm – 5.15 pm,
January 2016 – December 2016
For further information, an informal interview or an application form, please contact
Urvi Bhatt, Training Administrator on – 020 7419 8898 or
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695
Term 1: Therapeutic Encounters: Setting the Scene
We will explore the varied ways we communicate with each other – those we are aware of and those of
which we are unconscious - and how the therapeutic context changes and influences this.
How we communicate, and the relevance of the frame and the setting
Introducing the concept of the therapeutic relationship
Communication in a therapeutic setting
Active listening skills: learning and practice
Listening to what lies within and beneath the words
Giving and receiving constructive feedback
Boundaries and Confidentiality
Understanding and Using Empathy
The shape of a session: beginning, middle, end
The Shadow of Training
Term 2: Human Development, the Family and the Couple
We tend to bring our past experiences with us. This term we will think about human development and
how our individual histories influence and shape our present attitudes and responses. We will think
about how we engage with the world and how defences are formed, drawing on Jung’s ideas about
complexes. 'Meaning makes a great many things endurable - perhaps everything'. (Jung: Memories,
Dreams, and Reflections)
Human development and its stages
Early mother/infant interaction and how we learn.
Building early relationships and their effects on adult attitudes and behaviour
Attachment and separation
Love, hate and ambivalence
Defences against anxiety and pain: their purpose and function
Adolescence: conflict; separation; adventure; sexuality
Adult relationships
The Dynamics of Family and Couple Relationships
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695
Term 3: Making Meaning with Narrative
A fundamental tenet of the SAP is the importance and centrality of making meaning This term will offer
participants the space to explore the extraordinary creativity of humans as we make endeavour to find
meaning such as through myth, legends, fairy tales and how we create a narrative of our own lives. We
will also consider how this narrative changes during our lives and in therapy. 'The least of things with a
meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.' (Jung: Modern Man in search of
a Soul)
Story, myth, fairy tales and legends: making meaning in our personal and collective lives
Dreams and dreaming
The role of symbols in development
How Narratives can change over time
Ethical dilemmas in clinical practice
Assessment: who can be helped by psychotherapy?
Endings in therapy and on the course
There is a written component to the course and so it will be important that participants have a good
working knowledge of English.
At the end of term 2, participants will record a practice session and choose a 10 minutes section of it to
transcribe. They will then write 1,000 word reflection on how they have come to further understand
their part in it.
A learning journal will be kept throughout the course, with an emphasis on continuous reflection on
responses to the learning. In term 3, participants will write 1,000 word essay on an aspect of their
Assessment of listening skills will be ongoing and from both peers and the tutor.
Participants must attend a minimum of 80% of the afternoon sessions and on satisfactory completion of
the course will be awarded an SAP Certificate in Therapeutic Skills.
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695
Jan – Dec 2016
Answers to all questions will be treated in the strictest confidence.
The course will consist of three terms of 10 weekly sessions to take place at 1 Daleham Gardens, NW3
5BY on Friday afternoons from January 2016 to December 2016.
A minimum of 80% attendance is required to receive a completion certificate at the end of the course.
The fee for the whole course is £1,500.
The deadline for submitting your application is 5 December 2015.
Please send the completed application form together with your payment to:
Education & Training Administrator
Society of Analytical Psychology, 1 Daleham Gardens, London NW3 5BY
Tel: 020 7419 8898; Email:
We welcome electronic applications and payment (via credit/debit cards or bank transfer).
Potential applicants are encouraged to come for an informal discussion with the course convenor to
discuss their expectations of the course.
Cancellations must be made in writing. Cancellations made no later than four weeks before the course
begins are eligible for a full refund minus an administration fee of £25.
The SAP reserves the right to ask a participant to leave the course if this is deemed in the best interests
of the participant or the course, and that in such a case outstanding fees would be refunded.
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695
Your Details
First Name
Post Code:
Date of Birth:
How did you hear about the SAP’s Therapeutic Skills Course?
Please provide details of any previous contact with the SAP:
Are you currently in therapy?
If so, for how long?
Current occupation or employment
Job Title
Qualifications, professional training and other relevant learning
(Please put down anything that you think might be relevant to this course)
Details of clinical experience, if any.
Please give details of any voluntary/paid work undertaken in counselling agencies, private practice or
psychotherapy departments
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695
Details of work
Do you have any physical disabilities that might affect your participation?
Please write a paragraph on the influences which have contributed
to your decision to apply for the Therapeutic Skills course?
Please attach it as a separate document to your application.
Any further information you think might support your application:
By submitting this form I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided
on this application form, together with any documents attached, is true and accurate. I understand that
giving false information, or failing to disclose details, will make any offer of training invalid or lead to
termination of training.
I understand that the information given on this application form and its annexes may be processed under
the Data Protection Act for the purposes of selection for training and any subsequent evaluation and
monitoring (including monitoring the effectiveness of the Society’s pro-diversity policies). I consent to
the storage of this information confidentially on manual and computerized files.
Registered Charity No. 238441, Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee. No. 402695