Tulsa Veterans Treatment Court Vet Center Collaboration

“leave no veteran behind and honor their service”
Tulsa Veterans Treatment Court/Tulsa Vet Center Collaboration
Vet Centers
Vet Centers are for Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces that have served in a combat zone. Vet
Centers are located in communities across the United States to help the Veteran and his or her
family with readjustment counseling and outreach services. Staffed by small multi-disciplinary
teams of dedicated providers, many of which are combat Veterans themselves, Vet Centers strive
to help the Veterans make a successful transition.
Vet Centers offer readjustment counseling in a wide range of psycho social services offered to
eligible Veterans and their families in the effort to make a successful transition from military to
civilian life. They include:
Individual and group counseling for Veterans and their families
Family counseling for military related issues
Bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death
Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
Outreach and education including PDHRA, community events, etc.
Substance abuse assessment and referral
Employment assessment & referral
VBA benefits explanation and referral
Screening & referral for medical issues including TBI, depression, etc.
Tulsa Veterans Treatment Court
Tulsa was the third court in the country to launch a Veteran’s Treatment Court on December 8,
2008. On average each month in Tulsa County there are 320 veterans arrests. The Veterans
Treatment Court presents an opportunity to help veterans in the criminal justice system. Many
veterans are known to have a warrior’s mentality and often do not address their treatment needs
for physical and psychological health care. Troops returning from overseas deployments often
struggle to reintegrate into civilian life. Many suffer from brain injuries, depression and other
physical or emotional trauma. Many who are referred to the Veterans Treatment Court are
homeless, helpless, in despair, suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, and still others have
serious mental illnesses. Their lives have been spiraling out of control. Without Veteran’s
Treatment Court many would continue to have their substance abuse or mental illness untreated
and would likely end up in jail or prison. VTC provides a collaboration of dedicated partners,
including criminal justice, federal veteran’s agencies and community veterans’ organizations.
This affords the veterans the opportunity to regain stability and resume their lives while learning
how to live clean and sober.
The purpose of Veterans Treatment Court is to divert veterans involved with the criminal justice
system from prison and reduce future crimes. The Court provides a means to divert veterans
from the traditional criminal justice system and provide them support they need to lead
productive and law-abiding lives through referrals to treatment, education and vocational
programs, and community resources, all while being judicially monitored. Veterans are
identified, assessed and linked to appropriate treatment services. VTC provides veterans with
substance abuse and mental health services. Participants are also be assessed and referred to
academic or vocational programs. Housing, childcare, transportation, and other identified needs
are addressed through referrals to appropriate community agencies.
Tulsa Veterans Treatment Court and Vet Center Collaboration
Veterans participating in the Tulsa Veterans Treatment can greatly benefit from the services the
Tulsa Vet Center offers. Upon receiving the Tulsa Veterans Treatment Court participants DD214 and verifying that he or she is eligible for the Tulsa Vet Center, Tulsa Veterans Treatment
Court Resource and Mentor Coordinator Matt Stiner will refer the veteran to Tulsa Vet Center
Team Leader Stephen Craig or Tulsa Vet Center Manager Sandra Oxford.
Stephen Craig or Sandra Oxford will give an orientation to the veteran explaining what services
are offered at the Tulsa Vet Center. Afterwards, Stephen Craig or Sandra Oxford will notify
Matt Stiner that the veteran attended the session.
Tulsa County Veterans Treatment Court Judge will order the veterans court participant to the
Tulsa Vet Center.
Matt Stiner
Tulsa Veterans Court Mentor and Resource Coordinator
Stephen Craig
Tulsa Vet Center Team Leader