Learning Objective(s): Devise an experiment to separate Salt from Rock Salt The Learning Journey Select appropriate practical methods used in previous lessons Profile of Class Boys 16 Context of lesson TEEP Prepare for learning Entry work Give the ‘BIG’ picture Pre-thinking about work to come Link to previous lesson Prompt start TEEP Agree Learning Outcomes Make content, skills & thinking explicit State simply and exactly what the students will have learned by the end of the lesson Share criteria against which performance will be assessed TEEP Present New Information ‘Hook’ the students Use of VAK strategies Short, clear, ‘punchy’ information TEEP Construct Active learning Range of learning preferences Choice Individual Collaborative Challenge TEEP Apply Demonstration of learning Minor (short task) or major (coursework) work Need to show they understand - not just repeat and recall TEEP Review How far have students progressed along the learning journey? Oral,written, pictorial reviews Need regular review experiences at relevant points during the lesson Girls 14 Explain the differences between pure sodium chloride produced and Rock Salt Devise an experiment using the practical methods to successfully extract pure salt SEN Details 7 (A) Gifted & Talented Details 2 (SH, TL) Year 7 Construct challenge lesson – from Year 8 exploring science scheme. Students must use practical ideas from previous lessons on... Dissolving, Filtration and Evaporation to devise an experiment to separate salt from rock salt. The students must organise each practical method into the appropriate sequence to achieve a successful result and obtain pure sodium chloride. Using supporting information provided some students should be able to explain differences between pure sodium chloride (salt) produced and initial rock salt sample they were given at the beginning of the lesson. This sequence of lessons will prepare students for topic 8E in Year 8. Rathergood.com “soluble song” playing to link to learning objectives. Pre-thinking linked to dissolving and solubility of salt. Idea taken from... http://learningspy.co.uk/2011/10/09/40ways-to-introduce-learning-objectives/ Picture of rock salt on board. Students shown sample of rock salt. Can they describe it? Do they know what it is? Where does it come from? What does it contain? Share Learning outcomes with students via powerpoint slide... present task of devising experiment to extract pure salt from rock salt sample shown. State those students will be successful if they manage to produce a pure sample of sodium chloride crystals. Some students should be able to explain why the pure sodium chloride produced is different from the original sample of rock salt given at the beginning of the lesson. Reading, Writing, Communication, Mathematics (RWCM) Communication of practical ideas amongst peers. Reading information from wiki pages. Writing experimental method and ideas of differences between rock salt and pure sodium chloride. O P P Show Video IC3.3.4 from Oxbox – Salt Mining, to show how rock salt is obtained. Present students with wiki pages on Rock Salt (Halite) and Pure Salt (Sodium Chloride). Briefly explain that Rock Salt contains impurities and that sodium chloride will have no impurities. Students must isolate the impurities to obtain a successful result in the practical. Talk – How can you get salt from rock salt? Students given list of apparatus and must devise a method for the investigation. Diagrams and written steps can be given to students for assistance from WS 8Ec(5), also for the students on SEN or as part of challenge/choice. Students then carry out the practical method they have designed to obtain pure sodium chloride. Completed Method design for practical. Drawings of scientific apparatus, with labels. Descriptions of what will be carried out at each step. Some successful practical steps used. Successful teamwork to produce pure sodium chloride at the end of the experiment. Written explanation of differences between rock salt and pure salt. Conclusion Qs completed on Rock Salt Worksheet. Word Whirlwind Plenary – students look at a list of moving key words on the board. 2 students come to the board, 1 student thinks of a question of which the keyword is the answer linked to the learning within the lesson to show progress. Students then swap roles and can also use as whole class game to assess progress of whole group. What have students learnt during the practical work? Would they change anything for future investigations? (Evaluation) Link back to LO’s on powerpoint. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) Uses of Rock Salt to melt ice on roads, walkways and driveways. Helps to save lives. O R T Homework Produce a detailed experimental write up of the experiment devised U N I T I E S PLTS Team work designing the successful practical sequence. Creative thinking to establish correct order of practical methods to obtain pure salt. Challenge, Individual, Collaboration & Choice? Challenge – producing correct sequence of practical steps to obtain pure salt using a basic scientific apparatus list. Collaboration – in groups devising method. Choice – different practical steps to use. WWW EBI