UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY PART 3: QUESTIONS ON RESEARCH TOPICS AND DOCTORATE SCHEMES Note: This file contains the questions of Part 3 of the UNI-SET Universities Survey conducted by the European University Association (EUA). It is meant to be used as a supporting document, for example to facilitate the data collection process within individual universities. You can access the complete survey under http://universities.uni-set.eu. Please note that only submissions through the online tool can be accepted. The deadline to submit your response is 30 June 2015. For any questions regarding the survey or the project, please do not hesitate to contact the project team at uniset@eua.be. Question Input format and/or answer options STRUCTURE OF RESEARCH TOPICS Please provide the name of the research topics in which you develop your research activities related to energy. For each topic, we would like to know the number of staff involved and the research output. Please enter first the name of the research topic as it is known at your institution. You can add as many topics as you wish but, please, consider doing so only for research teams of more than 3 Full Time Equivalent research staff. (Please avoid double counting of staff). Please identify the ‘research topics’ based on the level of aggregation that you regard as most appropriate (e.g. topic of specific research projects, clusters, research groups, laboratories, departments, faculties, etc.). Research topic title / name Text input Contact: Website (if applicable) URL Contact: Name and title of a contact person Text input Contact: Email address of a contact person Text input Professors, faculty, Post-Docs, researchers (Full Time Equivalent) Number input Doctoral candidates (Full Time Equivalent) Number input Administrative, technical, other staff (Full Time Equivalent) Number input Research output - What has been the total number of research outputs, according to the categories below? Please, consider only the last 3 years, that is, between 2011 and 2014: Peer-reviewed publications1 1 Number input This may include peer-reviewed conference papers. 1|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 3 Other publications2 Number input Pilot tests3 Number input Patents & licenses Number input Which broad fields of knowledge are covered by the activities of the research topic? Choose as appropriate (max. 3) □ □ □ Comment STEM (Science, technology, engineering, mathematics) ESSH (Economics, Social sciences and Humanities) LSMH (Life science, medicine, health Text input Are there any aspects that you wish to highlight or clarify or is there additional information that you deem important? What are the most innovative or unique aspects of your research? To what extent is it interdisciplinary? Please leave your comment here. COOPERATION & PARTNERSHIPS Are any of the aforementioned research activities carried out in collaboration with external partners? If so, please indicate the number of partners belonging to each category of partners per research topic and the form of cooperation with these external partners (☑ = yes).4 Please, consider to indicate only sustained (i.e. not ad hoc) research cooperation between your institution and another institution or organisation. For the purpose of this study, consider only collaborations that have lasted at least 2 years. We aim to identify particularly collaborations which may have been concluded through formal agreements between the partners. 2 3 Approximate number of partners per category: 5 Academic partners Number input Approximate number of partners per category: Industry partners Number input E.g. book chapters, books, working papers, policy briefs E.g. prototypes, living labs, testing services, testing facilities 4 For example, take a research project on a specific energy-related field performed by a consortium of three universities, ten companies/consultancies and two research institutes. You would report '2' academic partners, '10' industry partners and '2' other partners. Since the project consists of a series of work packages including research activities performed by all the partners, you would tick the 'research' box in the three columns academia, industry, other. In case that you also have doctorate candidates working on the project, and you are able to use research facilities at the industry partners' facilities, you would also select 'hosting Doctorate candidates' in the industry partner column. 5 Academic partners: Universities, universities of applied sciences etc. Industry partners: Companies, company research laboratories, consultancies, etc Research and Technology Organisations: Public or private research and technology organisations Other partners: Government bodies or agencies (e.g. ministries, agencies on the municipal, regional, national or European level), other partners (e.g. NGOs), etc. 2|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 3 Approximate number of partners per category: Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) Number input Approximate number of partners per category: Other partners Number input Cooperation with academic partners: Research6 Choose one: Yes / No 7 Cooperation with academic partners: Access to research infrastructure Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with academic partners: Hosting Doctorate candidates8 Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with industry partners: Research Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with industry partners: Access to research infrastructure Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with industry partners: Hosting Doctorate candidates Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs): Research Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with Research and Technology Organisations: Access to research infrastructure Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with Research and Technology Organisations: Hosting Doctorate candidates Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with other institutions: Research Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with other institutions: Access to research infrastructure Choose one: Yes / No Cooperation with other institutions: Hosting Doctorate candidates Choose one: Yes / No Comment Text input Are there any aspects that you wish to highlight or clarify or is there additional information that you deem important? Please leave your comment here: FIELDS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Please choose up to eight fields of science and technology that can be considered the primary focus of each existing research topic. Choose (max.) eight “4digit fields” of the UNESCO Nomenclature for Fields of Science and Technology. [See Technical Instructions, pp 11-16]. Rank them by their order of importance, i.e. by placing the main field(s) first. Comment Text input 6 Research: Please select “yes” if the project/topic involves partners that conduct research as a part of a project/topic. 7 Access to Research Infrastructure: Please select “yes” if a partners is offering access to research facilities/infrastructure for research staff of your institution and/or your institution offering access to research infrastructure for partners. 8 Hosting Doctorate candidates: Please select “yes” if a partner is offering (temporary or permanent) positions for Doctorate candidates to conduct research or write a dissertation in its institution. 3|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 3 Are there any aspects that you wish to highlight or clarify or is there additional information that you deem important? Please leave your comment here: SET-PLAN AREAS Please select up to five thematic areas of the SET-Plan in which the outcomes of your research can find an application and in which the researchers or Doctorate candidates involved could find employment. Please, consider both research and non-research positions and in both public and private sectors. Choose (max.) five “specific areas” of the SET-Plan thematic areas. [See Technical Instructions, pp 9-10] Rank them by their order of importance, i.e. by placing the main field(s) first. Comment Text input Are there any aspects that you wish to highlight or clarify or is there additional information that you deem important? Please leave your comment here: POTENTIAL UPGRADES If you plan to upgrade you existing research topics, please select up to two additional fields of science and technology. In other words, which other fields of science would enrich the current research activities at your institution, especially considering potential involvement or collaboration with other researchers, research groups or industry partners within the framework of your existing research topics? Choose (max.) two “4digit fields” of the UNESCO Nomenclature for Fields of Science and Technology. [See Technical Instructions, pp 11-16]. Please, think of potential cooperation with partners active in a specific field of science, additional staff with particular expertise that is relevant to your research or other potential indicators. Rank them by their order of importance, i.e. by placing the main field(s) first. Please also indicate up to two additional SET-Plan areas (not currently covered) you wish to address within the framework of your ongoing research topics, or in which the new research outcomes could find an application and in which the researchers or Doctorate candidates involved could potentially find employment both, in research and nonresearch positions and in both, public and private sectors. Choose (max.) two “specific areas” of the SET-Plan thematic areas. Comment Text input [See Technical Instructions, pp 9-10] Rank them by their order of importance, i.e. by placing the main field(s) first. Are there any aspects that you wish to highlight or clarify or is there additional information that you deem important? Please leave your comment here ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS – ONLY FOR RESEARCH TOPICS WITH DOCTORAL SCHEMES 4|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 3 If your institution offers doctoral education in relation to energy research activities at your institution, please provide detailed information with regards to these doctoral schemes. Name (if applicable) Text input Website (if applicable) URL Student intake (Academic year 2013-2014) Number input International student ratio in % (academic year 2013-2014) Number (percentage) Gender ratio (percentage of women) in % (academic year 2013-14) Number (percentage) Does your institution use the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the listed doctoral degrees? Choose one: o o o How is the doctoral scheme organised? Yes, it is (partly) applied No Don’t know Choose as appropriate (max. 3) □ □ □ Graduate or Doctoral school9 Structured programme10 Individual supervision11 What is the usage of English (%) throughout the programme? Choose one: (Only for course-based schemes) o o o o o What is the share of self-funded doctoral candidates? Choose one: Please give an approximate percentage (%). o o o o o Comment Text input 0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Don’t know 0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Don’t know 9 Graduate/doctoral schools: Organisational structures that include Doctoral and sometimes Master students, organised around a particular discipline, research theme or a cross-disciplinary research area and possibly focused on creating a research group/network. It may provide administrative, development and transferable skills development support, organises admission, courses and seminars, and takes responsibility for quality assurance 10 A doctoral scheme with (often partly) predefined curricula with contents/courses that students need to fulfil in order to graduate. It is not integrated in a specific organisational structure responsible for the programme. 11 No specific doctoral programmes offered, but individual supervision by Doctorate research scientific supervisors. 5|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 3 Are there any aspects that you wish to highlight or clarify or is there additional information that you deem important? Please leave your comment here: END OF PART 3 CONTACT European University Association (EUA) Avenue de l’Yser, 24 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 2 230 55 44 uni-set@eua.be 6|P a g e