6:06pm Meeting called to order Bob reiterated the club was left in good standing by the previous board, but there is a lot of work to be done and everyone's assistance is needed. He noted 25,000 + alumni in the Metro Chicago area and we currently only touch a fraction of those people. Bob assured the group the meeting would be dismissed by 7:30pm. The approval of the June 4 minutes was tabled until August since they had not yet been distributed. Bob asked for introductions. Board members present: Carly Crystler Buddy Boor Bob Benenson Carrie Pastor Sarah Cantwell Anthony Matt Cantwell Josh Branham (by phone) Paul Saini (by phone) Guests: Lisa R. Paul Swanson Joe Michalek Jackie Hinderschatt Jessica C. Beth Bergman Alan Kosenthal Justin P. Viviana Ramirez Jim Higgins Erin Vanderson David Leah Bryan T. Chris Pell Matt gave his Treasurer report. The club currently has $26,490, excluding the scholarship distribution money for Spartyball. The Club recently purchased 50 tickets at $25 apiece for the Northwestern v. MSU football game for a total of $1,600. The Club has agreed to sell these tickets for $35. Matt asked committee chairs to think about their financial needs for the new Club year. Financial requests need to be submitted to him at or before the August board meeting. Matt will send information to committee chairs. Bob added the Club is applying for a grant to cover liability insurance for the Board. (Matt said don't worry about taking notes he'll send everything to Carly) Bob explained he is currently working on continuity of documentation, consistency, and filling in blanks leftover from previous boards. Matt asked if there were any questions; there were none. Beth reported for the Scholarship committee. Andrew Bretzell (sp?) and Beth are chairing the subcommittee together. They met with and are working with Mike Ford to determine the best way to handle scholarships going forward. They are discussing whether it makes sense to have one bigger scholarship or two smaller scholarships, etc. Beth and Andrew are meeting this week and will have more to report at the August board meeting. Bob added one reason the scholarship subcommittee was created is because there has not been a relationship with scholarship recipients previously. He wants to change that and the scholarship subcommittee will be the bridge to those relationships. One idea is to have recipient(s) write blog posts about their experiences at MSU. Buddy reported for the communications subcommittee. Following the board meeting there will be a communications subcommittee meeting at the Franklin Tap across the street. Everyone is welcome. Buddy is co-chairing the subcommittee with Chris and Joe. The subcommittee is currently working on dividing tasks, i.e. the newsletter, social media outlets, etc. Bob explained MSU has recently adopted a web platform called iModules. Chicago is in the pilot program currently. Bob attended an iModules training session in East Lansing July 1-3 and he finds the new platform to be advantageous to the Club. The Club's current website is basically a blog and not well organized. iModules will address these issues. There will be a rotating photo space at the top of the homepage to promote and link to upcoming events. There will be separate pages and links for events such as game watches, Spartyball, etc. Buddy gave communications report. They will be mtg directly after mtg at the bar for anyone who is interested in attending. Have been working on all channels to get everything up to date and make sure event information is out for people to see. Bob gave iModules Update. Currently the website that the club has looks like a blog. In the new format of iModules you would be able to sign up to volunteer for things right on the site and buy tickets for events directly on the site. We will still have to deal with 3rd party. Development is still at a very beta stage, will be up and running soon. Hopefully in time for game watch season and Spartyball. Josh gave events update. We have both baseball games upcoming: White Sox and Cubs. We have sold 7 tickets total so far. Will work with Buddy's group to make sure the events get publicized. Need to touch base with Sarah for update on boat cruise. Sarah gave an update on boat cruise. Recommend we go with Free Spirit. There is parking available. Recommend push timing back 1/2 hr to 7:30. We don't have to lock in a certain number of people, they will only charge us for what we actually use. The Free Spirit is$700 an hour for charter fee, $20 beer/wine package and potentially up to $20 per person for food. $75 ticket cost, adjusted to member/non-member. Two dates as potential: 16th or 23rd of August. Open to suggestions. If we want to go ahead she can figure out how much money we need to secure the date and can move to do a request for funds electronically. We can't afford to use any other company right now with the numbers that we've been having. If we can have 100 or more people then we can go with another company. We can push back the date into September to have more of a "Welcome to Chicago" Boat Cruise. Alan: 16th weekend of Air and Water Show. If going out towards Navy Pier could use as selling point. Dee- Show is Sat/Sun and Boat Cruise is Friday. Bob- Like idea of pushing into September. Majority of the Board raised their hands in agreement. Can coordinate with one of our game watches. Sarah - Can talk with Josh about coordinating a date to create a Welcome to Chicago Event. Capacity is 120, more of a Yacht as opposed to a tourist boat. Bob To explain what we do have going on in Aug, Sox Fri Aug 9th, Picnic Aug 10th, July 27th Big 10 K, Cubs Sept 3rd, Golf Outing with Broad School Sept 30th. In meantime hopefully starting this week selling 50 tickets to Northwestern/MSU football game Sept 23rd. Being a little conservative with events that have upfront cost since we have lost some funds in the past. People have a habit of waiting until the last minute. By going with a small block, hoping to motivate people sooner on. We will still have time to purchase another block if needed. FB IM from President of Indianapolis club to go to game here. The tickets go on sale July 22nd, next Monday. Will be short turn around, but will post instructions to get in touch with this guy if people want to. Matt gave Treasurer's Report. JULY 2013 TREASURER REPORT • Club balance at end of June 2013 was $26,490.37 we have had a few transactions hit our account with the largest being the outlay for the Northwestern tickets at approximately $1,600. • Our 2013-2014 Operating Grant Request will be put together between now and next meeting. I will present the grant request at our August Board meeting. As such, please begin to think about any needs/requests you would like to be included This is especially important if you are a committee or event co-chair. Anticipate all potential event expenses you feel may come-up that you have had to pay for either using the club’s money or your own as we want to have as much of these costs included in our grant request upfront rather than having to go back to East Lansing with multiple requests. I will be sending a copy of a budget for you to include your numbers in within the next week in a half. Please complete and return it to me by the end of the day on 7/31 so I can consolidate the information for presentation at the August • Wanted to inform everyone there has been a delay in the 501c(3) application When we filed our resolution to amend our Foundation articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State, we received notification from them that the Foundation had been involuntarily dissolved on December 14, 2012 as it did not file required paperwork. Not a good situation, but not dire either. We therefore, have to submit the following to the Secretary of State: • 2012 Annual Report • 2013 Annual Report • Change in Registered Agent • Application for Reinstatement • Amendments previously submitted (item they were responding to). We will be making a motion during new business to allocate funds for this request and also to change the registered agent on file. • Request Funds in the amount of $206 be provided to pay for required filings with the Illinois Secretary of State to reinstate and make current the Michigan State Alumni Foundation of Metro Chicago, Inc. for its 501c (3) filing and continuance in the State of Illinois. • Additionally, request to pass a resolution changing the Michigan State Alumni Foundation of Metro Chicago, Inc. registered agent with the Secretary of State from Jennifer Daugherty to Bob Benenson effective as of today’s date, July 15, 2013. -Matt made motion to allocate funds in the amount of $206.00 for required filings with the Illinois Secretary of State, Sarah seconded and approved by all. Motion passed. -Need to change registered agent with Secretary of State. Have to make sure communications are going to the right person. Motion to change registered with Secretary of State agent from Jennifer Dohtery to Bob Benenson. Sarah seconded, all approved. Big10K Aug 22nd. -Need 3 volunteers, Sarah and Matt will help. Bob has an email from someone who would like to volunteer. -Bob - motion to allow Buddy to design Chicago Spartans business cards. Generic with emails on them. Can approve expenditure to purchase them next meeting. Everyone walks down street in Chicago, hard not to pass someone who is wearing MSU stuff. Still a bit weird to approach strangers. Business card can get us past that awkward status. Are there email addresses for each one? Sarah - Check in with Paul to make sure that everyone knows what email addresses are. Working on another solution so that ppl have different inboxes or can continue to use gmail. Bob - president email gets 100-200 spams a day, mostly from Korea etc. Sarah - Can get in touch with Jason from NYC who designed a card that worked really well. Bob - Pls get in touch with Buddy if anyone is interested in working with Buddy on the communications committee. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Newsletter. Sarah - Brand new board, handful previously on the board. Our second official meeting as a board. Really truly looking for ppl to become engaged and take on a role. We are looking for ppl to be very active on committees. Programming, communications and scholarship. If any of those sound like something you want to be a part of please jump in. No idea is a crazy idea, please let us know. Start thinking outside the box ideas. We are open to new ways to get Spartans engaged. Roughly 25,000 alumni in the area. We are hitting a fifth of those people. Questions - Who handles volunteering? Bob Looking for someone to head up Community Outreach efforts. Sarah - most likely full under programming. Bob - looking for mentoring, program went with Jesse when he left the board. That is very important. We do some networking events, tend to be generic. We want to get people who are involved to create industry specific events. Sarah - stepping stone to board engagement. Good way to get name on the roster of people in the area. Spartyball committee gearing up in the fall. Few things to think about. Feel free to email anyone on the board if you have interest and want some direction. Bob - Courtney has been super woman taking on Spartyball. Needs help. Gotten too big. A little over 200-435. Expected to grow again. Anyone who wants to be engaged in that we will make sure that there is a place for that. Bob - Pressing program issues Bar Affiliates -Have had between 12-15, some donated some did not. Josh talked to Matt Sarah and Bob on streamlining. Limiting us to 2-3 bards. Similar to what the NYC club has done. 2 bars in NYC. Each Sat there is a game ppl know where to go. Want to make sure we balance our past relationships. First bar is new one, Municipal Bar in River North (Ohio and Wells, owned by MSU grad), second one is Mad River in Lincoln Park (2400 Sheffield), Stretch is the third bar. Have been affiliated with club last 5 years. Also MSU owned. Bob spoke with Courtney, one other issue need to discuss with her. We have relationship with Miller/Coors. Provided us with free beer/wine/spirits at SpartyBall last year. Have to make sure that we are not screwing that up in any way and not excluding any bars. Will be able to work through that. If we did decide to go with 4th do we have one? Josh - 4 might be a little too much to manage. Originally looking for just 2, Stretch reached out last week. Question - Capacity? Bob - Stretch is small, Municipal about 350, Mad River large. Matt - was in NYC to make decision from 1-2 bars. Here doing opposite. This is for "official bar". It does become logistically where to go. Good to go there. As far as 4th bar goes, Higgins Tavern and Jim have both been very gracious in what they have done for the club. Wrigleyville area. Geographic distribution. Financially makes sense to limit number of bars. Makes sense to only have them be official bars if there is a dual partnership. Bob - Josh working to make this a sponsorship type structure. We can be flexible in some circumstances. Mad River for example knows what to expect. Josh - talked with the bars about. Pushing back on Vic, maybe they've gotten one or two game watches throughout the season but they are looking for more. Sarah - in terms of when you look at it, beauty of NYC arrangement is every week you can count on some number of people to come to every game watch. No real strategy behind it. It's not clean. As partners would like to see the club really commit and give them some business. About what can give to the club but also what the club can take back. Bob - want to make Chi Spartans events. Want to make sure ppl are there soliciting volunteers and promoting events. Carrie - how to keep door open to other bars that weren't mentioned. Josh few bars we had partnered with. Want to get in contact with Jim to get in touch about Big Ten Night about Cubs. What tried to do was pick the bars that we've had relationship with the longest. Bars that we haven't had any issues with in the past. Dave and Busters for example. They made some promises that they didn't necessarily hold true on. Trying to do what's best for club as well as local businesses. Bob - explanation is that this program applies only to game watches. IF there are bars that we haven relationships with in the past and there are other events that we can participate with we can do that. Carrie - What about Quay? Bob - With Big 10 Tournament we were assigned Quay. Jim Higgins - If you have been there our fire capacity is 50. Don't need help with UofM and big games. Only 50 ppl that we can fit in. We are on the smaller end on major sponsorship. If ask for $3,000 can't do that. Matt - As a bar owner, is this something you would be interested in, does it make sense to do this? We want $1,000 or whatever is determined? Jim - Always think that for a sponsorship or something like that need to get 4 times back. That would be a little dicey for football games. Be surprised if club drove $2,000 in 6/7 football games. Question - Suburbs? Josh - Focus on city at this point. Bob - Want to make this very clear, we are establishing certain relationships so that we can stage certain events. Goal is to make sure that any MSU bar has a place on the website. Already have a map on the website and can make it more obvious, pin ideas. Question - discount? Bob - wristbands, discounts, a lot of bars do that. Question - only on game day? Bob - A lot of bars do that. Carrie - Basketball season? Bob - Can be more consistent with basketball now that we have more people to help. Would like to step up weekend and bigger game plans. Josh - already have it on the back burner. Comment - Champions Classic when play Kentucky. Bob - already received email. As soon as we get this bunch of things out of the way then will get to organize access to tickets etc. Sarah - Reminder, helped coordinate one at MSG, make sure Sarah in the loop. Dee and Anthony gave a report on Family Picnic -Dee: have permit. Price depends on activities. Josh - had to wait on, if we wouldn't want to do children's entertainment then price is about $75. As I see it right now we have the permit for Harms Woods (same place as last year). Sat Aug 10 1-6 is when it will be happening. Not up for discussion. Now need to determine what is happening. Mike Ford gave us a little donation. Need to determine donation per head. As budget shows now we are $500 in red for all out the door: kids stuff and entertainment and food. Sarah - how much is bouncy stuff. Dee - $1,500 package, asked for downgrade, one bouncy instead of two and still have games comes with generator and insurance and tattoo station threw in. That package is $700. Josh, $75 permit, $122 permit, music costs couple hundred, food and entertainment are last. $700 in stead of $1,500. Catering last year was by Jim, Josh needs to speak to see if possible again this year. Dee - $8 per person and truck rental and gratuity everything came to $1,000. Spoke to few other companies and they are self serve or they don't come to suburbs. Bob - opinion, generous $1,500 donation from Mike Ford, because picnic is also for new students, being at risk of $500 doesn't seem excessive. My understanding is ask for $20 voluntary donation. Need 25 ppl to anty up $25, last year more than 50. Josh - Permit was for something under 100. Bob - should come close to producing some revenue. Dee - bouncy most popular thing, at this point have to start deleting some of the entertainment. Hand games, no bouncies, would take of a couple hundred. Bob - defer to people with children. Paul - how many kids last year? Dee - 10-15. Paul - children love bouncy. Jim - 5 hr picnic. Even if get 100 won't be 100 all at one time. Probably no more than 20-25 kids at any one time. Called Glenview fire dept to come and that was something that was an attraction. Paul - 1 if you can. Kids like that. Bob - roughy how much would it be for just a bouncy? Dee - can push for $200-$300 for just a bouncy. Sarah opp to engage multiple demographics. Focus in the suburbs. Seniors about to leave home and go to MSU. Great opp for Mike Ford. Comfortable taking hit of $500 because it is an outreach campaign. Frankly, not comfortable asking ppl for $20 donation. Matt - If we don't have to loose more money than need to that's a good thing. Wasn't on the board last yr or two yrs ago. Thinking about up front, how can we make some money if we are potentially going to loose some. Can also sell merch (gets into particulars about permits etc). $500 loss is not huge, who knows might break even or make some money. Cesar - In terms as loss personally don't see it as a loss in terms of capital loss. Attracting new Alum, extending ourselves. In the long run those are more ppl for potential events. As far as $500 difference that could turn into $5,000-$10,000 gain in terms as exposure. Bob - If we can do 50/50 raffle chips away at expense. Bought a lot of stuff and never got a program going. Jim - all in garage. Fine, will store it. Will have truck to go out there and can load on whatever we want. Thought would be to try and do this thing as first class as we could. The extra expenditure for something for the kids, nothing more annoying that kids not happy at a picnic. As Sarah pointed out we are reaching a lot of ppl here. Have we reached out yet and sent emails to incoming freshman? Sarah - Yes, Mike will be doing more work to promote in terms of his group of people he is working with. One of the reasons we are getting the money from them. Bob - Post on Eventbrite? Paul - For kids as well, Cesar can play a big part of that. Bob - Motion to go ahead with full budget version of family picnic children's entertainment. After event will determine what we utilized and use as information going forward. Jim - Asked for $20 per family. Carrie - Board mtg before picnic? Bob - Yes we will. Carrie - do we gather contact info? Sarah - Don't know, should talk about it. Jim - Did take down emails. Bob - iModules has forms function. Future events can input data directly. Josh Not sure if needs to be part of motion, doing 50/50 probably can help chip away. If break even can be win/win. Tonya Norfleet - We are not hitting a big percentage of alumni. Not a lot of events geared towards family. In past only been family picnic. Sometimes you may hit those people who may not want to do bar crawls etc. Bob - In terms of increasing reach need to reach different groups. Working with MSU to be much more interactive. Sarah - When is Sox night? Talk to MSU to see if Sparty can stay another night. Bob - Sparty doing Sox for free. Comment Communications committee looking into ways to use Newsletter database to make member outreach survey to tailor what we do. Bob - Very much in favor of that. Been working on assumptions. Need to find out what will draw more ppl into the club. Carly motions to move forward with full expenditure for family picnic, Matt seconds, all approved. Bob gave a report on tickets for Northwestern game. -When post for ticket sales want to be able to explain what the extra $10 is for. Jim - Athletic event should be donated to Spartan Club. Bob - fine with that. Some kind of status. Sarah - as we've donated for athletic events we've reached a threshold qualify for a couple of free tickets or passes for things happening in Chicago. Carrie motions to move the $10 extra from each ticket to Spartan Club. Matt seconds, all approved. Open Questions Carly motions to adjourn, Matt seconds, all approved. Next meeting Tuesday August 6th. 6:00.