A LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON GENERAL INTELECTUAL DEVELOPMENT AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH SELECTED MOTOR PERFORMANCE VARIABLES THROUGH 10 TO 13 YEAR OLD BOYS. Saikot Chatterjee*, Alok K Banerjee** & Samir Ranjan Adhikary*** * Asst. Prof. Department of Physical Education, University of Kalyani, W.B. ** Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Kalyani, W.B. *** Asst. Prof. Sachidananda College of Education, Simurali, W.B. Corresponding author: Saikot Chatterjee Abstract The relationship between physical activity and intelligence has often been a matter of great debate in sport psychology circles. Though there is existence of numerous studies conducted with the view of establishing a relationship between intelligence and sporting performance, it is somehow felt by the author that investigations related to the development of intelligence through a few years and its relationship with motor tasks during the very crucial period of growth and development is truly rare. The child growth and development includes an interrelated expression of physical, cognitive, social psychological size of the whole body or any of its parts. Since the earliest times intellectualism (the pure mental processed and athleticism the physical activities involving strength speed etc.) have been though erroneously considered as two poles widely apart. Hence the author premeditated to conduct a longitudinal study through 10 to 13 years to locate the normal intellectual development of boys and enumerate its relationship with the physical fitness variables. The researcher selected 30 boys randomly from a school and conducted the AAHPERD Youth Fitness test battery as the measure of Physical Fitness and Revan’s test of Progressive Matrices for assessment of intelligence. For data analysis he computed descriptive statistics and paired sample t test. On the basis of data analysis the author concluded that intelligence was found to develop significantly through the ages of growth and development incorporated but there was no significant correlation between intelligence and the selected motor performance or physical fitness variables. Key words: Longitudinal, Intellectual Development, Motor Performance. ******* Background The child growth and development includes an interrelated expression of physical, cognitive, social psychological size of the whole body or any of its parts. Since the earliest times intellectualism (the pure mental processed and athleticism the physical activities involving strength speed etc.) have been though erroneously considered as two poles widely apart. The scenario is fast changing because intelligence is being viewed not simply as augment of nonobservation cerebral function but a vast and multifaceted spectrum of cognitive effective and motor processes and activities that are impeccably interrelated and unbelievably inter-dependant. What use in the individual who thinks correctly, but acts clumsily and vice versa. Research in psychophysiology indicates that neurons and nerves which are the basic instrument of intelligence – derive their verve and vigor from the action potential of the muscles which are the instruments of observable and non-observation activity of the organism. The more efficiently are the muscles exercised the more efficiently do they help in nourishing other parts of the body, more specifically the brain and the nervous system, which cause intelligent behaviour. The relationship between physical activity and intelligence has often been a matter of great debate in sport psychology circles. Exercise athletic sports etc. are complex skilled activities. All of them derive the inspiration and strength from the motor abilities (inherited or acquired), which develop as the child proceeds chronologically. Since all skilled behaviour is intelligent behaviour, relationship between athleticism and intelligence cannot be denied. There are numerous studies wherein the relationship between physical dynamics (exercise and sport) and intellectual attributes (intelligence I. Q. scores) has either been reported very low or no existent at all. As explained above much has been depended upon the variables investigated into and the methodologies used. Though there is existence of numerous studies conducted with the view of establishing a relationship between intelligence and sporting performance, it is somehow felt by the author that investigations related to the development of intelligence through a few years and its relationship with motor tasks during the very crucial period of growth and development is truly rare. The researcher with an innovative mental makeup strived to conduct a study in a longitudinal fashion to locate the gradual development pattern of intelligence and draw relationship between selected motor performance variables through 10 to 13 years aged boys. Methodology Participants of the present study were selected from a High School (Dist. Burdwan, West Bengal). There were 150 students of this age group (10½ years) in that school’s student population of 2000. All the students of the required age group were asked to take part as a volunteer in the study. On a specified day all the students were present in the play ground and they were asked to collect a number ranging from 1–150 by drawing lots. Those students getting the numbers 1–30 were thus randomly selected to act as volunteer for the study. Criterion measure The investigator preferred the AAHPERD youth fitness test battery composed of 50 mts. Dash, 60 mts. Run and Walk, Pull-up, Push-up, Sit-up and Shuttle run, as the fitness gram for inferring data related to motor performance and adopted the Revan’s test of progressive matrices as the means to figure out development of intelligence. The longitudinal study was framed to collect data bi-annually i.e., at an interval of six months, as shown below in the chart. Number of Stages Month / Week &Year 1st stage 1st week of January (2006) 2nd stage 1st week of July(2006) 3rd stage 1st week of January(2007) 4th stage 1st week of July(2007) 5th stage 1st week of January(2008) Table – 1: Motor Performance Tests, Objectives with the Measuring Units Sl. No. Motor Performance Tests Objectives Measuring Units 1. 50 yard dash Speed 1/100 sec. 2. 600 yard run and walk Cardio-respiratory endurance 1/100 sec. 3. Shuttle run Agility 1/100 sec. 4. Pull ups Arm strength Number / min. 5. Sit ups Abdominal strength Number / min. 6. Standing broad jump Leg explosive strength Cms. For intelligence measure Raven’s Intelligence Test of Progressive Matrices was used in this study. The battery consisted of 5 sets of problems. The problems were displayed and answers were sought in tick marks. Evaluation was made with the key for the test. Statistical Procedure Standard Statistical Procedures have been adopted for analysis and interpretation of data collected. Firstly, mean and S.D. were calculated and further Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was computed to locate the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. Result and Discussion The data collected from the previously mentioned tests and measurements have been statically analyzed adopting the methods mentioned above. At first as a part of descriptive statistics the Mean and S.D. of both the motor performance variables and development of intelligence at the different stages of the study i.e. 10.5-12.5 years were computed followed by paired sample t test to locate the degree of difference. The mean and S.D. for the motor performance variables are presented in table no. 2 and simultaneously the mean and S.D. for intelligence are presented in table no. 3 respectively. Table 2: Mean and S.D of Motor Performance Variables at different stages of growth Variables 1st Stage (Cm.) Mean 50 2nd Stage 3rd Stage 4th Stage 5th Stage S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. 1.27 9.44 0.79 9.06 0.81 8.95 0.83 8.89 0.81 0.19 2.03 0.19 1.95 0.22 1.82 0.19 1.72 0.19 up 18.23 9.09 19.40 8.62 24.53 8.12 27.33 7.86 29.07 7.39 up 1.93 1.76 4.17 2.98 5.07 3.57 5.40 3.72 5.47 3.43 0.83 11.62 0.735 12.14 0.89 12.32 0.86 12.61 1.02 Yard 9.47 Dash (Sec) 600 Yard 2.13 Dash (Sec) Sit (No.) Pull (No.) Shuttle 11.57 Run (Sec.) Standing 128.47 13.50 137.47 13.76 149.37 19.40 159.33 18.09 163.43 20.23 Broad Jump (cm) According to table no.2 it appears that except the motor performance in shuttle run all the other variables developed through the years under consideration. According to paired sample t test the degrees of difference were also significant in most of the cases. Similarly, from table no. 3 it appears that the level of intelligence improved gradually with the advancement of age, which has been presented with the help of a column chart presented in Figure 1. The paired samples in this case also showed that degree of difference between the means were significant in all the stages. But, as the sole intention of the author was to establish the relationship between the motor performance variables and intelligence correlations studies have been computed to establish their relationship, presented in the tables 4 to 8. Figure 1. Development of Intelligence through 10 to 13 years intelligence 10.5 yrs 11 yrs 11.5 yrs 12 yrs 12.5 yrs Table 3: Showing the Results of Paired Samples Test in Different Sessions of Measurement of Intelligence Pair Variable Correlation Paired Differences Mean t Sig. Std. Deviation Pair 1 Intelligence 1st – Intelligence 2nd 0.855* -2.100 4.196 -2.741 0.010 Pair 2 Intelligence 2nd - Intelligence 3rd 0.948* -1.767 2.459 -3.935 0.000 Pair 3 Intelligence 3rd - Intelligence 4th 0.947* -2.167 2.614 -4.540 0.000 Pair 4 Intelligence 4th – Intelligence 5th -2.400 1.831 -7.180 0.000 0.980* According to Table no. 3 it is clear that intelligence developed thoroughly at the different stages of the study and the levels of development were statistically significant. Table 4: Showing the Descriptive Statistics in Different Sessions of Measurement of Intelligence 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session 5th Session Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Intelligence 15.63 7.88 17.73 7.71 19.50 7.51 21.67 8.10 24.07 8.80 Variables Correlation between Intelligence and Motor Performance The tables concerned with the correlation studies have been presented in the tables below: Table 5: Correlation between Intelligence and Motor Performance (age 10.5 years) Motor performance 50 Intelligence yard 600 yard Sit ups dash run & walk 0.111 –0.041 Pull ups Shuttle S. B. J. Run 0.192 0.421* –0.179 0.202 * Significant at 0.05 level Table 6: Correlation between Intelligence and Motor Performance (age 11 years) Motor Quality Variables 50 yard dash 600 yard run & walk Sit ups Pull ups Shuttle S. B. J. Run Intelligence 0.244 0.189 –0.066 0.051 0.222 0.079 Table 7: Correlation between Intelligence and Motor Performance (age 11.5 years) Motor Quality Variables 50 yard dash 600 yard run & walk Sit ups Pull ups Shuttle S. B. J. Run Intelligence 0.287 0.243 0.195 0.271 0.260 0.124 Table 8: Correlation between Intelligence and Motor Performance (age 12 years) Motor Quality Variables 50 yard dash 600 yard run & walk Sit ups Pull ups Shuttle S. B. J. Run Intelligence 0.008 0.155 0.126 0.385* 0.089 0.191 Table 9: Correlation between Intelligence and Motor Performance (age 12.5 years) Motor Quality Variables 50 yard dash 600 yard run & walk Sit ups Pull ups Shuttle S. B. J. Run Intelligence –0.005 0.197 0.215 0.146 0.152 0.183 From the data analysis presented in the above tables it is somehow clear that at all the stages of the study i.e. from 10 through 13 years no significant relationship exists between the independent variable Intelligence and its dependent counterpart the motor performance variables. The findings of this study were found to be in close proximity with the findings of other leading researchers for eg. Tuckman (1999) summarized the results of several studies and concluded that chronic exercise training has little impact on children’s intelligence or cognitive skills, but it does facilitate creativity. Strong support for the executive function hypothesis has been provided through research conducted with older adults. Corder (1966) used the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) in a study conducted to evaluate the effects of 20 days of physical fitness training on boys ranging between 12 to 16 years of age who were diagnosed with moderate mental retardation (Mean IQ=66). Twenty-four children, matched on IQ, were randomly assigned either to a 60-min exercise intervention comprised of calisthenics, sprint runs, and 400-yard runs, an activity-control condition that involved recording the daily training performance of children in the exercise group, or a non-exercise group. Compared to children in the non-exercise condition, physical activity resulted in improvements in the children’s WISC Full Scale IQs (exercise ES1=0.92; non-exercise ES=0.30) and Verbal Scale (exercise ES=1.22; non-exercise ES=0.02). There were no group differences in Performance IQ. Importantly, IQ gains obtained by children who exercised did not differ from gains obtained by children in the activity control group, suggesting that the attention children obtained, rather than physical activity per se, led to improved IQ-test performance. Tremblay et.al (2000) reported no relation between the self-reported physical activity of 6,923 sixth grade Canadian children and their performance on standardized reading, mathematics, science and writing tests. Kramer et.al. (1999) assessed the impact of aerobic exercise training on both executive and non-executive cognitive processes in older adults. Participants in this study were assigned to either a 6-month aerobic training program or a non-aerobic toning program. A battery of cognitive tests was administered to participants prior to and following interventions. Clear post-training differences were observed. Individuals who participated in aerobic exercise training performed tests that required executive function (i.e., a category switching task, a flanker task, and a countermanding task) more rapidly and more efficiently than non-exercisers. Importantly, treatments had negligible influence on older adults’ performance of tasks that did not emphasize executive-type mental processes. There are several research studies endeavoured to fetch the training effects or effects of chronic and acute exercise on brain functioning, executive functioning, intelligence etc. and in many cases significant relationship could be derived between chronic exercise and intelligence but very meager research works have been conducted to investigate the relationship between intelligence and motor performance variables. The author endeavoured to explore this innovative area. Conclusion 1. The study reveals that in association with other growth and developmental components of the children the cognitive factor or intelligence significantly improved through the years 10-13. 2. No significant relation could be established between intelligence and motor performance variables through the years incorporated in the study. References Corder WO. (1966). Effects of physical education on the intellectual, physical, and social development of educable mentally retarded boys. 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