Calderdale Schools Sports Programme (CSSP)

Calderdale Schools
Sport Programme
“Delivering High Quality PE and sport for all”
The Calderdale Schools Sport Programme (CSSP) includes the School Games and outlines the
support available to all primary schools to enable them to fulfil the requirements of the sports
premium funding and satisfy Ofsted expectations. The CSSP will support schools by up skilling
teachers through a programme of high quality CPD; working alongside specialist coaches, using the
expertise of PE staff from the sports colleges and access to national courses.
The programme has 3 sections:
1. School Games - FREE
2. School Games Plus - £250 per year
3. Sports Premium - £2500 per year.
Schools can select the level of support required.
Strategic Aim
To work in partnership with schools and communities to ensure all young people have access to
high quality PE and school sport. The aim of the CSSP is to raise attainment, increase participation
in PE and school sport, increase the number of schools engaged in the School Games, reduce
inequalities and promote a healthy, active lifestyle.
Management of the Calderdale Schools Sport Programme
The CSSP will be managed by Hipperholme & Lightcliffe High School and The Brooksbank School
Sports College.
We will:
1. Liaise with your school to develop an annual bespoke PE and school sport action plan for all
schools who become full members (Sports Premium members)
2. Co-ordinate, monitor and quality assure the work of CSSP staff.
3. Support young people to adopt an active healthy lifestyle.
4. Meet in full the requirements of the funding (Sports Premium members)
5. Establish a team of high quality coaches/teachers to deliver the programme.
Schools in Calderdale are entitled to free entry to all competitions leading to the West Yorkshire
School Games (winter and summer).
From September 2013 we will adopt a Calderdale wide approach with no Hipperholme &
Lightcliffe or Brooksbank section. Schools will remain in their existing clusters unless head teachers
request a change.
Schools can only compete in a competition once and in one local authority.
The following competitions will take place during 2013/14 and 2014/15. A full calendar will be
available and sent to schools before the end of the summer term 2013.
The CSSP will ensure the provision of both inclusive and targeted opportunities for young disabled
Sportshall athletics
X country
High 5 netball
Kwik cricket
Tag rugby
Mini red tennis
Mini orange tennis
Girls Kwik cricket
Drax Cup (cricket)
Table Tennis
Girls football
SEND festival
Tri golf
Only schools registered on the official School Games website will be allowed to enter district finals.
SCHOOL GAMES PLUS - £250 per school per year
Introductory training for staff to ensure an understanding of each competition and
demonstrate how it might be delivered in schools (central venue or cluster groups); this
includes sportshall athletics familiarisation sessions.
Free access to sport related CPD for staff in a range of activities including: high 5 netball, tri
golf, key steps (gymnastics), tag rugby and tennis. A full list of courses will appear on the
CSSP calendar.
Coaching sessions for schools representing Calderdale at the West Yorkshire Games.
SPORTS PREMIUM - £2500 per year
We will liaise with your school to develop an annual bespoke PE and school sport action plan and
support those who wish to apply for PE national kitemarking. (School Games or afPE)
1. High Quality Curriculum Physical Education (for gymnastics, dance and athletics specialist
coaches will work alongside teaching staff). This programme will support and up skill
teaching staff to improve the quality of teaching and learning in five areas of the national
curriculum; athletics, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor education.
 Curriculum support for gymnastics (6 x ½ days per year )
 Curriculum support for dance. (6 x ½ day sessions per year)
 Curriculum support for athletics (2 x ½ day sessions per year)
 Top up Swimming. (minimum 10 lessons available to Y6 pupils who are unable to
swim 25 metres)
 Cycling – 3 days per year of specific cycle coaching at the relevant level and liaison
with the Bikeability staff to offer additional cycle skills training.
*Please note Games will be supported in the School Games Plus package.
2. Continued Professional Development
 Provide free training opportunities through a programme of workshops to support
your school to meet the criteria for ‘Outstanding PE provision’. (Ofsted)
 Free access to BUPA Start to Move course suitable for KS1 teachers
 Free access to Fundamentals course suitable for KS1 teachers
 Free access to Matalan TOP Sport course suitable for KS2 teachers
 Twilight training for staff (clusters of schools) – ‘Use of Apparatus in Gymnastics’
3. Change4Life Sports Clubs (health related)
 Bronze level Change4life Sports Clubs co-ordinated and led by the Calderdale
Upbeat Team.
4. Leadership & Volunteering (developing the workforce)
 We will develop a new Calderdale Young Sports Leaders Award.
 The CSSP will work with clusters of schools to train pupils to become young sports
 Access to new level 1 intra school competitions suitable for young sports leaders to
 Mini whistlers training for a limited number of Year 5 pupils (football).
Frequently Asked Questions
Q Who do I contact if I have further questions?
A Please contact any of the following:
 Ann Henderson Tel: 01422 201028
 Mark Ragan Tel: 01422 374791
 Colin Crowther Tel: 01422 374791
Q How do I apply?
A Please complete the application form which can be found on page 7 of this document. It should
be returned to either Mark Ragan at Brooksbank or Ann Henderson at Hipperholme and
Lightcliffe. Schools will be invoiced in September 2013.
Q Can I apply for more than one section?
A Yes, you can apply for the sections you require.
Q Do I still need to pay in to the Calderdale School Sports Association?
A This is your choice, but you may ask what do you get for your money?
Q Is this a profit making scheme?
A No, any surplus funds will be used to build a sustainable programme beyond the next 2
academic years.
School Games
Q When will the competition calendar be published?
A The calendar will be sent to all primary schools before the summer holidays and re-sent in
September, it will also be available on the School Games website.
Q Who will organise the School Games?
A The School Games Organisers (SGO) for Calderdale are Colin Crowther and Ann Henderson. They
will organise and run all competitions at district level. In addition they will arrange cluster events
for HLHS and BBS partner primary schools; however, they are not responsible for running cluster
events in other areas of Calderdale.
Q Can we take part in competitions in other areas?
A Yes, however, you should only enter a competition once.
Q Could private coaching companies run cluster competitions leading to the School Games?
A Yes, but they must follow the rules and formats set the SGO and invite all schools in the cluster
to attend. They cannot organise district finals.
Q If we pay for the Sports Premium do we also have to pay for the School Games Plus?
A Yes as we will need to provide additional coaches and time depending upon schools success in
the school games.
Sports Premium
Q Do we have to sign up for 2 years?
A Yes, to ensure you benefit fully from the programme as some activities will only happen once
over the duration of the 2 years.
Q How will you ensure high quality delivery?
A HLHS and BBS will work with coaches and CPD providers that they have worked with for a
number of years. All deliverers will be monitored and quality assured throughout the programme
to ensure high quality. All coaches will be on the West Yorkshire Coach Register.
Q Can more than one member of staff attend courses?
A Yes, extra places will be available at a reduced cost.
Q Why is games not mentioned as part of the Sports Premium package?
A Any games support will be provided as part of the School Games Plus package.
Q Who will deliver Change4Life Clubs
A This section will be delivered by instructors from the Calderdale Upbeat team. Schools will have
the option of buying further support from the Upbeat team.
Partnership Agreement document between:
Name of School: ___________________________________ and Hipperholme & Lightcliffe High School and The
Brooksbank School Sports College
Primary School Commitment
1. To commit to being a member of the Calderdale Schools Sports Programme(CSSP) until August
2. Provide a named person contact in your school.
3. To liaise with the CSSP to develop an annual bespoke PE and sport action plan for your school.
4. Schools should acknowledge the work of the CSSP in any publicity following a CSSP event.
5. To subscribe £ _________ per year for the next 2 academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15
We will:
6. Liaise with your school to develop an annual bespoke PE and school sport action plan for all schools
who become full members (Sports Premium members)
7. Meet in full the requirements of the funding (Sports Premium members)
8. Co-ordinate, monitor and quality assure the work of CSSP staff.
9. Support young people to adopt an active healthy lifestyle.
10. Establish a team of high quality coaches/teachers to deliver the programme.
Name of School _______________________________________________
Signed (Head teacher) __________________________________________
Signed (CSSP manager) __________________________________________
Date __________________________
Please indicate the level of service you commit to:
SCHOOL GAMES PLUS - £250 per year
SPORTS PREMIUM - £2500 per year