NWCT CEDS and Action Agenda Page 1 Northwest Connecticut Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Action Agenda Objective/Initiative #7: Regional infrastructure plan Objective/Initiative Description: Develop a regional infrastructure plan for Northwest Connecticut that capitalizes on prior transportation and other infrastructure planning carried out by LHCEO and NWCCOG. This Initiative Supports Goal 5 - Infrastructure Background Information The term Infrastructure, as used here, means the region’s transportation, utility, telecommunications, and stormwater management facilities and services. As recognized Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs) in Connecticut, both LHCEO and NWCCOG maintain detailed regional transportation plans. Communities in the region include some level of transportation, utility and stormwater management planning in their POCDs, and often in municipal Capital Improvement Plans. Connecticut Light & Power and a number of telecommunications firms are constantly identifying necessary system improvements. The Housatonic Railroad is planning major improvements in rail facilities and services. Despite all this planning, the region lacks a comprehensive, region-wide infrastructure plan that blends all ongoing planning efforts regarding roads, rail, electric service, natural gas service, public water and sewer services, telecommunications, and stormwater management into a cohesive plan, and identifies current and future infrastructure needs that require cost-effective planning and response. This Objective/Initiative is aimed at providing that comprehensive regional infrastructure plan. Objective/Initiative #7 Major Action Steps and Schedule Action Steps 1. Establish a joint LHCEO/NWCCOG Regional Infrastructure Plan Work Group and enlist necessary participants. 2. Develop a detailed outline of the Regional Infrastructure Plan contents. 3. Establish a work program and schedule for preparing the plan. 4. Carry out any necessary research on similar plans from other areas. 5. Carry out any necessary research on regional conditions, plans, challenges, and related matters. 6. Develop a preliminary list of infrastructure needs requiring immediate attention and those that are less urgent but desirable. 7. Develop a Regional Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan and Budget. 8. Begin identification of funding resources for highest priority Schedule 3rd Qtr 2014 3rd Qtr 2014 3rd Qtr 2014 4th Qtr 2014 1st & 2nd Qtrs 2015 2nd Qtr 2015 3rd Qtr 2015 4th Qtr 2015 _______________________________________________________________________ Northwest Connecticut Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Action Agenda NWCT CEDS and Action Agenda ___________________________________Page 2 infrastructure needs. 9. Apply for or arrange funding as necessary and available. 10. Implement priority infrastructure improvements. 11. Continue the process as necessary with annual Regional Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plans and Budgets. 1st Qtr 2016/Ongoing 2nd Qtr 2016/Ongoing Ongoing Responsibility Primary: Support: LHCEO/NWCCOG Regional Infrastructure Plan Work Group Local Departments of Public Works and Highways Utility providers ConnDOT Housatonic Railroad Resources Needed Funding: Other: Item Amount Unknown Project support Plan implementation Staff and volunteer time Possible Sources LHCEO & NWCCOG Budgets ConnDOT Performance Measures Northwest Connecticut Regional Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan and Budget issued by September 2015 First infrastructure improvements included in the Northwest Connecticut Regional Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan completed by June 2016 Timeframe This Initiative is: Short-term Intermediate-term Long-term Continuing (1-2 years) (3-5 years) (5+ years) As needed Initial Planning Initial Plan Released and Implementation Begun Additional Information For examples of Regional Infrastructure Plans, see: Richmond, VA region: http://www.richmondregional.org/planning/green%20infrastructure.htm Southern Africa: http://ridmp-gis.org/ Queensland, Australia: http://www.dsdip.qld.gov.au/local-area-planning/priority-infrastructureplans.html _______________________________________________________________________ Northwest Connecticut Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Action Agenda