William Bruce Elementary – September Lunch Menu Any student in the Eaton Community School District receiving free/reduced price meals last school year (2010/2011) will temporarily receive free/reduced priced meals through Friday, September 30, 2011. A 2011/2012 application for free and reduced price meal must be completed and processed in order for new students to have benefits, and in order for current students to continue in this program after Friday, September 30. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Students must either have a packed lunch or money turned in to their teachers to be put on their account. This includes lunch money and snack money. 1 Soft Taco or Sausage Sandwich Lettuce Salad Applesauce Milk 2 Stuffed Crust Pizza or Choice Green Beans Mixed Fruit Milk 6 Mini Corndogs or Chicken Slider Sandwich Corn Pears Milk 7 Pepperoni Pizza or Tenderloin Sandwich Potato Shapes Applesauce Milk 8 Sub Sandwich or Hot Dog Sandwich Green Beans Peaches Milk 9 Stuffed Crust Pizza or Choice Lettuce Salad Pineapple Milk 16 Stuffed Crust Pizza or Choice Green Beans Peaches Milk 27 Grilled Cheese or Chicken Patty Sandwich Green Beans Peaches Milk 22 Macaroni & Cheese or Sausage Patty Green Beans Cinnamon Roll Sherbet Milk 29 Popcorn Chicken Broccoli w/Cheese Breadstick Pineapple Milk 23 Stuffed Crust Pizza or Choice Lettuce Salad Fresh Fruit Milk 26 Pepperoni Pizza or Turkey Sandwich Potato Shapes Applesauce Milk 14 Cheese Pizza or Walking Taco Lettuce Salad Salsa Fresh Fruit Milk 21 Cheese Pizza or Chicken Nuggets Peas and Carrots Dinner Roll Applesauce Milk 28 Mexican Pizza or BBQ Rib Sandwich Corn Cookie Fresh Fruit Milk 15 Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Dinner Roll Sherbet Milk 19 Pepperoni Pizza or Ravioli with Breadstick Corn Peaches Milk 13 Chili Dog Sandwich or Hamburger Sandwich Baked Beans Snack Bag Applesauce Milk 20 Sausage French Toast Tater Tots Fruit Juice Milk Eaton Community Schools has a NO CHARGE policy. Students ARE NOT permitted to charge lunch or ‘borrow’ from school. 5 No School Labor Day 12 Mexican Pizza or Sloppy Joe Sandwich Corn Mixed Fruit Milk 30 Touchdown (chicken) Nuggets Goalpost Fries Kicker Roll Fumble Fruit Milk Please notify the school office immediately if your child suffers from any food allergies. Medical documentation will be required.