Good Study Habits

Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Orientation Unit
Section 4-Study Skills:
Section Map
Benchmark Grid
Technology Options
Learner Section Guide
Listening (A1)
Reading (A2)
Grammar: Verbs of Obligation (A3)
Writing (A4)
Conversation (A5)
Organizing Class Materials (A6)
School Readiness Evaluation (SP)
Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Section 4 Map
Look up vocab
words on website,
open link in email, follow links
to watch video,
type in MS Word,
use SurveyMonkey
Activity 6:
Organizing Class
Talk about materials
needed for class and
ways to organize
materials. Choose an
method to use.
Activity 5:
Discuss good & bad
study habits. Offer
advice to
classmates about
good & bad study
Hubbs Center EL Civics 2011-2013
Activity 1:
Study Skills:
Discuss what one
knows about good
study habits.
Practice new vocab.
Watch a video and
take notes.
Section Product:
School Readiness
Evaluate one’s readiness
for school. Fill out a
checklist of what one is
already doing and what
one needs to do.
Activity 4:
Read scenarios
about issues with
learning and write
suggestions to the
person in the
Activity 2:
Study Skills: Reading
Practice vocabulary
and share study skills
tips. Read about
study skills and
comprehension Qs.
Activity 3:
Use verbs & modal
verbs of obligation
to talk about
learning and study
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Section Benchmarks
Section Product (Description):. School Readiness Evaluation: Evaluate one’s readiness for school. Fill out a checklist of what one is already doing and
what one needs to do.
Activity Product:
 Learners will produce… *Grammar Focus
*Grammar Focus
*Grammar Focus
Work, Soft Skills, &
Independent Learning
Activity 1: Study Skills:
 Practice new vocab
 Discuss what one knows  Fill in chart with notes on  Fill in chart
study habits
 Complete CLOZE exercise about good study habits
Discuss what one knows
 Take notes on video
about good study habits.
Practice new vocab. Watch
a video and take notes.
 Look up words on
 Open link to video in email
 Watch a video
 Listen to story on link
Activity 2: Study Skills:
 Read a story about study  Discuss questions prior to  Answer questions about  Fill in grid
study skills and habits
Practice vocabulary and
 Read a story about good
 Fill in grid with study skills
share study skills tips.
study habits
Read about study skills and
 Write sentences about
answer comprehension Qs.
study habits
Activity 3: Grammar:
 Read a story using verbs
Use verbs & modal verbs of of obligation
obligation to talk about
learning and study skills.
Activity 4: Writing:
Read scenarios about
issues with learning and
write suggestions to the
person in the scenario.
 Discuss verbs of
 Write sentences using
obligation and when they verbs of obligation
are used
 Look at sentence
structure using verbs of
 Write advice to problems
using verbs of obligation
 Type in MS Word
*Grammar Focus
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Work, Soft Skills, &
Independent Learning
Activity Product:
 Learners will produce… *Grammar Focus
*Grammar Focus
Activity 5: Conversation:
Discuss good & bad study
habits. Offer advice to
classmates about good &
bad study habits.
 Give advice to classmates  Fill out a chart showing
good and bad study
using verbs of obligation
about study habits
 Fill out a chart
Activity 6: Organizing Class  Read about order and
organization of class
Talk about materials
needed for class and ways
to organize materials.
Choose an organizational
method to use.
 Answer questions and
discuss organization
 Fill in grid with
information regarding
organization of class
 Fill in a grid
Section Product: School
Readiness Evaluation:
Evaluate one’s readiness
for school. Fill out a
checklist of what one is
already doing and what
one needs to do.
 Share evaluation with
 Fill out a chart for
 Fill out a chart
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Technology Extension Options for Section 4 Study Skills
Note to teachers: You can do any or all of these options during the course of
this section. You can also assign different learners easier or more difficult
tasks, based on their technology skill level.
 A1 vocabulary words can be looked up at
Part 4 video ( can be accessed/watched independently. Teacher can email link or point
learners to website: Hubbs Center website > Students > Class Web Pages > Using English
> Getting Started > Study Skills > Watch video.
 Look to website for links on all reading/listening activities in this section.
 The writing portion of the reading/listening or A4 could be done in MS Word. If
learners are intimidated, they could always write on paper first, then copy into Word.
 You could do the School Readiness Self-Evaluations on
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Learner Section Guide
The Problem: _____________________________________________________________
What skills do we need to solve this problem?
Learning Goals
These are the learning goals we have for this unit.
 Discuss study habits
 Match new vocab with definitions
 Discuss when verbs of obligation are
 Complete CLOZE exercise with
 Give advice to classmates about study
 Read a story using verbs of obligation
 Read about order and organization of
 Discuss organization
class materials
 Take notes on video
 Look up vocab words on
 Write sentences about study habits
 Open link in e-mail
 Write sentences using verbs of
 Follow links to watch video
 Look at sentence structure using verbs of  Type in MS Word
 Use
 Write advice about problems
 Fill in grid with organization ideas
These 3 Learning Goals are most important to me:
Learning Goals
At the end of the unit…
1. _________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
To meet these goals I will:
___ Practice English at work.
___ Come to class every day.
___ Practice English outside of
___ Study at home 15 minutes
every night.
___ Practice English with my family.
___ Study at home 30 minutes
___ Go to the Learning Lab (1408)
every night.
for English help.
___ Practice speaking in class.
___ Go to the DEL (Computer lab___ Practice writing in class.
1419) or computer help
___ Read more every day.
Section Assessment:
Section Project Score: ________ Section Assessment Score: _______
Self Evaluation:
Check all that apply
By Myself
I can
____ Need more computer skills
____ Need more English skills
____ I feel too nervous.
Help others: ____ I don’t need to do it.
____ I don’t want to do it.
____ Need more computer skills
____ Need more English skills
____ I feel too nervous.
____ I don’t need to do it.
____ I don’t want to do it.
____ Need more computer skills
____ Need more English skills
____ I feel too nervous.
____ I don’t need to do it.
____ I don’t want to do it.
____ Need more computer skills
____ Need more English skills
____ I feel too nervous.
____ I don’t need to do it.
____ I don’t want to do it.
I can
I can
I can
Still Need Help
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Listening (A1)
Part 1: Vocabulary
Match the vocabulary with the definitions.
1. ____ habit
a. Carbohydrates: foods like breads, potatoes,
cereals, and rice
2. ____ space or spot
b. Something (or someone) that takes away our
attention from what we need to do
3. ____ improve
c. A good idea or good advice
4. ____ organize
d. Something we do often or regularly; a routine
5. ____ take notes
e. A place
6. ____ distraction
f. To put things in order; to put things together in a
planned way
7. ____ carbs
g. To write down the main ideas (important
information) when you are reading or listening
8. ____ tip
h. To get better at something
Complete the sentences below.
1. One good study __________ is to study at the same time every day.
2. Sometimes our children can be a _______________ when we are trying to study.
3. Another good study habit is to _______________ when you are reading.
4. Eating ____________ gives you energy so that you can study better.
5. You want to study in a ___________ that is comfortable and quiet.
6. Make sure you ____________ your papers in a folder or three-ring binder.
7. One good _________ I have for you is to always study for 10 minutes before you go
to bed.
8. If you are having a hard time learning English, you need to _________ your study
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 2: What do you think?
Think about how you study. Answer the questions True or False.
My study space is clean and organized.
I study at the same time every day.
I often listen to loud music when I do my homework.
I turn my cell phone off or on vibrate when I study.
I take notes when I read.
I take short breaks when I study.
I stay up very late when I study.
I study only the night before a test.
Part 3: Group Work
What are good study habits? What are bad study habits?
Talk with a group and write down your ideas.
Good Study Habits
Bad Study Habits
Part 4: Study Habits Video
Watch this video about study skills with your class.
Then look back at your list. Are your lists correct? Or, do you need to change your lists?
Can you add more good study habits to the list? Work with your group to change the lists
if needed.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 5: Taking Notes
Taking notes is a good study skill to have. When you read or listen, you can take
notes on the main ideas, or most important parts. Watch the video again. What are the
steps to improving your study habits? Write them down as you watch the video. Also,
write down the extra “tips” that are offered in the video.
How to Improve Your Study Habits Video
Step 1: _____________________________________________________________________________
Tip: __________________________________________________________________
Step 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Tip: __________________________________________________________________
Step 3: _____________________________________________________________________________
Step 4: _____________________________________________________________________________
Step 5: _____________________________________________________________________________
Tip: __________________________________________________________________
Step 6: _____________________________________________________________________________
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
How to Improve Your Study Habits Video: Answers
What are the steps to improving your study habits? Write them down as you watch the video. Also, write
down the extra “tips” that are offered in the video.
Step 1: Pick a spot to work. Clear it (from distractions).
Tip: Do your homework in natural sunlight.
Step 2: Listen to music.
Tip: Turn off your cell phone,
Step 3: Take notes while reading.
Step 4: Snack on carbs like pretzels and popcorn.
Step 5: Chew gum.
Tip: Choose mint gum to stay alert.
Step 6: Take breaks.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 6: More Listening: Homework
Go to and listen to the story.
Fill in the missing words.
Cloze Activity:
A: Have you done your ___________?
B: Not yet.
A: Then why are you watching TV?
B: This is my favorite _______.
A: Go do your homework.
B: But, mom!
A: You can ______ after you do your homework.
B: But the show will be over.
A: There will be ________ show next week.
B: Please?
A: You know the _______.
B: I hate the rules! I can’t wait till I grow up.
Answers: For teacher or to hand out to students after cloze activity.
A: Have you done your homework?
B: Not yet.
A: Then why are you watching TV?
B: This is my favorite show.
A: Go do your homework.
B: But, mom!
A: You can watch TV after you do your homework.
B: But the show will be over.
A: There will be another show next week.
B: Please?
A: You know the rules.
B: I hate the rules! I can’t wait till I grow up.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Good Study Habits (A2:Beg.)
Part 1: What about you?
Discuss these questions as a whole class:
1. Do you have good study habits?
2. How do you study?
3. What do you think are good study habits?
Part 2: Study Habits Scavenger Hunt
Teacher’s instructions: Copy and cut out sets (divide your class by 5; this is the number of
sets you will need) of the sentence strips below. If you have a class number divisible by 5,
then distribute one sentence strip to each student from each set until all are distributed.
If your class is not divisible by 5, hand out an extra sentence strip to a few of the students
until all are distributed.
First, all students will write the sentence they were given on their grid. Then students will
walk around the room asking each other: What is a good study habit? Or What do you
think is a good study habit to have? The person asked, will read their study habit
sentence strip. The student who asked will write that student’s name and the study habit
on their grid if they have not already been told that study habit by another person. The
goal is to find the 4 other study habits in order to complete the grid with 5 different study
habits. You can use this group of five to complete Part 3: Small Group Discussion.
You must make time to study.
You need to find a place to study.
You should have your ready to study.
You should have a list of things to do.
You must eliminate (or stop) all distractions.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Study Skills Scavenger Hunt Grid
The teacher will give you one study habit. Write that study habit on the grid.
Ask each student: What is a good study habit?
Write that student’s name and the study habit they share on the grid.
You must find a total of 5 different study habits, including yours.
Now make a group with the 4 other people on your grid.
Read each study habit and mark “I do this” or “I don’t do this” on the grid.
Each person takes a turn sharing this information with your group.
Student Name
Study Habit
I do this
I don’t do this
Study Skills Scavenger Hunt Grid
The teacher will give you one study habit. Write that study habit on the grid.
Ask each student: What is a good study habit?
Write that student’s name and the study habit they share on the grid.
You must find a total of 5 different study habits, including yours.
Now make a group with the 4 other people on your grid.
Read each study habit and mark “I do this” or “I don’t do this” on the grid.
Each person takes a turn sharing this information with your group.
Student Name
Study Habit
I do this
I don’t do this
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 3: Reading (Beg.)
· Do you have good study habits?
· How can you develop good study habits?
 Organized – having your materials in order
 Tips – good ideas
 Eliminate – to get rid of, to remove or stop
 Distractions—things that interrupt or bother you
Good Study Habits
We all need help getting organized. Getting organized can be very useful in
developing good study habits for students. If you want to develop good study habits, you
need to get organized. Here are some tips:
 You must make time to study. Sitting down and starting can be the hardest part.
If you have a specific time to study, then it will be easier to get started.
 You need to find a place to study. Students study better if they study in the same
place every night.
 You should have your materials ready. Looking for pencil or paper can waste a
lot of time.
 You should make a list of what you need to do. It always feels good when you can
cross something off your list.
 You must eliminate distractions. Do your best to make a quiet space to study.
Turn off the TV, radio or other things that may distract you.
As a student, it is important to develop good study habits. Good study habits will
help you learn more in less time!
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 4: Comprehension Questions
1. If you want to develop good study habits, what should you do? ___________
2. What are the first two tips on the list? ________________________________
3. What do you need to do so you do not waste time? _____________________
4. List two things you can do to help your child get organized to study. ______
5. Why should you make a list of what you need to do? ___________________
6. What are some things that could distract a student from studying? __________
7. Why is it important to have good study habits? ________________________
Part 5: Writing
Topic: As a student, what are some good study habits that you have?
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 3: Reading (Int.)
· Does your child have good study habits?
· As a parent, how can you help your child
develop good study habits?
· Adequate – to have enough, to have what is needed
· Accomplishment – to complete something, to do something very well
· Eliminate – to get rid of, to remove
Good Study Habits
Sometimes it seems we all need help getting organized. Getting organized can be
very useful in developing good study habits for students. If you want to help your
child develop good study habits, start out by helping them get organized. Here are some
 Set aside a time to study. The biggest challenge might be sitting down and
starting. If you have a specific time set aside to study, then your child will be
more likely to get started.
 Set aside a place to study. Kids study better if they study in the same place every
night. It doesn’t have to be exclusively set aside for studying. For example, it can
be the kitchen table where your family also eats their meals.
 Provide adequate supplies. Gather the supplies that your child will need. Nothing
wastes time like searching for a pencil or paper.
 Have your child make a list of what needs to be done. It will give them a sense of
accomplishment when they cross something off their list.
 Eliminate distractions. Do your best to create a quiet space for your child to
study. Turn off the TV, radio or other things that may distract your child.
 Help them find their own working style. Some children like to tackle one project
at a time. Others like to go back and forth between projects.
 Remember that organized isn’t the same as neat. Some children work best on a
clean surface. Others need lots of notes and books in front of them.
As a parent, it is important to help your child develop good study habits. These
tips can also help adults who want to develop good study habits!
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 4: Comprehension Questions
1. If you want to help your child develop good study habits, what should
you do?____________________________________________________
2. Can the tips in the story be used to help adult students who want to develop
good study habits? ___________________________________________
3. What does the word distract mean? ______________________________
4. List two things you can do to help your child get organized to study. ______
5. What does the word exclusively mean? ___________________________
6. What are some things that might distract a child from studying? __________
7. Why should you have your child make a list? ________________________
Part 5: Writing
Option A: As a student, what are some good study habits that you have?
Option B: In your own words, summarize how you can help your child develop
good study habits.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Grammar Focus: Verbs of Obligation (A3:Beg.)
Obligations are things we “need to” do. When we “need to” do something, we use these
verbs: need to, have to, and must.
1. You need to come to class every day so you can learn more English.
2. You have to come to class every day so you can learn more English.
3. You must come to class every day so you can learn more English.
When it is a good idea for us to do something (a suggestion) we use: should.
1. You should study English at home every day.
2. You should speak English outside of class.
3. You should turn off the TV when you study English.
Practice 1: Complete the sentences below with the verbs from the box.
need to
have to
You _________________ call the teacher when you will be absent.
You _________________ come to class on time.
You _________________ finish your homework every day.
You _________________ find a quiet place to study.
You _________________ study at the same time every day.
When it is something that is not allowed, we use must not.
1. You must not be late for class.
2. You must not drink pop in the classroom.
3. You must not be absent many days from class.
When it is something that is not a good idea to do, we use should not.
1. You should not forget to do your homework.
2. You should not come to class late.
3. You should not talk in your native language in class.
Practice 2: Complete the sentences below with the words from the box.
must not
should not
You __________________ talk on your cell phone in class.
You __________________ watch TV and study.
You __________________ play with your children and study.
You __________________ say you are too busy to study.
You __________________ study only five minutes.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Grammar Focus: Verbs of Obligation (A3:Int.)
Part 1: Language Example
Learning English is not easy. It requires a lot of hard work inside and
outside of class. Students who study and practice English outside of class will
learn English better and more quickly. Therefore, if you want to learn English well
and more quickly, you need to follow these tips:
1. You must attend English class every day.
2. You have to pay attention when you are in English class.
3. You must practice English as much as you can in class.
4. You should not speak your native language in class unless the teacher
would like you to explain something to another student in your language.
5. You need to practice using English with people outside of class.
6. You must study English outside of class.
7. You should study at the same time every night.
8. You should find a quiet place to study without distractions.
9. You need to complete any homework the teacher assigns.
The trick to learning English is you have to work hard inside and outside of
Focus on Format: Verbs and modal verbs of obligation
1. subject + verb (need/have) +
infinitive +
to learn
to study
+ every day.
2. subject + modal verb (should/must) +
base verb
every day.
class every day.
Put the following sentences in order…
1. should
2. speak
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Directions: Scan the Language Example for more examples of this grammar point.
Underline each example you see. Copy 3 examples below for each.
subject + verb (need/have) +
infinitive +
subject + modal verb (should/must) +
base verb
Now write 3 examples of your own for each.
subject + verb (need/have) +
infinitive +
subject + modal verb (should/must) +
base verb
*Now practice this grammar point using other handouts and online activities from your teacher.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 2: Grammar Practice: Verbs of Obligation
Verbs of Obligation
1st & 2nd person, 3rd person plural:
I, you, we, they
Modal Verbs of Obligation
3rd person singular:
he, she, it
Complete the sentences with an appropriate verb or modal verb of obligation.
I ________________ to get a good score on my test.
Susanne________________ study for the test if she wants to pass.
Esteban ________________ to practice English for his interview.
I ________________ speak more English in class so I get good practice.
My sister wants to get her GED but first she ______________ to practice her
6. Learning English is hard work because you ______________ study every day.
7. People forget that they _______ to practice English outside of class just as much as
practicing inside of class.
8. Do you know someone who ___________ to learn English?
9. You _____________ do your homework if you want to learn more.
10.How long do I ________ to take classes before I can take my GED test?
Write 5 things that you need to do (or must do) to learn English better and more quickly?
1. I ________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Giving Advice: Writing (A4)
Read the scenarios below. Then write a couple of suggestions for each person.
1. Roberto needs to find a better job but he does not speak English very well.
Roberto is taking an English class but he misses a lot of his classes.
What advice would you give Roberto?
2. Safio wants to get her GED. She goes to class every day. Her teacher says she
needs to improve her reading. She says there is not enough time during the class
for her to practice more reading.
What advice would you give Safio?
3. Van knows a lot of English. She knows how to read, write, and speak with almost
perfect grammar. The problem is that almost no one can understand her.
What advice would you give Van?
4. Lucas goes to class every day. He also studies almost one hour every night. He
knows a lot of English vocabulary and can read and write very well. However,
Lucas cannot speak English. He is too afraid to practice in class or outside of class.
What advice would you give Lucas?
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Conversation Practice (A5)
What are good study habits? What are bad study habits?
Talk with a group and list your ideas.
Good Study Habits
Bad Study Habits
Mix & Mingle Activity: Now walk around the class and give advice to your classmates
about good and bad study habits. Use the chart below to help you. Make a sentence
with each idea, using “need to”, “have to”, “must”, “should” for good study habits and
“must not” and “should not” for bad study habits.
Teacher’s Note: Cut out 1-2 sets of the sentence (phrasal) strips below. Pass out one strip to each student. Students will walk
around the classroom sharing their advice (indicated on the strip) in pairs. After they both share their advice, they swap strips
and find a new partner to share with. Continue this activity until most students have had a variety of different suggestions
(strips) to share.
You . . .
need to, have to, must, should
You . . .
must not, should not
. . . study at the same time every day.
. . . talk on your cell phone and study.
. . . find a quiet place to study.
. . . watch TV and study at the same time.
. . . turn off the TV.
. . . play with your children and study.
. . . study at least fifteen minutes a day.
. . . study only five minutes a day.
. . . take notes when you read.
. . . forget to do your homework.
. . . finish your homework every day.
. . . say you are too busy.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Organizing Class Materials (A6:Beg.)
Here is what you need for class. Put a check next to each object you have.
 a pencil (not a pen!)
 an eraser
 a notebook
 a three-ring binder
Are you missing something? Write down what you need to bring tomorrow.
I will bring a _________________ tomorrow.
I will bring a _________________ tomorrow.
I will bring a _________________ tomorrow.
Organizing My 3-Ring Binder
1. Take out your 3-ring binder. You will need to have this binder ONLY for
this class. Your other classes will require a separate binder.
2. Open the binder. Make sure it is not upside down. The pockets should be
at the bottom of the binder so the papers you put inside do not fall out.
3. All of the papers you get in this class will be 3-hole punched. That means
they will all have 3 holes for you to put onto the rings in the binder.
4. There are two good ways to organize your papers.
Chronological Order: This means that the last paper you got goes last in
the binder. (It goes behind the papers you got before.)
Backwards Chronological Order: This means the last paper you got goes
first in the binder. (It goes before the other papers you already have.)
5. Which order will you use in your binder? I will use… (check the box)
 Chronological Order (last paper last)
 Backwards Chronological Order (last paper first)
Finally, you will need to keep your binder clean. That means you will have to
take out old papers when your binder gets full. You can recycle these papers
or you can put them in a new folder.
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Organizing Your Class Materials (A6:Int.)
Part 1: What do I think?
1.Talk together as a class:
a. Why is it important to organize your materials for this class and your ELL
b. What kinds of materials do you have?
c. Do you have a way of organizing your materials now?
d. If so, how do you organize them?
e. Is it easy or difficult for you to keep them organized?
f. What ideas can you share with classmates about how you organize?
g. What help do you need to get and keep your materials organized?
2.Think about your own ideas, and then talk with two classmates. Fill in the grid
below with options for organizing class materials.
How do you organize
What new ideas do you
your class materials now? have for organizing the
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 2: Tools for Organizing Materials
There are various “tools” that can help you organize materials. Your teacher can show
you some of the tools. Classmates can show the tools they use.
Look on the internet at an office supply store website (e.g., Staples, Office Max, Office
Depot). Find other tools available for organizing materials.
Go to an office supply store and look at what’s available.
Decide on the following:
1. How will you hold all of your documents?
□ 3-ring binder
□ pocket-folder
□ other: ____________________________
2. How will you organize your documents?
□ chronological – each day’s papers go in the back
□ backwards chronological – each day’s papers go in the front
□ functional – by type of document
□ by topic / chapter / unit
□ other: ____________________________
3. How will you mark or divide sections?
□ section dividers with tabs
□ stick-on tabs
□ color paper dividers
□ clip sections together
□ other: ____________________________
4. Other organizing methods you’ll use: ______________________________
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Part 3: Organizing Information and Documents
1. Talk together as a class:
a. Why is it important to organize information and documents?
b. What documents do you have to keep organized at home?
c. How do you organize them?
d. Is it easy or difficult for you to organize things and keep them organized?
e. Are your materials for this class well-organized? Can you find things easily?
2. There are various ways to organize information and documents. Think of one or
two examples of each.
in a-to-z order
in number order
in order by date
in order by type or use
3. Practice each of these ways of organizing documents. Cut out the student
information cards on the next page. The teacher will tell you an organizing method
– and you organize them using that method. Then switch to another method, until
you’ve tried all the methods.
4. Discuss:
a. What do you think is the best way to organize the student cards? Why?
b. How do you choose the best method for organizing information or
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Organizing Information and Documents – Practice
ID #: 571294
Name: Parks, Alyssa
Start date: 9/7/2010
Primary need: reading
ID #: 197423
Name: Turner, Donna
Start date: 9/4/2008
Primary need: science
ID #: 177429
Name: Hassan, Abdi
Start date: 12/2/2009
Primary need: writing
ID #: 422522
Name: Clark, Anthony
Start date: 4/4/2011
Primary need: writing
ID #: 142998
Name: Johnson, Latesha
Start date: 5/27/2010
Primary need: reading
ID #: 111245
Name: Birru, Abayneh
Start date: 2/17/2010
Primary need: math
ID #: 227644
Name: Xiong, Mai
Start date: 1/6/2011
Primary need: math
ID #: 765419
Name: Nguyen, Julie
Start date: 12/2/2010
Primary need: writing
ID #: 176255
Name: Htoo, Soe
Start date: 3/4/2011
Primary need: science
ID #: 156444
Name: Jackson, Gary
Start date: 6/20/2009
Primary need: reading
Orientation_ Section 4_Study Skills
Evaluate Your School Readiness (SP)
We have learned a lot about study habits and what it takes to be a good student so that
you can learn English better and more quickly. Now it is time to see if you are ready to
make a commitment to your education. ‘Commitment’ means a ‘promise’. That means
you are ready to work hard and do what you need to do to learn English.
Answer each question ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If you answer ‘No’ write what you need to do and
when you plan to do it. Then share your evaluation with a partner.
Yes No
1. I have all the materials I need for class.
 I have a pencil with an eraser.
 I have a notebook.
 I have a 3-ring binder only for this class.
2. My 3-ring binder is organized.
 It is in chronological order: the last paper
goes last
 It is in backwards chronological order: the
last paper goes first.
3. I attend every class.
 I have reliable transportation.
 I have reliable child care if I need it.
 I will always come when I feel well.
 I schedule my appointments after or before
class NOT during class.
 I call if I am sick or have a real emergency.
4. I practice English in class.
 I pay attention.
 I follow directions.
 I speak English and not my native language.
 I do independent work.
 I participate in all class activities.
5. I practice English outside of class.
 I speak English to my family or other people.
 I do the homework my teacher gives me.
 I study every night (or day).
 I review my papers every night (or day).
What do you need to do?
When will you do it?
I need to:
I will do this by (date):
I need to:
I will do this by (date):
I need to:
I will do this by (date):
I need to:
I will do this by (date):
I need to:
I will do this by (date):