Canterbury`s Patoa Farms wins South Island Farmer of the Year for

MEDIA RELEASE – Thursday 19 November 2014
Canterbury’s Patoa Farms wins
South Island Farmer of the Year for 2014
Patoa Farms Ltd, a large scale free-farmed pig breeding and finishing operation at
Hawarden in North Canterbury, has won the Lincoln University Foundation’s South Island
Farmer of the Year competition for 2014.
The finals held yesterday evening at Lincoln University saw four very high calibre entrants
vie for the top prize of a $20,000 travel grant for business study.
Foundation Chief Judge Nicky Hyslop said Steve and Josie Sterne, with daughter Holly
Sterne, edged out stiff competition with their impressive growth, technical excellence,
efficiency of production and strategic focus. They demonstrated that it was possible to
achieve at the highest levels of farming technology and business management in an
outdoor free-roaming stock operation.
Steve Sterne said, “When I went farming at the age of 39 I did not expect to be standing in
front of an audience like this today. The dream is possible. You should not be deterred by
the huge effort of amassing enough capital to go farming. I started with three pigs in a
woodshed . . . they keep multiplying.”
The farm has 3500 breeding sows and sells 115,000 fat pigs annually. It employs 43 staff
and has a $25 million annual turnover.
“The judges,” Hyslop said, “were impressed with the very robust technical production
system at all levels including the sows, despite their being outside.”
Runners up were Robin and Lois Greer, who operate both a conventional and an organic
dairy farm on adjoining properties (120ha organically farmed, 160ha conventionally
farmed) at Tuturau, Southland. Their business includes the production on site of their own
brand, Retro Organics, of organic dairy products including yogurts and cheeses.
Hyslop said the operation of the on-farm factory, and the Greer’s strong focus on added
value from the production system to market, were outstanding aspects of this business.
Judges also praised high levels of innovation in the business, especially in terms of
developing new products.
Four special category prizes of $5000 each were also awarded at the finals today:
The BNZ award for Human Resource Management
Recognising commitment both on-farm to building a happy and productive team,
and off-farm, through the strength and depth of relationships with suppliers,
customers and other people who interact with the farm business. Winner: Patoa
Farms Ltd, managed by Steve and Josie Sterne, with Holly Sterne, a 580ha pig
farm at Hawarden, North Canterbury, that produces some 15 percent of New
Zealand pig meat in an outdoor free-roaming stock operation.
The Silver Fern Farms ‘Plate to Pasture’ award
Given to the finalist who shows the best focus on customer needs and service by
showing how they plan their farming operations around what will eventually end
up on the consumer’s plate. Winner: Zino Holdings Ltd, operated by Mark and
Sam Zino, a 1008ha flats and rolling hills property at Hawarden in North
Canterbury, focusing on breeding and fattening sheep, deer and beef cattle.
The Lincoln University prize for Technology and Innovation
Best use of innovation, technology and/or new systems resulting in increased
productivity. Winner: Barry and Julie Crawford who run a sheep breeding and
finishing property near Gore with a strong focus on high-end lamb meat
The Farmlands Cooperative Prize for Resource Use Efficiency
Recognising excellence in the efficient and effective utilisation of the farm’s
natural resources and the physical resource inputs needed to generate a high
level of production on a sustainable basis, resulting in an excellent long-run
return on capital. Winner: Patoa Farms Ltd, managed by Steve and Josie Sterne,
with Holly Sterne, a 580ha pig farm at Hawarden, North Canterbury, that
produces some 15 percent of New Zealand pig meat in an outdoor free-roaming
stock operation.
Foundation media and photo inquiries to:
Steve Attwood
P: 027 419-1080
Winner media inquiries to:
Steve Sterne
P: 03 3144 985 or 027 517 4985.