Provincial Case ID - - Client ID Disease name Hepatitis B, C, and D Case Report Form Disease name If Hepatitis B, please specify: Acute Provincial Case ID - (ANDS ID) Chronic (or Chronic Carrier) - Client ID (Note: see ANDS quick reference guide for reporting standards) (DHA generated) TESTING HISTORY (complete when applicable) Previously tested positive for Hepatitis: Yes No / Date of first positive test (yyyy) Where tested positive (province/country): / (mm) (dd) CLINICAL INFORMATION Symptoms Y N U Date of onset yyyy mm dd Abdominal Cramps / / Fatigue / / Fever / / Jaundice / / Loss of Appetite / / Nausea/Vomiting / / Other / / Hepatitis B, C, D Case Report Form 2015 v2.0 Provide Details Page 1 of 7 Provincial Case ID - - Client ID Disease name POTENTIAL EXPOSURE / RISK FACTORS Medical Risks Y N U Where (if applicable: city/province/country) yyyy Dental care or oral surgery Date mm / / / / / / / / Renal dialysis / / Received Immune Globulin / / Hemophiliac or requiring coagulation products / / Received Donation: (select all that apply) Tissue Organ Blood Blood Products Semen Other: / / Provided Donation: (select all that apply) Tissue Organ Blood Blood Products Semen Other: / / If yes, was the dental care or oral surgery performed outside of the country? Diagnostic/surgical procedure If yes, was the diagnostic/surgical procedure performed outside the country? Personal Risks Y Has the patient ever injected drugs not prescribed by a doctor (including steroid injection)? If yes, share needles, syringes or other materials (e.g. cooker, cotton)? Non-injection drug use If yes, share straws or other equipment (e.g. crack pipes)? Acupuncture N U Where (if applicable: city/province/country) yyyy Date mm / / / / / / / / / / / / Provide Details dd (i.e. Name and details of relevant facility) dd (i.e. Name and details of relevant facility) Provide Details Use of personal services where the skin may intentionally or unintentionally be broken: (select all that apply) Facial/microdermabrasion Ear/body piercing Manicure/pedicure Injection of fillers Other: Hepatitis B, C, D Case Report Form 2015 v2.0 Page 2 of 7 Provincial Case ID - - Client ID Disease name Personal Risks Y N U Where (if applicable: city/province/country) yyyy Tattoo/micro-pigmentation (e.g. semi-permanent make up) If yes, where was the procedure performed? (select all that apply) Date mm dd / / / / Electrolysis (ask if disposable needles) / / Percutaneous exposure (e.g. needle stick injury) / / History of travel/residence in an endemic country (Hepatitis B cases only) / / History of time in jail/prison (enter most recent date of incarceration) / / Is a household/family member known to be positive? / / Other exposure? / / Commercial parlor/shop Other: Correctional facility Body modification: (select all that apply) Scarification Branding Implanting Other: Sexual Risks Since becoming sexually active, have you engaged in any of the following? Y N U Where (if applicable: city/province/country) Date yyyy Provide Details mm Unprotected sex with someone of the opposite sex? / / Unprotect sex with someone of the same sex? / / Unprotected sex with someone who is hepatitis B, hepatitis C or hepatitis D positive? / / Unprotected sex with someone who engages in high risk activity, such as an illicit drug user or sex trade worker? / / Occupational exposure Y N U Where (if applicable: city/province/country) (i.e. Name and details of relevant facility) dd (i.e. Name and details of relevant facility) Provide Details mm Direct contact with blood while employed in a medical or dental field? / / Direct contact with blood while employed/volunteered as a public safety worker (e.g. correctional officer, police, fire/rescue)? / / Other occupational exposure (specify) / / Hepatitis B, C, D Case Report Form 2015 v2.0 dd Date yyyy Provide Details (i.e. Name and details of relevant facility) Page 3 of 7 Provincial Case ID - - Client ID Disease name HEPATITIS CLIENT EDUCATION CHECKLIST Discussed with client the importance of the following: (select all that apply) Health Protection Not sharing IV drug equipment Not sharing any drug inhalation equipment Disclosure of Hepatitis status to health care professionals who may be involved in care Disclosure of Hepatitis status to any current or future sexual partners & safer sex practices Disclosure of Hepatitis status to any current or future IVD or inhalation drug contacts Not donating any blood or body tissues Not sharing personal items such as razors and nail clippers Proper cleaning of any blood spills: wear disposable gloves; clean up spill using paper towels; wipe spot with 1 part bleach (100mls) to 9 parts water (900mls); allow solution to stay in for 10 mins before wiping off; dispose of paper towel in garbage; remove and dispose of gloves and wash hands. Healthy Living Importance of healthy lifestyle, including limited use of alcohol Importance of checking with physician or pharmacists before using medications, including vitamins and over the counter meds How to access clean needle program or addiction services if appropriate Offered immunizations if applicable – Hepatitis A and B; pneumococcal; tetanus booster; influenza Hepatitis B, C, D Case Report Form 2015 v2.0 Page 4 of 7 Provincial Case ID - - Client ID Disease name IMMUNIZATION HISTORY (if applicable) Has the patient previously received the Hepatitis A vaccine? If yes, how many doses? If yes, when was the last dose received? Yes No Unknown 1 2 3 (yyyy) Has the patient previously received the Hepatitis B vaccine? If yes, how many doses? If yes, when was the last dose received? If yes, how many doses? If yes, when was the last dose received? (mm) / (dd) Yes No Unknown 1 2 3 (yyyy) Has the patient previously received Combination Hepatitis A & B (Twinrix)? / >3 / (mm) / (dd) Yes No 1 2 (yyyy) / (mm) / >3 (dd) IMMUNIZATION OF CASE Hepatitis A: Yes No Dose #1 Unknown (yyyy) / (mm) / (dd) Dose #2 (yyyy) / / / / / / (mm) (dd) Additional Doses: Hepatitis B: Yes No Dose #1 Unknown (yyyy) / (mm) / (dd) Dose #2 (yyyy) (mm) (dd) Dose #3 (yyyy) / / / / (mm) (dd) Additional Doses: Combination Hepatitis A & B (Twinrix): Yes No Dose #1 Unknown (yyyy) / (mm) / (dd) Dose #2 (yyyy) (mm) (dd) Dose #3 (yyyy) (mm) (dd) Additional Doses: Other vaccines (as applicable): Pneumococcal 23: (yyyy) / (mm) Hepatitis B, C, D Case Report Form 2015 v2.0 / (dd) Tdap: (yyyy) / (mm) / (dd) Annual Influenza: (yyyy) / (mm) Page 5 of 7 / (dd) Provincial Case ID - - Client ID Disease name FOLLOW-UP OF CONTACTS Household Contacts Last Name First Name Relationship Is PH follow-up Indicated? Y N Serology Results Serology Date yyyy mm / / / HBIG Date if indicated dd yyyy / mm / / / / / dd / / / Vaccine Dates or attached recips yyyy mm dd 1. / / 2. / / 3. / / 1. / / 2. / / 3. / / 1. / / 2. / / 3. / / Comments (e.g. contacts lost to follow, education provided): Sexual/Other Contacts (share drugs etc.) Last Name First Name Address Phone Informed (by whom) Serology Date if indicated yyyy mm / / / dd / / / HBIG Date if indicated yyyy mm / / / dd / / / Vaccine Dates or attached recips yyyy mm / / 2. / / 3. / / 1. / / 2. / / 3. / / 1. / / 2. / / 3. / / Comments (e.g. contacts lost to follow, education provided): Hepatitis B, C, D Case Report Form 2015 v2.0 dd 1. Page 6 of 7 Provincial Case ID - - Client ID Disease name MOST LIKELY PRIMARY EXPOSURE IDENTIFIED Yes No If yes, please indicate: Medical Officer of Health Requires CBS referral Yes No If yes, please provide details: MoH Comments: CASE MANAGEMENT LOG Attempt Date yyyy Time mm dd 1 / / 2 / / 3 / / 4 / / 5 / / hh:mm Comments Public Health Staff/Reporter Comments: Collection Date Reporter’s Name/Signature: Hepatitis B, C, D Case Report Form 2015 v2.0 yyyy / mm / dd Page 7 of 7