Contingency Plan for Eastern Uttar Pradesh South West Monsoon season (June - September) plays a very crucial role for agricultural production system more particularly in Kharif season, as nearly 65% of Indian agriculture is rainfed/ rain dependent. Even during a normal rainfall year some regions/ districts within the state may receive less or scanty rainfall. In this perspective, timely formulation and implementation of contingent agriculture plan helps to moderate the ill effects of inadequate rainfall on production and productivity of crops in the areas. As the year 2014 has been foreseen to have less than normal monsoon, it is imminent to develop the district specific contingency plan for the kharif season. Under the circumstance of reduced monsoon, there may be three possibilities of rain scarce situations – anticipated prolonged dry spell, delayed monsoon situation and monsoon with longer period of dry spell. The necessary contingency measures for all the 24 districts under eastern and north eastern agro-climatic zone of Uttar Pradesh have been developed in this chapter under the following sub-heads. 1. Kushinagar: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope is suggested. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 3. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 4. Sorghum Use of HybridsCSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS-16,CHS-18, CompositeVijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought like situation Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to AugustSeptember. Crop-wise contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Blackgram 3 Sesame Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. ii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 3. Cucurbits As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 4. Raddish As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 5. Early Pea As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 6. Cowpea As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. The varieties may be chosen as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open pollinated varieties. 2. District Azamgarh: i. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 3. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 4. Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS-16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 5. Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 6. Blackgram 8. Sesame Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface management. water Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 3. Cucurbits As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 4. Raddish As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 5. Early Pea As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 6. Cowpea As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. The varieties may be chosen as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open pollinated varieties. 3. District Balrampur: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of intercultivation. population, conservation furrow, During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 4. District Ballia: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. 4 Sesame Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. 5 Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonp Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + ea + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonp Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of ea+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. The varieties may be chosen as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open pollinated varieties. 5. District Basti: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Intercroppin g Pigeonp ea + Sesame, Pigeonp ea+Rice Maize + Blackgr Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + Blackgram on flat beds Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 5. District Barabanki I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of intercultivation. population, conservation furrow, During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 4 Sesame As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 6. District Behraich: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 3. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop No. 1 Sorghum 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram Agronomic measures Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, 4 Sesame Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 7. District Faizabad: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Intercropp ing Pigeon pea + Sesam e, Pigeo npea+ Rice Maize + Blackg ram, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + Blackgram on flat beds Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 8. District Chandauli: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, 4 Sesame intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. 5 Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonp Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + ea + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonp Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of ea+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. The varieties may be chosen as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open pollinated varieties. 9. District Gorakhpur: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. 3. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Intercropping Pigeonpe a + Sesame, Pigeonpe a+Rice Maize + Blackgra m, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + Blackgram on flat beds Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 10. District Jaunpur: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, 4 Sesame 5 intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + Blackgram on flat beds Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Intercroppin g Pigeonpe a + Sesame, Pigeonpe a+Rice Maize + Blackgra m, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. The varieties may be chosen as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open pollinated varieties. 11. District Maharjganj: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. 3. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. No. 1 Crop Agronomic measures Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet 3 4 5 Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Sesame Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonp Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + ea + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonp Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of ea+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria Agronomic measures As for as possible cultivate the varieities under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 2. Leafy vegetables As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 3. Cucurbits As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 4. Raddish As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 5. Early Pea As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. 6. Cowpea As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. The varieties may be chosen as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open pollinated varieties. 12. District Mau: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in 3. Maize ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS-16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum 4 Sesame ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. 5 Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpe Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + a + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonpe Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of a+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgra m, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 13. District Sidharthnagar: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. 4 Sesame Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. 5 Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpe Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + a + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonpe Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of a+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgra m, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 14. District Sonbhadra: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 2. Pigeonpea Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Intercroppi ng Pigeon pea + Sesame Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 15. District Varanasi: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation intercultivation. Surface management. furrow, water 5. Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonp Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + ea + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonp Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of ea+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 16. District Sant Kabir Nagar: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram 84. Sesame 5 Intercroppin g Pigeonp ea + Sesame, Pigeonp ea+Rice Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + Blackgram on flat beds Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 7. Toria 8. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 9. Cucurbits 10. Raddish 11. Early Pea 12. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 17. District Ambedkar Nagar: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. 3. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum 4 Sesame ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. 5. Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonp Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + ea + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonp Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of ea+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 18. District Kushinagar: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Intercroppi ng Pigeon pea + Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + Sesame Blackgram on flat beds , Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of Pigeon black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. pea+Ri ce Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 13. Toria 14. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 15. Cucurbits 16. Raddish 17. Early Pea 18. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 19. District Sant Ravidas Nagar: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. 5 Intercroppin Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized g Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonp Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + ea + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame, Pigeonp Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of ea+Rice black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 20. District Deoria: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop Agronomic measures No. 1 Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation intercultivation. Surface management. furrow, water 5 Intercroppi Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized ng Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeon Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + pea + Blackgram on flat beds Sesame , Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of Pigeon black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. pea+Ri ce Maize + Blackgr am, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea Agronomic measures Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. The varieties may be chosen as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open pollinated varieties. 21. District Ghazipur: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. 3. Maize Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. No. 1 Crop Agronomic measures Sorghum Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Intercropping Pigeonpea + Sesame, Pigeonpea+Ric e Maize + Blackgram, Sugarcane (Already sown) + Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Maize + Blackgram on flat beds Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 22. District Mirzapur: I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 2. Pigeonpea Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop No. 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Agronomic measures Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Intercropping Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Sesame, Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Pigeonpea+Ric Maize + Blackgram on flat beds e Maize + Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal Blackgram, spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 23. District Gonda I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing paddy varieties for upland (NDR 97, NDR 118, Varani Deep, Shushk Samrat, etc) and medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectively may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of intercultivation. population, conservation furrow, During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop No. 1 Sorghum 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram Agronomic measures Sowing of sorghum hybrids like CSH9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 4 Sesame As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. 5. Intercropping Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Sesame, Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Pigeonpea+Ric Maize + Blackgram on flat beds e Maize + Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal Blackgram, spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open 24. District Pratapgarh I. Contingent plan for delayed monsoon/longer dry spell condition Sl. Crop Suggested agronomic measures No. 1. Rice Short duration to early maturing medium land (Pant Dhan -12, HUR-105, HUR-3022, Govind, Ashwini, PRH-10) respectiiiely may be taken. Direct sowing in lines, Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope. Re-sowing if no proper germination. 2. Pigeonpea 3. Maize Use of improved varieties like (Narendra Arahar-1, Malviya Vikas(MA6), Malviya Chamtkar (MA13), ICPL-88039, UPAS-120) Wider spacing of Pigeon pea 90cm on ridges As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultiiiated in ridges. Improved varieties like Malviya hybrid, Makka-2, Naveen, Jaunpuri, DKC-9081 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. During sub-optimal monsoon/drought, availability of green fodder is severely reduced. To mitigate this condition and to save the livestock, the strategies as utilizing fodder from perennial trees and fodder reserves, utilizing fodder stored in silage, transporting excess fodder from adjoining districts, use of feed mixture supplements may be undertaken in areas where there is scarcity of rain or drought like situation. Besides, allow the cattle’s for grazing at barren lands after thorough vaccination progamme against FMD, HS and BQ. ii. Contingent plan for drought condition Under drought condition, the crops should be suitably thinned out. If crop fails to grow, it is always better to re-sow with subsequent rain. The recommended dose of nitrogen application should be reduced by 40% under unirrigated conditions and should always be applied at sowing/planting. At the onset of rains N fertilizer can be top dressed. Contingency measures Sl. Crop No. 1 Sorghum Agronomic measures Sowing of sorghum 9,CHS-13,CHS-14,CHS- hybrids like CSH- 16,CHS-18 and composit like Vijeta, CSB-1315,Varsa are suggested. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. 2 Pearlmillet 3 Blackgram 4 Sesame 5 Hybrids- Pusa 23, Pusa 322, NHB-3, NHB-4 Composite-Raj 171, ICTP-8203, WCC-75 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Varieties like Pant U-19, Pant U-35, Narendra Urd-1, Azad Urd-2, Type-9 may be grown. Sowing with seed cum ferti drills across the slope and resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. As for as possible Kharif pulses should be cultivated on ridges. Varieties like T-4, T-12, T-13, T-78, Shekhar, Pragati, Tarun may be grown. Resowing if no proper germination. Thinning of population, conservation furrow, intercultivation. Surface water management. Intercropping Varieties as as mentioned above may be utilized Sowing of Pigeonpea + Pigeonpea + Sesame on ridges and Sesame, Pigeonpea + Rice on ridges and furrow, where as Pigeonpea+Ric Maize + Blackgram on flat beds e Maize + Wider spacing of Pigeonpea i. e. 90 cm and normal Blackgram, spacing of black gram i. e. 30 cm and 45 cm for maize & sesame. Sugarcane (Already sown) + Maize Fodder crops of maize, bajra, cowpea, bajra + cowpea, maize + cowpea may be taken into consideration on the availability of light showers even up to August-September. iii. Cash cum catch crops: If farmer fails to grow any crop in above mentioned conditions the cash cum catch crop may be taken in to consideration in pre rabi season for compensation of Kharif crops. The following strategies may be implemented under such conditionSl. Crop No. 1. Toria 2. Leafy vegetables Agronomic measures 3. Cucurbits 4. Raddish 5. Early Pea 6. Cowpea The varieties may be chosen pollinated varieties. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. As for as possible cultivated under ridge system. Spraying of water soluble fertilizers. as per the prevailing and popular hybrids and open Contingency Plan for Western Uttar Pradesh 1. Bijnour Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 2. Budaun Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 3. Ghaziabad Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 4. Meerut Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 5. Muzaffarnagar Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 6. Pilibhit Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 7. Rampur Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 8. Saharanpur Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 9. Shahjahanpur Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 10. Bulandshahr Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 11. Baghpat Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 12. Moradabad Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 13. G.B. Nagar Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 14. Bareilly Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10 should be preferred. Jowar and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 15. Mainpuri Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10, NDR97 should be preferred. Jowar, Bajra and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Short duration groundnut varieties like TG-37A may be cultivated. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 16. Etah Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10, NDR97 should be preferred. Jowar, Bajra and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Short duration groundnut varieties like TG-37A may be cultivated. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 17. Agra Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: The problem of brackish water may be taken into account and suitable irrigation method should be adopted. Intercropping of pigeonpea with sorghum. In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10, NDR97 should be preferred. Jowar, Bajra and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Short duration groundnut varieties like TG-37A may be cultivated. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation 18. Aligarh Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: The problem of brackish water may be taken into account and suitable irrigation method should be adopted. Intercropping of pigeonpea with sorghum. In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10, NDR97 should be preferred. Jowar, Bajra and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Short duration groundnut varieties like TG-37A may be cultivated. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation 19. In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation Hathras Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: The problem of brackish water may be taken into account and suitable irrigation method should be adopted. Intercropping of pigeonpea with sorghum. In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10, NDR97 should be preferred. Jowar, Bajra and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Short duration groundnut varieties like TG-37A may be cultivated. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation 20. In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation Firozabad Various situation of monsoon may encounter for which a suggested contingent plan is as under:- Situation I: If total rainfall is less than 100% i.e low rainfall in entire monsoon period. Contingent plan: Encouraging cultivation of fruit crops and intercropping systems in undulating areas. Afforestation on ravines and degraded lands. The problem of brackish water may be taken into account and suitable irrigation method should be adopted. Intercropping of pigeonpea with sorghum. In paddy area, short duration paddy varieties like PS-4 and PRH-10, NDR97 should be preferred. Jowar, Bajra and Urdbean seed should be procured for sowing in case of very less rainfall in June – July as this may force to abandon paddy crop. Urdbean varieties like PU-41, 28, KU-31 should be taken. Maize can be grown as replacement crop to paddy. Short duration groundnut varieties like TG-37A may be cultivated. Situation II: If there is long day spell during monsoon season In case of failure of paddy crop due to longer day spell after paddy transplanting then Urd crop may be sown by September. Toria varieties namely PT-30, PT-303 and Bhawani may be taken up in last August to September. After which regular wheat crop can also be taken up. Mustard variety PM-26 can also be taken up in last September/ October in place of paddy. Potato and Pea can also be taken up in September. Rabi maize variety like Kanchan, Ganga-2 Surya and Naveen during October. Situation III: If Monsoon is delayed The sowing of paddy nursery should be delayed. Basmati variety Pusa Punjab Basmati-1509 can be transplanted upto 10th of August. Common Agronomic Practice for erratic rainfall situation In case of row planted crop, alternate wetting of furrows. Drip irrigation if possible. Mulching. Harvesting at physiological maturity. SRI method of Rice cultivation Contingent Plan for Central Uttar Pradesh 1. Kanpur Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing . The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar), Toria (NDRE-4) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. In case of flood situation Swarna sub-1 may be a very good option. In case flood records within 2-3 days, NDR-359 may be grown. The farmers may be advised to follow in situ moisture conservation, life saving irrigation, spraying of thio- urea on sorghum, vaccination against FMD and HS. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. 2. Kannauj Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar), Toria (NDRE-4) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine made. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. In case flood records within 2-3 days, NDR-359 may be grown. The farmers may be advised for following in situ moisture conservation, life saving irrigation, spraying of thio- urea on sorghum, vaccination against FMD and HS. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 3. Farrukhabad Pearl millet may be cultivated. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Pigeonpea demonstration on use of Rhizobium culture and integrated pest management may be conducted. Early sowing of mustard (Kanti) may be advised to the farmers. Vegetable pea (Arkel and Azad Pea - 3) may be suggested. Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. In case flood of 2-3 days, NDR-359 may be grown. The farmers may be advised for following in situ moisture conservation, life saving irrigation, spraying of thio- urea on sorghum, vaccination against FMD and HS. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 4. Etawah Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Pearl millet may be promoted. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of Toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. In case flood of 2-3 days, NDR-359 may be grown. The farmers may be advised to follow in situ moisture conservation, life saving irrigation, spraying of thio- urea on sorghum, vaccination against FMD and HS. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 5. Pratapgarh Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown. Mulching in orchards may be practiced to conserve the moisture. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. The farmers may be advised to following in situ moisture conservation, life saving irrigation, spraying of thio- urea on sorghum, vaccination against FMD and HS. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 6. Auraiya Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in the field may be practiced. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 7. Allahabad Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in the field may be practiced. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 8. Kaushambi Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in the field may be practiced. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 9. Hardoi Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in the field may be practiced. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 10. Lucknow Inter cropping of short duration crops like mungbean, urdbean, cowpea and vegetables may be practiced along with sugarcane crop. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in mango, guava, aonla orchards may be practiced. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 11. Unnao Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in mango, guava, aonla orchards may be practiced. CSR-36 cultivar of rice crop may be taken up under sodic land condition. Integrated pest management in pigeonpea may be promoted. Growing of alternate crops like mungbean, urdbean, fodder crops, etc. may be cultivated. Inter cropping of short duration crops like mungbean, urdbean, cowpea and vegetables may be practiced along with sugarcane crop. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 12. Barabanki System of rice intensification may be practiced. Wider spacing of pigeonpea (90 cm) on ridges may be practiced. Pigeonpea (NA-1, Mal-6, Mal-13) may be cultivated. Integrated pest management in pigeonpea may be promoted. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in mango, guava, aonla orchards may be practiced. Growing of alternate crops like mungbean, urdbean, fodder crops, etc. may be cultivated. Inter cropping of short duration crops like mungbean, urdbean, cowpea and vegetables may be practiced along with sugarcane crop. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 13. Sitapur Sugarcane based intercropping system with short duration crops like mungbean, urdbean, cowpea and vegetables may be promoted. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in mango, guava, aonla orchards may be practiced. Growing of alternate crops like mungbean, urdbean, fodder crops, etc. may be cultivated. System of rice intensification may be practiced. Wider spacing of pigeonpea (90 cm) on ridges may be practiced. Pigeonpea (NA-1, Mal-6, Mal-13) may be cultivated. Integrated pest management in pigeonpea may be promoted. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 14. Lakhimpur Kheri Dried lower leaves may be stripped and used as mulch. Crop residue may be used as mulch in sugarcane crop. Sugarcane based intercropping system with short duration crops like mungbean, urdbean, cowpea and vegetables may be promoted. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in mango, guava, aonla orchards may be practiced. Growing of alternate crops like mungbean, urdbean, fodder crops, etc. may be cultivated. System of rice intensification may be practiced. Wider spacing of pigeonpea (90 cm) on ridges may be practiced. Pigeonpea (NA-1, Mal-6, Mal-13) may be cultivated. Integrated pest management in pigeonpea may be promoted. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 15. Raebareli Cartap Hydrochloride may be used to control guava fruit borer. Inter cropping of sorghum with mungbean and pigeonpea may be promoted. Dried lower leaves may be stripped and used as mulch. Crop residue may be used as mulch in sugarcane crop. Sugarcane based intercropping system with short duration crops like mungbean, urdbean, cowpea and vegetables may be promoted. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in mango, guava, aonla orchards may be practiced. Growing of alternate crops like mungbean, urdbean, fodder crops, etc. may be cultivated. System of rice intensification may be practiced. Wider spacing of pigeonpea (90 cm) on ridges may be practiced. Pigeonpea (NA-1, Mal-6, Mal-13) may be cultivated. Integrated pest management in pigeonpea may be promoted. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. 16. Fatehpur Pigeonpea (NA-1, Mal-6, Mal-13) may be cultivated. Integrated pest management in pigeonpea may be promoted. Cartap Hydrochloride may be used to control guava fruit borer. Inter cropping of sorghum with mungbean and pigeonpea may be promoted. Crop residue may be used as mulch in sugarcane crop. Mulching by using locally available material to conserve the moisture in mango, guava, aonla orchards may be practiced. Growing of alternate crops like mungbean, urdbean, fodder crops, etc. may be cultivated. System of rice intensification may be practiced. Wider spacing of pigeonpea (90 cm) on ridges may be practiced. Resource conservation technologies like zero tillage, direct seeded rice and SRI may be promoted. The unsown paddy area may be brought under jowar (CSH-9, CSH-13), bajra (NHB-3, NHB-4), arhar (NA-1) Til (Shekhar) and groundnut (TG 37-A). Early sowing of mustard and toria may be done. Seed of Pusa Tarak and Pusa Agrani cultivars of toria may be cultivated. Pigeonpea (NA-1 and Bahar) may be practiced. Bajra (Pro-Agro-9444) may be taken up. Rain water harvesting may be done for cultivating crops. Alternative crops like urdbean, mungbean, hybrid bajra, toria, lobia, fenugreek, and reddish for unsown area of the district may be taken up. Vaccination of animals to minimize the disease of HS and advise the farmers to keep the animals in dry places under shed to minimize the acto-parasite infestation. NDR-359 rice cultivar may be grown in low lying areas. Kharif maize, groundnut, sesame may be cultivated in the area. Fodder availability may be assured by fodder storage, sorghum cultivation and growing of grasses for livestock. Moisture available in soil may be utilized by early sowing of toria (NDRE-4). Short duration varieties like NDR-97, NDR-118, etc and short duration hybrid rice may be identified for transplanting and also for direct sowing. Short duration mungbean (Samrat) and urdbean (Uttara) may be cultivated Direct seeded rice may be advised through zero tillage machine. In case of failure of kharif, crops like Toria may be sown in the month of September and mustard can be taken up in the month of first week of October. Maize may be taken as on option during Kharif, in case of delayed or low rain fall. Vegetables like bottle gourd and okra may be taken up. Raised bed cultivation of pigeonpea may be quite beneficial. Planting of early vegetable crop varieties of cauliflower, brinjal, chilli may be initiated in case of kharif crop failure. Raising nursery in the first fortnight of June in different dates for different types of Paddy varieties viz mid /long term and short duration for transplanting as per the availability of irrigation water and rains in different dates. Contingency Plan for Bundelkhand Zone Bundelkhand Region comprising seven districts of Uttar Pradesh namely Jhansi, Lalitpur, Banda, Jalaun, Hamirpur, Mahoba and Chitrakoot with unique agro-climatic conditions falls in the central plateau and hill agro-climatic region of India. The Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh has two broad group of soils i.e. Red or light soils (Rakar & Parwa) and Black or Heavy soils (Kabar & Mar). Red soils are light in texture, low in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, poor water retention capacity; however, Black soils are deep soils having fine texture with a specific property of swelling and shrinkage. Although annual rainfall of this region varies from 850-1050 mm but suffers from frequent droughts every after 3 to 4 years. The underground water level is low due to hard rocks. As a result, the productivity of crops is poor and area coverage also fluctuates from year to year. However, in general, crop productivity is very low in this region compared to rest of the districts of UP . In Bundelkhand, only 31% area in kharif season is under crop and rest is kept as fallow as compared to 69% in rabi season because of a unique tradition of Anapratha i.e.letting loose animal for unrestricted grazing during Kharif season which is also a bottleneck and against Kharif cultivation. Among Kharif crops Urdbean, Mungbean, Groundnut, Sesame, Soybean, Maize, Sorghum and Pigeonpea are major crops grown in different districts of Bundelkhand region. District specific contingency plan for low and delayed rainfall conditions are given below: 1. Lalitpur Strategies for low rainfall situations: Varieties of urdbean like Uttara, Azad Urd 2, Azad Urd 3 may be promoted. Varieties of mungbean like PDM 139, Meha, IPM 02-3, etc. may be cultivated. Sesame cultivars namely Shekhar, Pragati and Tarun may be introduced. Short duration varieties of sorghum which matures in 100-110 days only and early maturing sorghum varieties i.e. Bundela, CSV 13, CSV 15 and Hybrid CSH 16 may be grown successfully. Sorghum also gives protection from wilt disease if chickpea grows in the same field during Rabi season because roots of sorghum plants produce HCN which is helpful to control Fusarium wilt. Pigeonpea cultivars namely Upas 120, Pusa 992, Pusa 855, NA-1, Amar, MAL-6 may be promoted in the area. Strategies for low rainfall with light irrigation situations: Varieties of Maize: (i) Composites: Gaurav, Azad Uttam, Pragati; and (ii) Hybrids: Prakash, Pusa Hybrid Maize 5, JH 3459 may be introduced. JS 335, JS 93-05, JS 75-46, PK 104288 varieties of Soybean may be cultivated under low rainfall situation. Kaushal and Ambar cultivars of groundnut should be adopted by the farmers. Strategies for delayed rainfall situations: Awareness to the farmers on technology related to Maize with Kanchan, Surya, Vivek 27 composite varieties; and Vivek 4 and Vivek 17 Hybrids may be created. Sorghum: (i) Composite: Vijeta (ii) Hybrids: CSH 14 may be introduced. Shekhar 1, Shekhar 2 and Shekhar 3 cultivars of urdbean may be popularized. 2. Jhansi Strategies for low rainfall situations: Varieties of urdbean like Uttara, Azad Urd 2, Azad Urd 3 may be promoted. Varieties of mungbean like PDM 139, Meha, IPM 02-3, etc. may be cultivated. Sesame cultivars namely Shekhar, Pragati and Tarun may be introduced. Short duration varieties of sorghum which matures in 100-110 days only and early maturing sorghum varieties i.e. Bundela, CSV 13, CSV 15 and Hybrid CSH 16 may be grown successfully. Sorghum also gives protection from wilt disease if chickpea grows in the same field during Rabi season because roots of sorghum plants produce HCN which is helpful to control Fusarium wilt. Pigeonpea cultivars namely Upas 120, Pusa 992, Pusa 855, NA-1, Amar, MAL-6 may be promoted in the area. Strategies for low rainfall with light irrigation situations: Varieties of Maize: (i) Composites: Gaurav, Azad Uttam, Pragati; and (ii) Hybrids: Prakash, Pusa Hybrid Maize 5, JH 3459 may be introduced. JS 335, JS 93-05, JS 75-46, PK 104288 varieties of Soybean may be cultivated under low rainfall situation. Kaushal and Ambar cultivars of groundnut should be adopted by the farmers. Strategies for delayed rainfall situations: Awareness to the farmers on technology related to Maize with Kanchan, Surya, Vivek 27 composite varieties; and Vivek 4 and Vivek 17 Hybrids may be created. Sorghum: (i) Composite: Vijeta (ii) Hybrids: CSH 14 may be introduced. Shekhar 1, Shekhar 2 and Shekhar 3 cultivars of urdbean may be popularized. 3. Mahoba Strategies for low rainfall situations: Varieties of urdbean like Uttara, Azad Urd 2, Azad Urd 3 may be promoted. Varieties of mungbean like PDM 139, Meha, IPM 02-3, etc. may be cultivated. Sesame cultivars namely Shekhar, Pragati and Tarun may be introduced. Short duration varieties of sorghum which matures in 100-110 days only and early maturing sorghum varieties i.e. Bundela, CSV 13, CSV 15 and Hybrid CSH 16 may be grown successfully. Sorghum also gives protection from wilt disease if chickpea grows in the same field during Rabi season because roots of sorghum plants produce HCN which is helpful to control Fusarium wilt. Pigeonpea cultivars namely Upas 120, Pusa 992, Pusa 855, NA-1, Amar, MAL-6 may be promoted in the area. Strategies for low rainfall with light irrigation situations: Varieties of Maize: (i) Composites: Gaurav, Azad Uttam, Pragati; and (ii) Hybrids: Prakash, Pusa Hybrid Maize 5, JH 3459 may be introduced. JS 335, JS 93-05, JS 75-46, PK 104288 varieties of Soybean may be cultivated under low rainfall situation. Kaushal and Ambar cultivars of groundnut should be adopted by the farmers. Strategies for delayed rainfall situations: Awareness to the farmers on technology related to Maize with Kanchan, Surya, Vivek 27 composite varieties; and Vivek 4 and Vivek 17 Hybrids may be created. Sorghum: (i) Composite: Vijeta (ii) Hybrids: CSH 14 may be introduced. Shekhar 1, Shekhar 2 and Shekhar 3 cultivars of urdbean may be popularized. 4. Hamirpur Strategies for low rainfall situations: Varieties of urdbean like Uttara, Azad Urd 2, Azad Urd 3 may be promoted. Varieties of mungbean like PDM 139, Meha, IPM 02-3, etc. may be cultivated. Sesame cultivars namely Shekhar, Pragati and Tarun may be introduced. Short duration varieties of sorghum which matures in 100-110 days only and early maturing sorghum varieties i.e. Bundela, CSV 13, CSV 15 and Hybrid CSH 16 may be grown successfully. Sorghum also gives protection from wilt disease if chickpea grows in the same field during Rabi season because roots of sorghum plants produce HCN which is helpful to control Fusarium wilt. Pigeonpea cultivars namely Upas 120, Pusa 992, Pusa 855, NA-1, Amar, MAL-6 may be promoted in the area. Strategies for low rainfall with light irrigation situations: Varieties of Maize: (i) Composites: Gaurav, Azad Uttam, Pragati; and (ii) Hybrids: Prakash, Pusa Hybrid Maize 5, JH 3459 may be introduced. JS 335, JS 93-05, JS 75-46, PK 104288 varieties of Soybean may be cultivated under low rainfall situation. Kaushal and Ambar cultivars of groundnut should be adopted by the farmers. Strategies for delayed rainfall situations: Awareness to the farmers on technology related to Maize with Kanchan, Surya, Vivek 27 composite varieties; and Vivek 4 and Vivek 17 Hybrids may be created. Sorghum: (i) Composite: Vijeta (ii) Hybrids: CSH 14 may be introduced. Shekhar 1, Shekhar 2 and Shekhar 3 cultivars of urdbean may be popularized. 5. Banda Strategies for low rainfall situations: Varieties of urdbean like Uttara, Azad Urd 2, Azad Urd 3 may be promoted. Varieties of mungbean like PDM 139, Meha, IPM 02-3, etc. may be cultivated. Sesame cultivars namely Shekhar, Pragati and Tarun may be introduced. Short duration varieties of sorghum which matures in 100-110 days only and early maturing sorghum varieties i.e. Bundela, CSV 13, CSV 15 and Hybrid CSH 16 may be grown successfully. Sorghum also gives protection from wilt disease if chickpea grows in the same field during Rabi season because roots of sorghum plants produce HCN which is helpful to control Fusarium wilt. Pigeonpea cultivars namely Upas 120, Pusa 992, Pusa 855, NA-1, Amar, MAL-6 may be promoted in the area. In Atarra block, short duration paddy should be promoted in irrigated area. Strategies for low rainfall with light irrigation situations: Varieties of Maize: (i) Composites: Gaurav, Azad Uttam, Pragati; and (ii) Hybrids: Prakash, Pusa Hybrid Maize 5, JH 3459 may be introduced. JS 335, JS 93-05, JS 75-46, PK 104288 varieties of Soybean may be cultivated under low rainfall situation. Kaushal and Ambar cultivars of groundnut should be adopted by the farmers. Strategies for delayed rainfall situations: Awareness to the farmers on technology related to Maize with Kanchan, Surya, Vivek 27 composite varieties; and Vivek 4 and Vivek 17 Hybrids may be created. Sorghum: (i) Composite: Vijeta (ii) Hybrids: CSH 14 may be introduced. Shekhar 1, Shekhar 2 and Shekhar 3 cultivars of urdbean may be popularized. 6. Chitrakoot Strategies for low rainfall situations: Varieties of urdbean like Uttara, Azad Urd 2, Azad Urd 3 may be promoted. Varieties of mungbean like PDM 139, Meha, IPM 02-3, etc. may be cultivated. Sesame cultivars namely Shekhar, Pragati and Tarun may be introduced. Short duration varieties of sorghum which matures in 100-110 days only and early maturing sorghum varieties i.e. Bundela, CSV 13, CSV 15 and Hybrid CSH 16 may be grown successfully. Sorghum also gives protection from wilt disease if chickpea grows in the same field during Rabi season because roots of sorghum plants produce HCN which is helpful to control Fusarium wilt. Pigeonpea cultivars namely Upas 120, Pusa 992, Pusa 855, NA-1, Amar, MAL-6 may be promoted in the area. Strategies for low rainfall with light irrigation situations: Varieties of Maize: (i) Composites: Gaurav, Azad Uttam, Pragati; and (ii) Hybrids: Prakash, Pusa Hybrid Maize 5, JH 3459 may be introduced. JS 335, JS 93-05, JS 75-46, PK 104288 varieties of Soybean may be cultivated under low rainfall situation. Kaushal and Ambar cultivars of groundnut should be adopted by the farmers. Strategies for delayed rainfall situations: Awareness to the farmers on technology related to Maize with Kanchan, Surya, Vivek 27 composite varieties; and Vivek 4 and Vivek 17 Hybrids may be created. Sorghum: (i) Composite: Vijeta (ii) Hybrids: CSH 14 may be introduced. Shekhar 1, Shekhar 2 and Shekhar 3 cultivars of urdbean may be popularized. 7. Jalaun Strategies for low rainfall situations: Varieties of urdbean like Uttara, Azad Urd 2, Azad Urd 3 may be promoted. Varieties of mungbean like PDM 139, Meha, IPM 02-3, etc. may be cultivated. Sesame cultivars namely Shekhar, Pragati and Tarun may be introduced. Short duration varieties of sorghum which matures in 100-110 days only and early maturing sorghum varieties i.e. Bundela, CSV 13, CSV 15 and Hybrid CSH 16 may be grown successfully. Sorghum also gives protection from wilt disease if chickpea grows in the same field during Rabi season because roots of sorghum plants produce HCN which is helpful to control Fusarium wilt. Pigeonpea cultivars namely Upas 120, Pusa 992, Pusa 855, NA-1, Amar, MAL-6 may be promoted in the area. Strategies for low rainfall with light irrigation situations: Varieties of Maize: (i) Composites: Gaurav, Azad Uttam, Pragati; and (ii) Hybrids: Prakash, Pusa Hybrid Maize 5, JH 3459 may be introduced. JS 335, JS 93-05, JS 75-46, PK 104288 varieties of Soybean may be cultivated under low rainfall situation. Kaushal and Ambar cultivars of groundnut should be adopted by the farmers. Strategies for delayed rainfall situations: Awareness to the farmers on technology related to Maize with Kanchan, Surya, Vivek 27 composite varieties; and Vivek 4 and Vivek 17 Hybrids may be created. Sorghum: (i) Composite: Vijeta (ii) Hybrids: CSH 14 may be introduced. Shekhar 1, Shekhar 2 and Shekhar 3 cultivars of urdbean may be popularized.