1 Appendix S1: Relationship between geographic and environmental distance in NZ 2 3 4 Figure S1: Relationship between geographic and environmental distance for coastal areas harbouring New Zealand’s major commercial ports and marinas (Inglis et al. 2006). 5 6 Euclidean distance 1.2 R² = 0.8693 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 0 7 500 1000 1500 Distance (km) 8 1 9 Appendix S2: Global shipping arrivals to New Zealand in 2000-2005. 10 11 12 13 Table S2: Shipping arrivals to New Zealand in 2000-2005, summarised by IUCN bioregion. Data include commercial vessels ≥ 100 t and recreational vessels. Subregion ID refers to numbering shown on Fig. 1. IUCN Region Subregion (name) Antarctic ANT-AU2 51 1 ANT-AR2 56 16 Indo-Polynesian 1 35 53 Gulf of Aden 43 1 Arabian Gulf 3 88 21 Arabian Gulf 5 90 5 Red Sea 3 99 1 Red Sea 2 100 87 Red Sea 1 101 1 Arabian Gulf 1 102 3 Australia Southwest Coast 24 16 Australia Northwest Coast 61 12 Tasmanian Coast 69 258 Australia North East Coast 73 1501 Gulf of Carpentaria 74 4 Australia North Coast 77 12 Australia Lower West Coast 79 93 Great Australian Bight 80 13 Australia South Gulf Coast 81 49 Bass Strait 82 1289 Australia Lower East Coast 187 1491 Australia Central East Coast 188 4 Bothinian Bay 92 2 Bothinian Sea 109 3 Northern Bay of Bengal 31 5 Eastern Indian Ocean 37 9 Western Indian Ocean 38 20 Maldive & Lakshadweep Islands 159 40 Oceanic Islands 40 33 Southern East Africa 41 1 Northern east Africa 44 3 Western Sumatera 32 2 Northwestern Sumatera 33 646 Southern Java 34 7 Southern Kalimantan 83 117 Eastern Kalimantan 84 5 South China Sea 91 234 Eastern Philippines 146 120 Eastern Mediterranean: Levantine Basin 117 2 Arabian Seas Australia/NewZealand Baltic Central Indian Ocean East Africa East Asian Seas Mediterranean Subregion (ID) Vessel arrivals 2 IUCN Region Northeast Atlantic Northeast Pacific Northwest Atlantic Northwest Pacific South Atlantic South Pacific Subregion (name) Subregion (ID) Vessel arrivals Black and Azov Seas: Black Sea 119 1 Western Mediterranean: Alboran Sea 121 9 Western Mediterranean: Algerian Basin 122 80 Western Mediterranean: Tyrrhenian Basin 123 4 Eastern Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea 124 7 Eastern Mediterranean: Aegean Sea 126 1 Lusitanean-Boreal 26 35 Boreal-Arctic 29 255 Boreal-Lusitanean 30 7 Aleutian 14 1 West Coast Fjords 15 48 Oregonian 16 8 Montereyan 17 81 San Diegan 135 295 Mexican 136 3 Panamanian 137 1 Eastern Temperate Biogeographic Zone 3: Virginian Eastern Temperate Biogeographic Zone 1: Grand Banks/Scotian Shelf Subpolar biogeographic zone 2: Labrador Shelf Warm Temperate Closed Sea 10 195 21 2 22 1 59 653 Cold Temperate Closed Sea 87 917 Sub Arctic 141 2 Cold Temperate Open Sea 142 69 Warm Temperate Open Sea 143 1934 Subtropical 144 174 1 2 Eastern tropical Eastern intertropical 2 6 Eastern subtropical 128 69 Eastern temperate 129 6 Falkland/Malvinas Islands 175 8 Hawaii 9 4 Western Samoa 63 67 Tonga 64 363 Cook Islands 65 387 French Polynesia 67 2 Pitcairn Island 68 1 Northern Mariana Islands 145 10 Marshall Islands 148 1 New Caledonia 153 572 Vanuatu 154 3 Fiji 155 659 New Guinea Islands 156 29 Solomon Islands 157 14 Papua New Guinea 158 48 Nauru 160 3 3 IUCN Region Subregion (name) Southeast Pacific Subpolar Archipelagic 62 3 Oceanic Islands 130 33 Western intertropical 131 25 Western subtropical 132 76 Western temperate 133 69 Western tropical 138 8 Western tropical 25 8 Eastern subtropical 42 69 Western intertropical 46 25 Western subtropical (North) 47 1 Western subtropical (South) 48 25 Florida 3 7 Caribbean Sea 4 274 Dominican 5 3 West Africa Wider Caribbean Bahamas Subregion (ID) Vessel arrivals 8 50 Gulf of Mexico 113 69 Cayman Islands 114 120 14 15 16 Figure S2: Graphical illustration of global shipping movements to New Zealand (2000-2005, data as 17 per Table S2). Symbols depict location of global ports, bubble size refers to numbers of arrivals from 18 that location. Colour shading depicts global mean ssT (2005). 19 20 4 21 Appendix S3: Sources of NZ's current established marine NIS 22 Figure S3: Total numbers of NIS that have established in New Zealand summarised by the non-New 23 Zealand global bioregions that they are present in. The largest numbers of established species are 24 present in bioregions in southern Australia, Europe, the northwest Pacific and temperate North 25 America. 26 27 5