Modern Day Atticus Essay English 10

Modern Day Atticus Essay
English 10
Body Paragraphs
Information in the paragraph
leads in a logical, fluid way to
the thesis statement. Wellwritten, complex thesis
statement that makes a claim
about how Atticus and his real
life counterpart are similar.
Information in the paragraph is
mostly relevant to the thesis
statement. Coherent thesis
statement that makes a claim
about how Atticus and his real
life counterpart are similar.
Some information in the
paragraph is relevant to the
thesis. Identifiable thesis
statement that may not fully
address similarities between
Atticus and his counterpart.
Vague/overly-general sentences
with little connection to the
topic. Information in the
paragraph may not be related to
thesis. Weak or unidentifiable
thesis statement.
Each body paragraph includes a
well-developed, defensible, and
distinct claim about Atticus’
character. It thoroughly
explores how this claim also
applies to the real life
Each body paragraphs focuses
on a distinct claim about
Atticus’ character and explores
how this claim also applies to
the real life counterpart.
Each body paragraph focuses on
a claim, but the claim is not
fully developed.
Unidentifiable topic sentences.
Paragraph lacks cohesion. Little
to no sense of organization of
thoughts within paragraph.
No/unclear transitions between
Topic sentences both clearly
connect to thesis and take a
precise critical stance. Each
sentence in the paragraph has a
clear connection to the topic
sentence. Sophisticated
transitions between thoughts
within the paragraph.
Sophisticated transitions
between paragraphs.
Extends, enriches, and
comments on key themes and
ideas from the paper.
Revisits your thesis and takes a
precise and focused critical
stance on whether it is more
difficult to embody Atticus’
values in contemporary society.
Topic sentences take a critical
stance and connect back to the
thesis. Most sentences in the
paragraph have a clear
connection to the topic
sentence. Some sense of
transition between thoughts
within paragraph. Clear
transitions between paragraphs.
Summarizes main idea(s) of
paper with some sense of
extension / development.
Revisits your thesis and takes a
critical stance on whether it is
more difficult to embody
Atticus’ values in contemporary
Topic sentences have a mostly
clear connection to thesis and
are easily locatable by the
reader. Some sentences in the
paragraph support the topic
sentence. Organization of
thoughts within paragraph
occasionally random or
inconsistent. Some sense of
transition between paragraphs.
Summarizes main ideas; echoes
key concepts. Summarizes the
thesis. Critical stance on
whether it is more difficult to
embody Atticus’ values in
contemporary society may be
Restates main idea in identical
language; repetitious and/or
vague language. Does not
include a critical stance on
Atticus’ views and
contemporary society.
Claims are original, complex,
and sophisticated. Very wellselected and relevant evidence
to support claims. Textual
information is smoothly
embedded (ICE) and has been
purposefully selected.
Claims are coherent and
identifiable. Most evidence
accurately supports claims.
Textual information is correctly
embedded (ICE) and is mostly
Most claims are accurate and/or
identifiable. Some evidence
supports claims; paper may
have an overreliance on quoted
information. Some errors in text
embedding (ICE).
Few or unidentifiable claims.
Claims are repetitive or unclear.
Evidence seems disconnected
from claims. Textual support is
either missing or incorrectly
The works cited page is
correctly formatted. All
quotations are correctly cited.
The works cited page is mostly
error-free. Most quotations are
correctly cited.
There are substantial errors on
the works cited page and/or
with citations.
The works cited page is
incomplete or incorrect.
Quotations are not cited.
Demonstrates evidence of
rigorous, highly analytical
thinking. Develops thoughts in a
progressive, sophisticated way.
Higher-order ideas are
communicated in a cogent and
engaging fashion.
Evidence of analytical thinking
is prevalent but could be further
developed. Some thoughts are
developed in a clear and logical
way. Ideas are communicated in
a clear and mostly engaging
Thinking is somewhat
superficial and underdeveloped.
Thoughts are limited in scope
and may not be properly
developed. Most ideas are clear
to the reader.
Analytical thinking is not in
evidence; paper does not reflect
complete comprehension of
topic. Thoughts are very limited
in scope and lack development.
Many ideas have not been
clearly articulated.
Paper is virtually error-free, and
has been thoroughly proofread.
Text features: varied, wellstructured sentences; correct
spelling and punctuation; and
sophisticated, assignmentappropriate vocabulary.
Paper is mostly error-free, and
has been adequately proofread.
Text features: some sentence
variety, mostly correct spelling
and punctuation, and
Paper has a substantial number
of errors and proofreading is
somewhat inadequate. Text
features: unvaried but
structurally sound sentences,
occasional spelling/punctuation
errors, and limited and
occasionally inaccurate
Paper has frequent and
egregious errors and there is
little to no evidence of
proofreading. Text features:
fragments or run-on sentences,
frequent spelling/punctuation
errors, and overly-simplistic and
often inaccurate vocabulary.
Details and Evidence
* Please note: Failure to accurately cite sources falls under the category of plagiarism, which is clearly defined in the school handbook and has
separate consequences.