Justification to Attend - Next Generation of Government

Justification to Attend
3rd Annual Next Generation of Government Training Summit
Sponsored by GovLoop and Young Government Leaders
July 26-27, 2012
JW Marriott - Washington, DC
The Next Generation of Government Training Summit (Next Gen) is a valuable developmental
opportunity for [AGENCY] employees. In 2011, the Summit brought together 500 rising
government leaders at the federal, state and local levels. The sheer number of young Federal
employees in the room created an energizing and inspiring atmosphere for learning and sharing.
The opportunity to meet employees from other agencies allowed [AGENCY] employees to share
best practices and explore new ways of getting things done.
The Summit is filled with two days of keynote sessions, panel discussions, breakout sessions,
and interactive problem-solving workgroups on topics relevant to being an aspiring government
leader. The 2012 program includes:
21st Century Leadership – Chaos, Conflict and Courage: Government as a classical
bureaucracy now has challenges in terms of a rapidly changing world, the rise of social
networks both within and across agencies, the increased role of NGO’s and the private
sector, as well as the and continuing need for fiduciary responsibility. This session will also
help participants to develop new insights into situations and challenge conventional
approaches; increase personal flexibility and resilience; and think strategically while
accomplishing the overarching vision. OPM Defined Core Competencies Met: Creativity
and Innovation, Flexibility, Resilience, Strategic Thinking, Vision, Partnering, Political Savvy,
A Framework to Manage Your Career: To achieve a successful career in government, you
need to manage your own career. Frank DiGiammarino, White House Advisor for Recovery
Implementation walks the audience through his career framework, which provides a
foundation to thinking through key decisions and building the skills to be the successful
leader. OPM Defined Core Competencies Met: Oral Communication, Interpersonal Skills,
Why Congress Matters: How it affects your daily operations: An award-winning talk
from the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown where Dr. Kenneth Gold provides a
first-hand overview of how Congress affects the daily operations of every department and
agency in the executive branch. Additionally, he will give an update on the 112th Congress
and what government employees can expect this term. OPM Defined Core Competencies
Met: Political Savvy, Oral Communication.
Project Management 101: Getting Things Done In Government: There is a true art to
getting big projects done in government. Young successful government employees
presented on how to get projects done in government – from navigating the bureaucracy to
building teams. OPM Core Competencies Met: Accountability, Customer Service,
Decisiveness, Entrepreneurship, Technical Credibility.
The Summit provides many opportunities for Interns to develop their competencies in technical
skills and leadership skills:
Time Management and Organization: [AGENCY] employees have many work priorities,
such as [describe]. The Summit provides advice on prioritizing assignments and delivering
successful results on time and within budget. The Summit also has sessions on maintaining
work/life balance for young professionals.
Project Management: [AGENCY] employees are often assigned to long-term, large-scale
projects. The Summit introduces basic project management skills through a “Project
Management 101” session. It also provides an opportunity for attendees to interact with
federal employees and Presidential appointees who have implemented long-term, largescale projects to hear advice and lessons learned.
Presentation Skills: [AGENCY] employees often have the opportunity to present their
work in front of senior [AGENCY] leadership. The Summit provides information and
inspiration to improve these presentations both in terms of PowerPoint skills and public
speaking skills.
Problem-Solving Workgroups: New to the Summit in 2011, attendees were asked to form
workgroups focused on a particular issue at the request of a member of the Senior
Executive Service (SES) or a Presidential appointee. Attendees worked together to
brainstorm, collaborate, and develop potential solutions to resolve these issues. These
interactive sessions develop Interns’ skills in the areas of teamwork, problem-solving,
strategy, and developing vision.
External and Organizational Awareness: [AGENCY] employees are able to interact with
individuals across federal, state and local governments. This dialogue fosters an awareness
of how [AGENCY] fits into the federal government and also provides resources across
Initiative: [AGENCY] employees are exposed to an energized group of young government
professionals at the Summit. The atmosphere promotes a sense of enthusiasm and help
Interns identify opportunities where they can contribute to “good government” on an
individual basis.
Knowledge Sharing: At the Summit, [AGENCY] employees are provided with the unique
opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with a diverse set of peers, as well as with
experts in a variety of areas.
Continuous Learning and Self-Development: [AGENCY] employees are able to use the
Summit as an opportunity to examine their experience thus far at [AGENCY], reflect on
knowledge gained, and focus on areas of future improvement.
To translate these competencies back to [AGENCY] upon return from the Summit, [AGENCY]
employees can present a chosen topic from the Summit at an [AGENCY] Division Meeting. At the
August 2011 [AGENCY] Division Meeting, two Summit attendees presented on “What it Means to Be
The Next Generation of Government,” where they reflected on their takeaways from the Summit in
relation to their experience at [AGENCY]. Other [AGENCY] employees found this presentation
valuable and we would encourage this practice to be continued in the future, so all [AGENCY]
employees can benefit from the Summit.
Registration Fees for 2012
Below are the registration fees for the 2012 Next Generation of Government Summit, to be held on
July 26-27, 2012 in Washington DC:
Ticket Type
Sales End
Extra Early Bird Government
Nov 19, 2011
Government Early Bird
Not Started
Government Registration
Not Started
Group Discounts are applicable to groups of 5 or more. Contact Megan Price (megan@govloop.com)
for Group Discount information.
Comparative Cost Analysis
The Next Generation of Government Summit provides two days of sessions on multiple topics,
including: Leadership Skills, Communication, Problem-Solving and Managing Up. A study of the cost
of trainings on similar topics yields the following comparison:
Next Generation of
Government Summit 2012
GovLoop &
Young Government
# of
Total Cost
Cost per
(extra early bird)
(early bird)
Engaging Leadership
Graduate School USA
Decision Making and
Problem Solving
Graduate School USA
As illustrated above, the cost per training hour for the Summit is well below many courses from
established training providers. While other training courses focus solely on one topic for one to
three days, the Summit is valuable because it combines many of these topics into a full two day
agenda. This allows [AGENCY] employees “one-stop shopping” where they can explore various
aspects of leadership development skills, in addition to the other benefits of the Summit, including
meeting their peers in Federal service and learning from subject matter experts.
OPM and NIH Approval
The Next Generation of Government Training Summit has been approved as a “training in
compliance with 5 U.S.C. Chapter 41” by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), much like the
Blacks in Government Annual National Training Conference and the Federally Employed Women’s
National Training Program is each year.
In 2011, OPM Director John Berry encouraged Chief Human Capital Officers to send “current and
future Government leaders” to participate in “skills-based training and extensive networking
opportunities.” The official OPM approval letter can be viewed at:
As an added benefit, Summit attendees receive training certificates and continuing education
credits from the Graduate School.
In conclusion, the 2012 Next Generation of Government Summit provides [AGENCY] employees
with an inspiring and cost-effective opportunity to further develop the leadership skills that are
central to the development of young government leaders at [AGENCY].
More information regarding the Next Generation of Government Summit, including registration,
costs, and session descriptions, may be viewed at: http://www.nextgengovt.com/. The agenda for
the 2012 Summit is attached below for your reference.
Attachment: 2012 Agenda