ILEX Accredited Centre Handbook - Chartered Institute of Legal

Accredited Centre Handbook for:
CILEx Level 3 and 6 Professional qualifications
CILEx Level 3 and 4 Legal Services qualifications
Re-issued August 2013
Welcome to The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and our CILEx
Accredited Centre Handbook for 2013/14.
We are pleased that you are
considering becoming a CILEx accredited centre or have chosen to continue
working with us as a CILEx accredited centre.
This handbook is for centres that deliver or are seeking to deliver the following
Level 3 and 6 Professional qualifications
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Law and Practice
CILEX Level 3 Diploma in Law and Practice
CILEx Level 3 Extended Diploma in Law and Practice
CILEx Level 6 Certificate in Law
CILEx Level 6 Diploma in Law and Practice
CILEx Level 6 Diploma in Legal Practice
Level 3 and 4 Legal Services qualifications
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Civil Litigation
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Employment Practice
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Family Practice
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Private Client Practice
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Property
CILEx Level 3 Diploma in Providing Legal Services
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Knowledge of Criminal Prosecution Procedures
CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Criminal Prosecution Case Work
CILEx Level 4 Diploma in Commercial Litigation
CILEx Level 4 Diploma in Debt Recovery and Insolvency
CILEx Level 4 Diploma in Personal Injury Litigation
CILEx Level 4 Extended Diploma in Personal Injury Litigation
CILEx Level 4 Diploma in Providing Legal Services
To gain a full understanding of these CILEx qualifications, this handbook should be
read in conjunction with the relevant Qualifications Handbook. This and other
CILEx guidance documents are available from the CILEx website. It is strongly
recommended that programme managers, course coordinators and assessors
regularly refer to the CILEx website ( because it is frequently
updated with key information relevant to CILEx accredited centres.
Please contact Jonathan Young, CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor, if you require
assistance regarding the CILEx centre accreditation process.
Telephone: +44 (0)1234 845717
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Section 1: The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
Our role as an awarding organisation
CILEx Professional and Legal Services qualifications
Welsh and Irish centres
Benefits of becoming an CILEx accredited centre
CILEx centre accreditation
Section 2: CILEx Centre Accreditation – New Centres
Accreditation procedure for new centres
Supporting documents
Private training providers
Accreditation fees and CILEx bank account details
Unsuccessful applications
Successful applications
Section 3: Maintaining CILEx Accredited Centre Status
Procedure for maintaining accreditation
Section 4: CILEx Centre Re-accreditation
Procedure for centre re-accreditation
Section 5: CILEx Monitoring and Investigation of Accredited Centres 19
CILEx visits to accredited centres
CILEx risk-based monitoring of centres
What happens if an increased level of risk is identified for
your centre?
CILEx’s investigation into alleged centre malpractice
Suspension or withdrawal of CILEx accredited centre status
Appeals process for CILEx accredited centres
Centre decides to withdraw from delivering CILEx qualifications
Section 6: The CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements
CILEx policies and procedures
CILEx Programmes of Learning
Learner registration
Learner information and support
Centre staff
Centre resources
Sub-contractors/satellite sites
Retention of records
Professional Skills Units
Equality and diversity
Malpractice and maladministration
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Regulatory and legal obligations
CILEx monitoring activities
Withdrawal of approval and interests of learners
CILEx centres accreditation fees
Additional Requirements for Competence Qualifications
(17) Delivery of qualification
(18) Learner information and Support
(19) Centre staff
Section 7: CILEx Responsibilities to Accredited Centres
Section 8: CILEx Transitional Arrangements and Exemptions
Transitional arrangements – Level 3 and Level 6 Professional
8.2 Exemption arrangements – Level 3 and Level 6 Professional
Section 9: Further Information
Key Deadlines and Dates
CILEx Equality and Diversity Policy
CILEx Data Protection Policy
CILEx’s commitment to customer service
Section 10: Advertising and Marketing
Section 11: Keeping in Touch
Qualification Schedule (Knowledge) 2012/2013
Qualification Schedule (Knowledge) 2013/2014
Qualification Schedule (Competence) 2013/2014
CILEx Accredited Centre Withdrawal Policy
Regional Liaison Officer Contact Details
CILEx Contact Details
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Section 1: The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) is the Professional Body which
represents Chartered Legal Executives and plays a unique and important role
within the legal sector. CILEx works closely with Government and is recognised
and listed by the Ministry of Justice as a main branch of the legal profession
alongside barristers and solicitors.
As an Awarding Organisation, CILEx provides a suite of accredited legal services
and professional qualifications aimed at both individuals interested in becoming
qualified in specific areas of law and legal practice, and those wishing to become a
qualified lawyer as a Chartered Legal Executive and Fellow of CILEx.
CILEx accredited centres play an important role in helping CILEx learners achieve
their developmental and career aims through the delivery of CILEx programmes of
learning. Becoming a CILEx accredited centre is open to any learning provider that
meets the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements for the qualification.
Our role as an Awarding Organisation
CILEx is recognised by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
(Ofqual.) As an Awarding Organisation, CILEx must demonstrate compliance with
the regulatory criteria in the General Conditions of Recognition published by
Ofqual and the Welsh Government (Wales). In this regard, CILEx is required to
have in place a written and enforceable agreement with each of its accredited
centres. It is essential that CILEx accredited centres understand their
responsibilities and take all reasonable steps to ensure that CILEx is able to
comply with the General Conditions of Recognition. Further details of the General
Conditions of Recognition and responsibilities of accredited centres are available
from the Ofqual website (
CILEx Professional and Legal Services qualifications
CILEx Professional qualifications are those Level 3 and 6 qualifications which
are specifically concerned with assessing those learners studying to become
Chartered Legal Executive Lawyers.
CILEx Legal Services qualifications are those Level 3 and 4 qualifications
which are specifically concerned with assessing those learners studying to improve
their understanding of and competence in a specific job role. These qualifications
underpin the Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships in Legal Services.
CILEx’s Professional and Legal Services qualifications are identified below:
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CILEx Level 3
Certificate in Law and
CILEx Level 3
Diploma in Law and
(referred to as CILEx
Level 3 Professional
Diploma in Law and
CILEx Level 3
Extended Diploma in
Law and Practice
CILEx Level 6
Certificate in Law
(referred to as the
CILEx Level 6 Single
Subject Certificate)
CILEx Level 6
Diploma in Law and
(referred to as the
CILEx Level 6
Professional Higher
Diploma in Law and
CILEx Level 6
Diploma in Legal
(referred to as the
CILEx Level 6
Graduate Fast-Track
CILEx Level 3
Certificate in
Knowledge of
Criminal Prosecution
CILEx Level 3
Certificate in Criminal
Professional or
Legal Services
Legal Services
Legal Services
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Prosecution Case
CILEx Level 3
Diploma in Providing
Legal Services
Legal Services
CILEx Level 4
Diploma in
Commercial Litigation
Legal Services
CILEx Level 4
Diploma in Debt
Recovery and
CILEx Level 4
Diploma in Personal
Injury Litigation
CILEx Level 4
Extended Diploma in
Personal Injury
CILEx Level 4
Diploma in Providing
Legal Services
Legal Services
Legal Services
Legal Services
Legal Services
*You should note that both these Legal Services qualifications are specific to the job roles
of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and, as such, are delivered by CILEx for the CPS.
You will also note that each qualification has been given a qualification type. This
is important for the purposes of centre accreditation as each qualification type has
different centre requirements.
Knowledge qualifications are generally assessed by timetabled examination
(and in the case of Professional Skills units by CILEx set and moderated
Alternatively, competence qualifications are assessed by a centre assessed and
CILEx externally verified portfolio of evidence. These differing forms of
assessment mean that the requirements to be satisfied by accredited centres in
relation to the delivery of these qualifications will vary.
Full details of unit accreditation codes can be found in each Qualification
Handbook, available to download from the CILEx website (
Welsh and Irish centres
CILEx is required to monitor the need for assessments in Welsh and Irish. CILEx
will monitor demand on an annual basis to see if there is a requirement for the
provision of the CILEx professional qualifications in Welsh/Irish and/or dual
language medium. Welsh and Irish centres are therefore required on an annual
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basis to confirm by 1 September if there is demand for the provision of the
CILEx professional qualifications in Welsh or Irish.
Benefits of becoming a CILEx accredited centre
Approval to market and deliver up to date nationally recognised flexible
programmes of learning for the legal profession.
Provision of CILEx promotional materials.
The opportunity to work with CILEx, a chartered body and a main branch of
the legal profession (alongside barristers and solicitors) and authorisation
to use the CILEx logo.
Help and support from the CILEx Centre Liaison Team.
Help and support from the CILEx Awards Team in connection with the
delivery of the qualifications.
CILEx tutor and candidate materials to support the delivery of the CILEx
Professional Skills units.
Qualification updates and access to learning provider events so that you
can be assured that you are delivering qualifications that are current, fit for
purpose and meet the needs of students and employers.
Inclusion on the list of CILEx Study centres on the CILEx website.
CILEx centre accreditation
New centres
The CILEx Centre Accreditation Process aims to ensure centres meet the CILEx
Accredited Centre Requirements as detailed in Section 6, so that CILEx
Learners are assured that CILEx qualifications are delivered to the highest
standards. Before your centre can start to offer a CILEx qualification it must be
formally approved by CILEx.
All learners registering for entry to any CILEx examination/assessment must have
undertaken an accredited programme of learning for the unit(s) they wish to take.
Learners enrolled on programmes at centres that have not been accredited by
CILEx will not be permitted to take a CILEx examination/assessment. Learners’
examination/assessment results will not be released to a centre which has not
been accredited.
In the first instance, interested centres should contact the CILEx Regional
Development Manager who will discuss your centre’s specific needs and help
guide you through the process of centre accreditation.
New centres should be aware that satisfaction of the centre accreditation
requirements in Section 6 allows the centre to deliver all of the above-named
knowledge qualifications. Where the centre wishes also to deliver the abovenamed competence qualifications, then it must also undertake the Additional
Requirements for Competence Qualifications identified in Section 6.
Where a centre only wishes to deliver a competence qualification, then it must still
undertake both sets of requirements. In this situation, the centre is not required
to address accredited centre requirements 2, 5, 9 and 10. However, if at a future
time it wishes to deliver the knowledge qualifications in addition to the
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competence qualifications, it will be required to meet these outstanding
requirements before it is permitted to deliver the CILEx knowledge qualifications.
The CILEx centre accreditation process for new centres is set out in Section 2.
Existing centres
To be assured that CILEx accredited centres continue to meet the CILEx
Accredited Centre Requirements, CILEx requires its centres to comply with the
procedures as detailed in Sections 3 to 6. Your centre will be re-accredited
every 5 years subject to CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements being met and
successful completion of the CILEx centre re-accreditation process shown in
Section 4.
Accredited centres currently delivering the Professional qualifications and wishing
to now deliver the Legal Services qualifications are automatically permitted to
deliver the Legal Services knowledge qualifications and should inform CILEx of
their extended portfolio of qualifications using the annual Confirmation of CILEx
Programmes Running Form.
Accredited centres extending their provision in this way must consider the CILEx
Accredited Centre Requirements and ensure that they are meeting all relevant
requirements in relation to the new parts of their qualification provision. In the
event of a risk-based investigation, CILEx reserves the right to check that an
accredited centre in this position is wholly compliant with the CILEx Accredited
Centre Requirements.
Accredited centres delivering CILEx knowledge qualifications and wishing to also
deliver CILEx competence qualifications must, in the first instance, satisfy the
Additional Requirements for Competence Qualifications identified in Section
6, and have their centre accreditation status formally amended to include
permission to deliver the competence qualifications.
Existing accredited centres satisfying the additional requirements for delivering
the competence qualifications will have these qualifications added to their existing
accreditation permissions and timeline for renewal, and will be required to renew
their accreditation for each qualification type at this point in the future. CILEx will
not be granting accredited centres varying accreditation timelines depending on
when qualification accreditation was first sought.
CILEx has in place a risk-based management system to monitor accredited
centres. Accredited centres should note that CILEx risk management principles
(see section 5) apply to centres both a) choosing to extend their range of
knowledge qualifications and/or b) seeking to satisfy additional requirements in
relation to competence qualification delivery. Where an accredited centre is
considered to be significantly adding to its risks by adopting either a) or b) above,
then CILEx reserves the right to investigate in line with its risk management
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Section 2: CILEx Centre Accreditation – New Centres
Procedure for centre accreditation
Contact CILEx Regional Development Manager to discuss your centre’s
intention to become accredited.
Review whether your centre complies with the CILEx Accredited Centre
Requirements as detailed in Section 6.
Complete the CILEx Accredited Centre Application Form and sign the
relevant Centre Agreement.
Submit the completed forms, supporting documents and accreditation fee to
the CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor. If your preference is for the fee to be
invoiced, it must be paid before your centre’s application is processed.
CILEx reviews your application and subject to the CILEx Accredited Centre
Requirements being met, recommends progression of your application to the
next stage of the accreditation process.
A CILEx representative visits your centre to meet with you and conduct a preaccreditation quality check.
Subject to the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements being met the
application is progressed to the next stage of the accreditation process.
The CILEx Centre Agreement is signed by CILEx Head of Awards to confirm
your centre’s accredited status.
Your centre will receive written confirmation, a copy of the agreement signed
by the CILEx Head of Awards and a certificate reflecting your centre’s
accredited status.
To maintain your centre’s CILEx accredited status, please see Sections 3 to 6.
The approval process will include the verification of all the information you supply
as part of your application. It will also evaluate your centre’s ability to provide
the expertise and resources to deliver a CILEx qualification and to ensure CILEx is
able to comply with the General Conditions of Recognition.
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Supporting documents
To confirm that your centre has appropriate arrangements and documentation
relating to policies, procedures and requirements in place, you will be required to
submit documentation applicable to Learners addressing the following with your
completed application form:
Employment and Public Liability Insurance
Health and Safety Policy
Data Protection Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy compliant with current Equalities Law and
which includes the centre’s policy for the provision of Reasonable
Adjustments for Learners where appropriate
Complaints procedure
Internal centre appeals procedures
Internal centre malpractice procedures
Internal quality assurance/internal verification procedures (applicable to
Professional Skills units)
Learner Handbook or equivalent information
Certified copies of CILEx Tutors’ relevant qualification(s) certificates
For applications to deliver the competence qualifications, you will be required to
submit the following additional documentation:
Certified copies of CILEx assessors’ and internal verifiers’ relevant
demonstrating competence in assessment, occupational competence and
recent occupational experience
Assessment and internal verification policy, procedures and plans
Enquiries and appeals policy
Reasonable adjustment and special consideration policy
Competence qualification quality assurance policy
Your centre will also be required to ensure CILEx Learners are familiar with the
following procedures/documents:
CILEx Examination Regulations
CILEx Professional Skills Regulations
CILEx Regulations for Competence Qualifications
CILEx Examination Registration Regulations
CILEx Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy and
Procedures – Level 3 and 6 Professional Qualifications and Level 3 and 4
Legal Services Knowledge Qualifications
CILEx Reasonable Adjustment Policy – Competence Qualifications
CILEx Special Consideration Policy – Competence Qualifications
CILEx Results Enquiries and Appeals Procedures - Level 3 and 6
Professional Qualifications and Level 3 and 4 Legal Services Knowledge
CILEx Enquiries and Appeals Policy – Competence Qualifications
CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Accredited Centre
Malpractice or Maladministration
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 CILEx Qualification Schedules (Key Dates and Deadlines – Knowledge
Qualifications and Certification Schedule – Competence Qualifications)
 CILEx Guide for Exemption Applications
 CILEx Qualification Handbooks
 CILEx Unit Specification Handbooks
(Note: where an accredited centre is only intending to deliver the competence
qualification, then it must ensure that its learners are familiar with those documents
specifically concerning the competence qualification.)
Private training providers ONLY
Private training providers include a variety of different organisational types such
as a private college/learning establishment, charity, partnership/LLP. All private
training providers are required to submit the following documents as applicable in
addition to those listed above:
Copies of centre approval(s) from relevant accrediting organisations (e.g.
QAA, ISI, British Accreditation Council, Accreditation UK etc.)
A copy of your last business accounts (please inform us if you are unable to
provide accounts because your centre is new)
A business plan
The name and addresses of the organisation’s directors or equivalent
(home and business)
CILEx will obtain a credit reference report on a private training provider
All educational establishments accepting students from outside the European
Economic Area (EEA) are required to have a licence before migrant students (i.e.
those coming to the UK expressly to study) are permitted to study in a school,
Further Education or Higher Education establishment or Private Training Provider.
This licence is issued by the UK Border and Immigration Authority (the BIA).
Further details, including how to apply and fees payable, are available from the
BIA website (
If your centre wishes to accept students from outside the EEA on CILEx
programmes of learning, we will require you to provide the following:
Home Office confirmation of your centre’s Highly Trusted Sponsor status for
foreign students (annually)
Centres can apply at any stage throughout the academic year, although
applications in advance of the start of a new academic year in September are
encouraged. You should allow up to 28 working days for CILEx to review your
centre’s application before arrangements can be made for the centre to be visited
by a CILEx representative. We reserve the right to process applications outside of
this timeframe if we have to contact you for additional information to enable us to
process your application effectively or the fee is not enclosed with the application
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Accreditation fees and CILEx bank account details
The accreditation fees for centres delivering CILEx knowledge qualifications
only for the academic year 2013/14 are:
Sixth Form/Community College/Further Education/Higher Education
Colleges/Universities: £400
Private training providers: £800
The accreditation fees for centres delivering CILEx competence qualifications
for the academic year 2013/2014 are:
Sixth Form/Community College/Further Education/Higher Education
Colleges/Universities: £600
Private training providers: £1,000
Please note, centres applying for accreditation should submit their fee payment
with their completed application form or pay the accreditation fee invoice. The fee
must be paid in full before the centre’s application can be processed.
CILEx bank account details:
National Westminster Bank
231 Bedford Road, Kempston, Beds, MK42 8YY
Account Name:
The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
Account Number: 51998866
Sort Code: 60-12-45
Unsuccessful applications
CILEx is keen for centres to submit their application to become an accredited
centre once they are confident they meet the CILEx Accredited Centre
Requirements. However, if your centre’s application is unsuccessful, your centre
will be advised by letter of the criteria that have not been satisfied.
Any re-applications must be made after a period of at least 6 months has elapsed,
include a schedule of changes made since the last application and an evaluation of
the effectiveness of any changes made.
However, if your centre decides it is not able to address the criteria that have not
been satisfied and, therefore, is not going to re-apply for centre accreditation you
will be reimbursed the fees less the handling charge as follows:
£150 for Sixth Form/Community College/Further Education/Higher
Education Colleges/Universities
£250 for Private Training Providers
In the case of centres applying to deliver competence qualifications, the additional
£200 fee will also be reimbursed
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Successful applications
Your centre will be provided with written confirmation from CILEx, a copy of the
agreement signed by CILEx and a certificate to reflect your centre’s accredited
status. Centres are accredited for a period of 5 years, subject to the centre’s ongoing compliance with the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements and
payment of the annual accredited centre fee.
In addition, your centre will be required to provide CILEx with up to date
information in relation to its ability to deliver the qualification effectively, and
confirmation of on-going compliance with the CILEx Accredited Centre
After a period of 5 years you will be required to review the CILEx Accredited
Centre Requirements including any subsequent revisions, confirm that the
centre is compliant with them and sign a new centre agreement.
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Section 3: Maintaining CILEx Accredited Centre Status
Procedure for maintaining centre accreditation
The updated CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook, Intention to Run
CILEx Programmes Form and Confirmation of CILEx Programmes
Running Form will be made available annually on the CILEx website.
To ensure our website is accurate for marketing purposes, submit the
completed Intention to Run Form for the next academic year to the CILEx
Centre Accreditation Advisor well in advance of the next academic year. This
form is not mandatory. (Please note, completion of the Confirmation of
CILEx Programmes Running Form is mandatory to confirm the CILEx
programmes your centre will be running for the next academic year – see
Stage 2.)
Submit your completed Confirmation of CILEx Programmes Running
Form and accreditation fee to the CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor prior
to the start of the academic year*. If your preference is to be invoiced for
the fee, it must be paid in accordance with the invoice’s payment terms
Subject to your centre’s continued compliance with the CILEx Accredited
Centre Agreement and the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements, as
shown in Section 6, and payment of the annual accredited centre fee, your
CILEx accredited centre status will continue for a period of 5 years until the
Agreement End Date as specified in the CILEx Accredited Centre
Centres must inform CILEx immediately of any changes to the
centre’s details.
*If your centre’s CILEx programmes are not delivered in accordance with a traditional
academic year (i.e. September to June) then bespoke deadlines for the submission of the
Confirmation of CILEx Programmes Running form and payment of the accreditation
fee will be agreed. Please contact the CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor to discuss
Any centre not complying with CILEx’s payment procedures may be subject to the
suspension or withdrawal of their CILEx accredited centre status and all details of
their CILEx programmes removed from the CILEx website. For accreditation fees
and CILEx bank account details please refer to Section 2.5.
As part of your CILEx accredited centre status your centre can expect relevant
qualification updates and revisions. Centres must also ensure they communicate
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any changes to their centre’s details, CILEx programmes of learning or any other
relevant information to CILEx.
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Section 4: CILEx Centre Re-accreditation - Year 5
Procedure for centre re-accreditation
The CILEX Accredited Centre Handbook and CILEx Re-accreditation
Form will be made available annually on the CILEx website.
The CILEx Re-accreditation Form includes a new CILEx Accredited
Centre Agreement for you to review and confirm that the centre continues
to meet the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements.
Submit the completed CILEx Re-accreditation Form and accreditation fee
to the CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor prior to the Agreement End date
as specified in the CILEx Accredited Centre Agreement. If your
preference is to be invoiced for the fee, it must be paid in accordance with
the invoice’s payment terms.
Your centre’s re-accreditation application will not be processed until the fee
has been paid.
CILEx reviews your centre’s re-accreditation application against the CILEx
Accredited Centre Requirements.
Subject to your centre’s continued compliance with the CILEx Accredited
Centre Agreement and the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements, as
shown in Section 6, your centre will be re-accredited.
The CILEx Accredited Centre Agreement is signed by the CILEx Head of
Awards to confirm your centre’s continued CILEx accredited centre status.
Your centre will receive written confirmation, a copy of the agreement signed
by CILEx Head of Awards and a certificate reflecting your centre’s continued
CILEx accredited centre status.
Your CILEx accredited centre status will last for a period of 5 years until the
Agreement End Date as specified in the CILEx Accredited Centre
Agreement, and is subject to the same conditions as detailed in Section 3.
Any centre not complying with CILEx’s payment procedures may be subject to the
suspension or withdrawal of their CILEx accredited centre status and all details of
their CILEx programmes removed from the CILEx website. For accreditation fees
and CILEx bank account details please refer to Section 2.5.
As part of your CILEx accredited centre status your centre can expect relevant
qualification updates and revisions. Centres must also ensure they communicate
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any changes to their centre’s details, CILEx programmes of learning or any other
relevant information to CILEx.
You should allow up to 28 working days for CILEx to review your centre’s reaccreditation application. We reserve the right to process applications outside of
this timeframe if we have to contact you for additional information to enable us to
process your application effectively or the fee is not enclosed with the reaccreditation application form.
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Section 5: CILEx Monitoring and Investigation of Accredited Centres
CILEx visits to accredited centres
It is CILEx policy for accredited centres to receive periodic visits during their
accreditation period. This may be to perform sample checks on centre
performance or it may be associated with specific, identified risks arising through
CILEx’s risk-based monitoring of centres.
CILEx may also need to visit an accredited centre in the event of an investigation
into centre malpractice or maladministration.
CILEx reserves the right to visit and enter a centre’s premises with reasonable
notice to ensure that all requirements relating to accreditation of a centre are met
and that the CILEx programmes of learning delivered to students are fit for
purpose. In the event that CILEx has cause for concern that there is a significant
threat to the integrity of the assessment process, CILEx reserves the right to visit
and enter the centre’s premises without notice.
CILEx risk-based monitoring of centres
CILEx accredited centres have a fundamental role to play in maintaining the
quality, consistency and standards essential to CILEx students and taking
appropriate steps to ensure that CILEx is able to comply with the General
Conditions of Recognition.
CILEx has in place a risk-based management system that formally records,
monitors and manages the activities of its accredited centres. This allows us to
more effectively direct our resources and support to help centres deliver CILEx
programmes of learning. This is particularly important where a centre may be
experiencing issues that might seriously undermine its ability to successfully
deliver a CILEx programme of learning. CILEx seeks to identify and evaluate any
identified risks posed to the effective delivery of programmes with a view to
working with centres to address any issues that are arising.
For further details on CILEx’s risk-based monitoring of centres, please visit the
CILEx website ( and visit the centres section of the website.
5.3 What happens if an increased level of risk is identified for your
CILEx aims to help centres retain their accredited centre status and to allow them,
in the first instance and, where appropriate, the time to resolve their own issues.
All actions taken on the part of CILEx in response to risk will be proportionate and
in keeping with the nature of the risk(s) identified. It is only where CILEx is not
convinced that appropriate actions have been taken by a centre to remedy an
issue that CILEx will increase monitoring activities.
Increased monitoring may involve a visit to the centre by a CILEx representative
and/or the creation of a centre action plan to address the issues identified.
In extreme circumstances, where the interests of the centre’s Learners are
seriously at risk, the integrity of CILEx qualifications is compromised, CILEx’s
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compliance with the General Conditions of Recognition is compromised or CILEx’s
reputation could be harmed, CILEx reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the
centre’s CILEx accredited centre status.
5.4 CILEx’s
Full details of CILEx’s policy and procedures in relation to alleged centre
malpractice or maladministration can be found in the CILEx procedures for dealing
with cases of suspected accredited centre malpractice or maladministration, which
are available on the CILEx website (
Again, CILEx reserves the right to suspend or withdraw a centre’s accredited
centre status where an allegation of centre malpractice threatens the interests of
Learners, the integrity of the qualification, CILEx’s reputation or CILEx’s
compliance with the General Conditions of Recognition.
Suspension or withdrawal of CILEx accredited centre status
Suspension or withdrawal of CILEx accredited centre status is only taken after
careful consideration by CILEx of the centre’s circumstances. Suspension or
withdrawal means that a centre cannot deliver the CILEx qualifications, use CILEx
materials, refer to or advertise the CILEx qualifications and use the CILEx logo for
the purposes of marketing and promotion activities. All CILEx materials supplied
by CILEx which directly relate to your CILEx accredited centre status must be
returned immediately to CILEx.
Appendix B sets out the CILEx Accredited Centre Withdrawal Policy which
includes details on the full range of possible sanctions for accredited centres.
Appeals process for CILEx accredited centres
The Head of Centre is entitled to appeal against any sanctions imposed on the
centre as a result of a risk-based or malpractice/maladministration-based
investigation. The Head of Centre must make a request for an appeal within 15
working days of receipt of the correspondence from CILEx confirming the decision
and sanctions to be applied.
Requests for appeals are acknowledged by CILEx and are considered by the
Awards Appeals Committee. Appeals against sanctions will normally be considered
by the Committee at its next meeting which will normally be within 60 working
days of receipt of the request.
Centre decides to withdraw from delivering CILEx qualifications
If your centre decides not to continue to deliver the CILEx qualifications, you
should contact the CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor immediately. CILEx is keen
to assist its centres to remain accredited if possible and may be able to help you
with any delivery issues that your centre is experiencing. However, if your final
decision is for your centre not to continue to deliver a CILEx programme, CILEx
requests that the centre gives due consideration to protecting the interests of the
centre’s CILEx Learners.
Page 20 of 46
Centres must provide sufficient advanced notice of the centre’s intention not to
continue as a CILEx accredited centre to enable CILEx to make adequate plans to
secure support for the Learners concerned.
Appendix B: CILEx Accredited Centre Withdrawal Policy includes details on
the steps that centres must take in the event of their voluntarily withdrawing from
delivery of this CILEx qualification.
Page 21 of 46
Section 6: The CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements
The CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements form the basis of an on-going
monitoring and review process that helps to ensure providers meet high standards
in their delivery of CILEx programmes. In meeting the requirements, CILEx can
be confident that its accredited centres continue to comply with CILEx
requirements and regulatory obligations.
The CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements apply to all CILEx qualifications
(ie both knowledge and competence qualifications).
For those centres wishing to also deliver the CILEx competence qualifications,
then the Additional Requirements for Competence Qualifications must also
be met.
For any centre wishing to deliver the competence qualifications only, then the
centre must meet the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements and the
Additional Requirements for Competence Qualifications. In this situation,
the centre is permitted to not address requirements 2, 5, 9 and 10 as these are
specifically related to the knowledge qualifications. Centres are reminded,
however, that where they have not met these requirements, they will be required
to meet them if they wish to start delivering the knowledge qualifications.
Accredited centres are required to fulfil the following requirements which are
underpinned by robust centre procedures and control mechanisms, as part of their
initial and on-going CILEx accredited centre status:
(1) CILEx policies and procedures
 Ensure centre staff are familiar with and adhere to the following CILEx policy
documentation and guidance, applicable to the qualification/s being delivered,
all available from the CILEx website (
o CILEx Examination Regulations
o CILEx Professional Skills Regulations
o CILEx Regulations for Competence Qualifications
o CILEx Examination Registration Regulations
o CILEx Instructions to Examination Centres and Invigilators
o CILEx Results Enquiries and Appeals Procedures - Level 3 and 6
Professional Qualifications and Level 3 and 4 Legal Services Knowledge
o CILEx Enquiries and Appeals Policy – Competence Qualifications
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Accredited Centre
Malpractice or Maladministration
o CILEx Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy and
Procedures – Level 3 and 6 Professional Qualifications and Level 3 and 4
Legal Services Knowledge Qualifications
o CILEx Reasonable Adjustment Policy – Competence Qualifications
o CILEx Special Consideration Policy – Competence Qualifications
o CILEx Qualification Schedules (Key Dates and Deadlines – Knowledge
Qualifications and Certification Schedule – Competence Qualifications)
o CILEx Guide for Exemption Applications
o CILEx Qualifications Handbooks
o CILEx Qualifications - Unit Specifications
Page 22 of 46
CILEx Professional Skills Units – Tutor Guidance and Candidate Materials
(Note: where an accredited centre is only intending to deliver the competence
qualification, then it must familiarise itself with and adhere to those documents specifically
concerning the competence qualification.)
(2) CILEx programmes of learning
 Ensure CILEx programmes follow the syllabus as detailed in the relevant
CILEx Unit Specification, are adequately resourced and adhere to the
o Structured into delivery sessions that cover relevant topics and subject
matter, incorporate time for lost lectures and revision and the assessment
of students’ progress.
o Comply with assessment requirements in accordance with the CILEx
qualification(s) requirements.
o Are reviewed at least annually, making use of stakeholder (ie learner,
employer and other) feedback.
(3) Learner registration
 Ensure adequate assessments of Learner’s existing skills, knowledge and
understanding is made prior to registration on CILEx programmes.
 Work towards the full implementation of all the requirements associated with
qualifications accredited to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).
This includes arrangements for the acquisition of Unique Learner Numbers
(ULNs) for Learners, and the development of systems and processes necessary
to ensure that students’ QCF achievements and their associated credit are both
tracked and maximised.
(4) Learner information and support
 Provide Learners with accurate and up to date information and guidance,
including a Learner Handbook or similar information pack, at the start of a
CILEx programme covering the following:
o Centre enrolment procedures
o Delivery structure and unit specification coverage
o Programme tutor contact details
o Learner induction programme
o Delivery timetable
o Learning support available to Learners including reasonable adjustments
o CILEx examination registration procedure and relevant dates
o CILEx Professional Skills units submission procedure and relevant dates
o Any programme fees
o Learner conduct and attendance requirements
o Cancellation rules
o Centre complaints procedure for Learners
o Centre facilities/resources
o CILEx contacts
o Details of any Learner representative groups and meetings
o Internal centre malpractice procedures
o Internal centre appeals procedures
(Note: where an accredited centre is only intending to deliver the competence
qualification, then it must address only those elements of learner information and support
relevant to its learners. Please also see requirement 18 in the Additional Requirements for
Competence Qualifications section below.)
Page 23 of 46
Ensure Learners are familiar with the following CILEx policy and guidance
documents, applicable to the qualification/s the learner is studying, available
from the CILEx website:
CILEx Examination Regulations
CILEx Professional Skills Regulations
CILEx Regulations for Competence Qualifications
CILEx Examination Registration Regulations
CILEx Results Enquiries and Appeals Procedures - Level 3 and 6
Professional Qualifications and Level 3 and 4 Legal Services Knowledge
CILEx Enquiries and Appeals Policy – Competence Qualifications
CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
CILEx Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy and
Procedures – Level 3 and 6 Professional Qualifications and Level 3 and 4
Legal Services Knowledge Qualifications
CILEx Reasonable Adjustment Policy – Competence Qualifications
CILEx Special Consideration Policy – Competence Qualifications
CILEx Qualifications Handbooks
CILEx Qualifications – Unit Specification Handbooks
CILEx Qualification Schedules (Key Dates and Deadlines – Knowledge
Qualifications and Certification Schedule – Competence Qualifications)
CILEx Guide for Exemption Applications
(Note: where an accredited centre is only intending to deliver the competence
qualification, then it must ensure learners are familiar with those documents specifically
concerning the competence qualification.)
Gain feedback from Learners regarding the centre’s CILEx programmes
through satisfaction questionnaires and Learner representative groups.
(5) Centre staff
 Retain a workforce of appropriate size and competence to undertake the
management and delivery of the qualification.
 Ensure CILEx Tutors hold a recognised qualification in Law, such as CILEx
Fellow/Graduate, or a Law degree and have obtained or are working towards
an accredited teaching qualification.
 Provide CILEx Tutors with appropriate inductions and continuing professional
development, including attending CILEx training events, to ensure that they
can maintain their expertise and competence to deliver the CILEx
(6) Centre resources
 Have adequate systems and resources in place, including staff, sufficient
managerial resources, finances, equipment, materials and software, to support
the delivery of the CILEx qualification.
 Ensure all equipment and accommodation used for the purpose of qualification
delivery and assessment complies with the requirements of Health and Safety
regulations and current Equalities Law and any successor legislation. Required
resources facilities may include:
o Lecture room(s)
Page 24 of 46
Private study room(s)
Learning resources and IT facilities are relevant and current
Refreshments facilities
Examinations venue (with appropriate provision for invigilation and security
or make alternative arrangements)
o Facilities to protect the security and confidentiality of assessment materials,
candidate work and records, including examination question papers,
examination scripts, candidate portfolios and Professional Skills
assessments before, during and after the assessment has taken place.
(7) Sub-contractors/satellite sites
 Have an appropriate and effective system for the management of all subcontracted services and that all policies and requirements referred to within
the CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook will apply to all satellites affiliated to
the centre, for example, remote assessment sites or delivery points.
 Have appropriate arrangements and agreements in place with any third parties
or suppliers who provide goods or services to the centre which contribute to
the delivery and/or assessment of the qualification.
(8) Retention of records
 Establish reliable and auditable systems for recording assessment decisions.
 Keep complete and accurate records for at least three years from the end of
the year to which they relate, for the CILEx qualifications and make these
available to CILEx upon request. These include (but are not limited to):
o Learner attendance (where appropriate)
o Learner performance
o Learner assessments and any related feedback (where appropriate)
o Learner feedback
 Have appropriate measures to ensure students’ personal data is held in
accordance with current Data Protection legislation.
 Information and recording systems enable learner achievements to be
monitored and reviewed in relation to the centre’s equal opportunities policy.
(9) Examinations
 Register/encourage Learners to register for their examinations in line with
CILEx procedures and the Qualification Schedules (Key Deadlines and
Dates) as published by CILEx.
 Provide suitable facilities for CILEx Learners to sit all examinations for all units
taught at the centre. This includes suitable accommodation, desks and chairs.
 Ensure that the delivery of CILEx examinations conforms to the following
o CILEx Examination Regulations
o CILEx Instructions to Examination Centres and Invigilators.
 Maintain the security and integrity of CILEx examinations:
o Take receipt of examination/assessment material and hold securely until
the time of the scheduled examination/assessment
o Ensure CILEx Tutors and teaching staff are not permitted to have access to
the examination materials before, during and after the examinations and
are not present during examinations
o Confirm each Learner’s identity in accordance with CILEx procedures prior
to the examination taking place
o Return the completed examination/assessment materials and Invigilator’s
report Forms to CILEx at the end of each examination
Page 25 of 46
Report any incidence of potential examination malpractice by Learners
and/or centre staff immediately to CILEx
Make arrangements to put in place (as far as is reasonably practicable) CILEx
approved reasonable adjustments for Learners as detailed in Guidance for
Candidates: Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration.
Confirm examination venue details on an annual basis and inform CILEx
immediately of any changes to examination venues.
(10) Professional Skills Units
 Register/encourage Learners to register to have their Professional Skills
assessments submitted in line with CILEx procedures and the Qualification
Schedules (Key Deadlines and Dates) as published by CILEx.
 Tutors adhere to the requirements relating to the delivery, registration and
submission of the Professional Skills units as detailed in:
o Qualifications Handbooks
o Professional Skills Units: Tutor Guidance and Candidate Materials
o Professional Skills Unit Specifications
o Professional Skills Regulations
 Ensure internal quality assurance (internal verification) procedures are in
place which quality assure and standardise assessment decisions across the
centre before work is dispatched to CILEx for external moderation.
 Conduct the assessments for the Professional Skills Units in accordance with
the CILEx Professional Skills Regulations.
 Report any incidence of potential Professional Skills malpractice by Learners
and/or centre staff immediately to CILEx.
 Maintain the security and integrity of the Professional Skills Units and
materials in accordance with the Professional Skills Units: Tutor Guidance and
Candidate Materials.
 Make arrangements to put in place (as far as is reasonably practicable) CILEx
approved reasonable adjustments for Learners as detailed in Guidance for
Candidates: Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration.
(11) Equality and diversity
 Undertake the delivery of the qualification in accordance with current Equalities
Law and CILEx’s reasonable adjustment policy.
 Ensure that there are no unnecessary barriers in the access to learning and
that the special needs of individual Learners are met in relation to learning and
(12) Malpractice and maladministration
 Have in place robust procedures for preventing and investigating incidents of
malpractice or maladministration.
 Take all reasonable steps to prevent incidents of malpractice or
maladministration occurring including implementing actions or measures
directed by CILEx after the completion of a malpractice or maladministration
 Promptly notify CILEx of any incidents of malpractice or maladministration in
line with the requirements of CILEx’s policy and procedures as detailed in:
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Student Malpractice
o CILEx Procedures for Dealing with Cases of Suspected Accredited Centre
Malpractice and Maladministration
Page 26 of 46
Provide access to documents, records, data, staff, third parties, Learners,
satellite centres or any other resources required by CILEx during an
investigation of malpractice or maladministration.
(13) Regulatory and legal obligations
 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that CILEx is able to comply with the
General Conditions of Recognition.
 Comply with all relevant law, regulatory criteria and codes of practice as
updated and amended from time to time, including the General Conditions of
 Provide CILEx and the regulatory authorities, on reasonable notice, with access
to premises, people, information, documentation and records as required, and
to fully cooperate with CILEx’s monitoring activities, including but not limited
to providing access to any premises used (including satellite sites).
(14) CILEx monitoring activities
 Assist CILEx in carrying out any reasonable monitoring activities as part of the
centre’s on-going CILEx Accredited Centre status and comply with CILEx’s risk
monitoring procedures as detailed in the CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook
and sanctions as set out in the CILEx Centre Withdrawal Policy.
 Contact CILEx immediately in the event of any risks identified relating to the
delivery of the centre’s CILEx programmes of learning.
(15) Withdrawal of approval and interests of learners
 Cooperate fully with CILEx in cases where either the Centre or CILEx decides it
needs to withdraw the centre from its role in delivering the qualification
irrespective of whether the withdrawal is voluntary or not.
 Take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of Learners in any withdrawal
of the centre (whether voluntary or not) from its role in delivering a CILEx
qualification in line with the CILEx Centre Withdrawal Policy.
(16) CILEx centre accreditation fees
 Make payment of all valid invoices presented by CILEx within the stated terms
and conditions.
Page 27 of 46
Additional Requirements for Competence Qualifications
(17) Delivery of qualification
 Ensure delivery of the qualification follows the unit specification and supporting
instructions as detailed in the relevant CILEx Qualification Handbook.
 Implement fully documented quality assurance procedures underpinning the
integrity of the assessment and the maintenance of standards, and which
adhere to the following:
o Complies fully with assessment requirements in accordance with the CILEx
qualification(s) requirements
o Internal verification procedures and activities are clearly documented,
consistent with qualification requirements and ensure the quality and
consistency of the assessment
o Assessment decisions and practices are regularly sampled and findings are
acted upon to ensure consistency and fairness
o Records of internal verification activity are maintained in line with CILEx
requirements (kept for 3 years) and made available for the purposes of
o CILEx External Verifier (EV) recommendations are addressed promptly and
appropriately and delivery strategy and policy are reviewed and amended
as a result
o Delivery and assessment arrangements are reviewed at least annually,
making use of stakeholder (ie learner, employer and other) feedback
o Learner records and details of assessment and achievements are accurate,
kept up to date, securely stored in line with CILEx requirements and
available to the External Verifier/CILEx for auditing
o The centre’s reasonable adjustment and special consideration policies
comply with CILEx policies and all reasonable adjustments and special
consideration requests are addressed promptly, fully and appropriately
o The centre’s enquiries and appeals policy complies with CILEx policy and all
enquiries and appeals are addressed promptly, fully and appropriately.
(18) Learner information and support
 Provide Learners with accurate and up to date information and guidance,
including a Learner Handbook or similar information pack, at the start of a
CILEx programme covering the following:
o Assessor name(s) and contact details
o The way in which the delivery and the assessment of the qualification will
be managed and organised
o The way in which individual learner assessments will be planned, organised
and reviewed
o Opportunities for reviewing individual learning plans
o The way in which access to assessment is encouraged through the use of a
range of assessment methods
o The way in which specific assessment requirements of learners are
identified and met where appropriate and possible.
(19) Centre Staff
 Ensure centre assessors and internal verifiers meet the occupational
competence requirements identified for assessors and internal verifiers in the
qualifications documentation. Note: the qualifications comply with the current
Skills for Justice Assessment Strategy for the legal services sector (February
2013 version).
Page 28 of 46
The roles and responsibilities of centre assessors and internal verifiers must
be clearly documented and understood.
Identify a member of staff taking overall responsibility for quality assurance.
Provide assessors and internal verifiers with appropriate inductions and
continuing professional development opportunities, including attending any
CILEx training events, to ensure that they can maintain their expertise and
competence to deliver the CILEx qualifications.
Page 29 of 46
Section 7: CILEx Responsibilities to Accredited Centres
To assist accredited centres to effectively deliver CILEx programmes of learning
CILEx will commit to the following:
Set-out all the requirements with which the centre must comply in order to
continue to deliver the CILEx qualification. These requirements can be found
within the Agreement, the CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook and associated
CILEx policies and procedures.
Answer accurately, fully and within reasonable time any reasonable enquiries
received from Users of the qualification.
Provide effective guidance to the centre in respect of the delivery of the
qualification which the centre undertakes.
Upon request, provide the centre with guidance on how to best prevent,
investigate and deal with malpractice or maladministration.
Provide information in relation to:
o The policy for issuing invoices, payment of invoices and the retention and
content of invoices
o The sanctions policy to be applied in cases where centres fail to comply
with the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements
o A written complaints procedure
o Information on the appeals process to enable the results of assessments to
be appealed
o A published specification for each qualification made available
o Published details of the arrangements for making reasonable adjustments
o Published details of the arrangements for giving special consideration
o Published details of CILEx key dates and deadlines
o Published details of the expected dates for timescales for the issue of
Comply with the requirements of data protection legislation in relation to all
personal data supplied by the centre.
Comply with the requirements of current Equalities Law.
Specify a process to be followed in any withdrawal of the centre (whether
voluntary or not) from its role in delivering a qualification, or from
qualification/centre approval in general.
Take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of Learners where the centre
withdraws from the delivery of the qualification.
Publish and make available to the centre a sanctions policy to be applied in
the event that the centre fails to comply with CILEx requirements. Details on
the full range of possible sanctions for accredited centres can be found in
Appendix B of the CILEx Accredited Centre Handbook.
Section 8: CILEx Transitional Arrangements and Exemptions
8.1 Transitional arrangements – Level 3 and Level 6 Professional
Transitional arrangements are in place for those students who might need to use
units from a current Level 3 and Level 6 qualifications to complete the former
CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 qualifications following the final examination session for
these qualifications in October 2009.
Page 30 of 46
A copy of the CILEx Transitional Arrangements can be downloaded from the
‘Changes to Qualifications’ pages via the CILEx website (
Students should note that the transitional arrangements expire in October 2013.
Exemption arrangements – Level 3 and Level 6 qualifications
CILEx offers exemptions from units of the CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 Professional
qualifications for learners with a range of qualifications. CILEx will also consider
granting exemptions to learners from units where they can demonstrate that they
have passed examinations in Law and/or Practice at a comparable standard and
with substantially similar subject content.
CILEX also offers exemptions from units of the CILEX Level 3 and Level 6
Professional qualifications for learners who have achieved the Legal Services
It is recommended that programme managers, course coordinators, tutors and
learners read the ‘CILEx Guide for Exemption Applications’ which outlines the
criteria and details of how to apply for all exemptions, both individual and
institutional. The relevant exemption application form sets out the appropriate
exemption/administration fee which must accompany each exemption application.
For further information on our current exemptions arrangements, including full
details of how to apply and the fees payable, please refer to the Exemption pages
on the CILEx website ( Additionally, information on exemptions
can also be obtained through the CILEx Awards-Operations Department.
Section 9: Further Information
Key Deadlines and Dates
A schedule of the key deadlines and dates in relation to the registration and
examination/assessment of the Professional and Legal Services qualifications is
published annually on the CILEx website and can be found in Appendix A: Key
Deadlines and Dates. The Certification Schedule for the Legal Services
Knowledge qualifications can also be found Appendix A.
CILEx Equality and Diversity Policy
CILEx at all times treats its customers with dignity and respect. As an Awarding
Organisation, CILEx will ensure that its qualifications, its standards for accredited
providers of those qualifications and its assessments are designed to make study
accessible to all, regardless of age disability, gender reassignment, race,
religion/belief, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity.
CILEx will ensure that it meets its commitment to equality of opportunity by
monitoring and evaluating its performance against Equality and Diversity policy
objectives, which will be set annually by the CILEx Council. CILEx will report on
its performance in its Annual Report.
The CILEx Equality and Diversity Policy is posted on the CILEx website
Page 31 of 46
CILEx Data Protection Policy
CILEx is committed to respecting the personal data you supply to us. The
information we collect will be relevant to the purposes for which it is used and we
will do our utmost to ensure that such data will be accurate, complete and kept up
to date. CILEx does not sell, trade or rent personal information to others.
The information we collect will only be used for the purposes for which it was
originally submitted. CILEx may be required to share personal information
collected with our regulators, Ofqual, and ILEX Professional Standards
CILEx’s Commitment to Customer Service
CILEx is committed to providing its accredited centres and learners with the
highest standards of customer service.
CILEx Customer Service Statement:
To provide comprehensive legal education
To develop relationships with all members
To communicate with all customers in a clear and effective manner
To ensure that CILEx services are subject to quality assurance
To aim to deliver the highest level of customer satisfaction and meeting
their needs in the most effective way
All stakeholders will be treated with dignity and respect
CILEx will comply at all times with its Equality and Diversity Policy
If you are not satisfied with how your complaint has been dealt with, please visit
the Customer Service feedback page on, here the Customer
feedback form, policy and procedure is available. Alternatively you can email
Section 10:
Advertising and Marketing
A centre is only authorised to use the CILEx logo when they have been granted
accredited centre status. Accredited centres must use the logo in accordance with
the CILEx Logo Usage Policy and guidelines. Any misuse of the logo will result in
the centre’s approval to use the logo being withdrawn.
Please refer to Section 1 for details of the qualification titles you may use for
advertising and marketing purposes.
Page 32 of 46
Section 11:
Keeping in Touch
The CILEx Regional Development Team is the first point of contact for CILEx
accredited centres. They are able to provide centres with guidance on a variety of
issues including administration, marketing and recruitment.
The team also
provides an important link between CILEx accredited centres and any local CILEx
Information for centres is provided on the CILEx website
Our Regional Development Officers are the local contacts for our accredited
centres and are able to provide guidance and support. Please see Appendix C:
Regional Liaison Officer Contact Details.
All applications for CILEx centre accreditation, however, should be submitted to
the CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor. If you need help in accessing the relevant
information from the CILEx website, in completing any of the required forms or
have any queries on any aspect of CILEx centre accreditation, please contact the
Centre Accreditation Advisor:
Jonathan Young
Telephone: +44 (0)1234 845717
Our office opening hours are Monday to Thursday 8.45 am to 5 pm and Friday 9
am to 4 pm.
We look forward to working in partnership with you and your centre and welcome
any feedback or comments you may have on any part of the guidance provided
within this handbook and/or on the CILEx Accredited Centre process.
Page 33 of 46
Appendix A.1 – Qualification Schedule - Key Deadlines and Dates for
CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 Qualifications (Knowledge qualifications)
Key Deadlines and Dates
Key Deadlines given to
candidates for:
 January 2013 Exam
session &
 January 2013
Professional Skills
Submission Window
Key Deadlines given to
candidates for:
 June 2013 Exam
session &
 June 2013
Professional Skills
Submission Window
25 October 2012
21 February 2013
Examination and Professional Skills
Assessment registration form
available (online and paper-based
from CILEx)
Noon (UK time)
6 August 2012
Noon (UK time)
21 January 2013
Deadline for exam registration and
Professional Skills Assessment
registration forms and fees to be
received by CILEx for all units
Noon (UK time)
1 November 2012
Noon (UK time)
18 April 2013
Deadline for reasonable adjustment
applications in respect of prerelease case study materials
30 October 2012
2 April 2013
Deadline for reasonable adjustment
applications for Law and Practice
6 December 2012
13 May 2013
17 December 2012
20 May 2013
12 November 2012
26 April 2013
17 December 2012
20 May 2013
12 October 2012
22 March 2013
JANUARY 2013 & JUNE 2013
Deadline for new membership
registration offline forms to be
received by CILEx (offline forms
received after this date cannot be
guaranteed to be processed to allow
entry in accordance with the exam
entry deadline)
Offline exam admission permits
sent to candidates (where
Pre release case studies available
on the CILEx website
Exam admission permits available
to all candidates online through
Deadline for exemption applications
to be claimed for exam session
Submission window for centres to
submit Professional Skills
Page 34 of 46
assessments by CILEx for quality
assurance checks. Please note that
assessments must be received by
CILEx during this submission
window. No late submissions will
be accepted.
7 to 11 January 2013
31 May to 6 June 2013
14-18 January 2013
10-14 June 2013
15 February 2013
12 July 2013
Deadline for Law and Practice
examination results and
Professional Skills assessment
results to be sent to candidates
2 April 2013
(please note that this is a
23 August 2013
Deadline for Law and Practice
examination results and
Professional Skills assessment
results to be available to all
candidates online through myCILEx
Noon (UK time)
2 April 2013 (please note
that this is a Tuesday)
Noon (UK time)
23 August 2013
Deadline for unit credit certificates
and qualification certificates to be
sent to candidates
8 May 2013
4 October 2013
25 April 2013
16 September 2013
Examination week – Law and
Practice units*
Deadline for special consideration
requests for Law and Practice units
Deadline for clerical check/remark/quality assurance review
Page 35 of 46
Appendix A.2 – Qualification Schedule - Key Deadlines and Dates for
CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 Qualifications – Knowledge qualifications
CILEx Level 3 and 4 Legal Services qualifications – Knowledge qualifications
Please be advised that CILEx have reinstated the Late Entry Submission
Key deadlines
given to
candidates for:
 January 2014
Exam session
 January 2014
kills submission
24 October 2013
Noon (UK time)
5 August 2013
Noon (UK time)
17 October 2013
Noon (UK time)
31 October 2013
29 October 2013
Key Dates and Deadlines
JANUARY 2014 & JUNE 2014
Deadline for new membership
registration offline forms to be received
by CILEx (offline forms received after
this date cannot be guaranteed to be
processed to allow entry in accordance
with the exam entry deadline)
Examination and Professional Skills
Assessment registration form available
(online and paper-based from CILEx)
Deadline for exam registration and
Professional Skills Assessment
registration forms and fees to be
received by CILEx for all units
Deadline for late entry exam registration
plus a one off late fee of £60.00
Deadline for reasonable adjustment
applications in respect of pre-release
case study material
JUNE 2014
Key deadlines given
to candidates for:
 June 2014 Exam
 June 2014
Professional kills
20 February 2014
Noon (UK time)
20 January 2014
Noon (UK time)
2 April 2014
Noon (UK time)
16 April 2014
1 April 2014
5 December 2013
Deadline for reasonable adjustment
applications for Law and Practice units
12 May 2014
16 December 2013
Offline exam admission permits sent to
candidates (where requested)
19 May 2014
12 November 2013
Pre-release case studies available on the
CILEx website
28 April 2014
16 December 2013
Exam admission permits available to all
candidates online through myCILEx
19 May 2014
11 October 2013
Deadline for exemption applications to
be claimed for exam session
21 March 2014
Page 36 of 46
6-10 January 2014
Submission window for centres to submit
Professional Skills assessments to CILEx
for quality assurance checks. Please note
that assessments must be received by
CILEx during this submission window.
13-17 January
Examination week – Law and
Practice units*
14 February 2014
Deadline for special consideration
requests for Law and Practice units only
29 May – 6 June 2014
9-13 June 2014
11 July 2014
Noon (UK time)
28 March 2014
Deadline for Law and Practice
examination results and Professional
Skills assessment results to be sent to
Noon (UK time)
22 August 2014
Noon (UK time)
28 March 2014
Deadline for Law and Practice
examination results and Professional
Skills assessment results to be available
to all candidates online through myCILEx
Noon (UK time)
22 August 2014
7 May 2014
Deadline for unit credit certificates and
qualification certificates to be sent to
29 September 2014
18 April 2014
Deadline for clerical check/remark/quality assurance review requests
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15 September 2014
Appendix A.3 – Qualification Schedule - Key Deadlines and Dates Certification Schedule for Competence Qualifications 2013/2014
Certification Date
28 February 2014
23 May 2014
25 July 2014
17 October 2014
5 December 2014
Centre claim submitted to
10 January 2014
CILEx External Verifier Visit
31 January 2014
Results notifications and
Certificates sent to Centre
28 February 2014
Centre claim submitted to
4 April 2014
CILEx External Verifier Visit
25 April 2014
Results notifications and
Certificates sent to Centre
23 May 2014
Centre claim submitted to
6 June 2014
CILEx External Verifier Visit
27 June 2014
Results notifications and
Certificates sent to Centre
25 July 2014
Centre claim submitted to
1 September 2014
CILEx External Verifier Visit
19 September 2014
Results notifications and
Certificates sent to Centre
17 October 2014
Centre claim submitted to
17 October 2014
CILEx External Verifier Visit
7 November 2014
Results notifications and
Certificates sent to Centre
5 December 2014
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Appendix B - CILEx Accredited Centre Withdrawal Policy
1) Introduction
This policy identifies the steps that must be taken by accredited centres in the
event that they either voluntarily withdraw from the delivery of CILEx
qualifications or are required by CILEx to withdraw from the delivery of CILEx
This policy assumes that when a centre either voluntarily withdraws or is required
by CILEx to withdraw from CILEx qualification delivery, then it terminates its
CILEx centre accreditation. Whilst this is a default assumption, this policy also
addresses the caveat that centres sometimes voluntarily withdraw from specific
qualification delivery and do not, therefore, relinquish overall centre accreditation
status. This caveat is addressed in section 2) below.
This policy identifies the full range of sanctions and penalties applicable to
accredited centres prior to being required to withdraw by CILEx.
Withdrawal, as a term, is understood to mean the complete cessation of delivery
of CILEx qualifications. It should not be confused with ‘suspension’ of delivery
which is temporary and often refers to certain targeted aspects of an accredited
centre’s delivery of CILEx qualifications.
2) Voluntary withdrawal
An accredited centre voluntarily withdraws from the delivery of CILEx
qualifications when it freely decides that it no longer wishes to deliver CILEx
qualifications. This should not be confused with required withdrawal which is
where CILEx removes accreditation status and requires an accredited centre to no
longer deliver CILEx qualifications.
In advance of making a decision to withdraw from the delivery of CILEx
qualifications, where possible, the Head of Centre should notify the CILEx Centre
Accreditation Advisor of its possible intentions. CILEx is keen to understand and
support centre issues in relation to qualification delivery, and prior notification of
this kind may enable CILEx to identify and offer solutions to issues that mean that
accredited centres do not have to withdraw and that Learners are able to
complete their programme of learning.
Where an accredited centre, however, freely wishes to withdraw from delivery of
CILEx qualifications, then it must do the following:
1) In the first instance, the Head of Centre must notify the CILEx Centre
Accreditation Advisor in writing (email or letter) immediately.
2) The email/letter must address the following key responsibilities:
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- reason for withdrawal – this helps us understand your decision;
- date of withdrawal - the date of withdrawal must take into account the best
interests of the learners already studying towards CILEx qualifications and give
sufficient notice for them to make alternative arrangements;
- give details of how learners interests will be safeguarded – what the
accredited centre intends to do to ensure that learners affected and mid-way
through units and qualifications will be supported by the centre to find alternative
study centres;
- details of any outstanding actions that the centre needs to undertake
for CILEx during the period preceding withdrawal and its plan for
completion of these actions (for eg, if a centre is being monitored for certain
risks, and is following an action plan, then what actions are still outstanding
during the period prior to withdrawal);
- confirm that it will no longer at the point of withdrawal use CILEx
materials or the CILEx logo in any of its marketing/promotional activities.
Accredited centres should note that where a withdrawing accredited centre has
learners who will not be able to complete their studies at the centre, CILEx may
be able to provide information and support to enable them to complete their
programme of learning. Centres are required communicate with CILEx whilst
making any plans to voluntarily withdraw from delivery.
Accredited centres should also note that where they wish to voluntarily relinquish
delivery of a specific qualification, but not overall centre accreditation status, then
they must still follow the steps indicated above for the responsible withdrawal
from CILEx qualification delivery.
3) Required withdrawal
Accredited centres undergoing risk-based monitoring or centre malpractice
investigations may, at the termination of both of these sets of procedures, be left
facing one or more of the following range of sanctions/penalties. See figure 1
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Figure 1 CILEx Accredited Centre Sanctions and Penalties
Centre action plan
Additional monitoring or an
inspection visit
Void student assessment
(including examination) results
Suspension of student registration
for a CILEx qualification or units
from a CILEx qualification
Suspension of approval of the
centre to deliver CILEx
Suspension of candidate
certification for the Professional
Skills units
Suspension of candidate
certification for externally
examined units and subjects
Breach of CILEx regulations or procedures which
could have resulted in a threat to the integrity of
a CILEx examination or assessment if left
Poor management of an examination or
assessment (including inadequate examination
invigilation) leading to concerns about the
centre’s management of examinations or
Centre’s assessment decisions are not consistent
Centre’s records are insufficient to allow audit of
Integrity of the assessment has been
Centre no longer meets CILEx Accredited Centre
There is a threat to the interests of candidates
registering on the qualification
Loss of integrity of centre’s assessment decisions
Centre fails to provide access to requested
records, information, candidates and staff
Assessed evidence is not authentic work of
Significant issues identified with centre’s records
of assessment
Centre makes certification claims before all
requirements of assessment are satisfied
Centre has not addressed action points identified
on centre action plan within agreed timeframe
Loss of integrity regarding the centre’s ability to
guarantee the delivery of quality programmes of
provision for CILEx qualifications
Loss of integrity of centre’s assessment decisions
Centre fails to provide access to requested
records, information, candidates and staff
Assessed evidence is not authentic work of
Significant issues identified with centre’s records
of assessment
Centre makes certification claims before all
requirements of assessment are satisfied
Centre has not addressed action points identified
on centre action plan within agreed timeframe
Loss of integrity regarding centre assessment
decisions for the Professional Skills units
Improper assistance to candidates by centre staff
in the production of work for the Professional
Skills units
Loss of integrity regarding centre’s delivery of
Serious breach of examination paper security
threatening the integrity of an examination
Serious breach of invigilation guidelines
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Withdrawal of approval of centre
to deliver CILEx qualification/s
threatening the integrity of an examination
Loss of integrity regarding centre’s ability to
deliver programmes of learning in accordance
with the CILEx Accredited Centre Requirements
Serious breakdown of quality assurance
arrangements for a CILEx qualification
Serious failure to maintain security of
examination or assessment materials
Non compliance of centre with action plan
leading to loss of integrity regarding centre’s
ability to deliver programmes of learning for
CILEx qualifications
Failure to comply with CILEx malpractice or
maladministration investigation
Mishandling of fees/financial irregularities
As is demonstrated in Figure 1, sanctions and penalties are proportionate to
circumstance and are escalatory in nature depending upon the level of concern
and risk.
CILEx reserves the right to use these sanctions and penalties as appropriate to a
determined situation and may use more than one sanction/penalty in an instance
where it is judged to be required.
The vast majority of accredited centres facing risk-based monitoring or
malpractice investigations will face sanctions and penalties short of permanent
removal of centre accreditation. In exceptional cases, however, an accredited
centre is required by CILEx to withdraw from its delivery of the CILEx
qualifications. This is primarily when it:
a) has not satisfied the requirements of CILEx risk-based monitoring procedures
and still presents a significant risk to students, the qualifications and CILEx’s
regulatory compliance and reputation;
b) has committed malpractice and the circumstances are such that there is an
ongoing, significant threat to students, the qualifications and CILEx’s regulatory
compliance and reputation.
Where an accredited centre is required by CILEx to withdraw, then CILEx will
inform the centre in writing of its decision to remove centre accreditation. CILEx
will inform the centre of its reasons for the decision and will state the date by
which accredited centre status will be removed. Where circumstances permit,
CILEx will allow the centre time to prepare its withdrawal from the delivery of
CILEx qualifications.
In these circumstances, CILEx still expects the centre to withdraw appropriately,
and in accordance with the following procedure:
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1) The Head of Centre must notify the CILEx Centre Accreditation Advisor in
writing (email or letter) immediately of its receipt of CILEx’s decision and its
compliance with the decision.
2) The email/letter must address the following key responsibilities:
- confirm that it will comply with the required date of removal of
accreditation, and any issues that this situation poses that need addressing;
- give details of how students interests will be safeguarded – what the
centre intends to do to ensure that students affected and mid-way through units
and qualifications will be supported by the centre to find alternative study centres;
- confirm that it will no longer at the point of withdrawal use CILEx
materials or the CILEx logo in any of its marketing/promotional activities.
Centres should note that where a withdrawing accredited centre has students who
will not be able to complete their studies at the centre, CILEx can assist with their
placement. Centres are encouraged to consider this and communicate with CILEx
whilst making any plans to withdraw from delivery.
4) Appealing a sanction or penalty
The Head of Centre is entitled to appeal against any sanctions imposed on the
centre as a result of a risk-based or malpractice-based investigation. The Head of
Centre must make a request for an appeal within 15 working days of receipt of
the correspondence from CILEx confirming the decision and sanctions to be
Requests for appeals are acknowledged by CILEx and are considered by the
Awards Appeals Committee. Appeals against sanctions will normally be considered
by the Committee at its next meeting which will normally be within 60 days.
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Appendix C - Regional Development Officer Contact Details
CILEx has a Regional Development team dedicated to providing a comprehensive
centre liaison service.
CILEx Regional Development Officers stand ready to assist and support accredited
centres in any way they can. They are available to assist with career events, open
days and can advise you with regard to marketing CILEx courses; they always
welcome enquiries doing their best to work with any centre/individual that
approaches them (NB: RDOs are required by CILEx to attend all accredited
centres each year.)
RDO contact details are as follows:
Contact details
North East
North West
Cheshire (East & West)
County Durham
Greater Manchester
Tyne & Wear
West Yorkshire
Yorkshire & The Humber
West Midlands
East Riding & Yorkshire
South Yorkshire
City of Bristol
South Gloucestershire
Chris Hoskin
Mobile: +44(0)7881 286 267
Bournemouth & Poole
East & West Sussex
Isle of Wight
Julie Delahoy
Mobile: +44(0)7881 286 267
Greater London
Anne-Marie Dhillon
Office: 44(0)1922 429720
Mobile: +44(0)7793 124 792
Jamil Karkach
Mobile: +44(0)7962 007 925
Lynne Squires
Office: +44(0)2920 514891
Mobile: +44(0)779 506 2905
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Where there is no regional development officer for your region please
contact Pauline Scrivener at
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Appendix D - CILEx Contact Details
CILEx Department/Team
Regional Development
Key Responsibilities
Key contact for new centres interests in
becoming accredited
Guidance and support to CILEx Accredited
Accredited Centre visits for centres within their
development officer’s area
Advice on marketing and recruitment
Guidance and support for employers within the
development officer’s area
Link between CILEx Accredited Centres and
any local CILEx branches
Qualification and assessment registration,
regulations and fees
Examination centres
Examination admission permits
Examination notification and results
Advice on qualifications
CILEx qualification rules and regulations
Reasonable adjustment applications
Special consideration applications
Appeals: clerical checks and re-marks, quality
assurance reviews and independent review
ID requirements for examinations
Qualification development and assessment
Malpractice and maladministration
Risk management
Management of centre accreditation process
Compliance with the General Conditions of
Student/Member/fellow applications and fees
Advice on qualifications
CPD advice
Qualifying employment enquiries
Waiver of post qualifying term requirements
Graduation ceremony
Membership upgrades
Corporate governance
Equality and Diversity
Pauline Scrivener
Telephone: +44 (0)1234 845729
Regional Development
Regional Development Officers are
based in the regions in which they
operate. Their contact details
appear in Appendix D and are
available on the CILEx website:
Telephone:01234 845727
Telephone:01234 845727
Telephone:01234 845777
Corporate Affairs
Telephone:01234 841000
CILEx Address: CILEx, Kempston Manor, Kempston, Bedford,MK42 7AB
CILEx Website: Telephone Number: +44 (0)1234 841000
Office opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8.45 am to 5 pm and Friday 9 am to 4 pm.
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