PART II - DRAFT 03.10.2010 20th Century Climatic Change and the Instrumental Record 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Throughout the western U.S., complex biophysical conditions (e.g., topography) are important factors influencing highly variable responses to broad-scale climatic conditions. As a consequence, climatic conditions vary across elevational, latitudinal and longitudinal gradients and at different spatial and temporal scales. While trends in natural climatic variability are evident within the different climatic regions it is important to keep in mind that broad-scale patterns in temperature, precipitation, snowpack and other conditions also vary greatly across smaller spatial scales. Additionally, as a direct measurement of climate conditions for the past century, the instrumental record provides some of the best data of past climates yet the data from these records represents only the locales where instruments are located and are often geographically biased. Thus, instrumental records provide direct measurements of past conditions where they are located and often better represent certain elevations and locals better than others (e.g., mid and low elevations vs. alpine environments). Temperature For all climate regions in this study, 20th century climate change is characterized by high spatial and temporal variability. At broad temporal and spatial scales, however, it is possible to summarize trends in climatic conditions impacting large portions of the four climate regions. Since 1900, temperatures have increased in most areas of the western U.S. from 0.5-2˚ C (Fig. 19, Pederson et al. 2009, Mote et al. 2003, Ray et al. 2008) although there are a few exceptions where cooling has occurred (e.g., southeastern Colorado, Ray et al. 2008, and central Idaho and northwestern Montana, CIG). The rate of change varies by location and elevation but is typically 1˚ C from early 20th century to present (Hamlet et al. 2007). For most of the northern portions of the study area, temperatures generally increased from 1900 to 1940, declined from 1940-1975 and have increased from 1975 to present (USGCRP 2005). Similarly, in the southern U.S. Rockies, temperatures generally increased in the 1930s and 1950s with a period of cooling in the 1960s-70s and a consistent increase to present (Ray et al. 2008). Compared to temperature increased in the early 20th century, temperatures for much of the study area doubled from the mid 20th century to present, largely associated with rapid warming occurring since 1975. Figure 19. 1950–2007 trend in observed annual average North American surface temperature (°C, left) and the time series of the annual values of surface temperature averaged over the whole of North America (right). Annual anomalies are with respect to a 1971–2000 reference. The smoothed curve (black line) highlights low frequency variations. A change of 1°C equals 1.8°F. (Data source: UK Hadley Center’s CRUv3 global monthly gridded temperatures). Source: Ray et al. 2008 1 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Temperature increases are more pronounced during the cool season (Hamlet and Lettenmaier 2007) and in the northern U.S. Rockies, are roughly triple that for the global average (Hall and Fagre 2003), a pattern that is evident at northern latitudes and higher elevation sites throughout the western U.S. (USGCRP 2005). Mean regional spring and summer temperatures for 1987 to 2003 were 0.87˚ C higher than those for 1970 to 1986, and were the warmest since 1895 (Westerling et al. 2006). Additionally, Bonfils et al. (2008) and Barnett et al. (2008) found a strong anthropogenic signal in the warming observed warming trends in mountain areas across the west, suggesting that a portion of recent observed warming is attributable to human influenced changes in greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations. Precipitation Trends in precipitation for the study area are much less clear. Instrumental data for much of the northwestern U.S. show modest increases in precipitation during the past century (Fig. 20, Mote et al. 1999, 2003,2005) whereas records from parts of the southern Rockies do not show trends in precipitation for the past century (Ray et al. 2008). Natural variability in precipitation is evident in the instrumental record for all of the climate regions and long-term drought conditions in the past century impacted large areas of the study area although 20th century droughts were not as severe as those evident at other periods during the past millennium (Cook et al. 2007, 2004). For example, two significant droughts in the 1930’s and 1950’s impacted much of the study area. The 1930’s drought was more widespread and pronounced in the northern climate regions while the 1950’s drought was centered more on the southcentral and southwestern U.S. (Cook et al. 2007, Gray et al. 2004, Fye et al. 2003) and research suggests that climatic conditions that influenced the nature and location of these droughts is likely linked to low-frequency oscillations in ocean-atmospheric interactions (McCabe et al. 2004, Gray et al. 2007, Hidalgo 2004, Graumlich et al. 2003). 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Figure 20. Trends in 1 Apr SWE over the 1960–2002 period of record directly from snow course observations. Positive trends are shown in blue and negative in red, by the scale indicated in the legend. Source: Mote et al. 2005 Journal of Climate Surface Hydrology Since 1950 more precipitation has been falling as rain than snow, snowmelt and peak runoff is occurring earlier and river flows are decreasing during summer months (Fig. 21, Pederson et al. 2010, 2009, Mote et al. 2006, Barnett et al. 2008). Recent impacts on snowpack and surface hydrology are strongly associated with more precipitation falling as rain than snow and earlier snowmelt (Knowles et al. 2006). Comparisons of paleodata and instrumental records with changing climate conditions suggest that cool season precipitation is more strongly associated with natural multidecadal, decadal and inter-annual variability in ocean-atmosphere conditions than rising temperatures. 2 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Despite modest increases in precipitation in parts of the central and northern portions of the study area (modest declines for parts of the southern U.S. Rockies), significant declines in snowpack are evident in much of the northwestern U.S., especially in the northern U.S. Rockies and parts of the Upper Columbia Basin ((Hamlet and Lettenmaier 2007, Gray et al. 2004, 2007, Pederson et al. 2004, 2010, Selkowitz et al. 2002, Mote et al. 2005, Mote et al. 2008). In Glacier National Park glaciers decreased nearly 30% by 1993 from their areal extent in 1850 (Hall and Fagre 2003) and of the 150 glaciers present in 1910, only 27 still exist (Fagre 2002). Much of the changes to surface hydrology of the western U.S. since 1950 can be attributed to human-caused climate change related to increases in greenhouse gas emissions and aerosols (Barnett et al. 2008, Bonfils et al. 2008). During the past century trends in drought conditions have been increasing in central and southern parts of the study area and decreasing in northern areas of the study area (Andreadis and Lettenmaier 2006) although drought conditions are expected to increase for much of the study area in the future (Hoerling and Eischeid 2007). Figure 21. Average winter (Dec-Feb; top), spring (Mar-May; middle), and annual (bottom) minimum temperatures from SNOTEL (water year Oct-Sep) and valley MET (calendar year Jan-Dec) stations. Source: Mote et al. 2006 Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Ocean-atmosphere interactions (e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, and El Niño Southern Oscillation) are important drivers of multi-decadal, decadal and inter-annual variability in temperature and precipitation (Pederson et al. 2010, 2009, Gray et al. 2007, 2004, 2003, McCabe et al. 2004, Hidalgo 2004) but their impacts vary greatly across latitudinal, elevational and longitudinal gradients. The Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) exhibits a cool and warm phase that typically last for 20-30 year intervals (Mantua et al. 1997). During the 20th century several switches occurred between warm and cool phases and the magnitude of PDO phases increased in the latter half of the past century (Fig. 22, McCabe et al. 2004, Mantua et al. 2002, 1997). 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Figure 22. Time series of the annual PDO and AMO. Shaded areas indicate combinations of positive (+) and negative (-) PDO and AMO periods. Source: McCabe et al. 2004 PNAS 3 131 Ocean-atmosphere interactions - PDO and ENSO. 132 133 134 135 136 The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are the predominant source of interdecadal (PDO) and inter-annual (ENSO) climate variability for much of the study area and the potential for temperature and precipitation extremes increases when ENSO and PDO are in the same phases (CIG, other cits.). Natural variations in PDO and ENSO are characterized by changes in sea surface temperature, sea level pressure, and wind patterns (Mantua 1997, Wolter and Timlin 1993). 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 The PDO is described as being in one of two phases: a warm phase (positive index value) and a cool phase (negative index value). Figure 1 shows the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies that are associated with the warm phase of PDO. The spatial patterns are very similar: both favor anomalously warm sea surface temperatures near the equator and along the coast of North America, and anomalously cool sea surface temperatures in the central North Pacific. The cool phases for PDO and ENSO, which are not shown, have the opposite patterns of SST anomalies: cool along the equator and the coast of North America and warm in the central north Pacific. During the 20th century, each PDO phase typically lasted for 20-30 years (Figure X previous page). Studies indicate that the PDO was in a cool phase from approximately 1890 to 1925 and 1945 to 1977. Warm phase PDO regimes existed from 1925-1946 and from 1977 to (at least) 1998. Pacific climate changes in the late 1990's have, in many respects, suggested another reversal in the PDO (from "warm" to "cool" phase and possibly back to “warm”). 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 Figure 1. Warm Phase PDO and ENSO. The spatial pattern of anomalies in sea surface temperature (shading, degrees Celsius) and sea level pressure (contours) associated with the warm phase of PDO for the period 1900-1992. Note that the main center of action for the PDO (left) is in the north Pacific, while the main center of action for ENSO is in the equatorial Pacific (right). Contour interval is 1 millibar, with additional contours drawn for +0.25 and 0.5 mb. Positive (negative) contours are dashed (solid). Source: Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington. 162 163 164 165 166 167 ENSO variations are commonly referred to as El Niño (the warm phase of ENSO) or La Niña (the cool phase of ENSO). An El Niño is characterized by stronger than average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, reduced strength of the easterly trade winds in the Tropical Pacific, and an eastward shift in the region of intense tropical rainfall (Fig. 2). A La Niña is characterized by the opposite – cooler than average sea surface temperatures, stronger than normal easterly trade winds, and a westward shift in the region of intense tropical rainfall. 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Natural variation in the strength of PDO and ENSO events impact climate regions in different ways. In the northwestern U.S. and parts of the central U.S. Rockies, warm-phase PDO and El Niño winters tend to be warmer and drier than average with below normal snowpack and streamflow whereas La Niña winters tend to be cooler and wetter than average with above normal snowpack and streamflow (Graumlich et al. 2003, Cayan et al. 1999). The southern U.S. Rockies and the southwestern U.S. respond differently, here warm-phase PDO and El Niño winters tend to be wetter than average with above normal snowpack and streamflow and La Niña winters tend to be drier than average with below normal snowpack and streamflow (Gray et al. 2004). Figure 2. Multivariate ENSO index, 1950-2009. Positive (red) index values indicate an El Niño event. Negative (blue) values indicate a La Niña event (Wolter and Timlin 1998, 1993). 4 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 As with other indices of ocean-atmosphere conditions, the PDO index influences precipitation differently across the western U.S., with cool-season precipitation negatively correlated with a positive (warm) phase PDO in the Upper Columbia Basin and northern U.S. Rockies and parts of the central U.S. Rockies and GYA and positively correlated with the warm PDO in parts of the central and southern U.S. Rockies (Fig. 23, Mote et al. 2005). Thus, the northwestern U.S. generally receives more winter precipitation during when PDO index is low or negative and the southwestern U.S. receives more precipitation when the PDO index is high or positive. Fig 23. Relationships between two climate indices, NPI and PDO, and 1 Apr SWE, over the 1960–2002 period of record. (a), (b) Correlations are shown as red for negative and blue for positive; circles indicate statistically significant trends, and/or indicates insignificant trends. (c), (d) The trend explained by regression with the index, SWEX [see Eq. (3)], in units of cm as in Fig. 5. Source: Mote et al. 2005 Journal of Climate Significant droughts appear to be linked to complex interactions between PDO, AMO and, to a lesser extent, variations in ENSO although longer droughts likely result from low-frequency oscillations in PDO and AMO. Research indicates a link between the warmphase (positive) of AMO and past drought with positive and negative phases of PDO moderating the geographic center of droughts (centered more in northwestern U.S. when PDO is positive and southwestern U.S. when PDO is negative (Fye 2003, Hidalgo 2004). For example, the dust bowl drought was associated with a positive AMO and a positive PDO and was centered more over the southwestern U.S. whereas the 1950’s drought (positive AMO and PDO) was centered more over Wyoming, Montana and the Canadian Rockies (Gray et al. 2004, Fye et al. 2003). Drought conditions in the interior western U.S. are strongly associated with low-frequency variations in AMO and to a lesser extent PDO (McCabe et al. 2004, Hidalgo 2004, Graumlich et al. 2003, Enfield et al. 2001) and these variations appear more pronounced in the northern and central U.S. Rockies than parts of the southwestern U.S. (Hidalgo 2004). In the coastal Pacific Northwest and southwestern U.S., variations in precipitation and warm-season water availability appear more sensitive to low-frequency ENSO variations than PDO and AMO although different combinations of these phases tend to amplify or dampen ENSO signals in climatic and hydrologic records (Gray et al. 2007, 2004, McCabe et al. 2004, Hidalgo 2004). While ocean-atmospheric interactions including ENSO and PDO are partially responsible for variations in climatic conditions across the climate regions that are the focus of this synthesis, research suggests that since the late 20th century, human influences, via increased greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations, are amplifying, dampening and, in some cases, overriding the influence of natural variability of these phenomena (Barnett et al. 2008, Bonfils et al. 2008, McCabe et al. 2008, Gray et al. 2006, 2003). 5 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 Changes in storm track and circulation patterns Simulations of 21st century climate suggest a northward movement of the storm-track influencing precipitation for much of the western U.S. (Yin 2005, Lorenz and DeWeaver 2007) which has the potential to reduce precipitation for large parts of the study area. McAfee and Russell (2008) show that a strengthening of the Northern Annual Mode, an index of sea level pressure poleward of 20˚ N, which results in a poleward displacement of the Pacific Northwest stormtrack, increased zonal (west to east) flow and reduced spring precipitation west of the Rocky Mountains and increased spring precipitation east of the Rocky Mountains (McAfee and Russell 2008). This shift in the storm track is expected to persist well into the future and may reduce the length of the cool-season, when circulation patterns provide the bulk of precipitation for large areas of the central and northern parts of the study area (McAfee and Russell 2008). If this becomes a more permanent shift in the storm-track position, this phenomena could increase warm season (i.e., warm and dry) conditions for the Upper Columbia Basin, northern U.S. Rockies and parts of the central U.S. Rockies whereas the central and southern U.S. Rockies could receive increased spring season precipitation east of the Rockies. Changes in storm-track position and circulation patterns will be superimposed on current trends, amplifying or dampening changing conditions (e.g, reduced snowpack, earlier snowmelt and peak flows, diminished summer flows, increased evapotranspiration) depending on location. Ecological Impacts Recent changes in climate conditions such as warming temperatures and associated declines in snowpack and surface-hydrology are already influencing ecosystem dynamics. Several examples illustrate the types of ecological impacts that have been observed in the past century including: earlier spring bloom and leaf out of plant species, forest infill at and near treeline, and increased impact of disturbances such as wildfire and insect outbreaks, all of which are likely to continue with increased warming. Throughout much of the western U.S. spring bloom of a number of plant species has occurred earlier, in some cases as much as several weeks (Cayan et al. 2001, Schwartz and Reiter 2000). In the northern U.S. Rockies, increased density of trees at or near treeline has been observed at a number of sites (Fagre et al. 2004). This “infill” phenomenon is not uncommon in the western U.S. and is predicted to continue where minimum temperatures rise, snowpack in high-snowfall areas decreases and moisture is not limiting (Graumlich et al. 2005, Lloyd and Graumlich 1997, Fagre et al. 2004, Rochefort et al. 1994). While evidence for “infill” is widespread, upslope movement in treeline position is much more variable and research suggests that upslope movement will be characterized by a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in relation to variables that control treeline (Graumlich et al. 2005, Lloyd and Graumlich 1997). Changing climate conditions are also influencing important disturbance processes that regulate ecosystem dynamics. Warming temperatures, earlier snowmelt and increased evapotranspiration are increasing moisture stress on forest species making them more susceptible to insect invasions. An increase in the extent, intensity and synchronicity of mountain pine beetle attacks in the western U.S. and Canada have been linked to forests stressed by dry intervals and are less able to resist beetle infestations (Bentz et al. 2009, Hicke et al. 2006, Romme et al. 2006, Logan et al. 2003, Carroll et al. 2004, Breshears et al. 2005). Warming temperatures have also influenced bark beetle population dynamics though reduced winter kill and have helped facilitate the reproduction and spread of these insects (Black et al. 2010, Carroll et al. 2004). In some cases, past forest management (e.g., factors related to structural characteristics of host stands) might also facilitate beetle infestation (Black et al. 2010, Bentz et al. 2009). Another example involves the area of the western U.S. burned by forest fires annually. The extent of the western U.S. burned by fires each year is strongly linked to changing climate conditions (Littell et al. 2009, 2008, Higuera et al. 2009, Morgan et al. 2008) and changes in surface 6 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 hydrology associated with reduced snowpack, earlier spring runoff and peak flows, and diminished summer flows have been linked to increased frequency and duration of large fires and a lengthened fire season in the western U.S., impacts where are most evident at mid-elevation forests in the northern U.S. Rockies (Westerling et al. 2006). These are only a few examples of ecological impacts linked to recent changes in climate, and all of these impacts are expected to become more pronounced in many parts of the study area with future changes. Northern U.S. Rockies Temperature Over the course of the 20th century, the instrumental record in the northern Rockies (NR) shows a significant increase in average seasonal, annual, minimum and maximum temperatures (Figs. 24-25, Loehman and Anderson 2009, Pederson et al. 2010, 2009). Regional average annual temperatures in the Northern Rockies increased between 1-2C (Pederson et al. 2009, Pederson et al. submitted, Loehman and Anderson 2009). Within this framework of increasing regional temperatures, seasonal and annual minimum temperatures are generally increasing at a rate greater than that of the maximum temperatures (Pederson et al. 2009, Pederson et al. submitted). In particular summer and winter seasonal average minimum temperatures are increasing at a rate significantly greater than that of the respective season’s average maximum temperatures, causing a pronounced reduction in the seasonal daily temperature range (DTR) index (Pederson et al. 2009). The magnitude of minimum temperature increases also appears seasonally variable: in area SNOTEL sites, Pederson et al. (submitted) estimated minimum temperature increases since 1983 of +3.8 ± 1.72˚ C in winter (DJF), of +2.5 ± 1.23˚ C in spring (MAM), and of +3.5 ± 0.73˚ C annually (Fig. 25). The magnitude of changes varies locally but there are few exceptions to this general trend in warming. Fig. 24 Comparison of variability and trends in western Montana (blue-green) and Northern Hemisphere (dark blue line) annual average temperatures. A 5-year moving average (red line) highlights the similarity in trends and decadal variability between records. Source: Pederson et al. 2010 Climatic Change Temperature trends within the NR generally track Northern Hemisphere trends across temporal scales (Fig. 24). This similarity between regional and continental scale trends suggests that large-scale climate forcings such as greenhouse gases, patterns in sea surface temperatures (SSTs), volcanic activity, and solar variability that drive decadal scale temperature global and continentally also drive regional temperatures in the NR (Pederson et al. 2009). 7 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 Figure 25. SNOTEL station Tmin records have been fit using a non-linear quadratic equation due to characteristics of these time series. All trends shown are significant (p ≤ 0.05) and note the y-axis temperature scale changes for each panel. Source: Pederson et al. submitted Precipitation When compared to the distinctive, statistically significant trends present in the 20th century temperature records for the NR, no long-term (centennial scale) trends are evident in the precipitation time series data. Throughout the west, high inter-annual, annual, and decadal precipitation variability hinders trend detection within the time series to derive a consistent, centennial-scale trends in precipitation that are statistically significant (Ray et al. 2008). General patterns throughout the latter part of the 20th century indicate that areas within the NR experienced noticeable, albeit modest, decreases in annual precipitation (Mote et al. 2005, Knowles et al. 2006). Although few statistically significant long-term trends can be derived from regional 20th century precipitation time series data, rising temperatures throughout the west have led to an increasing proportion of precipitation falling as rain rather than snow (Knowles et al. 2006). However, due to regional winter temperatures averaging significantly less than 0C, areas in the NR are generally less sensitive to shifts in precipitation type spurred by rising temperature when compared to other regions in West (Knowles et al. 2006). Surface Hydrology In the NR, like most of the western United States, snow water equivalent (SWE) within a winter snowpack largely controls surface runoff and hydrology for the water year and consequently has significant impacts on water resources throughout the year (e.g. Pierce et al. 2009, Barnett et al. 2008, Stewart et al. 2005, Pederson et al. submitted). Over the second half of the twentieth century, studies have demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in winter snowpack SWE across the region (Barnett et al. 2008, Pederson et al. submitted). Additionally, earlier onsets of springtime snowmelt and streamflow have been documented (Stewart et al. 2005). Ocean-atmosphere interactions In the NR during the 20th century, the warm-phase (positive) of PDO is associated with reduced streamflow and snowpack (Fagre et al. 2003) and the cool-phase of PDO is associated with increased streamflow and snowpack (Fig. 26-27). Ecological responses are also evident in changes in the distribution of mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana). At high elevations growth of mountain hemlock is limited by snowpack free days where a warm-phase PDO often results in decreased snowpack and increased mountain hemlock growth (Fagre et al. 2003). The response is opposite at low elevation sites 8 375 376 377 378 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 where moisture is limiting and a warm-phase PDO commonly leads to less moisture which constrains mountain hemlock growth and establishment (Fagre et al. 2003). 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 Figure 26. First EOF amplitudes representing spatially broad patterns of (top) variability in winter wet-day minimum temperature and (bottom) fraction of winter precipitation falling as snow, with PDO phases indicated. The thick, wavy lines are low-passfiltered versions of each amplitude. The portion of the low-pass curve that best describes a given period is used for that period. Source: Figure 27. Comparison of GNP summer drought, winter snowpack (May 1 SWE) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. All time series have been smoothed using a 5 yr moving average. (a) Relationship between the average annual instrumental PDO index (blue line, inverted for ease of comparison) [Mantua and Hare, 2002] and May 1 SWE anomalies (red line) for GNP. (inset) Correlations between winter (October–March) precipitation and the PDO index for all U.S. climate divisions spanning 1949–2003 ( (b) Reconstructed PDO [D’Arrigo et al., 2001] used as a proxy for snowpack anomalies back to 1700. Positive (negative) values of the reconstructed PDO correspond with low (high) winter snowpack as indicated by the strong relationship with instrumental May 1 SWE anomalies (r = _0.688) for the common period of overlap (1922–1979). (c) Summer drought (MSD) reconstruction for GNP. Source: Pederson et al. 2004 Geophysical Research Letters Pederson et al. (submitted) summarize how variation in Pacific SSTs, atmospheric circulation and surface feedbacks influence climate conditions, snowpack and streamflow for the northern Rocky mountains. Winters with high snowpack in the NRMs tend to be associated with negative PDO conditions, a weakened Aleutian Low, and low pressure centered poleward of 45°N across western North America (Fig. 28). During years of high snowpack, for example, the tendency is for mid-latitude cyclones to track from the Gulf of Alaska southeast through the Pacific Northwest and into the NRMs. The relatively persistent low-pressure anomaly centered over western North America is also conducive to more frequent Arctic-air outbreaks resulting in colder winter temperatures. ENSO is also an important driver of snowpack and streamflow at inter-annual time-scales, and the influence of related tropical Pacific atmospheric circulation anomalies persists well into the spring. 9 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 Changes in spring (MAM) temperatures and precipitation are associated with changes in regional atmospheric circulation, and are also shown to strongly influence the timing of NRM streamflow (Fig. 28). Springtime geopotential heights over western North America influence the amount, but more importantly the timing, of snowmelt and streamflow across the northern U.S. Rockies. Specifically, high pressure anomalies centered over western North America correspond with increased spring temperatures and consequently the increasing number of snow-free days, early arrival of snow meltout, and streamflow CT. Atmospheric circulation changes occurring in March and April can, in turn, initiate surface feedbacks that contribute to surface temperature and hydrograph anomalies (Fig. 28). Hence, in the northern U.S. Rockies warming temperatures influence earlier snowmelt and runoff and associated decreasing snowpack and streamflow but can also be partially attributed to seasonallydependant ocean-atmosphere teleconnections and atmospheric circulation patterns as well as surfacealbedo feedbacks that interact with broad-scale controls on snowpack and runoff (Pederson et al. submitted). 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 Figure 28. Idealized relationship between NRM snowpack and streamflow anomalies with associated Pacific SSTs, atmospheric circulation, and surface feedbacks. Source: Pederson et al. submitted Central U.S. Rockies and GYA Temperature Temperatures for the central U.S. Rockies and the GYA (CR-GYA) have increased 1-2C during the past century, with the greatest increases occurring in the latter half of the 20th century. Trends in temperatures during the past century are slightly higher than the southwestern U.S. and slightly lower than the northern U.S. Rockies, following a pattern of more pronounced temperature increases for higher latitudes in the latter half of the 20th century (Cayan 2001, Ray et al. 2008). Increasing winter and spring temperatures have resulted in reduced snowpack, earlier spring snowmelt and peak flows, and, in 10 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 some cases, lower summer flows for major basins in the climate region (Watson et al. 2009, Gray et al. 2007, 2004, 2003, Graumlich et al. 2003) Precipitation Records of precipitation for the CR-GYA show highly variable patterns across gradients in elevation, latitude and longitude. No long-term trends over the past century are evident although patterns in inter-annual, decadal and multi-decadal variation are evident in reconstructions of past hydrology from tree-ring records (Fig. 29, Watson et al. 2009, Gray et al. 2007, 2004, Graumlich et al. 2003). A greater proportion of precipitation is falling as rain versus snow in this climatic region but the impacts are less pronounced than other parts of the western U.S. (Knowles et al. 2006). In many parts of the CR-GYA, the 1930s and 1950s were significantly drier and the 1940s were wetter than average although subregional variation is high, likely associated with the location of this climate region in a transition between Pacific Northwest and southwestern U.S. atmospheric circulation patterns discussed further below (Watson et al. 2009, Gray et al. 2007, 2004, 2003, Graumlich 2003). Figure 29. (a) Observed annual (previous July through current year June) precipitation for Wyoming Climate Division 1 (gray line) vs. estimates of precipitation based on the stepwise regression (black line) model. (b) The full stepwise version of reconstructed annual precipitation (black line) for AD 1173 to 1998. The horizontal line (solid gray) near 400 mm represents the series mean, and the vertical line (dotted gray) at AD 1258 divides the wellreplicated portion of the record from reconstructed values in the earlier, less-replicated years (see Methods). Source: Gray et al. 2007 Quaternary Research Ocean-atmosphere interactions The influence of ocean-atmospheric interactions on decadal, multi-decadal and inter-annual variation in climatic conditions in the CR-GYA is more spatially variable than the other climate regions because the region falls in a transition area between northwestern U.S. and southwestern U.S. circulation patterns that strongly influence climatic conditions differently for these two areas of the western U.S. (Gray et al. 2007, 2004, Graumlich et al. 2003). Because the CR-GYA encompasses this transition between major circulation types, a complex interaction between natural variations in ocean-atmospheric interactions such as El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and topography, 11 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 latitude and longitude often result in opposite trends in climatic conditions at sites within the same region (Gray et al. 2007). Variation in precipitation and water availability in the CR-GYA is complex, largely due to the fact that CRGYA is influenced by both Southwest and Pacific Northwest modes of ocean-atmospheric variability and is split between the winter-wet and summer-wet divisions outlined by Whitlock and Bartlein (1993). High elevation snow basins within the central Rockies and western portions of the GYA typically responds similar to the Pacific Northwest where the cool-phase (negative) PDO results in cool, wetter than average winters and warmer and drier than average winter precipitation coincides with the warmphase (positive) PDO (Gray et al. 2007, 2004, Graumlich et al. 2003, Dettinger et al. 1998). Similar to the Pacific Northwest, these portions of the climate region experience increased precipitation during La Nina ENSO events and decreased precipitation during El Niño events, and ENSO seems to be linked to the magnitude of PDO anomalies, especially so during winter months (Gray et al. 2007). Alternatively, lower elevation sites and eastern portions of the GYA respond more like areas of the southwestern U.S. or show little response to ENSO events (Gray et al. 2004). Here, years with strong El Nino SST’s result in increased winter precipitation and drier conditions during La Nina events. This decoupling of high and low and low elevation precipitation regimes is common throughout the central U.S. Rockies, complicating predictions of future precipitation for the region (Woodhouse 2001). Southern U.S. Rockies Temperature In the last 30 years temperatures have increased between 1-2 ˚F throughout the Southern U.S. Rockies. The north central mountains of Colorado warmed the most, ~2.5 ˚F and high elevations have warmed more quickly than lower elevations (Diaz and Eischeid 2007). Warming is evident at almost all locations and temperatures have increased the most in the north central mountains and the least in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado (Ray et al. 2008). Only the Arkansas River Valley in southeastern Colorado show slight cooling trend during the 20th century and no trend is evident in this area for the latter half of the century (Ray et al. 2008). Precipitation Records of precipitation for the Southern U.S. Rockies (SR) for the past century indicate highly variable annual amounts and no long term trends are evident for the region (Ray et al. 2008, Dettinger et al. 2005). Like elsewhere in the interior west, a greater proportion of precipitation is falling as rain versus snow than in the past but these changes are less pronounced than in the Northern U.S. Rockies (Knowles et al. 2006). Decadal variability is evident in records of precipitation and surface flows and is linked to variability in ocean-atmosphere and land-surface interactions (Fig. 30, Dettinger et al. 2005). 12 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 Fig 30. Observed time series (18952007) of annually averaged precipitation departures areaaveraged over the Upper Colorado drainage basin (top panel) and annual Colorado River natural flow departures at Lees Ferry in million acre-feet (bottom panel). The precipitation data are based on 4kmgridded PRISM data. Colorado River natural flow data from the Bureau of Reclamation. Source: Ray et al. 2008 Surface Hydrology Paralleling trends evident throughout the interior west, more precipitation is falling as rain than snow, spring snowpack is decreasing, especially at lower and mid-elevations below 2500 m and peak streamflows are occurring earlier because of warmer spring temperatures (Knowles et al. 2006, Bales et al. 2006, Stewart et al. 2005, Hamlet et al. 2005, Clow 2007, Mote 2006, 2003). Additionally, summer flows are typically lower although annual flows show high variability but no significant trends in most locations (Ray et al. 2008). Ocean-atmosphere interactions The Colorado River Basin spans an important transition area where the influence of Pacific Northwest and southwestern U.S. circulation patterns show opposite trends (Gray et al. 2007, Clark et al. 2001). Averages in SWE and annual runoff during El Nino years reflect this transition as northern parts of this climate region experience drier-than-average conditions, whereas the southern portions experience wetter-than-average conditions and the opposite conditions occur during La Nina years (i.e., wetter than average in the north and drier than average in the south and west) and anomalies tend to be more pronounced in spring in southern portions of the climate region. Long-term droughts are linked more closely to low-frequency oscillations in PDO and AMO and are most commonly associated with the interaction between a cool-phase (negative) PDO and warm-phase (positive) AMO (McCabe et al. 2004). Upper Columbia Basin Temperature For most of the Upper Columbia Basin (UCB), average annual 20th century temperatures (data from 1920-2003) have increased by 0.7-0.8 °C and the warmest decade was the 1990s (Fig. 31, CIG 2010). Average temperatures have increased as much as 2° C in parts of the climate region and increases have been more pronounced at higher elevations (cits.). Winter and spring average temperatures and daily minimum temperatures have increased more than other seasons and more than maximum temperatures during the mid-20th century. During the latter half of the 20th century minimum and maximum temperatures have increased at similar rates (Watson et al. 2009, Karl et al. 1993, Dettinger et al. 1995, Lettenmaier et al. 1994, CIG 2010). 13 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 635 636 637 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 Figure 31. 20th century trends in (a) average annual PNW temperature (1920-2000). This figure shows widespread increases in average annual temperature for the period 1920 to 2000. The size of the dot corresponds to the magnitude of the change. Pluses and minuses indicate increases or decreases, respectively, that are less than the given scale. Source: Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington. Precipitation Trends in precipitation for the Upper Columbia Basin are less clear than trends in temperatures and observations indicate high decadal variability. Precipitation has generally increased in the northwestern U.S., by 14% for the entire region (1930-1995) and range between 13%-38% for different parts of the region (Fig. 32, Mote et al. 2003) although trends are often not statistically significant depending on the area and time interval measured. Paralleling trends observed for much of the interior western U.S., variability in winter precipitation has increased since 1973 (Hamlet and Lettenmaier 2007). 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 Figure 32. 20th century trends in average annual precipitation (1920-2000). Increases (decreases) are indicated with blue (red) dots. The size of the dot corresponds to the magnitude of change. Source: CIG, University of Washington. 14 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 Surface hydrology Spring snowpack and snow water equivalent (SWE) declined throughout the UCB in the latter half of the 20th century and was most pronounced at low and mid-elevations (Figure 33, Mote et al. 2003, Hamlet et al. 2005, Mote 2006). Declines in snowpack and SWE are associated with increased temperatures and declines in precipitation over the same time period and declines of up to 40% or more are recorded for some parts of the climate region (Mote et al, 2003, 2005). In addition to declines in snowpack, the timing of peak runoff has shifted 2-3 weeks earlier for much for much of the region during the latter half of the 20th century (Stewart et al. 2004) and the greatest shifts have occurred in the mountain plateaus of Washington, Oregon and western Idaho (Hamlet et al. 2007). Because ecosystems in the Upper Columbia Basin rely on the release of moisture from snowpack these shifts are significantly impacting plant species which are blooming and leafing out earlier in the spring (Mote et al. 2005, Cayan et al. 2001, Schwartz and Reiter 2000). 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 Figure 33. 20th century trends in (b) April 1 snow water equivalent (1950-2000). This figure shows widespread increases in April 1 snow water equivalent (an important indicator for forecasting summer water supplies) for the period 1950 to 2000. The size of the dot corresponds to the magnitude of the change. Pluses and minuses indicate increases or decreases, respectively, that are less than the given scale. Source: CIG, University of Washington. Ocean-atmosphere interactions Variations in climatic conditions in the UCB are related to ocean-atmosphere and land-surface interactions, namely El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) phenomena. In their warm phases (i.e., El Niño conditions for ENSO), both ENSO and PDO increase the chance for a warmer winter and spring in the UCB and decrease the chance that winter precipitation will meet historical averages. The opposite tendencies are true for cool phase ENSO (La Niña) and PDO: they increase the odds that UCB winters will be cooler and wetter than average (Clark et al. 2001). While typically warmer than average, SWE anomalies during strong El Niño are often less pronounced and winter precipitations are commonly close to historical averages (Clark et al. 2001, CIG). Clark et al. (2001) suggest that El Nino circulation anomalies are centered more in the interior west than for La Nina circulation anomalies and are most evident in the middle of winter. 15 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 Lessons from the recent past: what can we learn from 20th century observations? Small changes can have large impacts Modest increases in temperature are already having dramatic impacts on surface hydrology through earlier and diminished spring snowpack (Mote 2006, 2003, Stewart et al. 2005, 2004, Pederson et al. submitted), increases in the proportion of winter precipitation as rain versus snow (Knowles et al. 2006, Bales et al. 2006), decreased snow season length at most elevations (Bales et al. 2006), earlier blooming dates for plants (Cayan et al. 2001, Schwartz and Reiter 2000) and lower summer flows (Meko 2007). Changes in the distribution of minimum temperatures and frost-free days illustrate how small changes in temperature may have large changes to surface hydrology (Barnett et al. 2004, Stewart et al. 2004). Evidence from a number of studies suggests that even small increases in temperatures are expected to have dramatic impacts on water availability for much of the western U.S. Along with changes in snowpack and earlier spring runoff, modest temperature increases predicted for the future suggest that drought conditions will become much more common (Hoerling and Eischeid 2007, Seager et al. 2007, Barnett and Pierce 2009). Increased winter precipitation that is predicted for central and northern areas of the study area will likely not be adequate to offset increased rates of evapotranspiration, leading to increased number of dry days and increased frequency (and possibly intensity) of droughts for much of the interior west (Gray et al. 2009, Hoerling and Eischeid 2007, Seager et al. 2006). Shifting distributions and new norms The western U.S. is vulnerable to small changes in temperature and drier summers because much of the western U.S. consists of arid to semi-arid ecosystems that depend on limited water resources regulated by dynamics of mountain snowpack (Gray et al. 2009). While many ecosystems are adapted to natural variations in water availability, a shift in the distribution of drought like conditions where they become the norm and the frequency and magnitude of dry conditions exceed historical patterns could result in a tipping point where major redistribution of vegetative communities ensues (Fig. 34, Jackson et al. 2009). Rapid changes in the storage and distribution of surface flows related to snowpack could have significant impacts on ecosystems adapted to past snowpack dynamics that may change to the point that they exceed recent natural ranges of variation and ecosystem thresholds where adaptation and/or fundamental transitions occur (Fig. 34). Figure 34. Idealised version of a coping range showing the relationship between climate change and threshold exceedance, and how adaptation can establish a new critical threshold, reducing vulnerability to climate change (modified from Jones and Mearns 2005). Source: IPCC 2007. Small increases in temperatures are already resulting in greater evaporative losses from lakes, streams, wetlands and from terrestrial ecosystems and modest increases in winter precipitation that some models predict for the northern parts of the study area are not expected to keep pace with and offset increased evapotranspiration (Gray et al. 2009, Arnell 1999). For example, models from Gray and 16 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 McCabe (in review) estimate a 15-25% decrease in water in the Yellowstone River in the future and, even with increased precipitation it would take the wettest years of last 800 years to offset increased evapotranspiration associated with warmer temperatures (Gray and McCabe in review). Additionally, the frequency of extreme episodes of precipitation and temperature has occurred in the past century (Karl et al. 2009, IPCC 2007, Groisman et al. 2005, Kunkel et al. 2003, Madsen and Figdor 2007) and shifts in the distribution of climate conditions (e.g., average summer temperatures) will likely result in increased occurrence of extreme conditions when compared with 20th century conditions (Fig. 35). Research indicates that delivery of precipitation in many parts of the western U.S. will occur as extreme events and will result in more dry days as there will be longer intervals without precipitation (Groisman et al. 2005, Kunkel et al. 2003, Madsen and Figdor 2007). 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 Figure 35. Schematic showing the effect on extreme temperatures when the mean temperature increases, for a normal temperature distribution. Source: IPCC 2007 753 754 755 756 What can we expect in the future? 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 Many of the trends in climate evident in the past century are expected to continue in the future. Temperatures are expected to increase across the landscape, although short-term variation is still expected. An example of short-term variation that some point to as a reversal of warming temperatures relates to a modest cooling that much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced in the last decade, a phenomenon which has now been largely attributed to a temporary decrease in atmospheric concentrations of water vapor in the lower stratosphere (Solomon et al. 2010). This short-term cooling illustrates of how short-term variations will be superimposed on longer-term trends. Changes in the amount and spatial distribution of precipitation are related to a complex interaction of global circulation patterns, ocean- and land surface -atmosphere interactions that are still poorly understood. Additionally, the influence of human activities on natural variations appears to be increasing (Barnett et al. 2008, Bonfils et al. 2008). While models generally predict increased precipitation for parts of the northern and central U.S. Rockies and the Upper Columbia Basin and decreased amounts for the southwestern U.S., both uncertainty and variability is expected to be high and is reflected in model predictions. Levels of uncertainty are a critical component of any prediction of future conditions and careful consideration of how levels vary should inform how managers anticipate future conditions. Scenario planning can be an effective approach for considering future conditions that area highly uncertain, an approach discussed in more detail later. 774 775 Model projections of future conditions 776 777 Analysis of future projections for temperature, precipitation, snowpack, stream flow, drought, growing season. Jeremy Littell will provide figures representing wall-to-wall downscaled models (VIC model 17 778 779 780 781 forecasts) for key variables (temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, snowpack, growing season and possibly others e.g. extreme events?) for most of our study area. He will also provide some text to accompany these figures and, if possible, text discussing key sources of uncertainty associated with future projections. 782 783 Figures of future projections for a few key variables (temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, snowpack or streamflow, growing season) for each of the climate regions and text on uncertainty. 784 1. Northern U.S. Rockies 785 2. Central U.S. Rockies and the GYA 786 3. Southern U.S. Rockies 787 4. Upper Columbia Basin 788 789 Ecological Response: Area burned example 790 791 792 Phil Higuera is interested in providing predictions for future area burned under different climate scenarios. This is new modeling that he has been working on and would provide an example of projected ecological (process) response to biophysical changes identified in the VIC and other models. 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 816 817 818 819 820 821 Trends that will likely continue to impact large parts of the study area Climate conditions 2-6 + C degrees in temperature and higher at higher latitudes Increased but highly variable precipitation for parts of the Upper Columbia Basin, northern and central U.S. Rockies. Decreased but highly variable precipitation for parts of the central and southern U.S. Rockies. Increased evapotranspiration for most of the western U.S. which will likely not be offset by increased precipitation (Fig. 36, Hoerling and Eischeid 2007, Seager et al. 2006). 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 Fig. 36. Modeled changes in annual mean precipitation minus evaporation over the American Southwest (125°W to 95°W and 25°N to 40°N, land areas only), averaged over ensemble members for each of the 19 models. The historical period used known and estimated climate forcings, and the projections used the SResA1B emissions scenario. The median (red line) and 25th and 75th percentiles (pink shading) of the P − E distribution among the 19 models are shown, as are the ensemble medians of P (blue line) and E (green line) for the period common to all models (1900–2098). Anomalies (Anom) for each model are relative to that model's climatology from 1950–2000. Results have been 6-year low-pass Butterworthfiltered to emphasize low-frequency variability that is of most consequence for water resources. The model ensemble mean P − E in this region is around 0.3 mm/day. Source: Seager et al. 2007 Science 18 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 Surface Hydrology Greater proportion of winter precipitation falling as rain than snow (Knowles et al. 2006, Bales et al. 2006, Dettinger et al. 2004) Decreased snow season length at most elevations Bales et al. 2006 Less spring snowpack (Pederson et al. submitted, Mote 2006, 2005, 2003) Earlier snowmelt runoff and peak streamflows (Stewart et al. 2005, 2004, Hamlet et al. 2005, Clow 2007). Increased frequency of droughts and low summer flows (Gray et al. 2009, Meko et al. 2007). Increased evapotranspiration that will likely not be offset even where precipitation increases amplifying dry conditions (Hoerling and Eischeid 2007, Seager et al. 2006). Underground recharge may decline with declines in snowpack (Winnograd et al. 1998) With poles getting wetter and subtropics getting drier variability in mid-latitude precipitation is expected to increase (Dettinger et al. 2004) 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 Extreme conditions: Drought, Floods, Heat Waves More episodes of extreme temperatures (US Global Change report, Karl et al. 2009) Increased frequency of extreme precipitation (storm) events, rain on snow and consequent winter/spring floods in mountains (Madsen and Figdor 2007, Groisman et al. 2005, Kunkel et al. 2003). Droughts are expected to become more frequent as a result of increased temperatures, evapotranspiration and changes to surface hydrology that impact warm season conditions (Gray et al. 2009, Meko 2007). 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 Circulation patterns A long-term trend in the northward shift in the winter storm track and jet stream will likely result in more winter/autumn precipitation for the northwestern U.S. and less for southern Rockies and Southwest U.S. although variability is expected to by high (McAfee and Russell 2009). Natural variation in ocean-atmosphere interactions (e.g., PDO and ENSO) will continue to influence climate in the western U.S. but human drivers of change (i.e., greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations) are now interacting with these natural variations and are dampening, amplifying and, in some cases, overriding these natural drivers of change (Meehl et al. 2009, Barnett et al. 2008, Bonfils et al. 2008). 853 854 855 Productivity – Phenology Earlier blooming dates for many plant species (Cayan et al. 2001, Schwartz and Reiter 2000) Longer growing season (Bates et al. 2006) 856 857 858 859 Disturbance Increased impact of disturbances linked to drought stress. Examples include, increased large fires resulting from increased temperatures, changes in surface hydrology and snowpack and conditions during the warm season (Westerling et al. 2006) 19 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 906 907 Higher frequency of large-fires, longer fire season and increased area of western U.S. burned by fire (Westerling et al. 2006, Littell et al. 2009, 2008, Higuera et al. 2009, Morgan et al. 2008) Greater drought stress will likely result in more insect infestations and disease affecting forests (Black et al. 2010, Bentz et al. 2009, Hicke et al. 2006, Romme et al. 2006, Logan et al. 2003, Carroll et al. 2004, Breshears et al. 2005). Planning for the future I have made an initial attempt to adapt a part of Jackson et al. 2009 for this section but it needs further modification (Perhaps Steve could look more closely at this). Planning for future conditions that are highly uncertain presents a significant challenge for land managers. Scenario planning provides an approach for preparing for future climate conditions that are highly uncertain by anticipating a range of future conditions. Scenario planning uses a combination of scientific input, expert opinion and forecast data to develop alternative scenarios for the future (Schwartz 1991, van der Heijden 1996), contrasting with more traditional attempts at developing precise, quantitative assessments of future conditions, which are often useless because of compounded uncertainties. In scenario planning, alternative scenarios can be used as a starting point for exploring species or ecosystem vulnerabilities under a range of future conditions, and as a means for examining how management strategies might play out in the face of multiple drivers of change. Jackson et al. (2009) developed an example to illustrate this process. In this example, alternative futures can be arrayed along two axes comprising integrators of potential climate-change (drought frequency) and potential changes in disturbance regimes (fire size). In concert with monitoring and modeling, studies of past climates can define the range of drought frequency we might reasonably expect, and past studies of fire can place bounds on potential fire size. This exercise yields four quadrants, each comprising a distinct combination of climatic and fire-regime change (Fig. 37). These quadrants each provide a contrasting scenario that can be used to explore potential impacts on species or ecosystems and for examining the relative costs and benefits of various mitigation and adaptation measures. 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 Figure 37. Example of a scenario planning matrix. Each axis represents a critical driver of system change or a significant trend in the environment. In common practice, the variables chosen for analysis are likely to have the strongest influence on the system or they are associated with a high degree of uncertainty (Shoemaker 1995). In the case presented here, the axes represent a continuum between conditions that are similar to those observed in the historical record and conditions that are significantly altered from those seen today. Combining these two drivers produces four alternative scenarios for the future conditions (e.g., frequent drought and large fires in the upper right) that can then be further developed into “storylines” that provide details about how each scenario might unfold. Depending on the application and available data, axes and the resulting storylines may be defined quantitatively, or they may be based on qualitative assessments alone. Source: Jackson et al. 2009 Paleontological Society Papers 20 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 At one extreme, major climate change and altered disturbance regimes interact to drive emergence of novel ecosystems. Given limited experience with ecosystem turnover in many of the climate regions, consideration of long-term paleoenvironmental records serves as a primary means for adding texture and substance to the scenario. It also points out the risk of finding ourselves in any one of the four quadrants. For example, transition to “novel ecosystems” is analogous to the transition observed 11,000 yr BP at Yellowstone while the transitions to “inevitable surprises” and “patches and fragments” are analogous to the late Holocene transitions observed in (Fig. 38). Figure 38. Multiple time scales of vegetation change. At the 15 year scale, a decline in the area of living lodgepole pine forest in Colorado and Wyoming has arisen from a mountain pine beetle infestation; based on USFS data. At the 150 years scale, the percent of a 129,600-ha subalpine study area in central Yellowstone occupied by three different types of forest stages, recently burned (dashed line), even-aged (gray line), and all-age mixed stands (black line), show successional and disturbance influences on forest structure (Romme and Despain, 1989). The same data are shown at the 1500-year scale (extending back >250 yrs before AD 1950), and are compared with the percent pine (Pinus) pollen in pollen records from Yellowstone region, which show limited plant assemblages changes at that scale. More dramatic changes in plant assemblages are evident from the percent of pine and sagebrush (Artemisia) pollen over 15,000 years from the same sites. Gray arrows indicate different types of ecosystem changes. Pollen records shown here include the data used for climate reconstruction in Fig. 4 from Blacktail Pond, black line (Gennett and Baker, 1986); data from location of charcoal record in Fig. 4 from Slough Creek Pond, thick gray line (Millspaugh, 1997); data from the Romme and Despain (1989) study area from Buckbean Fen, short dashed line (Baker, 1976); Emerald Lake, long dashed line (Whitlock, 1993); and other datasets from Cygnet Lake Fen, gray line (Whitlock, 1993); Hedrick Pond, gray line (Whitlock 1993). Source: Jackson et al. 2009 21 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 The greatest value in scenario planning comes from uncovering vulnerabilities and potential responses, particularly those common to multiple story lines… Could spend more time discussing novel climates and novel communities (Jackson et al. 2009 PNAS) Final summary… 22 References (incomplete) Aber J., Neilson R.P., McNulty S., Lenihan J.M., Bachelet D. and Drapek R.J. 2009. 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