Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public

KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
Concept Note
Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
In the Mid-Term National Development Plan 2015-2019, GOI has developed a three-pillar
policy framework to reduce poverty and inequalities, comprised of: i) a comprehensive social
protection system; ii) basic services for the poor and vulnerable; and iii) sustainable
The second strategy aims to improve access of the 40 percent poorest population to quality
basic services. These include: i) legal identity; ii) health; iii) education; iv) protection; and v)
basic infrastructure, i.e. adequate housing, water and sanitation. It will be implemented
through a frontline approach, which focuses on enhancing accountabilities at the point of
service (or at the frontline) through increased responsiveness of government and service
providers and inclusive participation of communities and citizens. More specifically, the
strategy will address three core issues in the delivery of basic services: governance, access
and quality of services, and community empowerment.
Social accountability can be an effective tool for affecting changes in all three domains for
improving service delivery. Social accountability is define as “an evolving umbrella category
that includes: citizen monitoring and oversight of public and/or private sector performance,
user-centered public information access/dissemination systems, public complaint and
grievance redress mechanisms, as well as citizen participation in actual resource allocation
decision-making, such as participatory budgeting.”
The new Law (No. 6/2014) on Villages presents an opportunity to strengthen citizens’ voice
and agency in local development processes including accessing community resources for
improving frontline services. Both Law No. 23/2014 on Local Government and No. 25/1999
on Public Services prescribe social accountability as an important element of service delivery
by the government, which should encompass citizen participation in standard setting,
planning and budgeting, complaint and feedback mechanisms.
KOMPAK is a DFAT-funded program that aims to consolidate and build on DFAT investments
in village empowerment, service delivery, governance and civil society strengthening by
integrating these areas of activities into a single Program. This approach also recognizes the
importance of local economic growth to poverty reduction, and the value of partnership
between DFAT and the private sector to design and implement innovative development
solutions. This integrated investment is intended to: enhance coordination with
stakeholders across the aid program; minimise duplication; maximise value-for-money; and
deliver flexible, adaptive and effective activities for strong results.
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
In relation to frontline service delivery, in 2016 KOMPAK is committed to support Bappenas
in advancing the GOI strategy and pilot design on improving basic services for the poor and
vulnerable, including provision of technical and analytics support. KOMPAK’s strategy also
focuses on strengthening communities and promoting inclusive community driven
development, with a particular focus on women and the most marginalized.
The purpose of the activity is to design and test a range of social accountability initiatives in
line with their existing work and mandate to support KOMPAK’s effort to strengthen
government responsiveness and community engagemnet for service delivery and economic
KOMPAK is seeking expressions of interest from Indonesian organisations with the technical
capability and interest to support the design and delivery of Social Accountability and Public
This partnership aims to build on and strengthen the existing vision and mission of
KOMPAK’s partner for social accountability while also achieving KOMPAK objectives. Initial
funding will be for a period of 12 months. Based on performance and program funding
availability, it is intended that the grant agreement with the partner organization(s) will be
extended in duration with additional funding for potentially an additional 2 years.
a) Improve participation, inclusion and empowerment of communities in the
development planning and processes at the sub-district and village level government,
particularly for women and the most marginalized.
b) Improve performance of government in delivering quality of frontline services, in
particular in health and education particularly for women and the most marginalized.
c) Assist to improve access and quality of frontline services particularly for women, and
the most marginalized.
d) Improve transparency and accountability of public funds, including funding sources
such as BOK, BOS, ADD and Dana Desa .
e) Build on what exists, what has worked, existing networks and coalitions and champions
of change, and where relevant promote innovation.
To achieve these objectives KOMPAK will engage one or more Indonesian organisations to
provide support to GOI and KOMPAK, to advance Social Accountability and Public
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
1. The Organisation is formally registered in Indonesia.
2. The Organisation has in-house relevant technical expertise, institutional capacity and
appropriately experienced personnel to implement the Project successfully and this may
include partnering with a third party/parties to deliver parts of this work.
3. The Organisation has experience engaging with government, communities and other
relevant stakeholders within the specified area(s) or theme(s).
4. The Organization can demonstrate subnational presence and networks in relevant
provincial locations, especially in focus areas for GOI and KOMPAK on frontline services:
Aceh, NTB, Central Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi.
5. The Project has the potential to be scaled up and to help KOMPAK reach its goal of
reducing poverty and inequality by supporting GOI to improve basic services.
6. The Project can be clearly articulated and justified including its need.
7. The Project represents value for money.
8. The degree to which the Project is innovative.
9. The Project has a robust M&E plan.
10. Project risks are clearly identified and proposed mitigation is appropriate.
Indonesia Organisations that working on Social Accountability and Public Participation issues
in Indonesia at the national, provincial or local level are eligible to apply. Proposals must
support the goal and purpose of the KOMPAK Program.
As part of the Concept Note submission, interested organizations may wish to partner with
other organizations, propose a consortium, or work with local coalitions
There will be a two stage process. The first stage will be a targeted call for Expressions of
Interest (EOI) where organisations will submit a concept note. Short listed organisations will
then be asked to submit a full application. This Concept Note is the first stage of the process
(Expression of Interest).
An assessment panel will be established to review the EOIs and make recommendations on
those selected to submit a full application. Full proposals will be reviewed by the
assessment panel against selection criteria as documented in the application pack for
shortlisted organisations. The assessment panel will then make a decision on the successful
proposal(s) and level of funding to be awarded.
Funding decisions will be made on a transparent, competitive, deadline-driven basis by the
assessment panel. Only applications that meet the selection criteria will be shortlisted
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
The deadline for responding to this Concept Note will be 17 December 2015. Submissions
must be emailed to by 16:00 WIB Jakarta time. Responses can be
written in English or bahasa Indonesia and must use the KOMPAK Concept Note Application
Form provided.
To obtain further information regarding this grant round, please email
Funding available will be negotiated with the short listed organisation.
KOMPAK will finance all costs related to the grant described in this concept note with initial
funding for a period of 12 months. Based on performance and program funding availability,
it is intended that the grant agreement with the partner organization(s) will be extended in
duration with additional funding for potentially an additional 2 years.
Reporting to the KOMPAK Access Quality Services (AQS) and Inclusive Engagement
Community Leads, the successful organisation(s) will work with across the program and with
GOI. For those activities related to service delivery accountability, the organisation(s) will
also be expected to work collaboratively with Bappenas’ Directorate Penanggulangan
Keminiskinan, as the key partner for implementation of the GOI Frontline Pilot.
Organizations may select one or more or all work areas. Some sample tools are listed below.
These are not mandatory but provide ideas on the types of interventions that may be
explored. Note: it is not mandatory for an organization to propose to work in all of the
categories below. KOMPAK may or may not work in one or all of these areas
1. Service delivery initiatives.
 Public expenditure tracking surveys
 Citizen report cards
 Community scorecards
 Community monitoring
 Feedback mechanisms from government to communities
 Social audits
 Public Complaint and grievance redress mechanisms
 Information provision
2. Development Planning and Budgeting Processes at Sub-District and Village Levels
 Participatory and inclusive planning and budgeting
 Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
Budget Monitoring
Budget Advocacy Initiatives
Community monitoring
Feedback mechanisms from government to communities
Social audits
Public Complaint and grievance redress mechanisms
Information provision
Initiatives working with local parliaments/parliamentarians
3. Transparency of Information Initiatives
 Transparency of Information campaigns
 Transparency of Information requests
 Community-based Transparency of Information initiatives
 Initiatives working with local parliaments/parliamentarians
4. Community Participation, Inclusion and Empowerment
 Gender equality and promotion of inclusion of the most marginalized
 Gender monitoring of Village Law implementation
 Coalitions for change.
 Solutions to improved access to basic services (education and health) for women
and the most marginalized.
Piloting approaches to increased economic opportunities for women and the most
marginalized utilizing village funds
Abt JTA Asia Pacific is a specialist international health and social sector consulting company
that provides services to public and private sector clients. Abt JTA Asia Pacific is a wholly
owned Australian subsidiary of Abt Associates, regularly ranked as one of the top 20 global
research firms and one of the top 40 international development innovators. Our domestic
and international clients range from donor agencies, national governments, mining
operations and private enterprises and our services span across a number of areas including
project management, policy development, service delivery, consulting and training.
Working with our many partners, Abt JTA Asia Pacific implements bold, innovative solutions
to improve the lives of the community and deliver valued outcomes for our clients. We
provide a comprehensive range of services from policy to service delivery in the public and
private sectors contributing to long term benefits for clients and communities. Operating in
remote and challenging environments, we offer extensive experience in the region, strong
technical capacity, and a proven project management track record.
The subcontractor must demonstrate a high level of integrity, and a commitment to Abt
JTA’s values of:
 Mission-Driven: We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
Global: We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and
perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world.
Committed to Excellence: We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional
Collaborative: We know that working collaboratively produces excellence.
Accountable: We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it.
Balanced: We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting
a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
Name of Individual / Organisation:
Registered legal entity number:
Place of registration:
Contact Details
Office Address, Phone, Fax, Email
Contact person and title:
Date of Submission:
Proposed project name:
Proposed project period and dates:
Determine by KOMPAK
Design Phase
Proposed Project Budget:
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Implementation Phase
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
Situational Analysis
Provide a brief situational
analysis demonstrating the
Applicant’s understanding of
the context of this project as
outlined in the Concept Note.
Word limit [750 words]]
Executive Summary
Provide a brief summary of
Explain the proposed
project’s rationale and
relevance in the above
context. Explain how the
proposed project will
contribute to KOMPAK’s
support to government to
strengthen government
responsiveness and
community engagement for
improved service delivery and
economic development in
Word limit – [750] words
Provide details of the
proposed methodology or
approach to design and
implement the project
including how the proposed
approach will strengthen
government and service
delivery units responses and
community engagement.
Word limit – [250] words
Partnership Approach
Provide details on
stakeholders to be engaged in
this proposed program and if
the proposed program will be
delivered only by the
organization or if there will
be a consortium, sub-grants
awarded and/or other types
of third party partnership
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
arrangements eg partnering
with other private sector
Word limit – [250] words
Proposed location(s)
Please indicate to what extent
the KOMPAK priority locations
will be targeted.
Target Group
Outline who will be the main
beneficiaries of the project,
how they will benefit and
anticipated positive changes
for the group(s).
Word limit – [150] words
Knowledge of and experience
in the sector
Provide details of your
organization’s knowledge and
experience in the sector, as it
applies to the proposed
Project Title
Project Value
Project Location
Project Objective
Brief description (word
limit – [250] words)
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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Social Accountability and Public Participation
Project Title
Project Value
Project Location
Project Objective
Brief description (word
limit – [250] words)
Staff resources
Provide a brief curriculum
vitae for each member of staff
proposed for the project
qualifications, experience and
Word limit – [250] words per
Management Systems
Provide details of the
proposed management and
coordination arrangements in
place to support the design
and implementation of the
Word limit – [250] words
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