College of Arts and Sciences Department/Unit Diversity Plan 2009-2010 Department/Unit: ___Physics and Astronomy______________ I. Identify at least three key diversity initiatives for your department/unit keeping in mind the stated goals of the A&S Diversity Plan Initiative and related Goal Strategies Tactics/Action Recruit minority undergraduate/graduate students. Use national forums such as the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) and the Committee on the Status of Women Physicists(CSWP) to recruit minority students. Attract minority students through programs such as SIGS fellowships or McSweeny endowed fellowships Obtain funding for minority students or women through NSF grants. Assessment / Reporting Measurement Schedule Assess the number Annual reporting of minority students admitted into the program Responsible Person(s) Chair/Graduate Program Director. Physics Faculty Expected Outcome Increase the number of minority students in the department by 10% Increase the number of minority students supported by Federal grants by 10% Improve the ambience for the retention of minority students and advocate best practices for interactions between various groups (student-faculty, studentstaff, etc.) Provide abundant opportunities for students of color and minority students to interact with faculty and students of other races. Create an endowed Chair position for a minority faculty member in Physics Conduct a national search to attract the best talents. Organize brown bag luncheon meetings/afternoon tea gatherings to informally bring together students/faculty of all races. Identify potential donors Chair Chair/Development Office Creation of an endowed chair position will enable to attract other minority faculty and students into the program. II. How will your unit increase diversity among faculty, administrators, staff and/or students? Initiative and related Goal Recruit undergraduate and graduate minority students Recruit tenuretrack/endowed chair faculty Strategies Tactics/Action Conduct a summer school for research experience of minority undergraduate students Write a NSF grant to organize a summer research school for minority students. An on-going summer research program would provide a continuous feed of minority students. Use national outlets to advertise the opportunities available at UofL for minority faculty and students Use Mcsweeny fellowship to attract a minority Graduate student Identify potential donors to create new faculty lines Re-allocate an existing line to hire a minority faculty. Assessment / Measurement Add one tenure-track faculty line and one endowed chair position Reporting Schedule Annual Responsible Person(s) Chair/Undergrdauate Program Director/Graduate Program Director/ Chair/Development Office Expected Outcome 10% increase in the number of undergraduate and graduate students from its current levels Add two minority faculty into the program III. If applicable, how will your unit increase curricular and programmatic diversity, and cultivate inclusive pedagogy? Initiative and related Goal Not applicable to our program. Physics does not lend itself easily to this category. Strategies Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Expected Outcome IV. How will your unit improve the satisfaction, retention and graduation rates of students from under-represented groups? Initiative and related Goal Engage actively in the academic progress of minority students Strategies Designate a mentor for each of the underrepresented student in the program Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Expected Outcome This will improve the retention rate Initiate bi-weekly meetings between students and Undergraduate/ Graduate program directors. Improve interactions between minority students and other students Make all students to get involved in the activities of the Society for Physics (SPS) Obtain resources to staff the Physics learning center Hold tutorial sessions throughout the semester for students requiring extra help By becoming part of the SPS, minority students will feel more secure and confident of themselves. Retention/graduation rate will improve with this activity V. How will your unit create or maintain a welcoming environment in which diversity, social justice and provision of academic opportunity are intrinsic values? Initiative and related Goal Educate students, faculty, and staff to be sensitive to minority groups Create opportunities for informal gatherings/ networking of students and faculty of all racial groups Strategies Introduce in the agenda for the students orientation the topic of diversity, social justice, etc. Encourage students and faculty to attend the Fall picnic organized by the Society of Physics Students. Encourage all faculty and students to participate in the Thanksgiving party Tactics/Action Link the departmental web-page to the A&S web page on diversity issues Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Chair SPS Faculty Advisor Chair Expected Outcome Tolerance towards other ethnic/racial groups VI. How will your unit ensure that its administrators, faculty, and staff take advantage of diversity education opportunities provided by UofL? Initiative and related Goal Make the attendance for the diversity workshop mandatory Make faculty/staff attend movies pertaining to diversity/racial issues Make faculty/staff attend plays addressing racial issues Strategies Announce the workshop at the faculty/staff meetings Tactics/Action Provide small incentives to those who attend the workshop – free lunch, etc. Assessment / Measurement Assess by the number of faculty/staff who attend the diversity workshop Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Chair Expected Outcome