Purchasing Kroger 13 Gallon Trash Bags: A Feasibility Report

May 1, 2014
Rodney McMullen
Brianna Jackson
George Psihogios
Feasibility report for purchasing Kroger-supplied 13 gallon trash bags
I am pleased to submit the accompanying report, “Purchasing Kroger 13 Gallon Trash Bags: A Feasibility
Report,” in response to your request. The report examines the cost efficiency and quality of the various
brands of trash bags offered in a typical Kroger supermarket.
For the report, we examined three options for trash bags: Glad Odor Shield, Home Sense, and Hefty
Odor Block. We used the criteria of pack cost per bag, strength or durability of a bag based upon weight
of contents, and ability of each bag to reduce or remove odor from disposed waste. Based on our
examinations, we recommend consumers purchase the Hefty Odor Block 13 gallon trash bag as the
standard for highest quality at reasonable prices.
If you have any questions, please call us at (123) 456-7890.
Purchasing Kroger 13 Gallon Trash Bags:
A Feasibility Report
Prepared for
Rodney McMullen, CEO
Prepared by
Brianna Jackson
George Psihogios
May 2014
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Methods for Evaluating the Options............................................................................................................. 1
Results of the Evaluation .............................................................................................................................. 2
The Cost of a Standard Pack of 13 Gallon Trash Bags ............................................................................... 2
Option 1: Glad Odor Shield ................................................................................................................... 2
Option 2: Home Sense .......................................................................................................................... 2
Option 3: Hefty Odor Block ................................................................................................................... 2
The Strength of a Single Trash Bag ........................................................................................................... 3
Option 1: Glad Odor Shield ................................................................................................................... 3
Option 2: Home Sense .......................................................................................................................... 3
Option 3: Hefty Odor Block ................................................................................................................... 3
The Odor-Eliminating Ability of the Trash Bag.......................................................................................... 4
Option 1: Glad Odor Shield ................................................................................................................... 4
Option 2: Home Sense .......................................................................................................................... 4
Option 3: Hefty Odor Block ................................................................................................................... 4
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Recommendation.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Executive Summary
We have investigated the feasibility of the following Kroger-sold 13 gallon trash bags with drawstrings:
Glad Odor Shield, Home Sense, and Hefty Odor Block. The evaluation of the three brands of trash bags
were based upon criteria pertinent to the average consumer: cost-effectiveness, strength or durability,
and odor elimination.
Because the Hefty Odor Block offers superior strength when holding high volumes of contents and
exceptional odor-elimination, consumers can receive a product that will produce the greatest quality
based upon the criteria of strength and odor mitigation. Alternatively, the Home Sense trash bags offer
an affordable alternative with relatively satisfactory qualities.
We recommend consumers choose the Hefty Odor Block bag when seeking the highest quality product
at reasonably affordable rates.
Kroger Trash Bags |1
Consumers are often presented with the challenge of spreading their dollar most efficiently, and are
often confronted with a loss of quality when saving money. These challenges are experienced on a
weekly basis for consumers who purchase disposable home goods such as trash bags. The purpose of
this report is to evaluate the available trash bag options at a local supermarket (Kroger) and to analyze
the qualities of each product based upon criteria relevant to everyday consumers: cost-efficiency,
strength, and odor mitigation.
By analyzing these criteria, we seek to conclude both which product proves superior in quality and
whether or not cost affects quality.
When Kroger customers evaluate cost-efficiency of the available 13-gallon trash bags to the quality of
the product, consumers have three options:
Option 1:
Glad Odor Shield (Fresh Lemon) Tall Kitchen Bag with Drawstring
40 Bags, 13 Gallons (49.2L) for $6.99
Option 2:
Home Sense Tall Kitchen Bag with Drawstring
80 Bags, 13 Gallons (49.2L) for $7.49
Option 3:
Hefty Odor Block (Clean Citrus) Tall Kitchen Drawstring Bag
45 Bags, 13 Gallons (49.2L) for $7.99
In the report that follows, we will examine these options and recommend the most cost-effective option
that will provide the most stable and odor-free means of trash collection offered by Kroger without
sacrificing quality.
Methods for Evaluating the Options
To support our recommendations, we evaluate the feasibility of each option using three criteria.
The cost of a standard pack of 13 gallon trash bags
The strength of a single trash bag
The odor-eliminating ability of the trash bag
To gather information for the evaluation, we first analyzed the cost-effectiveness of each brand by
comparing the cost of a standard pack (we deemed a standard pack by a mid-ranged pack of 13 gallon
trash bags between 5 and 8 dollars in price) to the amount of trash bags contained within. This analysis
concludes with a price-per-bag figure, which generates a comparison number. Next we researched the
strength of a single trash bag by studying the breaking point (we defined the breaking point as the point
to which the plastic of the bag split due to the weight of the contents) of each bag through the insertion
of weights. Each bag was tested through three trials, and the resulting averages were compared
between trash bag brands. Lastly, we researched the qualitative effectiveness of each bag as an odor
Kroger Trash Bags |2
eliminator. Each bag was occupied by an average assortment of trash with perceivable odor and were
anonymously presented to five separate subjects for assessment. Each subject was asked to rank their
perception of odor elimination for each bag at 1, 2, and 3 (one being the best and three being the
worst). These numbers were collected and added together, providing a concluding number for
comparison (the lowest being the most efficient at odor prevention).
Results of the Evaluation
To determine the feasibility of using each Kroger trash bag, we evaluated the three options according to
the criteria of cost, strength, and odor elimination.
The Cost of a Standard Pack of 13 Gallon Trash Bags
Option 2, Home Sense, is the least expensive based upon price-per-bag. Option 3, Hefty Odor
Block, is the most expensive based upon price-per-bag.
Option 1: Glad Odor Shield
The standard pack of Glad Odor Shield 13 gallon trash bags cost $6.99 each. Within each pack,
there are 40 bags. By dividing the $6.99 cost by the 40 bag contents, the quotient results in a
price-per-bag figure of approximately $0.17 (.17475) per Glad Odor Shield bag.
Option 2: Home Sense
The standard pack of Home Sense 13 gallon trash bags cost $7.49 each. Within each pack, there
are 80 bags. By dividing the $7.49 cost by the 80 bag contents, the quotient results in a priceper-bag figure of approximately $0.09 (.093625) per Home Sense bag.
Option 3: Hefty Odor Block
The standard pack of Hefty Odor Block 13 gallon trash bags cost $7.99 each. Within each pack,
there are 45 bags. By dividing the $7.99 cost by the 45 bag contents, the quotient results in a
price-per-bag figure of approximately $0.18 (.17755) per Hefty Odor Block bag.
Kroger Trash Bags |3
The Strength of a Single Trash Bag
Option 3, Hefty Odor Block, is the most durable bag. Option 1, Glad Odor Shield, is the least
durable bag.
Strength of a Trash Bag by Breaking Point
Breaking Point (lbs)
Glad Odor Shield
Home Sense
Hefty Odor Block
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Option 1: Glad Odor Shield
The first test of strength was tested on the Glad brand bags, with results that were the weakest
of the three, though the most consistent in its range of breaking. The first trial yielded a
breaking point of 66.25lbs, the second trial yielded a breaking point of 67.50lbs, and the third
trial yielded a breaking point of 66.25lbs. The three trials averaged out to an approximate
breaking point of 66.666lbs, with a range between 66.25-67.50lbs (a difference of 1.25).
Option 2: Home Sense
This off-brand bag proved to be fairly strong to suspension of weights, though fairly inconsistent
in its totals. The first trial yielded a breaking point of 67.50lbs, the second trial yielded a
breaking point of 73.75lbs, and the third trial yielded a breaking point of 65lbs. The three trials
averaged out to an approximate breaking point of 68.750lbs, with a range between 65-73.75lbs
(a difference of 8.75).
Option 3: Hefty Odor Block
Through the course of three trials, the Hefty Odor block trashbag proved most resilient and
consistent to the suspension of weights and gravity. The first trial yielded a breaking point of
70lbs, the second trial yielded a breaking point of 75lbs, and the third trial yielded a breaking
point of 71.25lbs. The three trials averaged out to an approximate breaking point of 72.083lbs,
with a range between 70-75lbs (a difference of 5).
Kroger Trash Bags |4
The Odor-Eliminating Ability of the Trash Bag
Option 3, Hefty Odor Block, ranked the best at mitigating odor, while Home Sense ranked the
worst at mitigating odor.
Test Subject A
Test Subject B
Test Subject C
Test Subject D
Test Subject E
Glad Odor Shield
Home Sense
Hefty Odor Block
Option 1: Glad Odor Shield
When ranking the ability of mitigation of odor across five test subjects, the Glad Odor Shield
trash bag ranked the following:
Test Subject A:
Test Subject B:
Test Subject C:
Test Subject D:
Test Subject E:
Glad Odor Shield evaluations ranked it with an odor elimination total score of 10.
Option 2: Home Sense
When ranking the ability of mitigation of odor across five test subjects, the Home Sense trash
bag ranked the following:
Test Subject A:
Test Subject B:
Test Subject C:
Test Subject D:
Test Subject E:
Home Sense evaluations ranked it with an odor elimination total score of 12.
Option 3: Hefty Odor Block
When ranking the ability of mitigation of odor across five test subjects, the Hefty Odor Block
trash bag ranked the following:
Test Subject A:
Test Subject B:
Test Subject C:
Test Subject D:
Kroger Trash Bags |5
Test Subject E: #2
Hefty Odor Block evaluations ranked it with an odor elimination total score of 8.
Each of these three options has advantages and disadvantages.
Option 1 (Glad Odor Shield) demonstrates its ability as a solid, middle of the road option. Option 1
maintains itself as the second most cost-effective bag of the three at $0.17 per bag. The benefits of this
bag tapered off when evaluating its strength, as it was the weakest of the three options, only supporting
the average weight of 66.666lbs. Option 1 also proves to be the second most effective bag at
diminishing negative odors with the second lowest score of 10.
Option 2 (Home Sense) proves an affordable alternative that can stand up to its more costly
competition. Option 2 proved to be the most cost-efficient, costing nearly half the other two options at
$0.09 per bag. Option 2 also stood up to the competition in strength, holding the second highest
breaking point at an average of 68.75lbs. Option 2 was the weakest at odor elimination, scoring the
highest number of 12 when assessed by our test subjects.
Option 3 (Hefty Odor Block) maintained quality at the expense of cost. Option 3 was the priciest of the
three options at $0.18 per bag. However, the cost was only marginally higher than the second most
affordable option (Option 1: Glad Odor Shield). Option 3 proved the strongest of the three trash bags,
holding and average breaking point weight of 72.083lbs. Option 3 also demonstrated its superiority in
odor mitigation, scoring the lowest number of 8 when assessed by our test subjects.
Based upon our evaluation of the options in light of the criteria, cost becomes a secondary issue to
quality. While Option 2 (Home Sense) is a very effective and affordable alternative, Option 3 (Hefty Odor
Block) offered the most in terms of quality. Therefore, consumers who are concerned with affordability
should choose Home Sense trash bags, while consumers seeking top of the line quality should chose
Hefty Odor Block bags.
Because Option 3 offers the highest quality strength and odor elimination despite its cost, we
recommend using Hefty Odor Block trash bags to maximize efficiency and quality at marginally more
expensive cost.