Ricart Agrawala`s Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm is

Ricart Agrawala Distributed Mutual
Exclusion Algorithm
Lowkya Pothineni
Computer Science Department
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
Email: lpothine@kent.edu
Abstract- Ricart Agrawala's Distributed Mutual
Exclusion Algorithm is implemented to conduct
experiments to study performance of Ricart
Agrawala algorithm. The message complexity of
Ricart Agrawala is 2*(n-1). Analysis of the
algorithm is done using simulation under
different number of processes (N). The
simulation allows analysis of the data in message
exchanges required to enter critical section per
node and behavior of algorithm under different
The Ricart- Agrawala Algorithm is an algorithm
for mutual exclusion on a distributed system. It
was developed by Glenn Ricart and Ashok
Agrawala. Implementation of Distributed mutual
exclusion (DMX) are of two types: Lock based
(or Non-Token based) and Token based. Lock
based DMX algorithm uses locks. To enter
Critical Section (CS) a process needs to obtain
permission from other processes in the system.
Whereas in token based DMX algorithm is done
by using a unique token circulated in the system.
The process possessing this unique token enters
Critical Section. In Lamport's DMX Algorithm
when a process wants to enter the Critical
Section, it sends messages to all processes
including itself and waits for reply whether it is
allowed to enter critical section or not. Once the
process is done accessing the Critical Section, it
will notify all processes by releasing the request.
The Lamport Algorithm uses the following
per CS. Since three messages are required per
critical section, the message complexity is 3*(N1), where (N-1) for REQUEST, (N-1) for REPLY
and (N-1) for RELEASE.
Ricart Agrawala algorithm is optimization of
Lamport's Algorithm that overdoes RELEASE
messages with REPLY messages. A process is
only allowed to enter critical section when it
receives all REPLY messages from all processes,
a REPLY can be delayed to a node only when a
node is done with its critical section. Hence
number of messages required to enter critical
section are reduced from 3*(N-1) to 2*(N-1)
where (N-1) for REQUEST and (N-1) for
This report is presented as follows: In section II,
I presented the experimental parameters used. I
described the program flow for realistic
simulation engine. In section III, the result has
been obtained.
Finally in section IV, I described the
implementation areas of this algorithm and my
future research interest in the same.
The objective of this experiment was to
implement Ricart Agrawala algorithm an d
to understand the purpose and behavior of
the algorithm under different number of
nodes (N). The program has been
implemented to show how the Algorithm
works and to collect statistical data by
varying the experimental parameters.
request timestamp. This implementation is
done using function Receivereq as
public void Receivereq(int p, int n)
System.out.println("Received request from node”
+ n);
boolean bDefer = false;
A. Experiment Parameters and Expectation:
highPNum = Math.max(highPNum, p);
The parameters used in Ricart Agrawala
simulation started by varying the number of
nodes (N). The number of nodes used varies from
10 to 100. In each increment of 10 nodes, I then
varied the size of the contending nodes, load size
(L) with low load 1(node) and high load (all
nodes). It is expected, that in Ricart Agrawala, the
change in Load Size will not affect the number of
messages being exchanged between nodes. In
fact, I expect it to have a constant number of
messages exchanged despite change in load.
However change in number of nodes should
reflect linear change in number of messages per
critical section access.
bDefer = pRequestcs && ((p > processNum) ||
(p== processNum && n > nod));
System.out.println("Deferred sending message
to” + n);
if(n > nod)
DefReply[n - 2] = true;
DefReply[n - 1] = true;
B. Simulation Engine:
The simulator implemented is responsible
to handle creation of nodes, selection of
nodes by random to be run, and assigning
channels to the nodes. Here I used 6
channels. I used a random number
generator to generate a random process to
To ensure that the simulation executed as
according to the specifications of the
algorithm, receive request function should
be implemented such that when process P i
receives a request from process P j , it
sends a REPLY message to process P i , if
process P j is neither requesting nor
executing the CS or if process P j is
requesting and then process P j ’s own
System.out.println("Sent reply message to” + n);
The process trying to access the CS, sends
requests to other generated processes using the
function Reqto( ). The processes obtaining the
request executes the method Receivereq( ). The
processes receiving the request would either reply
back using the method Replyto( ) and would defer
the reply depending on the fulfilment of the
condition. The requesting process after getting
replies from all processes using the method
receiveReply ( ) accesses or waits for access to
the CS depending on the conditions fulfilled.
w[n-1].println("reply," + n);
public void Reqto(int processNum, int nod, int
public void receiveReply(){
System.out.println("send request to node" +
if(j > nod)
eplies - 1), 0);
//System.out.println("remaining replies:
" + totalAwaitedReplies);
w[j-2].println("request," + processNum + "," +
The results of the experiment for Ricart Agrawala
Algorithm shows the implementation of the
algorithm. The end result is still yet to be obtained
However I am trying to obtain the relation
between the number of processes and the
messages trying to access the CS.
+ "," + nod);
public void Replyto(int n)
System.out.println("send reply to node " + n);
if(n > nod)
w[n-2].println("reply," + n);
Depending on the results I obtain that the
message complexity of Ricart Agrawala
solely depends on the number of processes
in the system. The Ricart Agrawala
Algorithm is completely distributed and
decentralized. However for each request
O(N) messages is still required.
Ricart Agrawala can be extended to work
on practical network applications. The
correctness of the Ricart Agrawal a
Algorithm should not be affected when
inserting new nodes into the network. In
practical network insertion of new nodes.
Whenever new nodes are added it should
be able to update the sequence number ,
request received and the requests it is
going to reply back or acknowledge.
Ricart Agrawala can be extended to solve
Dining Philosopher's Problem where there
are several sites and several number of
processes working in each site.
[1] L. Lamport, “Time, clocks, and the
ordering of events in a distributed
system,” Commun. ACM, vol. 21, no. 7,
pp. 558–565, 1978.
[2] G. Ricart and A. K. Agrawala, “An
optimal algorithm for mutual exclusion in
computer networks,” Commun. ACM, vol.
24, no. 1, pp.9–17, 1981.
[4] Referred most and obtained some
information from
[5] google.co.in