say I owe money that I owe a debt are you going to bring

At common law, you still don’t need citations. You still don’t need statutes, you still don’t
need to know Hale v Hinkle, you don’t need to know who won in Hale v Hinkle, you
don’t need to know whose dissenting opinion, you don’t need to know any of that. It’s
the common law.
Florida Statutes Title 1 2.01. Common law and certain statutes declared in force.--The
common and statute laws of England which are of a general and not a local nature, with
the exception hereinafter mentioned, down to the 4th day of July, 1776, are declared to
be of force in this state.
At one point in time you believed the legal society had some sort of capacity to do
something to you. Now, if you are aware that you’re a man, they do not have any control
or jurisdiction over a man.
Everything’s got to be in writing. Just ask a very simple question, a really simple little
letter: three questions and hand the sentence to the prosecutor and the judge and the
court clerk when you first get to the court house. It just says, you say I owe money, that
I owe a debt, are you going to bring the plaintiff forward to make the claim?
That’s it.
So the judge asks the prosecutor would you like to move and the prosecutor says, no,
I'm going to ask for a 30 day stay because I've just been handed some very important
paperwork and I would like to go over this before I answer it.
The judge asks the defendant would you like to ask the prosecutor these three
questions now. Do you want to cross examine the prosecutor? Prosecute just means to
pursue something. Now you're the hunter. Would you like to hunt the hunter?
Would you like to flip it around? Instead of being a defendant where you curl up in a ball
and take an ass whipping you actually get to fight back. Like wow. Would you like to
cross examine your accuser? That’s called habeas corpus.
Habeas Corpus doesn’t just mean bring somebody's body out of a courthouse into
another courthouse. It means take him out of a holding cell, like Guantanamo Bay or a
dungeon and bring him forth before the judge, accuse him in front of his peers, lay the
charges out in front of the court and let the jury decide.
You guys get habeas corpus so backwards and convoluted its scary. All habeas corpus
is, is you get the right to cross examine them in open court if somebody’s accusing you.
But that’s only part of the habeas corpus, not the whole habeas corpus.
You have the right to know what you're being accused of. HEY YOU! You, the accuser,
you bring the body.
Then you get to say how do you know that piece of paper is accurate?
You have the right to come out within a reasonable amount of time, like, 20, 21 days
and have your accuser lay the claim in front of a trial by jury. That’s all this habeas
corpus nonsense is.
Who's accusing me? Now I'm going to have the right to cross examine you. Correct Mr
Prosecutor for the State of Florida? You're gonna take the stand and you're gonna verify
that claim is true? He’ll be like, no.
I didn’t think so.
It’s that simple.
When the judge ask if you want to prosecute this man now. You can say either he’s
going to move in this case immediately, or if he wants me to reappear, I’ll reappear but
You folks are getting paid. So I think it’s only fair if he wants to wait another 30 days, I
get paid because I have to rearrange my whole life’s schedule.
I’ll be more than glad to reappear or he can just answer the case now. If he can't move
his case now, I order this case to be dismissed without prejudice until he can answer
those questions, but I want to be left alone.
you say I owe money, that I owe a debt, are you going to bring the plaintiff forward to
make the claim?. And ‘you’ is italicized. You’re holding the prosecutor liable in his
personal capacity as a man saying another man owes a debt, so then you’re also
saying are you gonna bring the plaintiff forth to say I owe the debt. So, is the state of
Florida gonna show up and swear to this. I’d like to see that.
If they're gonna move this case they had better be ready to answer these three
questions. There better be a plaintiff because the plaintiff must appear. That’s an
ancient law. You can get on the internet right now and search for ‘plaintiff must appear’
and it will pop up millions of times but if you say defendant must appear, no it doesn’t
pop up, but the plaintiff must appear.
There's no reason to wait till the very last day to write something, Why don’t you just
write it to them, a month ago, a year ago. Why are you fooling around?
So the state of Florida’s going to have to come forward and point across that room and
say you did wrong. It’s like, hey, I’ll totally accept everything. You're just gonna have to
come forward and testify to that.
The plaintiff is the state, the prosecutor, the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ, you are XYQ. These
things don’t exist anywhere but on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. The plaintiff is not
going to be able to appear in court and testify under oath or affirmation and not going to
be able to verify anything. Now I want to get back to the 3rd dimension and be let alone.