Dedication Of The Temple - July 28, 2013

Congdon Street Baptist Church/Young Adult Class
“Gifts for the Temple”
July 28, 2013
Aim for Change---By the end of this lesson student will:
1. Know that true worship includes giving generously of not only our money, but also our time and
talents to the Lord.
2. Out of appreciation for what God has done, give back to the Lord.
3. Give to the Lord willingly and from your heart.
Discuss the Meaning:
Knowing that God will bless whatever is consecrated to Him, why don’t people give more to
their churches?
In Depth
Doing Service
Ezra 8: 24-27
Ezra was a priest. He led a second group of exiles back to Jerusalem approximately 80 years
later. He knew God would protect them during the journey, but still led the people in
fasting and praying (blessings and prayer are connected). To carry out the duties in service
to the Lord for the work before, during, and once they arrived safely, Ezra had to recruit
twelve other priest that included Sherebiah and Hashabia. They had to transport and
account for gold, silver, bronze and vessels for use in the Temple. Ezra was a godly leader.
After a dangerous journeys of several months, they arrive safely, because God was with
Consecrated for Service
vv. 28-30
“Ye are holy unto the Lord: the vessels are holy also” (Ezra 8: 28), was the declaration Ezra
the priest made. He commissioned and consecrated (set apart) the leaders of the priest and
valuable offerings they carried for the service of the Lord. God is powerful and sovereign!
The King of Persia obeyed and served God (he let the captives return to Jerusalem with the
resources and vessels of gold and silver to rebuild the Temple). Israel was a very small part
of the Persian Empire; however, the King was obedient to God, when charged with
rebuilding the Temple at Jerusalem. God’s Will, will be done, whether with believers or
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I Learned That:
“Giving is an act of worship.” Also, “our ‘holiness’ comes from our obedience to God when we see the
need and act on that need.”
Congdon Street Baptist Church/Young Adult Class
“Gifts for the Temple”
July 28, 2013
Search the Scriptures
1. “What was the purpose in giving an account of the offering (Ezra 8: 26, 30)?
2. Why did Ezra set the 12 leaders of the priest apart (vv. 24, 28)?”
3. What is the significance of unbelievers (King of Persia), and believers helping to rebuild
the temple at Jerusalem?
4. Ezra told the people that they were “holy” and that the vessels were “holy”, so what
does it mean to be consecrated to the Lord?
5. How can you apply this lesson to your life?
(The UMI annual Commentary 2012-2013, Precepts For Living, Vincent Bacote, PH.D Editor)
I Learned That:
“Giving is an act of worship.” Also, “our ‘holiness’ comes from our obedience to God when we see the
need and act on that need.”