The Aviation Expo Scholarship 2014 Application Form

$ 44,000+ in Aviation Education Scholarships
$16,500 Liberty University School of Aeronautics
$ 8,500 Kansas State University
$ 8,000 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
$ 3,000 Aviation Institute of Maintenance
$ 1,000 Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics
$ 500 (Two) Bowling Green State University College of Technology
Monetary Scholarships for Tuition and Fees
$ 4,000 Projet Aviation, Hoxton Agency, Eastern Aviation Fuel (Shell), AOPA
$ 2,000 Greater Washington Business Aviation Association
Three Awards for Ground School (up to $500 value) Sponsored by:
Av-Ed Flight School, Atlantic Airways, and Aviation Adventures
1. Submit the application with your essay by Oct. 3 2014 to:
2. You may submit an essay for both education scholarships and ground school training.
3. Winners will be announced at the Aviation Education & Career Expo on Oct. 24, 2014.
Every student who enters the contest
will receive one ticket for a
Smithsonian IMAX theater or
planetarium experience.
(Excludes Hollywood features films.)
The Aviation Expo 2014 Scholarship Contest
The Aviation Expo Scholarship offers several opportunities to further your aviation education.
Scholarships are payable directly to the institution or training facility after acceptance.
Winners will be announced at the Aviation Expo.
1. Essay question for ground school training scholarships:
Select an important plane in aviation history, describe the contributions it made and
why they are important. (approximately 500 words)
2. Essay question for aviation education monetary scholarships: (up to 1000 words)
How has your interest in aviation influenced you?
Submission Guidelines
Double space the essay, use 12 point font. The title page and bibliography are not included in
the word count.
Your submission must be in essay form which uses complete sentences. The essay is not
twitter or a text message.
Each essay must reflect the contestant's own research, writing and original thinking.
Essays must be typed and submitted via email.
Each essay must include the application form, not considered text, with the essay.
The title of the essay, but NOT the author's name, MUST appear on the top of the first page of
essay text.
References used in the essay should be clearly identified.
Send the essay to: no later than October 3, 2014.
The following criteria will be used to judge your essay.
1.Comprehension (1-10 points) _______
How well does the essay respond to the contest question?
2.Organization (1-10 points) ________
Does the essay follow a logical and easily understood progression? Are the main points
supported by evidence and or examples?
3.Conclusions (1-10 points) ________
Do the conclusions follow logically from the argument? How compelling are the conclusions?
4.Creativity (1-10 points) _________
Use of diverse resources, including interviews. Creative angle on the issue.
5. Writing (1-10 points) __________
Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation. Use of language.
The Aviation Expo Scholarship 2014 Application Form
Every student is welcome to submit a separate essay for each scholarship opportunity.
Include this completed application form with your essay.
Check the boxes to indicate scholarships in which you are interested.
Flight School essay contest (500 words): [ ]
Please describe your career goals.
Do you currently fly, or are you enrolled in a flight school? ____YES
If so, which flight school? _________________________
Do you have a desire to take flight lessons? ____YES ____NO
Aviation Education School contest: (up to 1000 words) [ ]
Please describe your career goals.
Check the opportunities in which you are interested.
Liberty University
Kansas State University
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University: _____YES
Aviation Institute of Maintenance
Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics
Bowling Green State University
Monetary Cash Awards
_____ YES
_____ NO
Essay title: ______________________________________________________________
Author’s name: ___________________________________________________________
Author’s address: _________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________
Phone: ______________________
School name: ____________________________ Year of graduation: ______________
Name of supervising teacher or home school parent: _____________________________
Contact Information:(email or phone) __________________________________________