BIO 330 Cell Biology Lecture Outline Spring 2011 Chapter 8


BIO 330 Cell Biology

Lecture Outline

Spring 2011

Chapter 8: Membrane Transport

I. Transport Processes

A. Three basic types of processes

Simple diffusion

Facilitated diffusion

Active transport

B. Transport is based on gradients

Concentration gradient

Electrochemical potential (electrochemical “gradient”)

II. Simple Diffusion

A. Definition

The unassisted net movement of a solute from a region where its concentration is higher to a region where its concentration is lower

Hydrophobic core of the membrane prohibits simple diffusion of most solutes

Small nonpolar molecules can move by simple diffusion

E.g., movement of O


into and out of erythrocytes

B. Diffusion moves solutes toward equilibrium

Always a spontaneous process

C. Osmosis

D. Characteristics affecting solute diffusion

I.e., requires no energy input

Diffusion proceeds from regions of higher to lower free energy (G)

Definition: Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane

Higher solute concentrations increase entropy and decrease G

Water moves from area of high G to area of low G (typically into cells)

Solute size

MW <100 can diffuse (ETOH, MW 46); MW>100 cannot (glucose, MW 180)

Solute polarity

Partition coefficient – ratio of solubility in organic solvent to solubility in water

High P.C. = high permeability; low P.C. = low permeability

Solute charge

Shell of hydration must be removed prior to diffusion

E. Diffusion rate is directly proportional to concentration gradient

v = P

[S] kinetic properties distinguish simple diffusion from facilitated diffusion non-saturable

III. Facilitated Diffusion

A. Transport proteins

Carrier proteins (transporters; permeases)

BIO 330 Cell Biology

Lecture Outline

Spring 2011

Alternating conformational model

Channel proteins

B. Carrier protein specificity and kinetics

Specificity of carrier proteins

E.g., glucose transporter

Kinetics of carrier function

Saturation kinetics, similar to enzymes

Subject to competitive inhibition

Carrier regulation

External factors can bind and regulate carrier activity

C. Carrier protein solutes

One solute = uniport

Two solutes = coupled transport

Symport (cotransport) vs antiport

E.g., glucose transporter: uniporter

E.g., anion exchange protein: antiporter

D. Channel proteins

Ion channels

Pore lined with hydrophilic amino acid side chains

Highly selective – size and charge






Mitochondria, chloroplasts and bacteria

barrel multipass protein

Aquaporins (AQP)

Involved in water transport

IV. Active Transport

A. Movement up a concentration gradient

Requires input of energy

Thermodynamically unfavorable process is coupled to exergonic process

Allows maintenance of steady state away from equilibrium

Transporters have intrinsic directionality

B. Coupling of active transport to energy source

Direct active transport (primary active transport)

E.g., ATPases

Indirect active transport (secondary active transport)

Movement of 2 solutes: one down its gradient, and one up its gradient

Movement of one down the gradient provides energy for the other

BIO 330 Cell Biology

Lecture Outline

Spring 2011

Gradient for first is established by use of ATP or other energy

Overall decrease in G

C. Four types of ATPases drive direct active transport

P-type ATPases (P = phosphorylation)

Plasma membrane

E.g., Na + /K + ATPase

V-type ATPases (V = vacuole)


Proton pumps

F-type ATPases (F = factor)

Bacteria, mitochondria, chloroplasts

Proton transport

2 components, F


(transmembrane proton pore) and F


(ATP binding site)

Can be run in reverse to make ATP: ATP synthases

ABC-type ATPases (ABC = ATP binding cassette)

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic

Transport variety of solutes: ions, sugars, amino acids, peptides, polysaccharides

E.g., antibiotic resistance transporters

D. Indirect active transport is driven by ion gradients

Sodium ion or proton gradients are used to drive movement of other solutes

Na + /K + ATPase creates Na + gradient; Na + gradient is used to move solutes

Uptake of nutrients; export of Ca2 + , K + wastes

V. Examples of Active Transport

A. Direct transport example

Na + /K + ATPase maintains electrochemical gradients

Conformational change from E1 to E2

Binding of Na + triggers phosphorylation of pump by ATP

Transports 3 Na + out of the cell and 2 K + into cell

Creates electrochemical gradient

B. Indirect transport example

Na + /glucose symporter in intestinal cell

Transports 2 Na+ into cell (down gradient); coupled to transport of glucose into cell from intestinal lumen

VI. Energetics of Transport

A. Neutral solutes: concentration gradient is the only driving force

Think of transport as a chemical equation

G =

G° + RT ln [S] inside

/ [S] outside

K eq

is always 1, so

G° is always zero, so…

G = RT ln [S] inside

/ [S] outside

If [S] inside

is less than [S] outside

then DG is negative = exergonic = spontaneous

BIO 330 Cell Biology

Lecture Outline

Spring 2011

Example – uptake of lactose against a concentration gradient

G = positive, so lactose uptake in endergonic, and requires energy input

Equation as written is for inward transport; flip the fraction for outward transport

B. Charged solutes: electrochemical potential determines transport

Membrane potential, V m

is negative (negative charge on inside of cell)

Favors inward movement of cations & opposes their outward movement

Favors outward movement of anions & opposes their inward movement

To calculate, start with same equation as above, but add a term for electrical potential

G =

G° + RT ln [S] inside

/ [S] outside

+ zFV m

Since V m

is negative, a cation makes zFV m

negative, and makes

G negative

Example – uptake of Cl ions

Concentration gradient drives Cl inward, but electrical potential drives Cl outward
