Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology

Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychology
Information and Instructions for Applicants
The Clinical Handbook should be consulted prior to applying. Applicants must have the required prerequisites that are
detailed in the Clinical Handbook. If you have any questions regarding prerequisites, please contact the Director(s) of
Clinical Training prior to application.
Responses should be typed in no smaller than 10-point font. Commence typing in the grey areas on the following
pages. DO NOT attach additional pages.
The completed application form must be printed, signed and a paper copy sent to the Department of Psychology (do
not send by email). Please attach your CV and transcripts using staples, do not bind or use folders.
Applicants are responsible for forwarding the letter at the end of this form to three referees, with the request that their
evaluations be forwarded directly to the Department of Psychology by the closing date of 30 September of the year
preceding entry. Please do not include unsolicited testimonials.
Applications close on 30 September 2015 and should be addressed to:
Professional Programmes Administrator
Department of Psychology
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
Applications will be acknowledged once all three referees’ reports have been received. If you have not received an
acknowledgement within four weeks of sending your application, please enquire:
Applicants are shortlisted in October on the basis of information provided and will be interviewed by members of the
Clinical staff, and representatives from the Department of Corrections and the Canterbury District Health Board. The
provisional date for selections interviews is 17 November 2015. Shortlisted applicants are expected to be present in
person for interviews and may bring a support person or whanau member. Everyone on the shortlist will be notified of
the outcome in early December when the official University examination results are released.
Application documentation will not be returned. For candidates who enter the clinical programme, this will be kept on
file. For those who are not accepted, all documentation will be destroyed.
Please note: Due to the nature of the selection process, we regret we cannot discuss with you the details of the
shortlisting decisions. All decisions are final.
Overseas applicants and qualifications gained outside New Zealand Universities:
Applicants who gained their academic qualifications at a university outside New Zealand or any tertiary institution
which is not a university in New Zealand or elsewhere, must first meet the criteria for admission to the University of
Canterbury BEFORE applying:
Please attach confirmation that admission has been accepted.
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychology
Application for Admission
Applications must reach the Department of Psychology by 30 September 2015
Present address:
Contact address in November & December:
Date of Birth:
Citizenship Status:
UC Student ID (if applicable):
Have you ever suffered any major physical, psychiatric or psychological disorder?
(if YES, please give the details on a separate sheet marked ‘CONFIDENTIAL’)
Have you ever been convicted of an offence or been the subject of a negotiated agreement with the Human Rights
(if YES, please give the details on a separate sheet marked ‘CONFIDENTIAL’)
A criminal conviction during the course of training will result in enrolment being reviewed and may lead to termination.
Do you consent to Police vetting?
An information sheet is provided as an appendix to this application.
Information obtained as a result of vetting that would prevent you from undertaking placements or obtaining
registration as a psychologist will result in enrolment being reviewed and may lead to termination.
Academic Record and Curriculum Vitae
Applicants who have completed academic qualifications at another University, please attach certified transcripts of
your previous academic record.
University of Canterbury students who have completed all of their academic study at UC do not need to supply a
certified transcript.
All applicants should attach a curriculum vitae (CV), and details of your current enrolment.
University of Canterbury
Department of Psychology
Questions 1 – 4: Limit response to a half page. DO NOT attach extra pages.
1. Please list work-related (volunteer or paid work) experiences that may be relevant to your training
as a clinical psychologist.
2. Please give a brief account of your reasons for wishing to undergo clinical training.
University of Canterbury
Department of Psychology
3. Describe your research experiences and research interests.
4. Describe any cultural experiences that may be relevant to your training.
University of Canterbury
Department of Psychology
List the names of three referees who have agreed to supply a confidential evaluation of your suitability for clinical
psychology training.
Please forward the attached referee form to your referees with the request that their evaluation be forwarded
by 30 September 2015. Please do not include unsolicited testimonials.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information I have provided in this application is
The withholding of any information that may be relevant to suitability for clinical training may lead to enrolment in the
course being terminated.
Entry into the Clinical Psychology programme is subject to a student’s acceptance as an honorary staff member by
placement providers. If honorary staff status is withdrawn during the course of training this will lead to enrolment being
Signature: ..............................................................................................................
Checklist to be completed by Applicant
General requirements for postgraduate study have been met
Completed PSYC335 Abnormal Psychology (or approved equivalent)
Enrolled in / completed an honours-level Research Methods course
All application questions completed and form signed
Current CV attached
Certified copy of transcript attached for applicants outside UC
Confirmation that admission to UC has been approved (for overseas applicants/qualifications only)
College of Science
Department of Psychology
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
New Zealand
Telephone: (03) 364 2971
Fax: (03) 364 2181
To be passed to referees of applicants for training in Clinical Psychology
Dear Referee,
The above has applied for admission to our three-year postgraduate course which leads to
qualification as a professional clinical psychologist, and has named you as a referee. It would be most
helpful if you would provide a confidential evaluation of the applicant in the following areas:
1. Academic competence (if known), including details of academic performance to date and
expected outcome of courses/thesis in progress.
2. Motivation and suitability for undertaking training as a clinical psychologist and working in the
health and justice related services.
3. Quality of interactions with other people.
Please forward your evaluation to the following address by 30 September, as candidates will be
shortlisted for interview shortly after that date.
Professional Programmes Administrator
Department of Psychology
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch, New Zealand
The reference will be confidential to the selection panel and will not be released to the candidate.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Julia Rucklidge
Director of Clinical Psychology Training
University of Canterbury
Department of Psychology
NZ Police Vetting Information
As of 1 July 2015 new government safety checking regulations made under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014 require
all those who work with children for state-funded organisations or as part of an educational or vocational training
course be safety checked. Please review the Children’s Action Plan for more information about this process
If you are successful in your application to the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology programme, on your
acceptance you will be required to be Police vetted. As part of the Police vetting process criminal conviction
information is accessed from the Ministry of Justice under Schedule 5 of the Privacy Act 1993 and is released in
accordance with the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004.
Information released may include: conviction history, location of the court, the date of the offence, the offence itself,
the sentence imposed. Police may release information that they believe is relevant to the position of the person being
Further information that may be released includes:
 traffic infringements
 any interaction, including as a victim, with Police, whether it resulted in a criminal conviction or not
 any family violence information
 information about violent or sexual behaviour that did not result in a conviction.
 information relating to Diversion.
Police may release information in the form of a written note about violent or sexual behaviour that did not result in a
Please be aware that there are restrictions on what we can do with the information we receive about you. We will:
 keep your personal information confidential and secure
 let you see information received from Police if you wish
 provide an opportunity for you to correct information or provide an explanation
 securely destroy information provided by Police when the purpose of the vetting check has been completed
i.e. once we are clear that no information relevant to your involvement in the course is present; or if it is
present, that a decision has been made about your involvement in the course.
Your information will be reviewed by the Clinical Coordinator (or delegate), and will not be held on your student file. If
the Police Vetting process does highlight information that suggests you may be at risk to children or vulnerable clients,
this information will be discussed with the Programme Director, and may involve other programme staff or members of
the Psychologists Board, as required, in order to make a decision about your suitability to undertake a clinical
placement or be registered as a psychologist in the future. If the decision is made that you are not suitable to
undertake a placement, this will lead to enrolment being terminated. You will have the opportunity to respond to
concerns about your suitability.