Chapter 3 (from pages 9 and 11 in the green book

GWC 3 (Use till green book is in bookstore) p 9-11
Chapter 3 - Vocabulary
Word, Sentence, Part-of-speech
stools – In another part of the house was a long, cross-legged table with four stools around it. (noun C)
carpet – There was a carpet on the floor. (noun C)
spinning wheel – A spinning wheel was near the fireplace in the house. (noun C)
yarn – Susan was spinning cotton into yarn. (noun U)
knit, crochet – George learned how to knit and crochet by watching Aunt Susan. (verb I)
whittle – George used a knife to whittle little shapes out of wood. (verb T)
woods – George had a secret garden in the woods where he grew plants and flowers. (noun plural)
roots – When George found a dying plant, he would pull it up gently by its roots and plant it in his secret
garden. (noun C)
patted – He talked to the plant as he patted dirt around its roots. (verb T)
bookcase – Mrs. Baynham had rugs on the floor, pictures on the wall, and a whole bookcase full of books.
(noun C)
dim – Inside, the house was dim and quiet. (adj.)
carpet – George took a few steps. The rug under his feet felt as soft as a carpet of moss. (noun C)
moss – The rug under his feet felt as soft as a carpet of moss. (noun U)
fireplace – George saw were two big pictures hanging over the fireplace.(noun C)
swirls – He drew until he had filled the rock with swirls of red flowers. (noun C)
Study Notes
Reading Activity 3: George Washington Carver (Chapter 3, pages 15-20)
Directions: Write short answers. Do not copy sentences or phrases from the text.
1. Who are three important characters in this chapter? (Tell who is free and who is a slave.)
2. Setting: Where does this chapter happen?
3. Setting: When do the events in this chapter happen?
4. Plot: What are 6 important things that happen in this chapter? (Put them in order.)
Practicing vocabulary for Chapter 3
Directions: Tell the part-of-speech of each underlined item in these sentences from Chapter 3. Then find
the correct vocabulary item.
Vocabulary Items
n(C) C George Washington Carver is the
most important character in this
____ ____ In another part of the house was a
long, cross-legged table with four
stools around it.
____ ____ There was a carpet on the floor.
____ ____ A spinning wheel was near the
fireplace in the house.
____ ____ Susan was spinning cotton into
____ ____ George used a knife to whittle little
shapes out of wood.
____ ____ George had a secret garden in the
woods where he grew plants and
____ ____ When George found a dying plant,
he would pull it up gently by its
roots and plant it in his secret
____ ____ He talked to the plant as he patted
dirt around its roots.
____ Mrs. Baynham had rugs on the
floor, pictures on the wall, and a
whole bookcase full of books.
____ Inside, the house was dim and
____ George saw were two big pictures
hanging over the fireplace.
____ He drew until he had filled the rock
with swirls of red flowers.
A. person in a story
B. where something happens in a story
C. story of a person’s life
1. cut a piece of wood into a particular shape
by cutting off small pieces with a knife
2. fairly dark or not having much light, so that
you cannot see well
3. heavy woven material for covering floors
4. lightly touched something several times
with flat hands
5. make clothing out of wool by using two
long needles
6. parts of a plant or tree that grows under the
ground and gets water from the soil
7. piece of furniture with shelves to hold
8. seats with three or four legs, but no back or
9. simple machine that people used in their
homes in the past for making thread
10. small forest
11. special place in the wall of a room, where
you can make a fire
12. thick thread made of cotton or wool
13. twisting circular patterns
14. very small green plant that grows in a thick
soft furry mass on wet soil, trees, or rock