
Feedback from Peking University
(PKU), Beijing, China
CMS Virtual Visit, 21 April 2015
By Qiang Li
The CMS virtual visit from China took place at 7 p.m. (Beijing time = 1 p.m.
Geneva time) on 21st April, in Room 107, Lijiao Building, Peking University
(PKU), Beijing, China. The local organizer is the HEP group at PKU.
Faculties, students from School of Physics at PKU are all invited, as well as
people from other universities in Beijing, including Tsinghua University and
Beihang University. At last, about 150 people joined this event.
The hosts at CMS were Prof. Sijin Qian (PKU), Prof. Huaqiao Zhang (IHEP)
and Ms. Mengmeng Wang (PKU), supported by Ms. Noemi Beni, Ms.
Marzena Lapka and Mr. Zoltan Szillasi, respectively. After brief introduction of
themselves, they guided the audiences to visit CMS P5, control room and
Meyrin Center. Details have been given to explain what CMS and LHC are
and for.
During and after the visit, many questions have been asked from PKU
audiences and answered by the three guides. Example questions are
"whether CMS can measure well the place where a particle comes from" and
"what is the procedure of data calibration".
Kepan Xie (2nd year Ph.D.student at at Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP),
PKU) mentioned:
I learned much knowledge from this virtual visit. I wish the PKU HEP group
can organize more such activities, and there will be more interactions
between theoretical and experimental groups.
Yang Zhou (2nd year Ph.D.student at ITP, PKU):
I would suggest the visit to mention more about the details of particle
detection, e.g. how collision products interact with various parts of CMS
detector; how to reconstruct the collision point and how to distinguish among
different final state particles. Yang Zhou also would like to see the real
detector or a detailed model but not mainly photos or pictures.
Chen Zhang (4th year Ph.D.student at ITP, PKU):
The virtual visit looked quite novel to me and I felt I was there nearby CMS.
The guides are also excellent. I have a few suggestions (1) there were some
breaks during the visit and it may be better to do a bit more tests ahead, (2)
how about introducing more important physics results or goals, (3) I would like
to hear a bit about the daily life of experimentalists.
The local team consists of: Prof. Yajun Mao, Dr. Qiang Li, Mr. Daneng Yang,
Ms. Zhaoru Zhang, Mr. Lei Wang, Ms. Qun Wang, and Mr. Geng Chen.
We are also supported by IHEP group, especially Prof. Chunhua Jiang and
Prof. Mingshui Chen.