Course literature, 30 April

Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Obligatory readings
Course books
Zürcher, Erik J. (2004), Turkey: a modern history. 3rd edition. London: I.B. Tauris.
Karlsson, Ingmar (2007), Europa och turken : betraktelser kring en komplicerad relation. Stockholm:
Wahlström & Widstrand
Articles/book chapters
Aksin, Sina (2007), chapter 9-14, I Turkey from empire to revolutionary republic. London: Hurst &
Company, s. 53-112 (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Akşit, Bahattin (1993) "Studies in Rural Transformation in Turkey, 1950-1990" in Paul Stirling (Ed.)
Culture and the Economy: Changes in Turkish Villages, Cambridgeshire: The Eothen Press,
1993, pp. 187-200. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Alpay, Şahin (2009), “The European Union and the Consolidation of Democracy in Turkey”, in The
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 2009, Vol. 20, pp. 221–244. (Available at the SRII library,
Alpay, Şahin (2010), “Two Faces of the Press in Turkey: The Role of the Media in Turkey’s
Modernisation and Democracy,” in Celia Kerslake, Kerem Öktem, and Philip Robins eds: Turkey’s
Engagement with Modernity, New York: Palgrave, pp. 370-387. (Available at the SRII library,
Arat, Yesim (1997), “The Project of Modernity and Women in Turkey”, in Sibel Bozdogan & Resat
Kasaba (eds.): Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey. Seattle: University of
Washington Press. pp. 95-112. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Ayata, Sencer (1996), “Patronage, party, and state: The politicization of Islam in Turkey,” The Middle
East Journal, vol. 50 no 1:40-56. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Bora, Tanıl (2003), Nationalist discourses in Turkey. The South Atlantic Quarterly, vol 102, no 2/3. s.
433-451. (Downloadable, UB)
Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Cizre, Ümit (2008), ”Ideology, context and interest: The Turkish military,” in Resat Kasaba (ed.): The
Cambridge History of Turkey, volume 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 301-331.
(Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Ergil, Dogu (2000), “The Kurdish Question on Turkey,” Journal of Democracy, vol 11, no 3: 122135 (Downloadable,
Eroğul, Cem (1987), “The Establishment of Multiparty Rule: 1947-71” in Irvin C. Schick and Ertugul
Ahmet Tonak (eds.): Turkey in Transition: New Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. p.
101-146. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Fortna, Benjamin (2008), “The Reign of Abdulhamid II,” in Cambridge History of Turkey,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 38-61. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Gellner, Ernest (1983), Nations and Nationalism, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 1-18. (Available at
the SRII library, Istanbul)
Hanioğlu, Şükrü (2008), “The Second Constitutional Period, 1908-1918,” Cambridge History of
Turkey, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 62-111. (Available at the SRII library,
Jonasson, Ann-Kristin (2005), Islamistiska partier som en länk till folket, i Religion och Politik.
Malmö: Liber. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Karaömerlioglu, M. Asim (1998), "The People's Houses and the Cult of the Peasant in Turkey,"
Middle Eastern Studies 34, (4), (October 1998): 67-91. (Downloadable, UB)
Kardaş, Şaban: Turkey in the Middle East: Redrawing the geopolitical map or building sandcastles?
Sakarya University. Unpublished paper. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Navaro-Yashin, Yael (2002), “The cult of Atatürk: The apparition of a secularist leader in uncan--ny
forms”, chapter 6, in Faces of the State: Secularism and Public Life in Turkey. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. s.188-203. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Sunar, Ilkay (2004): State, Society, and Democracy in Turkey, Istanbul: Bahçeşehir University
Publications, chapters 4-5 pp. 97-119. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Yegen, M. (1996), “The Turkish state discourse and the exclusion of Kurdish identity”, Middle
Eastern Studies 32 (2):216-229. (Downloadable, UB)
Önis, Ziya (2008), “Recent foreign policy attitudes in Turkey: How to reserve the gradual shift away
from Europeanization?” DIIS brief. (Downloadable:
Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Özdalga, Elisabeth (2009) “Those Crazy Turks: Polemical ‘Pamphlet’ Rather than Historical Novel”,
Middle East Critique, 18:1, 61-71. (Downloadable, UB)
Özdalga, Elisabeth (2010), “Transformation of Sufi-based Communities in Modern Turkey: The
Nakşibendis, the Nurcus, and the Gülen Community,” in Celia Kerslake, Kerem Öktem, and Philip
Robins eds: Turkey’s Engagement with Modernity, New York: Palgrave, pp. 69-91. (Available at the
SRII library, Istanbul)
Özdogan, Günay Göksu (2010), “Turkish Nationalism Reconsidered: The ‘Heaviness’ of Statist
Patriotism in Nation-Building,” in Ayhan Aktar, Niyazi Kizilyürek and Umut Özkirimli eds:
Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, New York: Palgrave. (Available at
the SRII library, Istanbul)
Supplementary readings
Akşit, Bahattin and Adnan Akcay (1997), Sociocultural Aspects of Irrigation Practices in
South-eastern Turkey. Water Resources Development, Vol. 13, No. 4, 523± 540, 1997. (Available at
the SRII library, Istanbul)
Alpay, Şahin (2009), “The Declining ‘Soft Power’ of the EU Regarding Turkey, and Its
Consequences”, in Perceptions and Misperceptions in the EU and Turkey. Stumbling blocks on the
road to accession. Ed by P M E Volten. Groningen: The Centre for European Security Studies.
(Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Arat, Yesin (2010), National-Building and Feminism in Early Republican Turkey, in Turkey´s
Engagement with Modernity. Celia Kerslake, Kerem Öktem, and Philip Robins eds: Turkey’s
Engagement with Modernity, New York: Palgrave, pp. 38-54. (Available at the SRII library,
Bilgin, Pinar (2005), Turkey’s changing security discourses: the challenge of globalization. European
Journal of Political Research, 44:175-201. (Downloadable, UB)
Cagaptay, Soner (2006), “Who is a Turk: Kemalist citizenship policies”, chapter 4, in Islam,
secularism and nationalism in modern Turkey. London: Routledge. s. 65-80. (Available at the SRII
library, Istanbul)
Cornell, Svante (2001), The Land of Many Crossroads. The Kurdish Question in Turkish Politics,
Foreign Research Institute, (15 p). (Downloadable:
Durakbasa, Ayse (1998), “Kemalism as Identity Politics in Turkey”, in Zehra F. Arat (ed.):
Deconstructing Images of “The Turkish Woman.” London: MacMillan. pp. 139-155. (Available at
the SRII library, Istanbul)
Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Göle, Nilüfer (1997), “Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The Making of elites and counterelites.”
The Middle East Journal, vol 51 no 1:46-58. (Downloadable, UB)
Jung, Dietrich with Wolfango Piccoli (2001), “Kemalism challenged: Susurluk, Political Islam and
Kurdish Nationalism” Kapitel 6, in Turkey at the Crossroads: Ottoman Legacies and A Greater
Middle East. London: Zed Books. s. 111-131. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul).
Karaomerlioglu, M. Asim (2002), "Agrarian Populism as an Ideological Discourse of Interwar
Europe," New Perspectives on Turkey, no. 26, (Spring 2002): 59-93. (Available at the SRII library,
Karpat, Kemal H. (2000), “Historical Continuity and Identity Change or How to Be Modern Muslim,
Ottoman and Turk” in Kemal H. Karpat (ed.): Ottoman Past and Today´s Turkey. Leiden: E.J. Brill,
s. 1-28. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Kechriotis, Vangelis (2010), The Second Constitutional Period of the Ottoman Empire: A Disputed
Legacy, Contested Sovereignties. Government and Democracy in Middle Eastern and European
Perspectives, Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul. (Available at the SRII library,
Kirisci, Kemal (2004), The Kurdish Question and Turkish Foreign Policy. (Downloadable:
Kuru, Ahmet T (2006), Reinterpretation of Secularism in Turkey: The case of the Justice and
Development Party, in Hakan Yavuz (ed.): The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK
Party. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. s. 136-159. (Available at the SRII library,
Kuzmanovic, Daniella (forthcoming), Project culture and Turkish civil society. Turkish Studies.
(Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Laciner, Sedat (2003), “Özalism (Neo-Ottomanism): An Alternative in Turkish Foreign Policy?”.
Downloadable:, unnumbered pages
Mango, Andrew (2008), ”Atatürk”, in Resat Kasaba (ed.): The Cambridge History of Turkey, volume
4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 147-172. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Mufti, Malik (1998), Daring and Caution in Turkish Foreign Policy. Middle East Journal, vol. 52 no
1: 32-51. (Downloadable, UB)
Poulton, Hugh (1997), Top Hat, Grey Wolf and Crescent, ch. 4, pp. Washington: New York
University Press. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Simsek, Sefa (2004), “The Transformation of Civil Society in Turkey: From Quantity to Quality”
Turkish Studies, vol. 5 no.3:46-74. (Downloadable, UB)
Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Yavuz, Hakan (1997), “Political Islam and the Welfare (Refah) Party” Comparative Politics, vol 30
no 1:63-82. (Downloadable, UB)
Yavuz, Hakan (2003), “The securitization of Islam and the triumph of the AKP”, chapter 10, in
Islamic Political Identity in Turkey. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press. s. 239-264.
(Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Yükleyen, Ahmet (2008), ”Sufism and Islamic groups in contemporary Turkey, in Resat Kasaba
(ed.): The Cambridge History of Turkey, volume 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 381387. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Zürcher, Erik-Jan (2000), Young Turks, Ottoman Muslims and Turkish Nationalists: Identity Politics
1908-1938, in Kemal H. Karpat (ed.): Ottoman Past and Today’s Turkey. Leiden: E.J. Brill. s. 150179. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Önis, Ziya and Suhnaz Yilmaz (2009), Between Europeanization and Euro-Asianism: Foreign Policy
Activism in Turkey during the AKP Era. Turkish Studies, vol. 10, no. 1:7-24. (Downloadable, UB)
Özdalga, Elisabeth (2002): “Necmettin Erbakan: Democracy for the Sake of Power,” in Metin Heper
and Sabri Sayari eds: Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books,
2002, pp. 127-46. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Obligatory Readings by Course Parts
Karlsson, Ingmar (2007), Europa och turken : betraktelser kring en komplicerad relation. Stockholm:
Wahlström & Widstrand
Part 1. Late Ottoman Period, 1839-1908
Zürcher, Erik J. (2004), Turkey: a modern history. 3rd edition. London: I.B. Tauris.
Introduction, Part I
Articles/book chapters
Aksin, Sina (2007), chapter 9-14, I Turkey from empire to revolutionary republic. London: Hurst &
Company, s. 53-112 (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Fortna, Benjamin (2008), “The Reign of Abdulhamid II,” in Cambridge History of Turkey,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 38-61. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Gellner, Ernest (1983), Nations and Nationalism, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 1-18. (Available at
the SRII library, Istanbul)
Part 2. The Young Turk Era, 1908-1950
Zürcher, Erik J. (2004), Turkey: a modern history. 3rd edition. London: I.B. Tauris.
Part II.
Articles/book chapters
Arat, Yesim (1997), “The Project of Modernity and Women in Turkey”, in Sibel Bozdogan & Resat
Kasaba (eds.): Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey. Seattle: University of
Washington Press. s. 95-112. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Cizre, Ümit (2008), ”Ideology, context and interest: The Turkish military,” in Resat Kasaba (ed.): The
Cambridge History of Turkey, volume 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 301-331.
(Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Hanioğlu, Şükrü (2008), “The Second Constitutional Period, 1908-1918,” Cambridge History of
Turkey, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 62-111. (Available at the SRII library,
Karaömerlioglu, M. Asim (1998), "The People's Houses and the Cult of the Peasant in Turkey,"
Middle Eastern Studies 34, (4), (October 1998): 67-91. (Downloadable, UB)
Yegen, M. (1996), “The Turkish state discourse and the exclusion of Kurdish identity”, Middle
Eastern Studies 32 (2):216-229. (Downloadable, UB)
Özdalga, Elisabeth (2010), “Transformation of Sufi-based Communities in Modern Turkey: The
Nakşibendis, the Nurcus, and the Gülen Community,” in Celia Kerslake, Kerem Öktem, and Philip
Robins eds: Turkey’s Engagement with Modernity, New York: Palgrave, pp. 69-91. (Available at the
SRII library, Istanbul)
Özdogan, Günay Göksu (2010), “Turkish Nationalism Reconsidered: The ‘Heaviness’ of Statist
Patriotism in Nation-Building,” in Ayhan Aktar, Niyazi Kizilyürek and Umut Özkirimli eds:
Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, New York: Palgrave. (Available at
the SRII library, Istanbul)
Part 3. Towards Democracy and the European Union, 1950-2010
Zürcher, Erik J. (2004), Turkey: a modern history. 3rd edition. London: I.B. Tauris.
Part III.
Articles/book chapters
Akşit, Bahattin (1993) "Studies in Rural Transformation in Turkey, 1950-1990" in Paul Stirling (Ed.)
Culture and the Economy: Changes in Turkish Villages, The Eothen Press, Cambridge shire
1993, pp. 187-200. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Alpay, Şahin (2009), “The European Union and the Consolidation of Democracy in Turkey”, in The
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 2009, Vol. 20, pp. 221–244. (Available at the SRII library,
Alpay, Şahin (2010), “Two Faces of the Press in Turkey: The Role of the Media in Turkey’s
Modernisation and Democracy,” in Celia Kerslake, Kerem Öktem, and Philip Robins eds: Turkey’s
Engagement with Modernity, New York: Palgrave, pp. 370-387. (Available at the SRII library,
Ayata, Sencer (1996), “Patronage, party, and state: The politicization of Islam in Turkey,” The Middle
East Journal, vol. 50 no 1:40-56. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Elisabeth Özdalga SFII
Ann-Kristin Jonasson Department of Political Science GU
Ergil, Dogu (2000), “The Kurdish Question on Turkey,” Journal of Democracy, vol 11, no 3: 122135 (Downloadable,
Eroğul, Cem (1987), “The Establishment of Multiparty Rule: 1947-71” in Irvin C. Schick and Ertugul
Ahmet Tonak (eds.): Turkey in Transition: New Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. s.
101-146. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Jonasson, Ann-Kristin (2005), Islamistiska partier som en länk till folket, i Religion och Politik.
Malmö: Liber. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Kardaş, Şaban, Turkey in the Middle East: Redrawing the geopolitical map or building sandcastles?
Sakarya University. Unpublished paper. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Navaro-Yashin, Yael (2002), “The cult of Atatürk: The apparition of a secularist leader in uncan--ny
forms”, chapter 6, in Faces of the State: Secularism and Public Life in Turkey. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. s.188-203. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Sunar, Ilkay (2004), State, Society, and Democracy in Turkey, Istanbul: Bahçeşehir University
Publications, chapters 4-5 pp. 97-119. (Available at the SRII library, Istanbul)
Önis, Ziya (2008), “Recent foreign policy attitudes in Turkey: How to reserve the gradual shift away
from Europeanization?” DIIS brief. (Downloadable:
Özdalga, Elisabeth (2009) “Those Crazy Turks: Polemical ‘Pamphlet’ Rather than Historical Novel”,
Middle East Critique, 18:1, 61-71. (Downloadable, UB)