Quiz 1.1 for review

Matter Quiz 1.1 - States of matter and phase changes
1. What property stays the same during physical and chemical changes?
a. Density
b. Shape
c. Mass
d. Arrangement of particle
2. What kind of change is indicated by the arrow labeled “1” in the picture?
a. freezing
b. evaporating
c. melting
d. condensing
3. The picture shows a pot of boiling water. What process will take place when the
temperature of the water rises?
a. condensation
b. evaporation
c. absorption
d. precipitation
4. The average distance between molecules always increases during which of the following phase changes?
a. gas to solid
b. liquid to gas
c. gas to liquid
d. liquid to solid
5. Which of the following describes the differences between solids and liquids?
a. Both have a definite shape, but only solids have a definite volume.
b. Both have a definite volume, but only liquids have a definite shape.
c. Solids have definite volume and shape, but liquids only have a definite volume.
d. Liquids have a definite volume and shape, but solids only have a definite shape.
6. Which of the following correctly describes the motion of particles in a gas?
a. They do not move at all.
b. They move rapidly around in random patterns.
c. They vibrate in a set pattern.
d. They flow easily, but slowly around each other.
7. Why is ice harder than liquid water?
a. The molecules of ice are not moving.
b. The molecules of ice are linked more tightly together.
c. The molecules of ice are harder than the molecules of liquid water.
d. The molecules of ice are made of solid atoms, and the molecules of liquid water are made of
liquid atoms.
8. Why can gases be compressed more easily than solids?
a. Because the molecules of gases are softer than the molecules of solids
b. Because the molecules of gases weigh less than the molecules of solids
c. Because the molecules of gases move faster than the molecules of solids
d. Because the molecules of gases are farther apart than the molecules of solids
9. Why does liquid candle wax flow but solid candle wax does not?
a. Because the molecules of liquid candle wax are softer than the molecules of solid candle wax
b. Because the molecules of liquid candle wax weigh less than the molecules of solid candle wax
c. Because the molecules of liquid candle wax are moving but the molecules of solid candle wax
are not
d. Because the molecules of liquid candle wax can easily move past one another but the molecules
of solid candle wax cannot
10. Condensation is the changing of a substance from:
a. Liquid to a gas
b. Solid to a liquid
c. Liquid to a solid
d. Gas to a liquid
11. In a solid, the molecule particles are:
c. Moving fast
d. Not moving at all
c. Moving extremely fast
d. Vibrating
12. Joe places a cork in a tank of water and notices that it floats. What does this say about the density of the
a. It is less than that of a sponge
b. It is greater than that of a sponge
c. It is less than that of water
d. It is greater than that of water
13. What is the most likely description of the process represented by the particle diagram to the right?
14. Which of these properties is shared by solids, liquids, and gases?
a. They expand to fill their containers
b. Their particles are in constant motion
c. They are easily compressible
d. They are fluids
15. You spill a little water on a tile floor but don’t have time to wipe it up. A few hours later, most of the water
is gone. What happened to the water?
a. The water molecules were destroyed.
b. The water molecules got smaller and now take up less space.
c. The water molecules became a gas and are now part of the air.
d. The water molecules broke down into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, which are now in the air.
Base your answers to questions on the diagram below and on your knowledge of science. The
diagram shows a phase change represented by letter A.
16. State the term for the phase change that occurs at A.
17. Explain why the phase change at A is a physical change.
18. Explain why the 100 grams of ice would have a greater volume than 100 grams of water (THINK: Life
preserver lab and density).
19. The density of a substance is 1.63 g/mL. What is the mass of 0.25 L of the substance in grams?
SHOW ALL WORK! (2 points).
20. Two liquids, A and B, have densities 0.75 g/mL and 1.14 g/mL respectively.
When both liquids are poured into a container, one liquid floats on top of the other. Which liquid is on
top? WHY?
21. A graduated cylinder contains 100 ml of a liquid. The mass of the graduated cylinder with the liquid is
145 grams. The mass of the graduated cylinder when empty is 45 grams. Calculate the density of the
liquid. Show work! (2 points)
22. Name, EXPLAIN with drawing the method used to answer question 22.
23. A cube has a side of 5 cm. It has a mass of 250 grams. The density of the cube is
a. 50 g/cm3 and will float in water
b. 2.0 g/cm3 and will float in water
c. 50 g/cm3 and will sink in water
d. 2.0 g/cm3 and will sink in water