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Last Name: _________________First Name:________________ Grade applying for:_____
“Growing together in faith, knowledge and love.”
Dear Parents,
Thank you for applying to Holy Family Catholic School. We commend you for seeking a Catholic education
for your child. By choosing Holy Family Catholic School, your child will receive the benefits of a faith-filled
environment, which will nourish him/her in faith, love and knowledge.
To ensure your child’s application is processed in a timely manner, please return the following:
Completed Student Application Form including the Financial Registration Form.
Sacramental Certificates (copies) (Baptismal and First Communion if applicable)
Birth Certificate (copy)
Provide current report card and national test results, i.e. Iowa, CTBS or the equivalent. (2-8)
Student Reference Information (please note there is a different form for grades PK-K, 1-2, & 3-8).
Please have current school personnel complete and mail to Holy Family Catholic School.
Parent Observation Form, PK-K only
Holy Family Parishioners ONLY - provide Membership Number for verification
Other Catholic Parishes - A Parish Verification Letter of Attendance from the Pastor
Certificate of Immunization as required by the Diocese of Orlando
It is important that all information is submitted in one package.
Failure to include any information may jeopardize your child’s entrance to Holy Family School.
Fax the above information to Sr. Dorothy Sayers at (407) 876-8775 or mail to:
Sister Dorothy Sayers, M.P.F.
Holy Family Catholic School
5129 S. Apopka-Vineland Rd.
Orlando, FL 32819
Priority for admission will be given in the following order:
Sister Dorothy Sayers, M.P.F.
Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Our mission is to inspire in our students, through word and example, the beautiful Gospel message of Jesus Christ; in a supportive and caring
learning environment, where each child is encouraged to strive for academic excellence and grow in faith, knowledge and love.
"Go forth and teach all nations . . .”Matthew 28:19, 20
5129 S. Apopka Vineland Rd.  Orlando, Florida, 32819  Phone: 407-876-9344  Fax: 407-876-8775 
Current HFCS Sibling(s): Name(s) Grade(s): __________________________
God bless you and your family
Sibling(s) applying for HFCS: Name(s) Grade(s): ______________________
1. Families with children currently enrolled and in good standing with Holy Family Catholic School.
2. Families relocating to the Orlando area with children currently enrolled in Catholic education.
3. Registered and active parishioners of Holy Family Catholic Church. Factors which may be considered
 regular attendance at Mass;
 involvement in parish ministry (i.e., lector, usher, Eucharistic Minister, special parish projects,
 registered for at least one year.
4. Families from neighboring parishes who present a letter from their Pastor stating that they are active
5. Families from Holy Family and neighboring parishes who have been registered for less than one year.
6. Non-registered Catholic families, families of other religious denominations, and registered nonsupporting Catholic families.
Thank you for taking the time to apply to Holy Family Catholic School. I encourage you to continue in your
efforts to provide your child with a firm foundation based in faith.
Holy Family Catholic School
Student Application
5129 S. Apopka Vineland Rd.
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: 407 876-9344
Fax: 407 876-8775
Student Information
Academic Year:
Grade applying for:
(Please print all information clearly)
Student Name:
Preferred Name:
US Citizen:
If no, ID#
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Student Religion:
Date of Baptism:
Church, City, State
Student Address:
Primary language spoken in home:
Secondary language:
Current School (if any):
Please check if your child attended VPK: 
Please check if your child has an IEP: If so, please list exceptionalities:
New census regulations require the following in regard to race and ethnicity.
Please choose one of these two categories:
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Please mark all of the categories by which you identify your child:
American Indian or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Asian White Black or African American Other Race
Family Information
(Please print all information clearly)
Father’s Name: ________________________________________
Mother’s Name: ______________________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________
Home Phone:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Cell Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Work Phone:
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________
Work Phone: ________________________________________
Marital Status: ________________________________________
Marital Status:
______________________________________ __
Parish Attending: _______________________________________
Parish Attending: ______________________________________
Include in Student Directory? ____ Yes
Include in Student Directory? _____ Yes
____ No
Student lives with: ___ both parents ___ mother
___ father
___ guardian
_____ No
___other (please specify) _____________________
Additional Student Information
Secondary Household Information
Step Father/Mother Name:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Emergency Contacts (Other than parents)
Contact Name:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Contact Name:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Medical Contacts
Policy #:
Permission to Treat:
As a Parent or legal guardian, I authorize the treatment of my minor child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor in the event of a
medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause physical disability, or undue
discomfort if delayed. This consent is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
_____________________________________________ Today’s Date: ___________________
This form is an application, not a registration form. This form becomes a registration form once you have been accepted for
admission to Holy Family Catholic School. Please include with application:
 Application fee of $25.00, (payable to Holy Family Catholic School) (non-refundable),
 A copy of your child’s Baptismal certificate and if received, other Sacramental certificates,
 A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate,
 A copy of your child’s previous and current Report Cards and Standardized Test Scores,
 Student Reference Information form,
 HFCC Membership number or Parish Verification Letter,
 Florida Certificate of Immunizations
This application cannot be processed without ALL the above-mentioned items.
This form is an application, not a registration form.
This form becomes a registration form once you have been accepted for admission to Holy Family Catholic School.
Upon acceptance, a $200.00 Family Registration fee (non-refundable) will be required to hold the seat for your child.
I approve and endorse this form for my son/daughter and I verify that the information provided is complete and accurate.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________ Today’s Date: ___________________
Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ______________________________________
Office Use Only
Application Fee: __________
Date Paid: _________
Amt Pd: _____
Cash: _____
Check #: _____
Registration Fee : _________
Date Paid: _________
Amt Pd: _____
Cash: _____
Check #: _____
Fnl Reg:_____
Bapt: _____
Sacr: _____
Birth: _____
Report Cards: _____
Testing: _____
Ref Ltr: _____
Immunization Form:_____
“Growing together in faith, knowledge and love.”
Mission Statement
Holy Family Catholic School is an educational ministry of Holy Family Catholic Church serving students
in early education through eighth grade.
Our mission is to inspire our students, through word and example, the beautiful Gospel message of Jesus
Christ; in a supportive and caring learning environment, where each child is encouraged to strive for
academic excellence and grow in faith, knowledge and love.
"Go forth and teach all nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
Matthew 28:19, 20
At Holy Family Catholic School, we believe:
Every person is a unique reflection of God, gifted with individual talents that are to be cultivated
and shared.
There is no greater calling as followers of Jesus than to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind,
and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Each child entrusted to our care is to be loved and respected as a unique creation of God, who lives
and dwells in all of us.
Students, empowered with the conviction of their beliefs and the courage of their faith, have the
power to bring love, compassion and peace to the lives of others.
In order to become contributing members of society, student must acquire an abiding moral and
exceptional academic foundation.
A physically and emotional secure environment is essential to student success.
Community service is an integral component of a solid Catholic education whereby we are called
to help “the least of our brothers” through prayer, works of charity, service, and social justice
outreach programs.
We are faithfully guided as disciples living in community to praise, honor, and celebrate God’s love
and blessings. Our actions and service are reflections of God’s grace, mercy, and love.
Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Our mission is to inspire in our students, through word and example, the beautiful Gospel message of Jesus Christ; in a supportive and caring learning
environment, where each child is encouraged to strive for academic excellence and grow in faith, knowledge and love.
"Go forth and teach all nations . . .”Matthew 28:19, 20
5129 S. Apopka Vineland Rd.
Orlando, Florida, 32819
Phone: 407-876-9344
Fax: 407-876-8775