Nōmen: Diēs est IV/XII/MMXIII Latin II, R___ HW #75 REFLEXIVE and PERSONAL PRONOUNS DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks and answer the responses below. Map and translate the sentences on pg. 3. Review A pronoun is a ________________ that _____________________ another noun. A 3rd person personal pronoun is a form of “he, she, it” (is, ea, id) (*See notes from Feb. 12-13th) 1st person personal pronouns are forms of the word “_____________” 2nd person personal pronouns are case of the word “_____________” Definitions Personal pronouns refer to a specific person who is NOT the same as the subject of the verb of sentence. (Ex. Cicero praised him). Reflexive pronouns refer to a person who IS the same as the subject of the verb of the sentence. (Ex. Cicero praised himself) Cogitāte… I. The word “reflexive” comes from reflectō, reflectere, reflexī, reflexus- to bend back. A reflexive pronoun “bends back” to the subject. Therefore, in what 2 grammatical features do you think a reflexive pronoun will agree with the subject of a sentence? a. b. II. Looking at the examples after the definitions above, what suffix is USUALLY added in English to make a word a reflexive pronoun? a. ---___________ I. PERSONAL PRONOUNS- “I, you, he/she/it, we, you all, they” 1st Person Personal Pronouns CASE Nominative LATIN SING. ego TRANSLATION I LATIN PLURAL nōs TRANSLATION we Genitive meī of me nostrī of us Dative mihi to me nobīs to us Accusative mē me nōs us Ablative mē BWIOF me nobīs BWIOF us 2nd Person Personal Pronouns CASE Nominative LATIN SING. tū TRANSLATION you LATIN PLURAL vōs TRANSLATION you all Genitive tuī of you vestrī of you all Dative tibi to you vobīs to you all Accusative tē you vōs you all Ablative tē BWIOF you vobīs BWIOF you all 3rd Person Personal Pronouns **See your notes on is, ea, id (Feb. 12th-13th) II. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: “---self” **The 1st and 2nd person Reflexive Pronouns are the SAME as the Personal Pronouns listed above, with the exception that there is NO nominative form. Why is there no nominative reflexive form? 3rd Person Reflexive Pronouns CASE Nominative LATIN SING. DOES NOT EXIST TRANSLATION ___________ LATIN PLURAL DOES NOT EXIST TRANSLATION ___________ Genitive suī suī of themselves Dative sibi of himself, herself, itself to himself, etc. sibi to themselves Accusative sē himself, etc. sē themselves Ablative sē BWIOF himself, etc. sē BWIOF themselves MAPPING Annotate, map, and translate the following sentences. Use your IA Passages 1 and 2 vocabulary for reference. I. Calpurnius Bestia, pecuniam cupiēns, sē magis quam patriam suam amābat. (magis: more; quam: than) IND (1) DEP (1) II. Metellus Iugurthae dīxit, “cīvitātēs tibi amīcās in deditiōnem capiam.” IND (1) DEP (1) III. Marius Metellō dīcit, “duo triumphī, prīmus per mē, secundus per tē, dē Iurgurthā, quī nōs in proeliō nōn vīncere poterat, agentur.” IND (2) DEP (1) Nōmen: Diēs est IV/XV/MMXIII Latin II, R___ Class Notes Reflexive and Personal Pronouns- Mapping and Translation Directions: Annotate, map, and translate the following sentences. Use your IA Passages 1 and 2 vocabulary for reference. IV. Gaius Marius, quī ā senātū revōcātus est, Iugurtham et Bocchum, rēx quī eī auxilium ferēbat, impetū celerī superāvit. IND (1) DEP (2) TRANSLATION: V. Tiberius iam erat plēbī amīcus et ea eī erat amīca. (HINT- what gender is plebs?) IND (2) TRANSLATION: DEP (0) TURN OVER TO SIDE 2 VI. senātus, celeriter convocātus, ad Curiam pervēnit et senātōres inter sē cōnsuluērunt. IND (2) DEP (1) TRANSLATION: VII. tribūnus plēbis electus, Tiberius cogitāvit sē agrōs civitātibus, quī eōs nōn habeant*, dare debēre. (*Translate as same tense as the head verb in this sentence) IND (1) TRANSLATION: DEP (3) BONUS! ENGLISH TO LATIN COMPOSITION Annotate and translate below. VIII. Scipio Nascia shouted that Tiberius did not want to protect the Roman state, the senate, nor himself. TRANSLATION: Nōmen: Diēs est IV/XVII/MMXIII Latin II, R___ Class Notes REFLEXIVE AND PERSONAL PRONOUNS- MAPPING AND TRANSLATION Complete the following chart: INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT ENGLISH TO LATIN COMPOSITION Annotate the English sentence, map it, and then translate into Latin below. 9. Scipio Nasica believed that the senate would protect him and those (men) who killed Tiberius. IND (1) TRANSLATION: DEP (2) Reflexive pronouns refer to the __________________ of the sentence, whereas personal pronouns refer to someone other than the __________________. TURN OVER TO SIDE 2 REFLEXIVE VS. PERSONAL PRONOUNS- A COMPARISON I. Since 3rd person reflexive pronouns (suī, sibi, sē, sē) are different than 3rd personal personal pronouns (is, ea, id…), it is always obvious whom the “he”, “she”, or “it” is referring to. Cicero sē laudāvit. = Cicero praised himself. (Reflexive) Cicero eum laudāvit. = Cicero praised him. (Personal) Rōmānī sē laudāvērunt. = The Romans praised themselves. (Reflexive) Rōmānī eōs laudāvērunt. = The Romans praised them. (Personal) Translate the following sentences and identify each pronoun as reflexive or personal. a. puella sē servāvit. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) b. puella eam servāvit. c. senātus salutātem suī nōn servāvit. d. senātus iussūs sibi numquam dedit. e. fēminae eīs currūs reddidērunt. II. However, since the 1st (ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē) and 2nd (tū, tuī, tibi, tē, tē) reflexive and personal pronouns are the same (with the exception that there is no nominative form for the reflexive), we need to figure out who the subject of the verb is in order to figure out whether the pronoun is reflexive or personal. Translate the following sentences and identify each pronoun as reflexive or personal. a. tē laudāvistī. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) b. Cicero tē laudāvit. c. laudāvimus nōs. d. puella nōs laudāvit. e. mihi iussum dedī. ( ) ( ) f. Rōmānī iussum mihi dedērunt. CLASSWORK CHECK: _______