应生科院与资环院邀请,我校杰出校友马建锋教授将于 9 月 21 日分别做客资环 院与生科院学术报告厅做两场专题报告。 报告时间:2015 年 9 月 21 日(周一) 上午 9:30 报告地点:资环楼 B211 报告题目:Modelling silicon uptake and distribution in rice 下午 2:00 报告地点:生科楼 E2004 报告题目:Molecular mechanisms of preferential distribution of zinc in rice 马建锋,世界著名植物营养学家,南京农业大学杰出校友。马教授长期 从事植物对营养逆境(铝毒、缺铁、硅、重金属等)的生理响应及其分 子基础的研究。近年来,马建锋教授研究小组在水稻中相继分离鉴定了 多个参与 Si,Al, Fe, Cd, As, Se, Mn, Cu, Zn 等的吸收,转运或解毒相关的 基因,研究成果多次发表在 Nature, Nature Communications, Plant Cell, PNAS 等国际著名权威期刊上,总论文数近 200 篇。 部分发表论文: 1. Yamaji, N., Sakurai, G., Mitani-Ueno, N. and Ma, J. F. 2015. Orchestration of three transporters and distinct vascular structures in node for intervascular transfer of silicon in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA doi/10.1073/pnas.1508987112. 2. Ma, J. F. and Yamaji, N. 2015. A cooperative system of silicon transport in plants. Trends Plant Sci. 20:435-442. doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2015.04.007 3. Song, W, Yamaki, T, Yamaji N, …Ma J.F. 2014. A rice ABC transporter, OsABCC1, reduces arsenic accumulation in the grain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 10.1073/pnas.1414968111.. 4. Yamaji, N. and Ma, J. F. 2014. The node, a hub for nutrient distribution in gramineous plants. Trends in Plant Sci. 10.1016/j.tplants.2014.05.007. 5. Yamaji, N., Sasaki, A., Xia, J. X., Yokosho, K., Ma, J. F. 2013. A node-based switch for preferential distribution of manganese in rice. Nat. Commun. doi:10.1038/ncomms3442 6. Zheng, L. Q., Yamaji, N., Yokosho, K. and Ma, J. F. 2012. YSL16 is a phloem-localized transporter of the copper-nicotianamine complex that is responsible for copper distribution in rice. Plant Cell 24: 3767-3782. 7. Sasaki, A., Yamaji, N., Yokosho, K. and Ma, J. F. 2012. Nramp5 is a major transporter responsible for manganese and cadmium uptake in rice. Plant Cell 24: 2155-2167. 8. Fujii, M., Yokosho, K., Yamaji, N., Saisho, D., Yamane, M., Takahashi, H., Sato, K., Nakazono, M. and Ma, J. F. 2012. Acquisition of aluminium tolerance by modification of a single gene in barley. Nature Communications, 3:713 doi: 10.1038/ncomms1726. 9. Xia, J. X., Yamaji, N. and Ma, J. F. 2010. A plasma membrane-localized transporter for aluminum in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:18381-18385. 10. Ueno, D, Yamaji, N., Kono, I., Huang, C. F., Ando, T., Yano, M. and Ma, J. F. (2010) Gene limiting cadmium accumulation in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:16500-16505. 11. Yamaji, N., Huang, C. F., Nagao, S., Yano, M., Sato, Y., Nagamura, Y. and Ma, J. F. 2009. A Zn-finger transcription factor ART1 regulates multiple genes implicated in aluminum tolerance in rice. Plant Cell 21: 3339-3349 12. Yamaji, N. and Ma, J. F. 2009. A transporter at the node responsible for inter-vascular transfer of silicon in rice. Plant Cell 21:2878-2883 13. Mitani, N., Chiba, Y., Yamaji, N. and Ma, J. F. 2009. Identification and characterization of maize and barley Lsi-2-like silicon efflux transporters reveals a distinct silicon uptake system from that in rice. Plant Cell 21:2133-2142. 14. Huang, C. F., Yamaji, N., Mitani, N., Yano, M. Nagamura, Y. and Ma, J. F. 2009. A bacterial-type ABC transporter is involved in aluminum tolerance in rice. Plant Cell 21: 655-667. 15. Ma, J. F., Yamaji, N., Mitani, N., Xu, X. Y., Su, Y. H., McGrath, S. and Zhao, F. J. 2008. Transporters of arsenite in rice and their role in arsenic accumulation in rice grain. PNAS 105: 9931-9935. 16. Yamaji, N., Mitatni, N. and Ma, J. F. 2008. A Transporter regulating silicon distribution in rice shoots. Plant Cell 20: 1381-1389. 17. Ma, J. F., Yamaji, N., Mitani, M.,Tamai, K., Konishi, S., Fujiwara, T., Katsuhara, M. and Yano, M. 2007. An efflux transporter of silicon in rice. Nature 448: 209-211 18. Ma, J. F., Tamai, K., Yamaji, N., Mitani, N., Konishi, S., Katsuhara, M., Ishiguro, M., Murata, Y. and Yano, M. 2006. A silicon transporter in rice. Nature 440: 688-691. 19. Ma, J. F., Zheng, S. J., Hiradate, S. and Matsumoto, H. 1997. Detoxifying aluminium with buckwheat. Nature 390: 569-570.