UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY PART 1: UNIVERSITY PROFILE Note: This file contains the questions of Part 1 of the UNI-SET Universities Survey conducted by the European University Association (EUA). It is meant to be used as a supporting document, for example to facilitate the data collection process within individual universities. You can access the complete survey under http://universities.uni-set.eu. Please note that only submissions through the online tool can be accepted. The deadline to submit your response is 30 June 2015. For any questions regarding the survey or the project, please do not hesitate to contact the project team at uniset@eua.be. Question Input format and/or answer options RESPONDENT CONTACT Please enter your country * Choose from list What is the official name of your university in English? * Text input What is the official name of your university in the local language? Text input Contact details Please complete the contact information for the person responsible for the survey at your institution and, if possible, please provide an alternate contact. Gender (main contact): Choose Female First name (main contact): Text input Last name (main contact): Text input Position (main contact): Text input Address (main contact): Text input Phone (main contact): Number Alternative phone number (main contact):: Number Email (main contact): Email Gender (alternate contact): Choose Female First name (alternate contact): Text input Last name (alternate contact): Text input Position (alternate contact): Text input Address (alternate contact): Text input Phone (alternate contact): Number Alternative phone number (alternate contact):: Number one: Male / one: Male / 1|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 1 Email (alternate contact): Email Do you want to be informed about upcoming UNI-SET activities? * Choose one: Yes / No (By choosing yes you agree to receive updates about UNI-SET by email) ADDRESS What is the address of your institution? Text input Please note that this address will be used to locate your university on the interactive maps to be created. * (Please enter in the form of: Country, City, Street, Number) UNIVERSITY SIZE What is the total number of staff employed by the university and the total number of students (all cycles) enrolled at the university? Please provide figures corresponding to the academic year 2013-2014. For staff, please use the number of staff in Full Time Equivalent (FTE). For students, please indicate the number of students, head count, enrolled at your institution. Academic, research and teaching staff (Full Time Equivalent) Number Administrative and technical staff (Full Time Equivalent) Number Bachelor students (head count) Number Master students (head count) Number Doctoral candidates (head count) Number Other students (head count) Number NETWORK MEMBERSHIP Is your institution a member of any of the following university networks Choose as appropriate: or other research networks working in energy-related research and □ EERA, European Energy Research Alliance education fields? □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ESEIA, European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance KIC InnoEnergy ClimateKIC CESAER, Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research LERU, League of European Research Universities CLUSTER, Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research ECIU, European Consortium of Innovative Universities 2|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 1 □ □ □ Is your university active in any other networks not mentioned above? UNICA, Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe EIT Raw Materials EIT ICT Labs Text input BUDGET This section contains questions about the university budget. EUA will not disclose any of this information. It will only be used for aggregated analyses. Please provide approximate data for the academic year 20132014. In the case that the latest data available is from a previous academic Text input year, or the budgetary year at your institution differs from the academic year, please enter the timeframe to which the data relates in the text entry field on the right. What is the approximate annual budget for research at your institution Number input in million Euro? Funding sources - If possible, please indicate your approximate energy-related research budget derived from the following sources in million Euro. Please take into account only budget allocated to specific energy-related research activities or projects, not expenses for personnel covered by the general budget of your institution. University funds allocated to energy research activities Number input National/regional public funding: Number input European public funding (Horizon 2020, Structural Funds, etc.): Number input Business/enterprise/industry funding (national): Number input Private non-profit (national): Number input Non-EU international funding (public/private): Number input Other sources: Number input How do you expect your energy-related research budget to develop Choose one: within the next five years? o Increase significantly o Increase somewhat o No change expected o Decrease somewhat o Decrease significantly o Don’t know In your opinion, what will be the most important funding sources for energy research in the next five years (2016-2020)? Choose as appropriate and rank: □ Please choose from the possible funding sources and rank them according to their expected importance (top = highest expected □ importance; bottom = lowest expected importance) National/regional public funding European public funding 3|P a g e UNI-SET UNIVERSITIES SURVEY – PART 1 □ □ □ □ □ Comment Business/enterprise and industry funding (national) Private non-profit (national) Non-EU international funding (public/private) Don’t know Other Text input Are there any aspects that you wish to highlight or clarify or is there additional information that you deem important? Please leave your comment here: ENERGY FOCUS Is there any specific energy-related initiative at your university that you wish to highlight, such as an energy research or education initiative, energy institute or renewable energy centre? Please, indicate in particular activities or initiatives combining research and innovation with educational programmes, with an interdisciplinary approach to challenges in the energy field. Name or title of the initiative or activity: Text input Website (if available): URL Please enter a brief description of the initiative or activity: Text input How relevant do you consider the broad field of energy research and Choose one: education for strategic decisions at your university? o Very important o Quite important o Neither important nor unimportant o Mostly unimportant o Not important at all o Don’t know UNI-SET will organise a series of ‘clustering events’ for European Text input universities active in energy research and education during 2016 and 2017, also based on the outcomes of this survey. From your university’s perspective, which specific aspects or challenges relating to energy research and education would you wish to address in these events? Please provide your input in the field to the right. END OF PART 1 CONTACT European University Association (EUA) Avenue de l’Yser, 24 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 2 230 55 44 uni-set@eua.be 4|P a g e