Tsunami Research and Evaluation Project

Tsunami Research and Evaluation Project
Scientists ___________________________________________________________________________
You are a scientist at NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Your team has just completed its report of
the 2010 tsunami that devastated Japan (or the 2004 tsunami that struck the Pacific). The report outlines
the cause of the tsunami, the extent of the damage produced, the long term effects from the tsunami’s
destruction, and the role of the warning center. The report also makes recommendations for future
monitoring of the Pacific and the warning systems used currently. Your job now is to create a PSA
highlighting the information from your report. The information should be thorough but readable by the
general public. Be creative!
Here are some questions to consider for your PSA:
Part One (20 points)
Cause of Tsunami – Path and Scope of Tsunami
Define tsunami and explain its formation.
Illustrate and explain the starting point of the specific tsunami and its path.
Identify the scope of destruction of the tsunami and the immediate aftermath.
Part Two (20 points)
Long Term Effects of Tsunami – Clean Up Efforts and Rebuilding
Describe the government’s response to the disaster.
Identify and describe international relief extended to the countries.
Explain the proposed plan for clean-up and the success of clean-up efforts.
Discuss the effects on the global community (world economic markets, trade/commerce, etc.)
Examine the success and/or challenges of the clean-up and rebuilding efforts.
Part Three (20 points)
Warning Center – Purpose, Procedure, and Recommendations
What is the purpose of the warning center?
How is the warning center utilized? What are the procedures set in place to warn countries of
potential tsunamis?
How has the warning center been utilized in the past?
How can the warning center advance and be utilized in the future?
You may use any presentation method you would like – be creative!
Due Thursday, December 8.
Useful resources:
Tsunami Info
USGS - http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/tsunami/
ITIC HomePage - http://itic.ioc-unesco.org/
NOAA - http://www.tsunami.noaa.gov/tsunami_story.html
South Asia 2004 Tsunami
NewsHour Extra Report - http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/july-dec04/tsunami_12-30.html
NewsHour Report - http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/asia/tsunami/index.html
Tsunami Alert System
NewsHour Report - http://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tsunami/index.html
NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center - http://ptwc.weather.gov/ptwc/faq.php