Religion 25 – Gospel Study Individual Summative Assessment Task: Choose 3 Gospel stories and compare them throughout the 4 Gospels - For each story, include the name of the story (ex: The Birth of Jesus) - Then look at this same story in each of the 4 Gospels o Explain the ways that the story is different in each Gospel without retelling the story Include: description of word choices of the author images that come to mind when reading the story the tone of the story the perspective of the author (who seems to be telling the story) the intent of the author in telling the story this way o Explain what the central message is in each of the 3 stories you have chosen What was the message for the people at the time? How was this message conveyed (what use of language, references to items or times or celebrations, etc. , references to what the people knew were used?) How does this message apply to society today? What can we learn from this story as individuals and as a collective society? Be detailed and specific!!! o Then explain which version of the story you prefer and why. Is it because the wording is easier, the tone is happier, the sentences are shorter and easier to follow, etc. again, be detailed and specific!!! o Create a Visual Image/Poster of the passage you prefer. Here are some examples of stories that you could choose: Jesus' Early Life The Genealogy of Christ An Angel Visits Mary Jesus' Birth The Shepherds Worship Jesus Three Wisemen Simeon and Anna say Thank You Escape to Egypt Jesus Grows Up Zacchaeus Wants to See Jesus Mary Shows Her Love for Jesus Mary, Martha and Lazarus The Woman at the Well The Widow's Mite see Tithes and Offerings (Miscellaneous Lessons) Jesus in the Storm Jesus Walks on Water Jesus Cleanses the Temple Nicodemus The Rich Young Ruler The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids The Pharisee and the Tax Collector The House on the Rock The Good Samaritan The Greatest Commandment The Prodigal Son Who is the Greatest? The Resurrection The Great Commission The Ascension The Second Coming Heaven Jesus' Ministry Jesus, Light of the World John the Baptist Jesus' Baptism and Ministry The Temptation of Jesus Jesus Goes to a Wedding Fishermen Who Become Fishers of Men Jesus Heals the Sick The Leper Who Said Thank You Jesus Loves the Children Jesus Feeds the Multitude Jesus' Teachings Sermon on the Mount The Lord's Prayer Least of These (Sheep and Goats) Love Your Enemies Jesus' Parables - Index The Parable of the Lost Sheep The Parable of the Sower The Parable of the Mustard Seed Jesus' Final Days Transfiguration The Children Welcome Jesus (Palm Sunday) The Last Supper The Garden of Gethsemane The Crucifixion Assessment Rubric- Gospel Study 5 3 different stories chosen and compared in 2 or more Gospels excellently Explanation of Thorough, how each insightful, story is detailed and different in relevant the Gospels explanation of (x3) the differences in each Gospel Explanation of Thorough, the central insightful, message of the detailed and story for the relevant people of the explanation of day and how it the central applied to message for their lives (x3) the people. Explanation of Thorough, how the story insightful, applies to our detailed and lives today relevant (x3) explanation of how the story applies to our lives today. Explanation Concise, and thoughtful and justification of detailed version explanation preferred (x3) and convincing arguments. Visual Excellent representation representation and creative Choose 3 stories and compare them across the Gospels Total: /70 4 3 different stories chosen and compared in 2 or more Gospels Proficiently Complete, clear, thoughtful explanation of the differences in each Gospel 3 3 different stories chosen and compared in 2 or more Gospels Basically General, but lacking detail explanation of the differences in each Gospel 2 2 different stories chosen and compared in 2 or more Gospels Limited, superficial explanation of the differences in each Gospel 1 1 different stories chosen and compared in 2 or more Gospels Incomplete and unclear explanation of the differences in each Gospel Complete, clear, thoughtful explanation of the central message for the people. General, but lacking detail explanation of the central message for the people. Limited, superficial explanation of the central message for the people. Incomplete and unclear explanation of the central message for the people. Complete, clear, thoughtful explanation of how the story applies to our lives today. General, but lacking detail explanation of how the story applies to our lives today. Limited, superficial explanation of how the story applies to our lives today. Incomplete and unclear explanation of how the story applies to our lives today. Clear, specific and coherent explanation and founded arguments. General and conventional explanation and general arguments. Limited and superficial explanation as well as limited arguments. Incomplete and unclear explanation and no arguments. Proficent Basic representation representation and creative