3E Discovery Lesson Plan Bio 4408, Spring 2010 Rebekah

3E Discovery Lesson Plan
Bio 4408, Spring 2010
Rebekah Welvaert, Aniekan Umobong
7th Grade Science
Genetic Material
Benchmark and Standard:
 According to Benchmarks for Science Literacy 6c, by the end of 8th grade, students
should know that organs and organ systems are composed of cells and help to provide
all cells with basic needs. This supports 6b where students in grades 9-12 should learn
about DNA structure and functions.
 According to the National Science Education Standards, students in the middle grades
should develop understandings about the cellular dimensions of living systems.
 This lesson is developmentally responsive to students’ level of cognitive-intellectual
development because according to the NMSA, young adolescents increasingly are able
to think abstractly, not only cognitively. This lesson includes abstract and concrete
thinking skills such as unobservable phenomena translated into observable models.
 (7.14)Organisms and environments. The student knows that reproduction is a
characteristic of living organisms and that the instructions for traits are governed in the
genetic material. The student is expected to:
c. Recognize that inherited traits of individuals are governed in the genetic
material found in the genes within chromosomes in the nucleus.
 SWBAT model the concept that inherited traits of individuals are governed in the
genetic material found in the genes within chromosomes in the nucleus.
Prior Learning:
 The student should be expected to know that most cells have a nucleus and should be
familiar with the terms inherit, traits, nucleus, and cell.
Materials for student:
 5 oz. play dough
 12” Yellow yarn
 Markers (and paper towel to use as a protective mat for the desktop)
 Surgical glove
 Exploration guide
Materials for teacher:
 5 oz. Play dough
 12” Yellow yarn, pre-marked to use as a model
 Surgical glove
 Exploration guide
 Power point slide show
Students will be briefed about safety issues involved in scientific exploration such as
appropriate use of markers, string, and play dough. The teacher will remind students that they
are never to use their sense of taste during science explorations or experiments. The students
will be given yarn, markers, and paper towel. The teacher will model how each area of pigment
from the marker on the yarn should be scattered in a random fashion throughout the length of
the yarn. The students will follow, making random markings until the yarn is covered and multicolored.
The teacher will then model the placement of the yarn into a ball of play dough,
kneading it through until it is incorporated completely within.
Lastly, the teacher will model placing the ball of dough into a surgical glove, inflating it
with air, and tying it closed.
The teacher passes out the exploration guide and accept student ideas as to what they
just made. Using the questioning method, the teacher will lead the students into the correct
conclusion. Questions should include, but not be limited to:
What does the string represent?
Why are there markings on the string?
Why did we put the string into the dough?
What does the dough represent?
Why did we put it into the glove and inflate it?
Questions elicited from students should include non-volunteers and the teacher must wait at
least three seconds before asking another student or offering further clues to the answer. The
teacher leads the students to the correct conclusion; they had just demonstrated that genes
(markings on the string) are located on chromosomes (the string) within the nucleus (play
dough) of a cell (the inflated glove). Each student will take this time to insert the information
they gathered into their individual study guide.
Further explanation is presented through illustrations of the concept using a power
point slide presentation.
The teacher concludes the lesson by repeating;
Genes are located on chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell
Genes hold the genetic material
Genetic material is what governs inherited traits of individuals
Students will be instructed to clear their desks of all papers, notes, etc. Once the room is
settled the teacher will pass out assessment and instruct the students in test procedures. The
teacher will state that the assessment has begun and any talking is unacceptable. Assessment
papers will be collected if talking occurs. The student is to read all directions and complete the
assessment clearly and completely and turn paper over when complete.
1. Genes govern individual TRAITS.
2. Chromosomes that hold genes are located in the NUCLEUS of a cell.
3. List some traits that genes govern:
a. ANSWERS CAN INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO hair, eyes, coloring, facial
structure, ear size and placement, stature, etc
Scoring Rubric
Complete the sentence
Excellent 3
All answers are correct.
Fill in the blank
All answers are correct.
Complete the figure
All labels are correct.
Meets Expectations 2
Almost all answers are
correct. Student has the
right idea, but incorrect
Almost all answers are
correct. Student has the
right idea, but incorrect
Almost all labeling is
correct with exception of
one. Student shows
understanding of content.
Needs Improvement 1
All or most answers are
incorrect. Student does
not understand content.
All or most answers are
incorrect. Student does
not understand content.
Labels are incorrect or
blank. Student does not
show understanding of
Fill in the blank with the correct response: (3 points each)
4. Genes govern individual _________________.
5. Chromosomes that hold genes are located in the __________________ of a cell.
6. List some traits that genes govern:
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
d. ___________________________
Complete the diagram by filling in the boxes with the appropriate label. (3 points each)
Name : _____________________
Exploration Study Guide
Draw examples of some different traits of individuals. Include hair color and texture,
eye size and color, shape of nose, mouth, eyes, ears, etc. Be creative!