S8P4. Students will explore the wave nature of and



S8P4. Students will explore the wave nature of _______________ and

_________________________ radiation. a. Identify the ____________________ of ____________________ and

________________________ waves.

What are waves?

 Waves carry _______________

Rhythmic disturbances that _______________ _______________

______________ _______________ _______________ are called waves.

Models of Waves


 Waves transfer _______________, but ______ ______ _______________matter.

Mechanical Waves

 Waves that _______________ _______________ _______ _________________

_______________ are mechanical waves.

 _______ _______________ _______________ _______________ a mechanical wave travels is called a medium.

 A mechanical wave travels as _______________ _______ _______________

__________ _______________ _____ _______________ in the medium.

 There are _____ kinds of mechanical waves.

_______________ Waves

 A type of mechanical wave.

 The wave energy causes the matter in the medium to move _____ _______ _________ or __________ ________ __________ at _______________ _______________ to the direction the wave travels.

____________________ Waves

 A type of mechanical wave.

 In a compressional wave, matter in the medium moves _______________ _____

_______________ along the _______________ _______________ that the wave travels.

Sound Waves

 Sound waves are _______________ waves.

Electromagnetic Waves

 Waves that can _______________ _______________ _______________ where there is no matter are electromagnetic waves.

 There are _______________ _______________ of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves, X rays, and gamma rays.

 These waves can travel in matter or in space.

Radiant Energy

 The sun emits ____________________ _______________ that travel through space and reach Earth.

 The energy carried by electromagnetic waves is called ______________


 Most of the radiant energy that reaches Earth from the sun is carried by

_______________ and _______________ _______________ waves.


 What is a wave?

Waves transfer _______________, but do _______ transfer _________________.

 Mechanical Waves

Mechanical waves _______________ _____ _______________ in which to travel.

When a transverse wave travels, particle of the medium move at _____________

_______________ to the direction the wave is traveling.

When a compressional wave travels, particles of the medium move ___________

________ _______________ along the same direction the wave is traveling.

_______________ is a compressional wave.

 Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves can _______________ _______________

_______________ _______________.

The sum emits _______________ _______________ of electromagnetic waves, including infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet waves.

Wave Properties

S8P4 f. Diagram the parts of the wave and explain how the parts are affected by changes in amplitude and pitch.


 The _______________ above or below the _______________ _______________ of a wave is the amplitude.

Amplitude and Energy

 A wave’s _______________ is related to the _______________ that the wave carries.

 The _______________ the light the _______________ the _______________ the

________________ the light the _______________ the _______________.

 The ______________ the sound the _______________ the _______________ the

_______________ the sound the _______________ the _______________.

Transverse wave diagram

Compressional wave diagram


 For a transverse wave, wavelength is _________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________, or



 For a compressional wave, the wavelength is __________________________________

____________________________________________________________________, or



Electromagnetic waves


 The frequency of a wave is _________________________________________________


 The unit of frequency is __________________________________________________, or ____________________________.

Frequency and Wavelength

 __________ _______________ result in _______________ _______________.

 _______________ _______________ result in _______________ _______________.


 Because frequency and wavelength are related, either the ______________________ or

_____________________ of a light wave __________________ the ______________ of the ________________.

 For example, blue light has a larger frequency and shorter wavelength than red light.


 Either the _______________ or _______________ determines the ______________ of a sound wave.

 Pitch is _________________________________________________________________.

 The _______________ of the notes on a musical scale ________________ as the notes get _______________ in _______________, but the __________________ of the notes



 Amplitude

In a transverse wave, the amplitude is ___________________________________


The _______________ the _______________, the _______________ the

_______________carried by the wave.

 Wavelength

For a transverse wave, wavelength is ____________________________________, or ________________________________________________________________.

For a compressional wave, wavelength is ________________________________

_____________________________________, or __________________________


 Frequency

The frequency of a wave is ____________________________________________


For waves that travel _________________________________________, as the

__________________________ of the wave __________________________, its

_______________ ______________________.
