Auslan to English Continuum - Education and Training in Far North

Auslan Project
2015 Workshops & Training Program
FNQ Region
Expressions of Interest
“Catch-Up” Auslan
Workshops on offer (by
request only)
Would like to do
(please tick)
Base School:
TA Auslan Induction
This workshop is for new TAs only. It has a special focus on
the unique components of the Auslan Project, working in a
team and completes the code of conduct training mandated by
Introduction to Auslan
This workshop covers Auslan linguistic terminology, the
parameters of Auslan and the rules around constructing simple
sign sentences.
Sign Language Acquisition
This workshop looks at how sign language is acquired by deaf
children and the development of Auslan linguistic fluency.
Auslan to English Continuum
This workshop discusses the terminology and the theory
behind the continuum– providing participants with examples
from the classroom and ways to plan to exploit the continuum
to achieve English literacy.
Fingerspelling and its’ place
in the classroom
This workshop discusses the role of fingerspelling in sign
language, the benefits to Deaf children (what the research
says) and how you can include Fingerspelling in an inclusive
Introduction to Depicting
This workshop focuses on use of depicting signs (verbs) in
Auslan. Depicting verbs are unique to sign languages and
carry additional meaning. They are signs they cannot be found
in an Auslan Dictionary and are pivotal in being a good user of
sign language.
Language Experience
Readers (LERs)
This workshop discusses the purpose of LERs, why traditional
readers are not always appropriate for Deaf children and how
to create LERs for your classroom.
N.B. These workshops can be offered in remote centres – please indicate if you would prefer that option.
Auslan Project
2015 Workshops & Training Program
FNQ Region
“New” Auslan
Workshops on offer in
Would like to do
(please tick)
Theory of Mind and Deaf
Children (Term 2)
This workshop discusses the developmental psychology of
“Theory of Mind” and how it is extremely applicable to Deaf
children and their socioemotional and language development.
A mix of research, practical activities, and intervention
strategies will be explored. Individual case studies will also be
Storytelling to Storyreading
Continuum (TBC)
This workshop will explore the storytelling to storyreading
continuum. Participants will explore how to exploit the Auslan
to English continuum, focussing on improving storytelling skills
and storyreading modelling and intervention strategies.
NAATI Paraprofessional
Accreditation Preparation
Program for Educational
Interpreters (TBC)
This workshop will be by “Expression of Interest” only. The aim
of this training is to support a group of current Educational
Interpreters who wish to pursue NAATI accreditation at the
Paraprofessional level. This preparation program will be
delivered over a term by an experienced Interpreter Trainer
and will be delivered as a mix of videoconferencing, face-toface workshops and own study (after school and weekend
attendance will be required).
Sign Language Assessment –
What To Do Now? (Term 3)
This workshop will explore the assessments used with Deaf
Children and provide participants with strategies for
interpreting the results of assessments and how develop
intervention strategies for assisting a deaf student’s Auslan
and English language development.
Other options – if there is
something not listed here that
you would like to do – please
make suggestions:
Please return form to:
Karin O’Reilly | Regional Auslan Support Officer FNQ Region Auslan Project
Balaclava State School 418 Mulgrave Road Cairns Qld 4870 |PO Box 266M Manunda Qld 4870
T +617 40815326 | F +617 40815300 | M +617 0403756654 | E |