Affiliation Agreement - GAP

Affiliation Agreement for Students of New Faculty
at Stanford University
This Affiliation Agreement formalizes an arrangement between Stanford University and Affiliate University for
the purpose of designating one or more students into Students of New Faculty (SNF) status. This is a Word Form;
please type in the requested information in the designated boxes. Save the form, print it out and combine it with
the associated Attachments for each student.
Complete a separate Attachment and identify with a different letter of the alphabet for each student expected to
come to Stanford under this Affiliation Agreement.
The Affiliation Agreement and Attachments are then circulated for signatures. Consultation with the Office of the
Vice Provost for Graduate Education prior to obtaining signatures is encouraged.
Details about the SNF policies and procedures are found at
If you have any questions about the process of appointing Students of New Faculty, please contact Helen J. Doyle,
Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education, 650-736-1937,
This Affiliation Agreement is entered into as of
[TODAY’S DATE] between Stanford
University, located in Stanford, California (“Stanford”) and
, located in
University”) for the purpose of affiliating the doctoral student(s) listed below of Affiliate (“Student(s)”),
with Stanford under the terms of this Agreement.
Student’s(s’) advisor is
(“Faculty Advisor”), who is taking a faculty position at Stanford.
(Each) Student and Faculty Advisor have determined it is in Student(s) best interest to continue working
directly with Faculty Advisor on her/his graduate course of study, and to undertake this work at
Stanford. Additional information related to the appointment is attached as follows (enter “n/a” on blank
lines if less than five students will be appointed at Stanford under this agreement, or contact the VPGE
office if more than five students are involved).
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C
Attachment D
Attachment E
Form Revision Date, January 7, 2016
I. Affiliate institution hereby represents and warrants that (check each):
(Each) Student named above (and on Attachment A, etc.) is/are in good standing at
Affiliate University. Affiliate has no reservations regarding (each) Student’s ability to complete her/his
graduate course of study in the time anticipated by this Agreement. Affiliate has no reservations
regarding (each) Student’s ability to participate and function as a member of the Stanford community.
(Each) Student has been deemed eligible for nonmatriculated status at Stanford
University for the purpose of completing research for a doctoral degree at Affiliate University.
If (any) Student is not a US citizen and is in the United States on a visa, Student is in
compliance with visa obligations, and Affiliate will maintain oversight of Student’s visa obligations.
If (any) Student is not a US citizen and Affiliate is outside the United States, (each)
Student will take necessary steps to secure appropriate visa.
During the term of this Affiliation Agreement, (each) Student will remain in good
standing at Affiliate University.
If (any) Student requires the services of the Stanford Office of Accessible Education,
Stanford will work with Affiliate to determine the appropriate accommodations and provision of
Affiliate will contact
[name of STANFORD CONTACT overseeing Student, such
as a Department Manager, department chair] should Affiliate become aware that any of these
representations regarding (any) Student is no longer accurate or if Affiliate has a concern regarding
(any) Student.
II. Faculty Advisor hereby represents and warrants that (check each):
Faculty Advisor has no reservations regarding (each) Student’s ability to complete her/his
graduate course of study in the time anticipated by this Agreement. Affiliate has no reservations
regarding (each) Student’s ability to participate and function as a member of the Stanford community.
Faculty Advisor agrees to assure that (each) Student receive any required training in
order to be able to carry out research at Stanford, including appropriate health and safety training,
instruction in the protection of human subjects, or any other instruction required by the work that the
Student will do at Stanford.
Form Revision Date, January 7, 2016
III. Agreement to Affiliate:
Based on these representations, and subject to (each) Student’s representations to Stanford under
the Student of New Faculty Representations, to be completed before Student(s) arrive at Stanford, the
parties mutually agree that the individual(s) listed on Attachment(s)
A[ATTACHMENT LETTER] will (each) affiliate with Stanford University as a “Student of
New Faculty” on a fixed term appointment for a period of time specified on the applicable Attachment.
An appointment can be terminated early by Stanford: (1) if Student graduates from Affiliate before
completion of this appointment, (2) for breach of this Agreement; (3) if the Faculty Advisor leaves
Stanford or is unable to serve as an advisor to Student; (4) if the Student breaches the Student of New
Faculty Agreement or fails to comply with applicable laws and/or the policies of Stanford; or (5) if
Stanford determines it is in its best interests to separate from Student. A Stanford signatory to this
agreement checks each of the following:
Financial support for (each) Student is not a requirement of this agreement. Any
financial support to be provided either by Stanford or Affiliate institution is defined on Attachment(s) A
[ATTACHMENT LETTER]. In all cases, (each) Student will be responsible for financial
obligations, if any, to both Stanford and Affiliate.
During the period (each) Student is registered at Stanford, Student will be charged
Terminal Graduate Registration tuition for every academic quarter of her/his appointment at Stanford.
Summer registration is optional, subject to the relevant policies of either Stanford or Affiliate institution.
Student(s) will not be eligible for graduation from Stanford under this Affiliation. At the
conclusion of Student’s doctoral research at Stanford, the expectation is that (each) Student will return to
Affiliate to defend her/his dissertation and receive a degree from Affiliate University (provided Student
is successful in completing all degree requirements).
This Agreement will expire on the termination of the appointment(s). This Agreement is
governed under the laws of the State of California and any disagreements arising under this Agreement
that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement will be litigated in a court of competent jurisdiction in
Santa Clara County, California.
Form Revision Date, January 7, 2016
Acting with the authority to be bound:
FACULTY ADVISOR (Faculty member joining Stanford):
Department Chair or Designee:
Dean of Graduate Studies Office:
Department Chair or Designee:
School Dean’s Office:
Vice Provost for Graduate Education:
Form Revision Date, January 7, 2016