Critical Thinking Rubric STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Howard College students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by 1. Asking vital questions. Definition: Creating and using vital questions. The student will Address the facts, concepts or themes of a subject. Identify biases and illogical assumptions in thinking. Clearly and logically pose a hypothesis for a study or the solution to a problem. Reflect or uncover diverse view points. Reflect the difference between relevant and irrelevant data. 2. Collecting and measuring relevant information. Definition: Gathering and interpreting relevant information. The student will Select data not based entirely on their own personal views. Identify sources of relevant data. Identify authors’ biases and how that impacts their work. Identify their own biases in the selection and use of information. Correctly categorize data according to its significance, relevance, and importance to the study. Prioritize information and utilize that data which impacts their study most directly. Identify salient arguments. 3. Arriving at well reasoned conclusions. Definition: Conducting an investigation and arriving at conclusions based on the unbiased results of the study and organizing that information for presentation. The student will Distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable results. Draw conclusions or create solutions based on evidence and logical thinking. Draw conclusions or create solutions which may challenge existing thinking but are well thought out and reasoned. 4. Considering alternative systems of thought. Definition: Considering the impact of different points of view on research. The student will Identify examples of point of view or bias in sources. Examine the source to determine if it is reliable. Distinguish between factual and belief based statements. Consult balanced resources. Synthesize material to create knowledge new to the student or to the field of study. 5. Communicating effectively with others. Definition: Identifying and developing a product to efficiently communicate the findings of the study or the solution to a problem. The student will Present findings in a clear, coherent fashion. Present written material in standard format meeting accepted grammatical and stylistic rules. Use a variety of presentation methods. Base the results of the investigation or solution of the problem on sound reasoning. Skillful Critical Thinking Emergent Critical Critical Thinking Not Thinking Demonstrated