Friends of Stanwix School Tuesday 4th November 2014 7:30pm – Staff Room MINUTES Attendees: Jenny Mitchell, Jill Gardiner, Paula Pasque, Jackie Thompson, Sarah Carruthers, Melissa Harkins, Paul Uppard, Sue Chappell, Gerard Edwards, Catherine Briggs, Lynda Hepburn, Nerys Mitchell, Sarah Graham, Lyn Marriott, Kuldip McMullan, Judith Chambers, Katie Mellor, Shona Park, Karen Bell, Kim Mitchinson 1. Welcomes, Introductions and Apologies Jenny welcomed new members to FOSS and members introduced themselves to the group. Apologies were received from the following members: Claire Purdham, Joanne Leadbetter, Emily Hamilton, Cathrine Clark, Tracey Kitney, Jane Heathcote, Jayne Campbell, Louise Pattinson, Wendy Adam, Lisa Ferguson 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting / Matters Arising The previous minutes were recorded as a true record. Proposed: Gerard Edwards Seconded: Sarah Carruthers It was confirmed that the prize money from the Balloons in the Car competition had now been received from the Benfield Motor Group. Melissa handed a cheque over for £307.00 for the profits made on the I-Pad raffle. 3. Financial Update Gerard confirmed that there was currently £5,663.97 in the account, plus profits from the Disco which has yet to be counted. 4. New Financial Requests A request was received for £253.00 for a Rocket Workshop for year 5 pupils, to learn about engineering in flight. This would involve two half day workshops from an external company. Proposed: Paul Uppard Seconded: Jill Gardiner 5. Christmas Fair – Friday 5th December 2014 Time of Fair After some discussion and consideration, it was agreed by a majority vote, to move the time of this years’ fair to 3:30pm, with a finishing time of 6:00pm. Stall holders would have time slots of 1.25 hrs. The new time would still be subject to commitment from helpers. Stalls – Helpers Jenny circulated a sign up list. Melissa offered to distribute the list to staff members to sign up also. Action: Melissa Jenny asked members if they knew of any parents who may be interested in having a stall such as handmade crafts, candles, etc. If anyone is interested, please let Jenny know. It was agreed that any items remaining from the White Elephant stall to be left in the small room after the fair for individuals who volunteered to collect on the Saturday morning following the fair. Non-Uniform Day For the benefit of the new members, Jenny briefly explained the purpose of the nonuniform day was to contribute prizes for the raffle / tombola. The date has been previously agreed for Friday 28th November 2014. It was agreed that items donated could be stored in the small room and the old PPA room. Shona agreed to update the flyer. Action: Shona Actions – Jenny’s List Jenny circulated a sign up list for members who wished to help / purchase goods for various stalls, etc. Wrapping For the benefit of the new members, Jenny briefly explained that we have an annual wrapping evening at Shona’s house prior to the fair to wrap Santa gifts, lucky dip prizes, etc. This years’ wrapping event will take place on Wednesday 3rd December, at Shona’s house. Shopping The list was discussed and various members agreed to take on responsibilities for certain stalls. Santa It was confirmed that Paul Uppard’s Father in Law had agreed to be Santa and he was available for the earlier time slot. He also has the costume! Some discussion was held on the best way to sell tickets for Santa with minimum queuing and disruption. It was suggested that some parents sell tickets at school pick up time on the day of the fair and also in the queue on the evening but further thought is still to be given on this, and the location of the grotto, before a final decision is made. 6. Childrens Christmas Raffle – ticket sales, source prizes, etc As previously discussed, Melissa is to arrange for year 6 pupils to sell tickets for the Childrens raffle. Shona agreed to prepare prizes from the raffle donations on Wednesday 3rd December. Action: Melissa / Shona 7. Infant Santa Visit The date of the Santa visit is still to be confirmed. Kuldip agreed to try and arrange a Santa for this event, but Paul advised that his Father in Law is likely to be available if there was no alternative. Action: Kuldip Sarah agreed to source Santa gifts from the catalogue. Action: Sarah 8. Christmas Crackers for Christmas Meal Shona to speak to her contact regarding the purchase of the crackers. Action: Shona 9. Date of Next FOSS Meeting The next FOSS meeting will take place on Thursday 15th January 2015, at 7.30pm in the Staff Room. 10. Any Other Business Jenny explained her intention to make use of the FOSS notice board outside the Year 1 entrance. The group agreed to be photographed for inclusion on the notice board and in this week’s school newsletter. The purpose of this was to make other parents aware of who to speak to should they wish to be involved in any way with FOSS.