GINO JAMES DIMARIO MEMORIAL SCHOLARS PROGRAM 2015-2016 The Gino James DiMario program seeks talented, motivated students who wish to expand their music involvement and connect their CCM Preparatory studies to real life experiences. Students will document their efforts, culminating in an electronic portfolio that will serve as their application for the Gino James DiMario scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded at the 2016 Achievement Festival and apply toward studies in the 201617 school year. All students who successfully complete the program will be offered special performance opportunities during the following summer and academic year, 2016-17. This year $500 tuition scholarships were awarded to six students. Eligibility* and Acceptance Requirements: Ages 6-17 by September 1, 2015. New: Previous DiMario scholarship recipients who have moved into a different age bracket may reapply for the scholarship. Young DiMario (ages 6-10 on 9-1-15) Middle DiMario (ages 11-14 on 9-1-15) Older DiMario (ages 15-17 on 9-1-15) 1) Enrolled at CCM Preparatory for the full academic year 2015-16 with account in good financial standing, and 2) Nominated and recommended by private lesson instructor *Current DiMario Scholarship recipients are expected to fulfill their role as DiMario Scholars but are not eligible to re-apply to the program until they reach the next age level. Application process: 1) Student and/or guardian fill out application form, signed by guardian and teacher, and submit to CCM Preparatory ( by October 30, 2015. 2) Private lesson teacher must 1) sign student’s application form and 2) email a separate paragraph supporting the student’s participation by October 30, 2015 to The private teacher is the student’s mentor and is responsible for helping the student plan and fulfill the requirements of the program. Additional teacher responsibilities: By Feb. 15, 2016, email a mid-year evaluation to place in the student’s portfolio to Help student plan and prepare performances, including Achievement Festival, and community project. Performance plan and community project proposal must be submitted to CCM Preparatory for approval. PROGRAM CHECKLIST AND DUE DATES Oct. 31, 2015 – Both student application and separate teacher recommendation Dec. 15, 2015 – Both proposal for community service project and plan for concert attendance with report Feb. 15, 2016 – mid-year teacher recommendation April 20, 2016 – electronic portfolios May 14, 2016 – Achievement Festival. Scholarship awards presented and all students who complete the program will be recognized The completed portfolio consists of, in this order, due on or before April 20, 2016: 1. Cover page: Student name, teacher name, photograph, and number of years you have studied at CCM Preparatory 2. Signed check list with dates each item was completed 3. Personal essay 4. Copy of programs from the recitals performed during the year 5. Copy of program attended and written review 6. Synopsis of community service project 7. (to be added by CCM Preparatory): Teacher’s recommendation at beginning of program and mid-year evaluation by faculty member PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: 1. RECITAL PERFORMANCES (minimum 4, one in each of the following categories must be included): One of the Gino James DiMario Student Recitals at CCM* o Nov. 7 o Dec. 19 o Jan. 30 o Feb. 13 (*All dates subject to change.) An additional invited performance in the community. Upon acceptance to the program, student and teacher will receive a list of upcoming community performance opportunities from which to choose. These may include yet-to-be booked engagements at nursing homes and other area locations. Dates already available: o Nov. 18: Children’s Hospital (no piano students) o Jan. 22: Moveable Feast at CCM o Feb. 27 or 28: ArtsWave Sampler weekend recital – place TBA o March 12/13 (tentative): LINKS drive at Joseph-Beth Bookstore (no piano) “House Concert” with Sharron and Michael DiMario at Twin Towers Retirement Community (Spring, 2016) Achievement Festival May 14, 2016 2. CONCERT ATTENDANCE AND WRITTEN REVIEW. The concert review should be one page, double spaced. The concert must be presented in a public space and offer printed programs that the student can include with the review. This concert must not be one in which the student is performing. Young students may discuss the concert with an adult, who may write the child’s responses. In addition, program participants will choose one concert to attend and write about. Students may choose from a wide variety of venues, including professional ones such as the Cincinnati Symphony, Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, Cincinnati Ballet, shows at the Aronoff, Vocal Arts Ensemble; community and regional groups such as the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Community Orchestra, Music in a Great Space, Covington Cathedral, musical theatre groups; CCM Mainstage shows, ensemble performances, student recitals; CCM Preparatory concerts and recitals and programs at their school. In addition to the above, all program participants should attend the Gino James DiMario Recital on November 1, 2015. 3. COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Proposal deadline: by December 2015, if not completed earlier The community service project should be age-appropriate. Teacher, guardian, and student should discuss options, and consult with CCM Preparatory if needed. Submit a project proposal for review and approval prior to embarking on it. Students may team up to present recitals in nursing homes, at Ronald MacDonald House, at houses of worship; fundraising for charitable organizations; soliciting used instruments for the LINKS program, and other approved community venues. Students may also assist area professionals in specific projects, such as interning for CCM Preparatory, or assisting a music therapist so as to learn about potential career pathways. 4. CULMINATING PERSONAL ESSAY The essay must be written by the student and should include thoughts about the student’s musical experience and growth during the year that he or she has followed the DiMario Scholar Program. Therefore, the essay should not be written until the other elements of the program have been completed. Guardian may help write essay (as needed) for Young DiMario participants based on a verbal discussion; a video recording is also acceptable. 2015-2016 GINO JAMES DIMARIO SCHOLARS PROGRAM APPLICATION Category _____Young DiMario (ages 6-10 on 9-1-15) _____Middle DiMario (ages 11-14 on 9-1-15) _____Older DiMario (ages 15-17* on 9-1-15) Student Information (please print) Student’s Name: _______________________________________ Age/Birthdate: _____/________________ Student’s Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Guardian Names: 1. ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________ Phone: Home________________________ Cell____________________________Work_____________________ Guardian Email_________________________________ Student email___________________________________ Instrument: __________________Teacher__________________________________________________________ How many years have you been studying at CCM Preparatory? ________ Describe your musical activities both at CCM and in the community for the past year and this upcoming year: From the list below, choose in order (1-3) your preferred community performance venues: Nov. 18: Children’s Hospital (no piano students) _____ Jan. 22: Moveable Feast at CCM _____ Feb. 27 or 28: ArtsWave Sampler weekend recital – place TBA _____ March 12/13 (tentatively): LINKS drive at Joseph-Beth Bookstore (no piano) _____ I have read the guidelines and understand the responsibilities associated with this scholarship program. Student Signature_______________________________________________ Date __________________ Teacher Signature_______________________________________________ Date __________________ Guardian Signature _______________________________________________ Date __________________ Email to Peggy Grant, Music Registrar,, by October 30, 2015 Acceptance to program date: ___________________ Portfolio received: _____________________