Advanced GIS Skills - Yale University Library

Advanced Skills with GIS Data and ArcGIS
Cheat Sheet
Download the Data to C:\temp
Unzip the Data
Explore the Data files in Windows Explorer
Open ArcMap
Save the Map Document as C:\temp\Advanced_GIS_Skills_2009\Madagascar.mxd and explore
the Data in the Catalog Window
Create a New Empty GDB
Called Madagascar in the C:\temp\Advanced_GIS_Skills_2009\Data folder
Import Data
All of the Shapefiles from the C:\temp\Advanced_GIS_Skills_2009\Data\Shapefiles folder to the
Madagascar GDB using the Import Feature Class (Multiple) tool.
Using Modelbuilder
1. In the ArcCatalog Catalog Tree panel on
the left, Right-Click on the Madagascar.gdb
and select New>Toolbox.
2. Right-Click on the new Toolbox and open
its properties. Rename this new toolbox
“MyTools” without a space. Set the Label
as “My Tools” with a space.
3. Right-Click on your “MyTools” toolbox and
select “New>Model.” The ModelBuilder
interface will appear.
4. Open the Search Window and search on
the term “XY”.
5. Click on the green path below the “Make XY Event Layer” tool in the search results. This will
switch you to the Catalog Window, and expand and select the appropriate tool.
6. Click-Hold-Drag the “Make XY Events Layer” tool into ModelBuilder. Click outside the resulting
model elements to deselect them.
7. Return to the Search Window and enter “Feature Class to Feature Class. Find the “Feature Class
to Feature Class” tool, and add it to the Modelbuilder Window, to the right of the “Make XY
Events Layer” tool.
8. Click on the “Add Connection: tool
to activate it. Using the wand, connect the “Layer
Name” Oval model element to the “Feature Class to Feature Class” Rectangle model element
and select Input Features when prompted.
9. Change to the Select Elements tool
and right-click on the “Make XY Event Layer” Object.
Select Make Variable>From Parameter>XY Table.
10. Repeat Step 12 for the remaining parameters for the “Make XY Events Layer” Object EXCEPT
11. Double-Click on the Spatial Reference Variable Object to open its properties.
12. Set the Spatial Reference to Geographic Coordinate Systems>World>WGS 1984.prj (Note that
the object is now blue).
13. Right-click on the XY Table variable object and select “Model Parameter.” This makes the
variable appear for input in the dialog box that will result from this model.
14. Repeat step 19 for the “X Field” and “Y Field” variables.
15. Double-Click on the “Make XY Event Layer” and enter:
%XY Table% Event Layer
in the “Layer Name or Table View” Input Box. Click OK.
16. Right-click on the “Feature Class to Feature Class” Object and select Make Variable>From
Parameter>Output Location.
17. Right-Click on the Output Location Variable object and select Model Parameter.
18. Right-click on the “Feature Class to Feature Class” Object and select Make Variable>From
Parameter>Output Feature Class, then make this a Model Parameter.
19. Make the “Feature Class to Feature Class” Object’s Output Feature Class a Variable and Model
Parameter. Click Save.
20. On the Main Menu of the ModelBuilder Window, go to Model>Model Properties.
21. In the General Tab, change the Name of the Model to “XYtoGDB.” Change the Label to “XY
Table to GDB.”
22. Switch to the Parameters Tab and make sure the order of the parameters is as follows:
a. XY Table
b. X Field
c. Y Field
d. Output Location
e. Output Feature Class (2)
23. On the main Menu, go to View>Auto Layout. Then, View> Full Extent.
24. Click OK. Click on the Save Icon to save your changes.
25. Close ModelBuilder.
26. Return to the Madagascar.gdb
(Click on the Home Button at
the top of Catalog) and find
your MyTools>XY Table to GDB.
27. Double-click the “XY Table to
GDB” to launch the dialog.
a. XY Table =
C:\temp\Advanced GIS
b. X Field = POINT_X
c. Y Field = POINT_Y
d. Output Location = Madagascar.gdb
e. Output Feature Class = World_Cities
28. Run the tool, then return to your Madagascar GDB and use F5 to refresh the view.
29. Add the new layer to your Map Document and Save.
Use a Definition Query to limit the World_Cities Feature Class
"CNTRY_NAME" = 'Madagascar'
Georeference the Madagascar_econ_1973.jpg
Using the Georeferencing Toolbar
Fit to Display to adjust the image size to the Data Frame
Place Control Points
Remove bad links with the Links Table
Update Georeferencing when all Control Points have been placed
Use the Magnification Window to assist placing the Control Point links
Create a New Feature Class
1. Name = Plantations
2. Point Features
3. WGS 1984
4. Add a Field called “Type” with Text as the field type
Add a Domain to the GDB and link it to the Plantations Feature Class
In the Properties of the Madagascar GDB add a Domain:
1. Name = PlantationType
2. Description = Plantation Type
3. Field Type = Text
4. Domain Type = Coded Values
5. Add two Coded Values
a. Sugar
b. Clove
In the Properties of the Plantations Feature Class
1. Make the TYPE field Domain PlantationType
2. Set the Default Value to Clove
Edit the Plantations Feature Class
Add the Plantations Feature Class to the Map Document
Symbolize using Categories and the Type Field (All all value)
Right-Click the Plantations>Editing> Start Editing
Select and place your features based on the Editing Template
Save Edits and Stop Editing from the Editing Toolbar
For more on editing, Search the ArcGIS Help for “Editing Tour”
Creating a Layout
Switch to Layout Mode
Add VEGGEOL Feature Class
Dissolve VEGGEOL
to Madagascar_Outline leaving Dissolve Field blank
Zoom to Layer
Set Data Frame Properties
1. Reference Scale
2. Size
3. Frame Color & Border
Change World_Cities Symbology
Based on STATUS Field
Place Graphic Label for MADAGASCAR
Return to Data Mode for this
Return to Layout Mode
Adjust World Cities Label Size
Convert World Cities Labels to Annotations
Add Annotation Layer to Editing Templates
Edit the new Annotation Layer to move the Labels
Open the Annotation Layer Table and Change the Unplaced Annotation to Placed
Add a new Data Frame
Main Menu>Insert>Data Frame
Rename it Inset
Add the Continent Feature Class
Adjust new Data Frame Properties
Background (black)
Extent Rectangle
a. Layers item
b. 2 point white frame
Add a Legend
Right-Click and Activate the Layers Data Frame
Main Menu>Insert>Legend
Remove all but the Plantations Layer
Adjust the Labels in TOC
Convert Legend to Graphics and Ungroup
Place at bottom of layout
Add & Customize Scalebar
1. 1 division no subdivisions
2. Adjust Width, 100 miles
3. Numbers at Divisions
4. Save as Custom Scalebar
Add North Arrow
1. Decline to Long/Lat 42.5E, 19.6S & today’s date (~ -14.25)
Insert & Rotate Descriptive Text
Add a White Neatline
Export to Image
2. 300dpi
3. 8-bit Grayscale
4. Clip to Graphic Extent