Parent Handbook


J & J Academy Parent Handbook

Children’s Health Records & Tuition

All children are required to have a completed physicians examination form, a physical exam and all immunizations up to date at the time of enrollment. Immunizations are to be kept up to date thereafter following the Massachusetts immunization guidelines schedule. Record of a physical is required every year.

Immunization is an important public health policy effecting children. As a matter of state law, children in the program must:

• be fully immunized, or

• be in the process of becoming fully immunized according to the approved schedule, or

• have a physician statement that immunization is contraindicated for medical reasons or a note from the parent stating that the child is not immunized due to religious beliefs.

Absense – There are NO makeup or refunds due to DOH regulation and limited class sizes

Lateness: For safety reason, J & J Academy will not accepted any children after 10:30am unless a written explanation was provided 1 day in advance. If lateness was due to a Doctor/ Dentist Appointment: A note from doctor must provided at the time of the late drop off. Please make sure the head teacher aware that your child is present.

Vacation- There are NO credits while your child is on a family vacations.

Holidays-There are NO credits or refund on major holidays: New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial

Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day & Black Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Tuition- Payment for the week is due on the first day of the month. You have the option of paying in cash, or by check. If, however, a payment is not made on the due date or not received by Wednesday of the same week. You will be charged a late fee of $25. A year payment would be 13 month. On the months that have 5 weeks, you will be charged a week extra of your normal rate. E.G. if your normal rate is $808, you will be charged for $202 extra, total of $1010 for the month. If a check is returned, you will be charged $30. If two checks are returned, you must pay in cash thereafter.

Dress code- a pair of clean shoes must be provided, and it is a parent’s responsibility to change the child upon arrival and dismissal. Sweat pants or other elastic bottoms are recommended. For toileting purpose, please DO NOT wear BELTs to school. For safety reason, NO FLIP FLOPS or OPEN TOE SANDALS . Closed toes or sneakers are highly recommended as INDOOR Shoes.

Birthdays- For health safety, ONLY COMMERCIAL BAKERY is permitted. School prefers munchkins, or Ice cream cups. NO CUPCAKES or SHEET CAKE.

Parent is responsible for Juice boxes, treats and all other party supplies. Due to the building and fire safety, NO Parent or sibling is allowed at the party.

Sick Children

It is common for young children to have six to ten illnesses a year. Illness of children in group child care settings is a difficult problem for parents and staff. It is inconvenient for the parent who has to leave school or work and difficult for staff trying to care for the ill child. Everyone shares a concern for the child’s well-being and everyone can get frustrated under the circumstances. Parents are strongly encouraged to arrange back-up child care for the inevitable days when their child will be too ill to attend the program.

These are common symptoms that a child has a contagious condition: We need a doctor’s note to re-admit the child.

Active sneezing or coughing.

Colored discharge from nose.

A sore throat (with fever or swollen glands).

Discharge from eyes or ears.

Diarrhea (three or more watery stools in 24 hours).

Vomiting (two or more times in 24 hours).

A fever (a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more).

An eye infection.


Ring Worm


Rash (especially with a fever or itching).


A special meeting is held in September for all parents and staff. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss preschool policies, and curriculum, meet the staff, sign up for parent committees, discuss fundraising projects, parent responsibilities, and opportunities for participation, as well as discuss campus involvement and organization structures. Establishing a trusting relationship with parents and staff is important to us.

Fire Safety & Emergency Evacuation Plan:

Daily attendance recorded each day by lead teacher

Evacuation plans are posted at every exit

Lead teacher leads children out of the building

All meet at the “Gaeta Park” across from to preschool for head count by Lead teacher

Lead teacher takes attendance sheet and daily schedule in evacuation whenever possible

Assistant teacher will stay to perform a final check to ensure no child is left behind.

Lead teacher pulls “Fire” station as she exiting the classroom to alarm fire department.

Director will notify DOHMH with an incident report within 24 hours

Lead teacher and director arrange fire drills every month (at different time of the day)

Lead teacher keeps a log of each drill in book next to phone; the effectiveness of each drill is notes along with notes evaluating each drill with date and time and staff in charge. Extra measure is taken to ensure every child and staff participates

Child or staff with disability may require additional assistance

Emergency Procedure

When a child becomes sick or an accident occurs, determine the severity of the situation and contact the parent/authorized person or arrange for transportation to the hospital. Call for an ambulance. One staff member (lead teacher or director) should accompany child to the hospital and take the child’s folder. Remain with the child until the parent or alternative pick-up arrives. If parent cannot be reached, contact the designated person on the child’s permission form.

Plan for Evacuation

• Daily attendance recorded each day by supervising lead teacher.

• Evacuation plans are posted at every exit.

• Supervising Lead teacher leads children out of the building.

• All meet at top of driveway next to preschool evacuation sign for head count by supervising lead teacher.

• Supervising lead teacher takes attendance book and daily schedule in evacuation whenever possible.

Lost of Water, Heat and Electricity

Parents will come or will arrange an alternate person to pick up the child immediately.

Health Care Policies and Procedures:

Children’s Health Records

All children are required to have a completed physicians examination form, a physical exam and all immunizations up to date at the time of enrollment.

Immunizations are to be kept up to date thereafter following the DOHMH immunization guidelines schedule. Record of a physical is required every year.

Immunization is an important public health policy effecting children. As a matter of state law, children in the program must:

• be fully immunized, or

• be in the process of becoming fully immunized according to the approved schedule, or

• have a physician statement that immunization is contraindicated for medical reasons or a note from the parent stating that the child is not immunized due to religious beliefs.

Injury Prevention Plan

• Daily monitoring of the environment by the director and supervising lead teacher. All staff required to bring to their attention any problems, repairs, or hazards.

• Conduct regular safety checks of the preschool. Director and supervising lead teacher daily check all rooms and outdoor playground.

• Regular safety checks conducted at least monthly using the checklist in “Healthy Day Care Guide.”

• Equipment and toy purchases carefully examined and all donated materials checked for safety and health concerns.

• Supervising lead teacher maintains injury log.

• The program maintains a record of any unusual or serious incidents including but not limited to behavioral incidents, accidents,


property destruction or emergencies. These reports are reviews by the director once a month.

• Parents are given a written accident form informing them of any injuries. Incident form used. Parents and staff sign form and then file it in children’s folder. The written form is given to parents upon pick up, same day of injury. Preschool to notify DOHMH if parent seeks follow-up at doctor or emergency following and injury or illness reported from school.

Plan For Managing Infectious Diseases

• Children are greeted by the teacher upon entering, observing any possible health problems.

• If a child exhibits any of the symptoms listed in the exclusion list (distributed to both parents and staff and is posted at preschool), the supervising lead teacher or director will ask the parent to take the child back home.

• If a child becomes ill at the center, parent or authorized person is contacted to pick up the child. A quiet area within the school is setup for the child until parent arrives and a staff member accompanies the child.

• A note from child’s physician is required in order for child to return to school after any communicable disease/illness (i.e. Chicken

Pox, Measles, Strep). The note is placed in child’s folder. * Same procedure for all staff members.

• Director will notify all parents and staff in writing when any communicable disease/illness has been introduced to the preschool immediately.

• Director and supervising lead teacher responsible for managing the environment:

• Checking all safety hazards, lighting, heating, ventilation, and all maintenance problems.

• All problems are reported to the DOHMH as a communicable disease.

• All soiled clothing sent home in a sealed plastic bag (see toileting procedure).

• Schedule for daily cleaning of toys and play areas are arranged.

• Purchasing safe toys, equipment, arts, and craft materials.

• Use of latex gloves when dealing with bodily fluids.

Plan For Infection Control

• Hand-washing procedure for staff and children posted at the preschool.

• Staff will use commercial disinfectant or prepare 1/4 cup bleach to one gallon of water solution or 1 tblsp. of bleach to 1 quart of water, labeled, and placed out of children’s reach.

• Director provides janitorial staff with directions for daily and monthly cleaning: daily disinfecting of toilets, toilet seats, sinks, faucets, floors, all table top surfaces, kitchen counter; all mops disinfected with approved solution and the mop is stored out of preschool. All cleaning supplies stored out of reach of children in a locked cabinet.

• Supervising lead teacher supervises all staff for daily disinfecting of table tops before and after any snacks or lunches are served.

• All staff are trained in infectious control procedures and monitored daily using a check-list.

• At the end of the day all dishes and utensils are properly washed and air-dried and returned to proper cabinets.

• Water play equipment is disinfected and properly stored after daily use. Water is changed before new group arrives in afternoon.

• Parents are responsible for the weekly washing of each child’s blanket and crib sheet.

• End of semester and monthly cleaning of all play materials supervised by supervising lead teacher.

Universal Health Care Precautions

1. Wash your hands…

• When arriving at preschool-staff and children

• Before handing food

• After toileting (self/child)

• Before and after water play

• After handling bodily fluids

• After performing cleaning tasks or using cleaning products

• Before and after medication administration - staff and child

• After handling animals or their equipment

• Before leaving preschool

2.Latex gloves must be worn when…

• Toileting a child

• Contact with blood, vomit, nose discharge, etc.

• Cleaning surfaces that have been contaminated

• Wash your hands after you remove gloves

3. Use disinfectant to…

• Sanitize all table surfaces before snack/lunch time

• Sanitize toys/objects used by children

4. Air Quality

• Keep room temperature 65-70 degrees (F)

• Open the windows in each room every day to circulate fresh air- even in winter

Plan for Meeting the Needs of Mildly Ill Children While at the Preschool

• If a child becomes ill while at the preschool, parent or authorized person is contacted immediately to pick the child up. A quiet area is set up for the child with the child’s blanket. A staff person is assigned to child until parent arrives. Time of departure is noted in attendance book.

Plan for Identifying Special Health Care Needs/Allergies etc.

• Parents provide information regarding any allergies or other health care concerns at registration. Information is listed in child’s folder and updated every semester.


• A list of all allergies is posted on the refrigerator. Allergies and other medical information is posted in a manner that protects the privacy of each child. All staff are made aware of the list and the children identified. List is updated every year or as needed.

• The preschool will provide reasonable accommodations to meet allergy or special environment conditions to staff and children without undue financial hardship to the preschool. Information on children with specific conditions including allergies will have a food allergy form and special care form completed by parents at enrollment or before a child attends.

Plan for Medication administration:

NO Staff member is ALLOWED to administer medication

Parents are the ONLY ones who can administer medication to any children

Onsite CPR/First Aid Certified Staff:

Wai Yee Yeung Certification Date: 7/6/2012

Liljana Mesik

Fatbardha Beshku

Maryanne Markovic




First Aid Equipment

Supplies checked on a regular weekly basis. The first aid boxes are located on the wall next to the storage closet. First aid administered by any staff trained in First

Aid/CPR (supervising lead teacher preferred).

Contents of First Aid Kit:

• Gauze bandages • Scissors • Band-aids • Triangular Bandage • Cotton • Thermometer • Rubber gloves (next to box)• Instant Ice Packs (freezer) • tweezers • CPR face mask

Child Abuse Policies

Mandating Reporting

“As professionals in contact with young children and their families, we at the preschool are required by law to help the Agency of Child Service(DOHMH AND STATE

CENTRAL REGISTER) become aware of children who may be abused or neglected. According to the law, public or private school teachers, educational administrators, guidance or family counselors; as well as day care/child care workers, are mandated reporters.”

Thus, it is the policy of the J & J Academy preschool program to report any and all suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect to DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER by telephone and to follow up in writing within24 hours the same information as reported by telephone. Our school will offer full cooperation of its staff during the investigation of the reported incident. A staff member should follow these steps if abuse/neglect is suspected:


Child Abuse is the non-accidental commission of any act by a caretaker that causes or creates a substantial risk of harm to a child’s physical and emotional well being, including sexual abuse.

Child Neglect is the failure by a caretaker, either deliberately or through negligence, to take those actions necessary to provide a child with minimally adequate food, safety, clothing, shelter, medical care, supervision, or other essential care.

Reasonable Cause means that after examining all the facts in a particular situation, most people with similar training and experience would also suspect abuse and/or neglect.

Parental Child Abuse

The following procedure has been established regarding the reporting and/or recording of suspected child abuse and neglect:

1) Any staff person that suspects a child has come to school abused or neglected, must reports that information to the supervising lead teacher or director.

2) It is the responsibility of the supervising lead teacher or director to contact DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER.

Institutional Child Abuse

It is the policy of the preschool program that there shall be no corporal punishment of children. No child shall be subjected to cruel or severe punishment, humiliations, or verbal abuse, including, but not limited to, the denial of food. It is the policy of the preschool program that no one have unmonitored contact with the children at any time. Staff must be in sight/sound of each other at all times.

The following procedure has been established regarding the steps taken if a staff member is suspected of abusing and/or neglecting a child at the preschool program:

1) Whoever has reasonable cause to believe that a staff member or family day care provider may have been abusive or neglectful to a child(ren) shall immediately notify their supervisor and/or director.

2) The director will prepare, within 24 hours, but no later than 36 hours, a written report of the situation, the report shall include dates, times, names of all parties involved (adults and children), places, and description of incident.

3) The director must immediately notify the executive director or designee, the executive director or designee will assess the situation and, if warranted, report the suspected abuse or neglect to DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER.

4) The suspected or alleged employee or family day care provider shall immediately be removed from working directly with children until a written investigation has been completed DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER and authorized to return as appropriate, the employee will be paid only after an unsubstantiated report is made, employee will then receive back wages.

General Safety Procedures:


Policy on Releasing Children

Only the authorized parent(s) or others identified by the parents can pick up a child. A signed form is on file in the child’s folder listing other authorized persons. Check on the refrigerator or in the logbook if the alternative person will be picking the child up. Under no circumstances can a child be released to anyone not on the signed form. Ask for identification if you do not know the person.

Staff Training:

Director will perform a monthly meeting to keep all staff informed about new DOH rules and regulations. CPR/ First Aid training will be provided on site every 2 years.

Each staff is required to retake “Mandated and Reporter and Child Abuse” every 2 years. Director will sign up for DOH workshops for head teacher and teacher assistant. A training log will be kept at each staff’s file.

Parent/Child Safety Orientation:

“Parent Handbook” will be given to parent upon admission of a child

Parent must sign and “The Preschool Program contract” that they have read and completely understood the handbook.

“Parent Handbook” will include- Reporting and management of illnesses and injuries, Emergency Evacuation Plan, Lost Child Plan, Fire safety and fire drills,

Evacuation Procedures, Supervision during offsite activities as listed within this Safety Plan.

Organinzational Chart:

Alma Kushi/ Valerie Tirado

Head Teacher

Mi-Sook Kim/ Janine Acosta

Head Teacher

Fatbardha Beshku

Teacher Assistant

Maryanne Markovic

Teacher Assistant

Wai Yee Yeung/ Liljana Mesik

Teacher Assistant

Lost Child Prevention and Retrieval Procedures:

Routine Attendance:

Head teacher will be taking roll call at 9:30am during circle time and make note on the roaster for permanent record keeping

Head teacher will notified Director in the event a child is absent for more than three days

Director will call parent(s) to find out the current status of the absent child(ren)


Director will ensure that teacher and child ratio as stated from Article 47. 3yrs old: 2:15, 4 yrs old: 2:18 and 2 yrs old: 2:12.

Head teacher and teacher assistant will guide each child to bathroom and hand washing after toileting.

Head teacher will monitor each child during outdoor play and maintain a head count every 15 minutes to ensure no children are missing within the group.

In the event a child needs to use the bathroom during outdoor playtime, a child will be accompanied by a teacher assistant for proper toileting and hand washing afterwards

Director will assigned different shifts to meet appropriate staff/ child ratio. o Two teachers work from 7 am to 3pm o Three teachers work from 8am to 4 pm o One teacher work from 10am to 6pm o One teacher work from 9am to 5pm o Ed. Director will be available on site from 8am to 4 pm other times can be reached at 917-319-3431.

Most children will be pickup by 4:30pm. All classrooms will be merged together at 5:30pm for late pick up. Children will be supervised with two late shift teachers. An additional staff will be available in the event the ratio is off.

Parents are advised to contact the school in the event their child is late or absent.

Parents are advised to notify head teacher or director in advance for early pickups.

Director/ head teacher will not allow children to come in after 11:00am without notify us in advance.

New teachers will be trained by Director in regards to open door policy, early pickup and late pickup.

Special Events And Trips & Lost Child Procedures:

Children’s Safety is maintained as the highest priority at all times both on and off premises. Every attempt is made through carrying out the outings procedure and the exit/entrance procedure to ensure the security of children is maintained at all times. In the unlikely event of a child going missing, our missing child procedure is followed.


Head teacher is responsible for a head count every 10 minutes to ensure all children are staying within the groups

Ratio of 8 Parents/Chaperone plus 2 teachers to 25 children will be used

Head teacher will assigned children to designated responsible parents/chaperone as a “Tour Buddy”

Parent must sign a consent form before a child can go on field trips

Head teacher will bring First Aid kit and children’s emergency contact form with her in a waterproof bag onto the trip.

All responsible adults will exchange cell phone number in advance to ensure safety

All children will be asked to wear a bright yellow t-shirt with a name tag and the school name and phone number on back.

Head teacher will perform a final head count before departure from event destination

Head teacher will perform a head count once arrives back to preschool

Director will go over this policy with all staff members.

If a child is going missing on the premises:

As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing the head teacher/staff alerts the Director.

The Director or a designated teacher will carry out a thorough search building and garden while othe

Doors and gates are checked to see if there has been a breach of security whereby a child could wander out

The teachers will assure the other children should they be aware of the missing child and let them know they are safe and everything is being done to find the child

Any extra staff will be sent out to look for missing child


If the child is not found within 10 minutes, the parent is contacted and the missing child is reported missing to the police

The Director talks to the staff to find out when and where the child was last seen and records this

An incident report will be created and Director will notify DOHMH, DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER, New York State Central Register for Child

Abuse Maltreatment within 24 hours about the incident.

If A Child Goes Missing during special events and trip,

As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing, staff on the outing ask children to stand with their designated person and carry out a headcount to ensure that no other child has gone astray. One staff member searches the immediate vicinity but does not search beyond that, staff member will keep in touch through cell phone.

Parent Volunteer/Chaperone is asked to stay closely with the remaining children

The Director are contacted immediately and the incident is reported

The Director contacts the parent, who should make their way to the Preschool or outing venue as agreed with the Director. The Preschool is advised as the best place, as by the time parent arrives, the child may have been returned to the preschool

Staff take the remaining children back to the preschool

In an indoor venue, the staff contact the venue’s security who will handle the search and contact the police if the child is not found

The Director contacts DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER and NY State Central Register for child Abuse Maltreatment to file an incident report.

The Director or designated staff may be advised by the police to stay at the venue until they arrive

The Investigation:

Staff keep calm and do not let the other children become anxious or worried

The Director and Head teacher speaks with the parent(s)

The Director will carry out a full investigation taking written statements from all the staff in the room who were on the outing

The key person/staff member writes an incident report detailing: o The Date and time of the report o Which staff/children were in the group/ outing and the name of the staff designated responsible for the missing child o When the child was last seen in the group/outing o What has taken place in the group or outing since the child went missing o The time it is estimated that the child went missing

A conclusion is drawn as to how the breach of security happened

If the incident warrants a police investigation, all staff co-operate fully. In this case, the police will handle all aspects of the investigation, include interviewing staff. Children’s Social Care may be involved if it seems likely that there is a child protection issue to consider

The incident is reported to the DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER, DOHMH and NYSCR within 24 hours

The insurance provider is informed

Retrieved a missing child:

Key Person will assess child’s condition to see if there is any visible injuries

If a child is not able to move, DO NOT move the child, call 911 and wait for EMT since the child may have fractures. Contact Director and parents to meet the child at the designated hospital. A key person needs to stay with the child on the way to the hospital.

Key person will stay with the child until parent arrives to the hospital.

Director will generate an incident report and report it to DOHMH AND STATE CENTRAL REGISTER within 24 hours.


J & J Academy- Program Contract

I hereby agree to and understand the following policy:

1. To give the preschool fourteen days written notice in the event that I will need to withdraw my child. If I fail to comply with this requirement, I will be charged two (2) weeks tuition to cover any monetary loss incurred by the preschool.

2. To give the preschool director any changes in my child’s schedule by making an appointment at the preschool office two (2) weeks prior to the effective change in schedule.

3. To pay a non-refundable registration fee of $50 upon enrollement, per child, checks made payable to J & J Academy.

4. Fees are based on a weekly rate and no tuition refunds due to illness, inclement weather, labor strikes, power and/or water outages,holiday closings or other legitimate conditions beyond the control of the preschool.

5. To pay tuition by check payable to J & J Academy due on the first of each month unless specified differently.A late fee of $25 will be charged to

me if my tuition is seven (7) calendar days late. After 30 days, failure to pay will result in termination unless a payment plan is negotiated.

6. An overtime charge of $10 for every fifteen (15) minutes late in picking up my child. Payment is due immediately on pick up and child cannot return until fee is paid. (Lateness will be judged on the preschool clock.)

7. I give permission to J & J Academy to photograph my child: Yes _______ NO_______

8. I give permission to staff at J & J Academy to change my child’s clothes when necessary, during summer camp for water activities and to apply sun screen lotion onto my child. And WILL NOT dress my child with bottom that requires a belt.

Yes__________ NO_________ (Permission to change from soiled clothing and for water activities)

9. I understand my child will be taught to use bathroom independently, I will NOT dress my child with belts or one piece overall and will provide a pair of clean shoe for INDOOR use.

10. I understand the policy to keep my child at home according to the preschool health care policy. Children too sick to participate in full program (indoor and outdoor) need to be kept at home. Parents are to call the preschool by 8:15 am should the child not be attending. The preschool number is 718-698-0280. No children will be accepted after 10:30am unless a written explanation was provided to the Director.

If lateness was due to doctor, dentist appointment, a note from the doctor must be handed in upon late drop off.

11. To notify the staff when my child is ill or any family member has a contagious disease.

12. A doctor note is required to return to school in the event your child is being sent home due to illness.

13. To provide morning and afternoon snack (yogurt, fresh fruit and cheese), an necessary supplies.

14. To provide information on how to contact me in an emergency situation (including address, phone number, employment, and other emergency information) which I will update when changes occur and every four months.

15. To notify a teacher and sign in and out every time I, or someone I authorize, enters the preschool to drop off or pick up my child.

16. To discuss any concerns I may have with the supervising lead teacher, I will call to make an appointment with my child’s head teacher.

17. I will be asked for written permission for each field trip which may be taken by the preschool.

18. I will submit all required registration forms including the school health form before my child can attend.

19. To obtain health assessments- Medical form for my child annually (required by the preschool, the DOHMH, and the American Academy of


20. To notify the preschool director when my child is scheduled for routine health visits, and obtain a health form and immunization record to complete and return. School health forms and immunization records must be updated annually to meet requirements.

21. To cooperate with the supervising lead teacher in the follow up of any medical, dental, or developmental needs of my child.

22.. As a parent, I will be provided with information, either verbally or in writing, about my child’s development and learning on at least a quarterly basis and with written reports at least two times per year.


24. I understand that my child’s lead teacher will conduct a developmental screening within three months of enrollment and that the results will be shared with me.

25. I understand that the preschool will keep ongoing assessments of my child as an integral part of the program. Assessments are gathered through a variety of methods including observations, checklists, and anecdotal records; all information gathered therein will be collected and maintained in my child’s portfolio, which is available to me at any time.

26. ALL UPK Parents- I understand that is Department of Education’s policy that my child will mark late after 15 minutes and mark absent after 30 minutes of lateness. After 10 Days of unexplained absence, my child will be terminated from UPK program.

27.For NON-Extended Day UPK parents-. Teacher will pick up all children from the front door at 8:30am and dismiss all children at 11:00PM.

For security reason, please wait in the front yard drop off and pickup. “ DO NOT Ring the Door Bell! UPK Teacher will take your child in at 8:30am”

I also understand that I will be signing a late log for late pick up and $10 late fee is due upon the same day pickup for every 15 minutes.

28. I have read the condition within “POLICY TO AVOID Suspension and Termination of Enrollment Policy”

29. I understand that there are NO makeup or refunds when my child is absent or going on family vacation- due to DOH regulation and limited class sizes

30. I understand that there are NO makeup or refund on major holidays: New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Day, President’s

Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day & Black Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

31.I will only provide COMMERCIAL BAKERY for my child’s birthday. And I know that school prefers munchkins, or Ice cream cups. NO CUPCAKES or SHEET CAKE. And it is my responsible for Juice boxes, treats and all other party supplies. I also understand that due to building and fire safety,

ONLY my child can attend.

32. I will arrange alternative pickup should the school loss water, heat or electricity.

33.I will receive a copy of the hand book via e-mail at ____________________________________________.

________________________________________________________ ___________________

Parent’s Signature Date

POLICY TO AVOID Suspension and Termination of Enrollment Policy

Termination is always a last resort action which is carried out only when the director and teachers feel that such action is in the best interest of the child or the other children enrolled. If the preschool is unable to meet the needs of the child and/or family, every effort will be made to refer the parent to a more appropriate program for their child. The circumstances under which a child may be terminated are explained below.

1. The child exhibits extremely aggressive behavior which endangers other child and/or staff.

2. The child’s health and safety at the preschool cannot be assured due to circumstances such as impulsive, risk-taking behavior.

3. Unwillingness of the parent(s) to work with teachers in the management of their child’s behavior, and/or refusal to follow the preschool’s recommendations for outside support services.

4. The child’s developmental needs are not being met at the preschool due to general immaturity. Behavior indicative of a child’s immaturity may include severe ongoing separation issues, excessive need for teacher attention, and inability to function independently or with the group.

5. The child has individual special needs which require accommodations causing an undue burden on the preschool. Accommodations related to the toileting needs of a child with a documented disability shall not be considered an undue burden.

6. If suspension or termination is due to the child’s behavior, J & J Academy will give specific examples, and let parents know whether we will accept the child back if he receives counseling, or sees his doctor, or some other change occurs. Parents will receive a written explanation of the reasons why, and the circumstances under which the child may return. Recommendations for return will be made by the referral services in consultation with the J & J Academy preschool.

7. The J & J Academy preschool will prepare the child being terminated with sensitivity and consideration of their developmental ability. Children in the preschool program would be informed in an age appropriate manner that the child will be attending another school.

8. Nonpayment of tuition.

9. Parent’s display of inappropriate behavior towards staff or children. May include: disrespectful language, disregarding program policies, verbal and/or physical harassment or any unlawful behavior.

