This module consist the implementation of Sender Algorithm in the

A. Aim of the Project:
PACK (Predictive ACKs), a novel end-to-end traffic redundancy elimination (TRE) system.
PACK’s main advantage is its capability of offloading the server TRE effort to end-clients, thus
minimizing the processing costs induced by the TRE algorithm. PACK is based on a novel TRE
technique, which allows the client to use newly received chunks to identify previously received
chunk chains, which in turn can be used as reliable predictors to future transmitted chunks.
The main aim is to eliminate redundant data transfer and reduce bandwidth cost on the
network, in particular traffic redundancy elimination (TRE), for reducing bandwidth costs.
Problem Definition:
In Internet end user’s activities, such as repeatedly accessing, downloading, uploading i.e.,
backup, distributing, and modifying the same or similar information items such as documents, data,
Web, and video. Redundancy in network can be defined as the supplying of duplicate copies of
various data. TRE is used to eliminate the transmission of redundant content and, there-fore, to
significantly reduce the network cost.
B. Existing System
To achieve traffic redundancy elimination most of the enterprises today use WAN optimizers
and EndRE system also called as Sender-based end-to-end TRE solutions. Sender-based end-to-end
TRE solutions add a considerable load to the servers, which may eradicate the network cost saving
addressed by the TRE in the first place. Our experiments further show that current end-to-end
solutions also suffer from the requirement to maintain end-to-end synchronization that may result
in degraded TRE efficiency.
The drawbacks of the existing system are they do not cop well with end-to-end encrypted traffic
and leave the data uncompressed and also for encrypted data they need encryption key but these
weaken end-to-end semantics and it is cost for end user’s. Existing System is not a cost effective.
C. Proposed System
We present a novel receiver-based end-to-end TRE solution that relies on the power of
predictions to eliminate redundant traffic between the server and its end-users (client). In this
solution, each receiver observes the incoming stream and tries to match its chunks with a
previously received chunk chain or a chunk chain of a local file. Using the long-term chunks’ metadata information kept locally, the receiver sends to the server predictions that include chunks’
signatures and easy-to-verify hints of the sender’s future data. The sender first examines the hint
and performs the TRE operation only on a hint-match. The purpose of this procedure is to avoid the
expensive TRE computation at the sender side in the absence of traffic redundancy. When
redundancy is detected, the sender then sends to the receiver only the ACKs to the predictions,
instead of sending the data. On the receiver side, we propose a new computationally lightweight
chunking (fingerprinting) scheme termed PACK chunking. PACK chunking is a new alternative for
Rabin fingerprinting traditionally used by RE applications. This technique is used to improve
storage utilization and can also be applied to network data transfers to reduce the number of bytes
that must be sent.
D. Description of Project In Short:
We implement this project as a simulation. Both client and server consist of PACK chunking
code. This project consist of two systems one as a client and other as a server. The sender sends
part of the data i.e. chunk to the server (Receiver), on receiving the receiver create unique key for
the respective chunk using SHA-1 Algorithm, and compared with the chunks present in the
database. If the chunk is present, receiver retrieves the subsequent chunks from the database and
generates prediction. This prediction is sent to the sender, sender uses this prediction to check
whether the prediction and data in the buffer are same if yes, sends prediction acknowledgement
other it will sent data.
E. Algorithm:
1. Pack Algorithm:
Performs parsing of data, generating chunks and prediction.
2. Receiver Algorithm:
Performs handling received data and sending prediction.
3. Sender Algorithm:
Receives prediction and generating ACK.
1. Input:
We give input as file up to 10MB limit (1 byte to 10MB).
2. Output/Results:
We will get output /result as redundant content of that file.
F. Experimental Setup:
We require minimum 3 number of PC’s to make client server environment. We have
to install server in one PC and it will be Pack Server and other will be clients of it.
Hardware Requirements:
Pentium processor at 900 MHz or higher
1 GB RAM or higher
25 GB or more hard disk
Software Requirements:
Operating System
Developing language : - Java (JDK 1.7)
: - Windows 7/8
: - MySql 5.0
:- Tomcat 7.0
Design and Implementation Constraints
We implement the project as a simulation, at the user level.
We use files as input data and input file limit will be 10MB
Assumptions and Dependencies
1) It is considered that the number of servers will be one.
2) Client Application developed using java swing (Desktop type) and it makes requests to
3) Server will implemented with J2EE and it will deployed in Tomcat Server.
G. Modules Information
1) Module 1: (Login Authentication and Database Designing)
This module contains login module which authenticates user and implemented on server
side. It also contains facility to upload and download a file. Creating database at Server side,
we receive the request from client and send the response to respected request.
2) Module 2: (Creating chunks and Make Prediction)
This module consists of PACK algorithm implementation. Generating chunks at client side
and it will send to server. Server makes prediction for receiving chunks.
3) Module 3: (Receiver Algorithm)
This module consist the implementation of Sender Algorithm in the client side. On receiving
data it create a unique key using SHA-1 Algorithm and find respective key in chunk store. If
generated key matched in chunk store then it sent prediction with TCP ACK else, it sent TCP
ACK only.
4) Module 4: (Sender Algorithm and Deployment)
This module consist the implementation of server side Receiver Algorithm. On receiving
prediction from server with TCP ACK, then it will generate the key for chunk with SHA-1
Algorithm which is prepared to sent and compare with received prediction. If prediction is
right then it will sent PRED ACK to server, else chunk will sent.