Chapter 1 LHeC: The Option of a TeV energy scale LeptonHadron Collider using the LHC Infrastructure This chapter describes the conceptual design proposal for a future Lepton-Hadron collider of unprecedented luminosity and energy, which is based on the existing LHC infrastructure. 1.1 Introduction The Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) project provides the unique possibility to explore lepton-proton collisions in the TeV Center of Mass (CM) range, for the study of new phenomena in the partonic structure of protons and nuclei, precision Higgs physics and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics [1,2]. The LHeC may become the first electron-ion collider ever built. The LHeC is designed to use one of the hadron beams of the LHC in a synchronous operation mode. It therefore represents an important opportunity for a further exploitation of the LHC existing infrastructure and its massive investment already taken and to come. Achieving CM collision energies in the TeV range with a 7 TeV energy proton beam demands the lepton beam energy to significantly exceed the electron beam energy of HERA (27.6 GeV) [3], the first ep collider built. The presented conceptual design of the LHeC [1] is based on a lepton beam energy of 60 GeV, with an option considered of much higher energy (140 GeV). Following a first study of the LHeC [4], a more comprehensive design study was initiated by the CERN Scientific Program Committee (SPC) in autumn 2007, followed by the mandate from the CERN directorate and the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) to provide a conceptual design study on the physics, the accelerator and a detector for the LHeC. This mandate was soon after also supported by the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration 1 2 Book Title Committee (NuPECC). An international LHeC study group was formed, today comprising about 200 physicists from 75 institutes, which for working out the “Conceptual Design Report” (CDR) [1] conducted under the auspices of CERN, ECFA and NuPECC four workshops, see [5], in the time between September 2008 (held at Divonne, Switzerland) and June 2012 (Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland). Prior to its publication in July 2012, the CDR was peer reviewed by more than twenty experts on the various LHeC topics who had been invited by the CERN directorate for scrutinizing the design. The LHeC has been designed for exploitation in parallel with the HL-LHC operation over a time scale of approximately a decade. Synchronous pp and ep operation provides the possibility for collecting a total integrated luminosity of the order of 100 fb-1 with peak ep luminosities of the order of L = 1033 cm-2 s-1. The luminosity prospects are thus exceeding the HERA achievements by about two orders of magnitude. The total electrical power consumption of the electron facility was limited to 100 MW. The CDR describes in some detail two options for the LHeC: a so-called Ring-Ring (R-R) and a Linac-Ring (L-R) option, which are conceptually different in the realization of the electron beam, and are both sketched here. The electron beam energy was set to 60 GeV, for both R-R and LR, a value between the beam energies of LEPI and LEPII and not too demanding in either of the two configurations. This value may be altered in a further design. P X4 6 P Z4 5 Point 5 Point 4 P M4 5 P X5 6 P M5 4 TX4 6 UJ 4 7 UJ 4 6 R A4 7 UX4 5 UJ 4 4 R A4 3 UJ 5 3 RE 48 RE 52 UP 5 3 P M5 6 UL 54 RR 53 UJ 5 7 UXC5 5 US 4 5 UW 4 5 TD 62 TU5 6 UJ 5 6 1 CMS P M6 5 Fig. R A6 3 UJ 63 UA6 3 UJ 6 4 UX6 5 the additional lepton UJ 6 6 UL6 4 R A6 7 RE 32 UW 6 5 US 6 5 UL6 6 UA6 7 UJ 6 7 P M3 2 UJ 6 8 TD 6 8 TZ3 2 Schematic layout of the LHC with TX6 4 UJ 3 3 UJ 3 2 1.1. P Z6 5 UJ 62 RE 58 RE 62 RE 42 RE 38 P X6 4 UP 62 UL5 6 US C5 5 UA4 3 PZ 33 UD 62 RR 57 UA4 7 UL4 6 UL4 4 R Z3 3 Point 6 UJ 5 6 UJ 4 3 P o in t 3 . 3 RF R Z5 4 P o in t 3 . 2 UD6 8 UP 68 N RE 68 beam bypasses (marked in blue) around the RE 28 ATLAS Point 7 UJ 2 7 Point 2 UA2 7 R A2 7 P GC2 UL 26 experiments P M2 5 UP 2 5 UW 2 5 UJ 7 6 eP X2 4 Point 8 UL 24 SPS UX2 5 ALICE CMS for the RR7 3 TZ7 6 US 2 5 UJ 2 6 and RE 72 P M7 6 p P o in t 1 . 8 R A2 3 RE 22 RH2 3 TT 40 Point 1 UJ 23 UJ 2 4 RE 78 PM 18 P M1 5 P X1 6 RE 18 UJ 2 2 ATLAS P X1 5 UW 8 5 P X8 4 PGC 8 TI 8 US 1 5 UJ 1 8 UL1 4 R R 1 7 UJ 1 7 UL1 6 UJ 1 4 RT 18 UJ 1 3 TX8 4 UJ 86 RA 87 UX1 5 US A1 5 UJ 8 7 RE 88 RH 87 UJ 12 UJ 1 6 UJ 88 R A8 3 UJ 8 4 RE 12 RR1 3 RF PMI 2 R T1 2 e+, e- injector an interaction at Point 2. UJ 83 UA8 7 UL 86 TI 2 and UJ 8 2 US 85 TJ 8 P X1 4 LHeC UA 83 P Z8 5 UL 84 LS S 4 RR7 7 RE 82 PM 85 UA2 3 Ring-Ring option of the UX 85 LHCB LEP LHC LHeC, RF ep 3 Chapter Title for Chapter 1 Headings 1.2 Ring-Ring Option The Ring-Ring configuration features the installation of a new electron synchrotron storage ring inside the LHC tunnel, on top of the existing LHC ring. The R-R option is technically rather straightforward (in between the technologies of the LEP-I and LEP-II projects). It yet is challenging as it requires integration work inside a tunnel with an already operational accelerator. Around the existing experiments for the HL-LHC accelerator configuration, bypasses have to be built and connected, in which the RF for the electron beam can be housed. Fig. 1.1 illustrates the schematic layout of the LHC with the additional lepton beam bypasses around the ATLAS and CMS experiments [1]. Each bypass has a total length of ca. 1.2km and provides a maximum beam separation of about 20m with respect to the proton beam Interaction Points (IP). Fig. 1.2 shows the schematic bypass layout around the CMS experiment in the LHC Interaction Region 5. The ATLAS bypass concept exploits the existing survey gallery in IP1 in order to minimize the size of the bypass extension around the large ATLAS cavern. It thus consists of two separate parts left and right to the IR1 of about 500m each, see Fig 1.3. Fig. 1.2. Schematic layout of the CMS bypass in IP5: Top view. The bypass has about 2 times 600m length. The RF is installed in a parallel tunnel of 120m length, at a distance of about 8m to the bypass tunnel. Fig. 1.4 illustrates a typical cross section of the LHC tunnel with the LHC equipment and the space required for the additional components for the electron 4 Book Title beam. The position of the electron synchrotron magnets is shifted inwards with respect to the LHC magnets in order to compensate for the path length increase due to the bypasses and to generate a circumference for the LHeC lepton beam equal to that for the proton beams of the LHC machine. Fig. 1.3. Schematic layout of the LHeC bypass (blue) of ATLAS (grey) in IR1. The bypass has two parts and the two 60m long parallel tunnels are designed to house part of the RF for the electron beam. Each side is accessed with a separate shaft. As an example of space limitation for the installation of a new electron storage ring, Fig. 1.5 shows the existing LHC installations in IR 4. However, in spite of such limitations in the CDR [1], a lattice beam optics could be designed and principally shown to work exploiting asymmetric FODO cells. The interference 5 Chapter Title for Chapter 1 Headings with the existing LHC installations is large but as discussed in [1] not insurmountable. The main challenge for the R-R solution would be the time and risk it took for installation. Fig. 1.4. Typical cross section of the LHC tunnel with the LHC equipment and the space required for the additional components for the electron synchrotron (red box), adjusted to ensure equal circumferences of the e and the p beams. 6 Book Title Fig. 1.5. View on the LHC installation in Interaction Region 4, illustrating the tight space restrictions for the installation of an additional electron storage ring at certain places inside the LHC tunnel. The interaction region for the LHeC, running synchronously with the LHC, has the novel feature of accommodating three beams: the colliding proton and lepton beams and the non-colliding second proton beam of the LHC. A schematic view of the interaction region layout for the R-R solution is shown in Fig.1.6. The lowbeta electron beam quadrupoles are placed close to the detector and are shifted in the horizontal plane to generate an additional dipole deflection field for separating the lepton beam from the proton beam left and right from the IP, making them effectively act as combined function magnets. They are followed by 7 Chapter Title for Chapter 1 Headings additional dipole separation magnets for the electron beam (light blue colored elements in Fig. 1.6) and then by low-beta quadrupole magnets for the proton beam (in red). 0.3 Electron final focusing quads 0.2 x [m] 0.1 Proton final focusing half quadrupole Electron beam 0 Proton beam -0.1 SR Absorber Electron separator dipole -0.2 -0.3 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 z [m] Fig. 1.6. Schematic layout of the LHeC interaction region in the R-R machine configuration with maximum coverage of the polar angle acceptance by the detector placed between z=±6m. Fig. 1.7 shows the schematic cross section of the first quadrupole magnet next to the ep IP that is acting on the proton beam. It features a low field aperture (right-hand side) for the lower energy electron beam, a high field region (lefthand side) for the colliding high-energy proton beam and two field free apertures for the non-colliding proton beam (top and bottom of the magnet cross section in Fig. 1.7). Table [1] summarizes the optics parameters for the electron beam while Table [2] lists the main beam parameters and performance projections for the LHeC R-R configuration indicating that a peak luminosity of about L = 1033 cm-2 8 Book Title s-1 is reachable. Note that this projection is based on the so-called “ultimate” proton beam parameters of the LHC. Fig. 1.7. Cross-section of the first low-beta superconducting half quadrupole in the proton lattice. The Lepton beam will pass on the right hand side of the mirror plate in a low field region. The Ring-Ring option of the LHeC requires also the construction of a new electron beam injector complex. The LHeC CDR [1] considers a compact and efficient 10 GeV injector based on the principle of a recirculating Linac, taking advantage of the studies for ELFE at CERN [6]. Such a low injection energy requires dipole magnets with a well reproducible, low magnetic field, for which prototypes had been successfully built both by BINP Novosibirsk and CERN [1]. 9 Chapter Title for Chapter 1 Headings Table 1: Optics parameters of the LHeC e-ring lattice. Electron beam energy 60 GeV Phase advance per half cell, H/V 180o/120 o Cell length 106.881 m Dipole fill factor 0.75 Damping partition Jx / Jy / Je 1.5 / 1 / 1.5 Coupling constant κ 0.5 Horizontal emittance (no coupling) 3.96 nm Horizontal emittance (κ = 0.5) 2.97 nm Vertical emittance (κ = 0.5) 1.49 nm Table 2: LHeC R-R performance estimate and main parameters Parameter Electron beam energy Value 60 GeV Proton beam energy 7 TeV e+, e- intensity per bunch 2×1010 p intensity per bunch #bunches ep Luminosity (HL-layout) Total wall plug power Transverse lepton emittances x,y (conservative estimate) 1.7 x 1011 2808 0.8×1033 cm-2s-1 100 MW 5.0nm, 2.5 nm 10 Book Title 1.3 Linac-Ring Option The Linac-Ring option requires a new linear accelerator for the electron beam that intersects in one location with the existing LHC machine. Several options have been considered for the linear accelerator (pulsed, re-circulating and Energy Recovery Linac configurations). These provide a range of energy and luminosity combinations. The baseline option for the LHeC CDR is a recirculating 60 GeV Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) which allows for high luminosity operation, is based on a modest civil engineering effort and directly compares with the LHeC Ring-Ring option. A pulsed linac option provides still an interesting option for maximizing the energy reach of the LHeC (at the cost of a reduced peak luminosity performance) as could be demanded by findings at the LHC. Table 3 summarizes key parameters for both options. The 60 GeV ERL version is capable of reaching a luminosity as high as the R-R option. First considerations have been made as to possibly reach a level of 1034 cm-2 s-1 which would enhance the potential of the LHeC for precision Higgs measurements [2]. It is notable, as was recently pointed out [7], that essentially the same machine in a 4-pass regime and going to 80 GeV has an interesting application as a cost effective photonphoton collider for the study of the newly observed particle at 125 GeV. Fig. 1.8 shows the schematic layout of the 60 GeV ERL option and Fig. 1.9 shows a 3D civil engineering illustration for the underground installation. It features two 1km long Super Conducting 10 GeV linacs and a total of 6 return arcs with a radius of curvature of ca. 1km that are installed in two half circular tunnel sections. The ERL infrastructure requires a total of ca. 9km underground tunnel length (a size comparable to the SPS installation at CERN or HERA at DESY) and features a total bending arc length of ca. 20km when accounting for 11 Chapter Title for Chapter 1 Headings Table 3: Key parameters for two options for the L-R version of the LHeC. LINAC Parameters for the Linac-Ring Option Operation mode CW Pulsed Beam Energy [GeV] 60 140 Peak Luminosity [cm-2s-1] 1033 4 1031 Cavity gradient [MV/m] 20 32 RF Power Loss [W/cavity] 13-37 11 W per W (1.8K to RT) 700 700 Cavity Q0 2.5 1010 2.5 1010 Power loss/GeV at RT 0.51-1.44 0.24 RF length [km] 2 7.9 Total length (including return 9 7.9 Beam current [mA] 6.4 0.27 Repetition rate - 10 Hz Pulse length - 5ms arcs) [km] 12 Book Title Fig. 1.8. Schematic layout of the 60 GeV ERL option. Fig. 1.9. Civil engineering illustration for the underground installation of the ERL Linac-Ring option with the existing LHC and SPS (white ring near the Atlas covern) installations. 13 Chapter Title for Chapter 1 Headings the 6 separate return arcs. The total number of accelerator components is about 6000 which is an order of magnitude less than the CLIC500 project requires. While the schematic layout of the Linac-Ring interaction region of the LHeC looks on first glance similar to the one of the Ring-Ring option it requires slightly different IR features. Most notably, the L-R option requires additional dipole magnets in the Interaction Region (designed to be integrated in the central detector space together with the detector solenoid [1]) to bring the electron beam to collision with the proton beam after the last accelerating passage in the ERL. Moreover, higher gradient requirements arise for the Super Conducting half quadrupole low-beta magnets of the proton beam, which most likely require the use of Nb3Sn magnet technology. 1.4 LHeC Planning and Timeline The LHeC study assumes that the LHC hardware will reach the end of its lifetime by the end of the HL-LHC upgrade phase. The current planning (as of January 2013) for the HL-LHC upgrade assumes a full implementation of the HL-LHC upgrade by the end of 2023. Assuming a total exploitation time of ca. 10 years for both the HL-LHC and the LHeC project, this implies that the LHeC project should start operation approximately parallel to the HL-LHC exploitation phase [8]. Fig. 1.10 shows the resulting planning schedule for the LHeC project which lead to launching dedicated R&D work on key technical systems by 2012. The goal for the LHeC proposal had been set by CERN at the 2012 LHeC Workshop to develop and drive R&D activities for key technical components and concepts such that a final decision on the LHeC project implementation can be taken by the time the LHC reaches its full energy and large statistics at 13 TeV CM energy will be analyzed. In parallel the detector concept is being further developed. Both the R-R and the L-R LHeC options have been demonstrated to be technically feasible [1]. The Linac-Ring option has the key advantage that its civil engineering and installation work can be performed mostly decoupled from the LHC operation. This strategic advantage of the Linac-Ring option has lead to the decision to concentrate the technical R&D work for the LHeC during the years 2013 to 2015 on the Linac-Ring option. As this involves the most 14 Book Title demanding parts (cavity and IR magnet in particular) it remains possible to consider all the ep collision options eventuall, by 2016 in the light of then expected conclusive first high energy LHC results. The total number of and the main specifications for the normal conducting magnets in the arcs and SC RF cavities are comparable for both LHeC options. Fig. 1.10. LHeC project planning schedule [1] as considered for the current (1/2013) LHC shutdown schedule and with the goal of maximizing the synchronous ep/pp operation time during the HL-LHC phase. 15 Chapter Title for Chapter 1 Headings 1.5 Key Technical Systems. The R&D effort for key technical systems will focus on the following systems for the coming 2 to 3 years: Superconducting RF technology for the development of cavities with high Q0 for CW operation. Superconducting magnet technology for the development of Nb3Sn magnet technology for quadrupole designs with mirror cross sections with apertures for high as well as low magnetic field configurations. Optimization for the design of normal conducting magnets suited for the return arcs of the Energy Recovery options with multiple magnet systems per arc. Design of an LHeC Energy Recovery Linac test facility for studying and testing the various technical components and building up operational experience for ERL facilities in the future. Full optics and layout integration of the LHeC into the HL-LHC project. Civil engineering studies for the Linac-Ring option. Design of the vacuum system for the experimental insertion of the LHeC Detector development. 1.6 Summary. The high energy, intense hadron beams of the LHC provide a unique opportunity for complementing the pp and AA physics programme of the LHC, and possibly that of a new pure lepton collider, with deep inelastic ep and eA scattering experiments at the energy frontier. The LHeC design [1], briefly characterized here, has been made for synchronous operation with the LHC, which is considered to have an operation lifetime until the early thirties with an interesting maximum luminosity programme. Unless future LHC results lead to new 16 Book Title dramatic insight, the chosen energy of 60 GeV and the high luminosity, likely in excess of a hundred times that of the first ep collider HERA, promise to be a most reliable basis for an innovative physics program. The most likely realization of the LHeC is then with a 9km circumference Energy Recovery Linac configuration using multiple passes through two 1km superconducting linear accelerators, for which a test facility is under design. For the next about three years, an important design and prototype phase has begun in order to facilitate a decision on the LHeC when the high energy data of the LHC will eventually help clarifying the strategic future of particle physics and of CERN. In comparison to super hadron collider machines of a new generation or linear lepton collider concepts, the LHeC, while providing fascinating new accelerator challenges, is of a less resource demanding nature. It reaches its ultimate performance owing to the uniqueness of the LHC hadron beams for which most substantial investments have been taken over many years. Not to use these for the LHeC “at some point during the LHC lifetime appeared to be a waste” [9]. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. LHeC Study Group, A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN, J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phys 39(2012)075001 [arXiv:1206.2913(2012)]. LHeC Study Group, On the Relation of the LHeC and LHC, [arXiv:1211.5102(2012)]. HERA, Report by F. Willeke, this book. J.Dainton, M.Klein, P.Newman, E.Perez and F.Willeke, Deep Inelastic Scattering at the LHC, JINST 1(2006)P10001 [hep-ex/0603016]. For a comprehensive documentation on the LHeC see : K.Aulenbacher, B.Aune, J.Aysto, J.Baldy, H.Burkardt et al., ELFE at CDR, Conceptual Design Report, CERN, Geneva (1999). SAPHIRE reference S.Myers, Talk at EPS2011, Grenoble, France. G.Altarelli, LHeC Workshop, Divonne 2008, see [5].